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[HH1.0] Imperial Fists Tactics


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The Typhon is fine. It's not OP, it is just that the rest are crap.


Fellblade? Nah. Falchion? Give it 2 Shots. Glaive? Overcosted. Cerberus, it's not Destroyer. Thunderhawk? 300pts overcosted. Sokar? Let's not go there. Mastodon? Ridiculously priced.


There are 2 Lords of War of use; Warhounds and Typhons. The competitive scene might change a little, but the rest need a break so that they are not a complete waste of money or points.

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If Templar Bros could do the Dorn/Polux thing to buff their Swords to S+2 Ap2 Unwieldy for 1/2 of their attacks, thatd go a loooooooong way.


Fellblade, Falchion and Glaive only really need to get cheaper or, in the case of the Falchion get an actual buff to its gun.

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Alright son's of Dorn listen up!


I got to play the Hammer Fall RoW tonight against Necrons.... WOW so much fun! I actually lost but probably the funnest game of 30/40k I have ever played. I want to show you my list and share my thoughts so here was my list:


+ HQ (165pts) +

Alexis Polux (165pts)


+ Troops (625pts) +

Legion Tactical Squad (200pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox, Teleport Transponder]
····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs]

Legion Tactical Squad (200pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox, Teleport Transport]
····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs]

Legion Tactical Support Squad (225pts) [9x Legion Space Marines, Volkite Calivers]


+ Elites (900pts) +

Contemptor-Cortus Class Dreadnought Talon (480pts)
····Cortus Dreadnought [Plasma Blaster, Multi-Melta]
····Cortus Dreadnought [Heavy Flamer, Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon]
····Cortus Dreadnought [Heavy Flamer, Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon]

Legion Rapier Weapons Battery (110pts)
····Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Laser Destroyer Array]
····Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Laser Destroyer Array]

Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (310pts) [2x Heavy Bolter and Suspensor Web, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Melta Bombs, Nuncio-Vox, Sniper, Teleport Transponder]
····Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour]


+ Heavy Support (310pts) +

Legion Artillery Tank Squadron (310pts) [Legion Medusa, Legion Medusa]


We deployed in the Hammer and Anvil manner and rolled for Blood Feud (I chose his flyers as my objective)


Okay, (takes deep breath, probably going to butcher this) I won the roll off for deployment and I opted to go second to see how he would deploy given his numerical superiority. He wasn't using the Necron decurion list and was running a bound list.  He had a large blob of warriors and two 10 man versions of the same, 2 squads of wraiths, 3 squads of destroyers, heavy destroyers, 2 independent characters, a spider w/Scarabs, the Necron version of Jet Bikes and two of the necron flyers. He placed everything bar the flyers on the board and I had my Volkites, Contemptors and Rapiers. So before the game started he had 12 squads (one with IC attached) on the table to my 3 (one of my three was a talon of 3 Cortus Contemptors giving me 5), Making it past turn one would be a chore. 


Before I get further into the game and how it all went down I will say in a strictly 30k setting I do not think outside of playing against Night Lords/appropriately equipped Raven Guard, super large games, when you feel like Deep Striking terminators or on a boards with large amounts of terrain (City's of Death) that this RoW has much oomph.


So I survived turn one in excellent shape with my MM Contemptor getting a charge off on some destroyers after over loading its reactor for the +1 movement and charge distance, one was shaken and I lost a single Volkite gunner, I was optimistic that I might be around long enough to force a blind test! 


My next turn he was pressing my line hard but again I came out in pretty good shape even though both of his flyers had came on and I had lost a Cortus. Veterans w/Polux and Medusa's were all I was able to call upon this turn. Polux managed to not scatter and land in a position to force 7 Units to take a blind test, six failed! the Medeusas killed off his JBE unit.


From this point on it all sorts of blurs. I managed to destroy one of my Tac Squads on the deep strike mishap table. The other again managed to cripple over half of his force!


Anyway the game finished with only 6 miniatures from a Tac Squad, 2 rapier carriages and the Volkite Sgt left on the table. I managed to kill off both of his flyers with my Rapiers! It was was mutually agreed that had my second Tac Squad made it on the board that I would have done enough work for me to have  taken victory.



Shrouded is huge if you manage to get into ruins giving everyone Artificer Armor but even bigger was his low Initiative that made the Necrons largely ineffective. My take away from this was even though it was mad fun, it isn't reliable as a means of assuring victory. There is a relatively high cost with this RoW points tax to make it work. I had an Apothecary's points tied up in Teleport Transponders alone.


From a fluff point it was mad cool having the small guys come in via Deepstrike and make a large impact on the game! I think that the next time I play a list like this I will change out the Medusa's for my 10 man Autocannon squad only so they don't have to arrive from reserve.

Edited by Phalanx Warder
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How would you run Destroyers

If you're feeling flush 10 man with JP, 2 rad missile launchers, and depending on who you're planning on hitting them with a sword or axe on the sergeant.

Phophex bombs you'd probably only need one of for softening a hard target with 2+ if you fancied it.

Personally I'm not taking the bombs

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How would you run Destroyers

I think there is certainly a niche to be had with them in a Dreadclaw. When packs are 75 points, why not spend another 25 and give them a claw?


You can land it turn one, heat blast something then when turn two rolls around your fast units will be in charge position and the Destroyers can instant react and support another unit - softening up targets with rad missiles, a phex bomb and then in combat with Rad grenades.


Plus bolt pistols mean Fists do more damage! Props if you combine with a Bolt pistol Moritat for INFINITY DAMAGE.


Packs make them a massive target that are just asking to be scorpius chow and the like.

Edited by Charlo
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Heh gang. Just a quick question about my Polux squad.


Currently stands at



6 Tartaros Termies, 6 Storm Shields, 4 Fists and 2 C/Fists


But I was thinking of changing the chaplain into Tartaros terminator armour too, adding a Solarite Gauntlet and a Storm Shield. Make him a little better wouldn't it?



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Sure, why not?


Remember though, he comes with a Free Power Weapon not a Power Maul/Crozius. Meaning his Crozius can be an Axe/Sword/Maul as you see fit. The Extra Sol-Glove wouldnt Hurt but since you're not getting +1A due to having a Storm Shield, is Master-Crafted and Ap1 worth all-that-much-more than a Standard Power Fist? Remember, he has Zealot so you're rerolling on the turn you charge anyways.


And if you want to make the most of the Sol Glove, you'll want to keep him in Artificer Armor for the +1A for having Glove + BP/CCW unless you give him a Boarding Shield.


So its up to you. You can do it if you want to but in this specific circumstance I wouldn't give him a Sol Glove in TDA due to the Shield. The only time I'd do it without fail would be on a Primus Medicae without a Shield since he keeps his Needle Pistol even in TDA meaning that he, unlike every other TDA equipped Character/Unit, gets the +1A for having a CCW & Pistol.

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So, played a 2v2 Game of 3k Points per Player. Forgot to take pictures.


Teams were:


IF & Mechanicum w/ Knights




Night Lords & Iron Warriors (OUR HATED FOES!)


I actually forgot to take pictures but heres the list I slapped together last minute to bring.


+++ Imperial Fists - Weekend  (2995pts) +++
++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (2995pts) ++
+ HQ (660pts) +
Legion Centurion (135pts) [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Refractor Field, Solarite Power Gauntlet]
··Consul [Primus Medicae]
Legion Centurion (140pts) [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Psychic Mastery Level 2, Refractor Field]
··Consul [Librarian]
Rogal Dorn (385pts)
··Master of the Legion [Primarch's Chosen]
+ Troops (1740pts) +
Legion Terminator Squad (870pts) [9x Legion Terminators, Lightning Claw, Power Fist, Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, 2x Thunderhammer, 9x Vigil Pattern Storm Shield]
··Legion Spartan Assault Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Auxiliary Drive, Dozer Blade, Flare Shield]
··Legion Terminator Sergeant [Thunderhammer, Vigil Pattern Storm Shield]
Legion Terminator Squad (250pts) [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Chainfist, 4x Combi-Weapon, 4x Legion Terminators, 2x Power Fist, Teleportation Transponder]
··Legion Terminator Sergeant [Combi-Weapon, Power Fist]
Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (310pts) [2x Heavy Bolter and Suspensor Web, Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Sniper]
··Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]
Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (310pts) [2x Heavy Bolter and Suspensor Web, Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Sniper]
··Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]
+ Elites (175pts) +
Contemptor-Cortus Class Dreadnought Talon (175pts)
··Cortus Dreadnought [Chainfist with inbuilt twin-linked Bolter, Graviton Gun, Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon]
+ Heavy Support (420pts) +
Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought (220pts) [Aiolos Missile Launcher]
Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (200pts) [Armoured Ceramite, Dozer Blade, Lascannons]
+ Legion +
Legion Astartes [Loyalist, VII: Imperial Fists]
Hightlight that pretty much won us the game 15-12 (Mission was Hunter/Hunted from Book 6, Hammer and Anvil Deployment) was Dorn, Primus, Libby & Termy Squad surviving ungoldy amounts of fire, getting shot rapid fire by 2 Iron Warrior Tac Squads who disembarked from their Spartans and, thanks to Hammer of Olympia, charged (both did) and lost to Dorn, Primus (1W), 3-4 Termies (I forget) who, thanks to his +D3 Combat Resolution, won by 7 and Swept 1 Tac Squad while the other got away.
Then he Charged said fleeing squad with the Primus and single Termy left and Swept them too (said squad had the IW Praetor).
The surprising thing is that they survived 2 turns of getting shot by 6 Rapiers worth of Frag Shells a 50 wound average per turn.
Soooooo yeah.
That was cool.
Edited by Slipstreams
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