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JAHminis: "...and now I'm making your silver pants blue."

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thanks, guys...


@Bloodbath: good call on the Army of the Dead reference...

i really liked their look, and green is my favorite color;)...


if you, or anyone else, is thinking of a commission, keep in mind my full schedule...

at the moment i am booked through February, and every time i get close to clearing out my queue it gets filled up again...

if you want a spot, you need to jump in:)..




here is the second mini in the Legion of the Damned commission, the heavy flamer trooper...

i had a lot of fun painting the flame in the brazier, even if it didn't photograph well...

i am still trying to perfect my realistic flame, but it is something i really enjoy playing with...







thanks for looking...

i hope you like him...




Yeah, maybe it didn't photo well, but if the rest of the model is any indication, it's awesome.


I really like the eyes. They are way sick. I think I speak for all your b&c fans when I say. OSL eye tutorial, we need it.

thanks, bud...

i'll see what i can do on the melta squad Sergeant that i am working on right now:)...



here is the third mini in the first Legion of the Damned Squad, the flamer Marine...

i like the striding pose of this guy...

these LotD Marines have a lot of character in their stances...







having two braziers to practice fire on was nice...

painting these guys has convinced me that i really need to do one for myself, with no deadline to contend with...


thanks for looking...

i hope you like him...




thanks, Luther...



here is the fourth Legion of the Damned Marine from the flamer armed squad...

this guy has another nice advancing pose, looking like he is actually striding the battlefield, instead of an awkward squat, ready to poop his power armor...







thanks for looking...

i hope you like him...




hey B&C...


here is the final Marine in the squad...

unfortunately, he was not glues to the base yet when i took these pics, so he looks a bit wonky...

i should have taken the pic of the five bases together first:(...

oh well, live and learn...







thanks for looking...

i hope you like him...




@LutherMax: ask, and ye shall receive...



here is the group shot of the first LotD squad...

these ones all have the flamers...

next up is the melta squad...




i don't usually get a chance to paint squads...

they look cool all together:)...

now i need to paint five more...


thanks for looking...

i hope you like them...




hey B&C...



here is the last mini to get caught up with in the backlog of work to share...

this is the first character in the 6 mini commission for a Black Crusade 40K RPG group...

i was stoked to hear that we would be using the Forge World 30K Kakophani miniature for the Slaanesh Noise Marine character...

this is a great FW sculpt, and was a perfect cast, with just a bit of flash to clean up...

the Finecast Noise Marine backpack, not so much...

it is bendy, and had about ten air bubbles where there should have been details:(...




the resin Dragon Forge Design base was also a beautiful resin cast, and a pleasure to work with...




next up, the step-by-step for the magenta armor...


thanks for looking...




hey B&C...


here is the step-by-step of the Noise Marine's magenta armor...

all paints are P3, as usual...


i started with a base coat of Sanguine Base, and then gave it a wash of my usual red shade mix, Sanguine Base, Coal Black, and Flesh Wash in a 1-1-2 ratio...




next, i layered my midtone with pure Sanguine Highlight, and then a layer of Murderous Magenta, leaving the shading wash in the shadows of the curves...




the edge highlights are a mix of Murderous Magenta and Morrow White at a 3-1 ratio...






quick and simple, but striking, especially against the white, gold, black, and green accents that you will see on the finished body next time...


thanks for looking...

i hope this was helpful...




@LutherMax: cheers, mate:)...


Edit: you to, MagicMan!!!


here is the main body of the Kakophoni finished...

i have waited a long time for an excuse to do a snow leopard pattern...

since i didn't want to go as crazy as the 'Eavy Metal team did on the original Noise Marine mini in the early 90's, a bit of 80's hair band leopard print would suffice:)...

this guy was painted up before the LotD from last week, so the green glow on this guy was my experiment to see if i could pull it off for the squad...






if you look at the pics in my last post, you will see that this guy didn't have the bolt pistol and knife until about halfway through the paint job...

after the armor was done, i decided that the knife needed a strap like the bolt pistol holster has...

i sculpted that on, and painted it to match the other blue/black leathers...


thanks for looking...

i hope you like him...




  • 2 weeks later...

cheers, Rojo...


here are a few more pieces of the Kakophani...

Forge World has done a great job with both the sculpting and casting on this guy...

the gold and magenta is a fun scheme to paint...

it's nice to finally have an excuse to use P3's Murderous Magenta...

i really like this color...





the Dragon Forge base is up to Jeff's usual standard...

very clean cast and crisp details...




thanks for looking...




thanks, guys...


@LutherMax: i'm getting the tutorial together right now, while i finish the next LotD Sergeant...

this guy is for a Black Crusade RPG group, so there is a variety of dudes...


@DarthBob: one of the great mysteries of life;)...



here is the assembled Kakophoni/Noise Marine...

he is not finished yet, but i wanted to see how he goes together...

i still need an Eldar Dire Avenger back banner for this guy...


sadly, none of the work on the loincloth and glowing vials shows up behind his big gun, but we know it is there;)...








thanks for looking...

i hope you like him...




thanks, bud...

i checked out your minis, and they are awesome, too!!!

i'm surprised we never bumped into each other in Portland...

i used to paint every Thursday at Guardian Games...



the Kakophani was the first part of a Black Crusade RPG warband...

the next mini in the group is another Forge World piece, the Nurgle Chaos Marine Sorcerer...

i was asked to give him a Raptors jump pack (my first time using one of these cool plastic packs), change his weapons, and sculpt a tail...

i chopped up his glaive, built him a Rod of Corruption, and rebuilt the blade into a sheathed sword at his side...

he is going on another one of the 25mm Dragon Forge Design bases...







next up, i'll show the Greenstuff work:)...


thanks for looking...




hey B&C...


here is the Greenstuff work on the Nurgle Sorcerer...


i wanted to show off the pitted sword on his hip, so i didn't sculpt a full scabbard...

instead, i just gave him a beat up leather loop...


the tail started as a wire armature, and a press-molded Nurgling head (from the one at his feet)...

the bulk of the tail is just a snake of Greenstuff wrapped around the wire, and smoothed some...

after that cured, i filled in the gaps a bit leaving a little variation in thickness to make it look slightly wormy...

then i sculpted some cracked armor plates around the base of the tail, where it broke through his butt-plate...







for the rod, i started with the same snake of Greenstuff, but instead of wrapping it around as is, i flattened it out first, and then wrapped it around the handle...

as this started to cure, i came in with the Exacto blade, and put some nicks and holes in the leather...





now it is time to paint this bad boy!!!


thanks for looking...

i hope you like him...




hey B&C...



when designing a custom paint scheme with a client, i like to give a couple of options to choose from...

for this one, i gave a four color sample, using the jump pack...

the first option (on the upper panels) was the darkest, P3 Thornwood Green...

the second (on the left engine cover) is P3 Ordic Olive...

the third (on the right engine cover) is P3 Traitor Green...

the fourth (on the center tank) is a 1-1 mix of Ordic Olive and Traitor Green...

we decided to go with the custom mix...




once the color was chosen, i gave the whole jump pack a base coat of the mix, and then a heavy wash of purple to shade...

after i had heavily tinted the whole base coat, i stippled the original color back on for a rough texture to the paint...

it is Nurgle, after all;)...


it isn't showing well in the pics, but the steel is also tinted with the purple...

the orange rust separating the green and steel compliments the purple and green tones, and makes a more interesting visual separation between the two elements than a simple black line would...

the highlight is the base coat mix (Ordic Olive & Traitor Green 1-1) and Menoth White Highlight, maybe around 3-1...

i forgot to write it down, so i will have to experiment on the armor to get the mix again...





no battle damage at the moment, but it is still early days yet...

lots more to do!!!


thanks for looking...




happy Halloween!!!


@Bloodbath: glad you like it:)...



i spent the last month knocking out a second Legion of the Damned squad...

this time they are armed with meltas instead of flamers...


the Sergeant comes armed with aplasma pistol, but the client wanted a combi-melta...

unfortunately, i used the combi-bolter body on the first Sergeant, so i had to improvise...

i still had the combi-melta bit from the Tac. Squad box, and some extra bolters, so a few snips with the clippers, and a couple slices with the Exacto later, i had a new gun...

then i just had to cut the hand off of the bolter, so it could be left-handed...


i've used the same scheme and style as the previous squad...

the green power weapons are a nice change from all of the blue ones i've done...









thanks for looking...

i hope you like him...





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