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[HH1.0] Imperial Fists Tactics


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This is the most ruthless list I can come up with at 2k 

It was a little less bad before then Slips told me it would probably be a bit too much for the event  then I tried to tone it down but hit roadblock after roadblock so I decided to hell with it im going to make it worse and this is my end result

+++ Defend Wall (2000pts) +++

++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (2000pts) ++

+ HQ (230pts) +

Sigismund (230pts)
Master of the Legion [Pride of the Legion]

+ Troops (845pts) +

Legion Terminator Squad (560pts) [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, 5x Legion Terminators, 2x Lightning Claw, 2x Power Fist]
Legion Spartan Assault Tank [Dozer Blade, Flare Shield]
Legion Terminator Sergeant [Chainfist]

Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (285pts) [2x Heavy Bolter and Suspensor Web, Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Sniper]
Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour]

+ Heavy Support (555pts) +

Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (180pts) [Dozer Blade, Lascannons]

Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (180pts) [Dozer Blade, Lascannons]

Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer (195pts) [Dozer Blade]

+ Legion +

Legion Astartes [Loyalist, VII: Imperial Fists]

+ Lord of War (370pts) +

War Machine Detachment (370pts)
Legion Typhon Heavy Siege Tank [Armoured Ceramite]
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Nah , Im a simple man to please , I like my Tanks of the 775th  ( After reading Tallaran Ironclad tank battles have been a thing that really gets me going) , I like the idea of Sigismund and Scary dudes charging out of a tough transport and butchering the enemy in close combat  and  uh .... VETS HITTING ON 2s WOUNDING ON 4s BOYS !   WITH DOUBLE HEAVY BOLTERS!   I call it squad Slipstreams  

The list speaks to the things that get me hype as a player  and the sort of things I  write my fluff around.  Despite also being efficient 

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Unless they follow the hesh school of thought and then  everything gets drowned in Grav and dies a slow death. 

Im not terribly worried about the above scenario either  considering were paying 20 dollars to play at the event in question  

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There's more than one way to skin an astartes!

No interceptor, no Anti Air, Sicarans with no Armoured Ceramite, definitely dealable.


However I'd wanna go full world of tanks Vs that list and take the Predator Row :p

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There's more than one way to skin an astartes!

No interceptor, no Anti Air, Sicarans with no Armoured Ceramite, definitely dealable.


However I'd wanna go full world of tanks Vs that list and take the Predator Row :tongue.:

I know my friend Dave might very well do that with his iron hands , tho he also really wants to take Ferrus   so he has a rough decision ahead of him.


Yea 2k is a tight fit fer points Ill just fire blindly into the sky and pray XD  

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I have just started to use it. And I think it will perform very well.


I think of t as ground capture. Set some back line defence and hold that line. Send the Breachers midfield and hold that line. Send a Hammer forward and trounce their line.


It should be very very durable.

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@Bladewolf: could you swap the cataphracti for tartar us so they can sweep with Siggy? Preventing that unit from sweeping advancing is a bit unfortunate.. (and maybe some storm shield, because we can!)
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@Bladewolf: could you swap the cataphracti for tartar us so they can sweep with Siggy? Preventing that unit from sweeping advancing is a bit unfortunate.. (and maybe some storm shield, because we can!)

Is that a black Templar I see? Glorious we have more for the heresy!

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Has anybody had some success with the Stone Gauntlet rite of war. Breachers for compulsory troops seems a bit meh.


Running a 3K Stone Gauntlet next month in a grudge match against my mate with Death Guard. He will be fielding 73 Terminators, I'll be fielding 40 Breacher, 20 Warders and 20 Terminators, all of my squads will be toughness 5 with Feel No Pain, so we shall see how it all goes.

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@Bladewolf: could you swap the cataphracti for tartar us so they can sweep with Siggy? Preventing that unit from sweeping advancing is a bit unfortunate.. (and maybe some storm shield, because we can!)

I wish I could but even dropping the squad down to 5  would still leave me 65 points over with TH /SS  set up 



@Bladewolf: could you swap the cataphracti for tartar us so they can sweep with Siggy? Preventing that unit from sweeping advancing is a bit unfortunate.. (and maybe some storm shield, because we can!)

Is that a black Templar I see? Glorious we have more for the heresy!





Has anybody had some success with the Stone Gauntlet rite of war. Breachers for compulsory troops seems a bit meh.


Running a 3K Stone Gauntlet next month in a grudge match against my mate with Death Guard. He will be fielding 73 Terminators, I'll be fielding 40 Breacher, 20 Warders and 20 Terminators, all of my squads will be toughness 5 with Feel No Pain, so we shall see how it all goes.


Stone Gauntlet Ive run several times and found it ...less than great breachers are really expensive for what they do Warders might be worth a look with the new buff tho


I wish you  all the luck in the world in yer 3k Revenge game , just keep in mind if yer boy runs the reaping yer probably looking at a lot of rad grenades making yer boys t4 again , better than 3 I reckon but still I dunno if its worth the points investment required unless you just are really hype for breachers not to mention that bonus of his only really helps in close combat so youll get to  dance all over him at the mid range. 

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Just back from my Apoc Game.


My two Warder Squads under Stone Gauntlet (separate to the rest of my list 'cuz thats how we decided for it to go) tanked an inordinate amount of dakka and CC from 2+ Terror Squads and Raptor Squads and only a single squad was dead after 6 Turns.

Edited by Slipstreams
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Stone gauntlet us deceptive I think. It seems unwieldy on paper and restrictive, but if you stick to your guns you have a terrifyingly stoic list that isn't going to budge for anyone or anything. You'll be out numbered but the number of shots that bounce off will speak for themselves
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was this is skirmish at the border event where you were fielding a 6k list tho ?

Yeah, but the thing is the whole of Night Lords 6k army was pretty much in-and-around our deployment zone turn 1 and onwards.


That the Phalanx Warders killed 4 terror squads and something else between them and only losing one 10 man squad and 4 marines from the other one over 6 turns? Pretty cool.


They were far from the actual objectives though due to how things were set up so their actual impact was pretty inconsequential but they tanked a lot of stuff.

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