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[HH1.0] Imperial Fists Tactics


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The other list is,


+++ Stone gauntlet Phosphex (2495pts) +++


++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) ++


+ HQ +


Alexis Polux

····Master of the Legion [The Stone Gauntlet]


Legion Centurion [Artificer Armour, Boarding Shield]

····Consul [siege Breaker]


+ Troops +


Legion Breacher Siege Squad [9x Legion Breacher Siege Space Marines, 2x Melta gun]

····Legion Breacher Siege Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]


Legion Breacher Siege Squad [9x Legion Breacher Siege Space Marines, 2x Melta gun]

····Legion Breacher Siege Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]


+ Elites +


Legion Quad Launcher Support Battery [2x Legion Rapier, Phosphex Canister Shot]


Legion Terminator Squad [4x Legion Terminators, 4x Power Fist, Tartaros Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, 4x Vigil Pattern Storm Shield]

····Legion Spartan Assault Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Flare Shield]

····Legion Terminator Sergeant [Chainfist, Vigil Pattern Storm Shield]


+ Heavy Support +


Legion Artillery Tank Squadron

····Legion Medusa [Phosphex Shells]

····Legion Medusa [Phosphex Shells]


Legion Vindicator Siege Tank Squadron [Legion Vindicator Tank]

····Legion Vindicator Tank [Laser Destroyer Array]


Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon

····Leviathan Siege Dreadnought [Armoured Ceramite, Grav-flux Bombard, Leviathan Siege Drill]


+ Legion +


Legion Astartes [Loyalist, VII: Imperial Fists]


Created with BattleScribe (http://www.battlescribe.net)

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S10 Ap2 Barrage vs S5 Ap2 Poisoned 3+ Barrage


Unless you're up against High Toughness, the S10 Shell is pretty much the better option in nearly any scenario especially since it bypasses Flare Shields due to hitting side armor.

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Well, now it hits whatever side the hole is near.


But I see your point, although my army doesn't struggle for anti tank. But I do see that this would be a better game choice.


I am tempted but this Siege Breaker and Phosphex and Siege list

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The Rapiers can keep Phosphex since those shells are in addition to whatever else they take.


However, S5 Ap2 Poisoned 3+ means that Marines with an FNP Source still get to use is. Vs S10 Ap2 flat out NOPEs Anything T5 and Below with Instant Death. Useful vs Multiwound Models like Red Butchers, Justaerin, Firedrakes, Thallax and the like.

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  • 2 Medusae with 2 5" S10 Ap2 Barrage Large Blasts will do more consistent damage than 10 S7 Ap4 Tank Hunter Autocannon Shots as well as mitigate more defensive bonuses like armor saves and FNP.
  • Phosphex Rapiers will, thanks to Crawling Fires 2" Move of the template to cover more models, cause more consistent and reliably damage to MEQ or Weaker Units while also being able to tackle MC's with 3+ Armor Saves thanks to Ap3 and Poisoned 3+ If you somehow found the points for Shatter Shells, that'd make the unit more flexible in the types of units it can deal with vs Lasdestroyers which are only good vs Av, really.

That said, if you wanted Reliable Murder, then Sigismund would have been a better choice.


Resistance to Anti-Infantry Fire: You dont have that much stuff that is susceptible to, say, Fury of the Legion or Buckets of Dice worth of S4 Shooting. Since you have T5 Infantry OR an Av Value unaffected by it.


You have a Ranged Threat that is potent all game unless outright destroyed in the medusas with the further bonus of them not needing Line of Sight and since your Siege Breaker has a Nuncio-Vox as part of his kit, he can be used to draw LoS to reduce scatter.



That said, I'm on the verge of wanting to cut out one or Both Vindicators to:

  • Boost the Rapier Squad Number up. They're Likely to be your Anti-Infantry Workhorse alongside your Medusae if they aren't shooting anything else of greater import.
  • Give your Siege Breaker some form of CC Weapon as deterrent.
  • A 3rd Medusa :tongue.: Especially compared to a DemoVindicator, you lose Ordnance but gain 12" and Barrage.
  • Nunio-Voxes on your Breachers to widen the Net for reduced Scatter especially since your Phosphex shots and Medusas are Barrage.
  • Get Shatter Shells on your Rapiers for more versatility.

But thats just me :tongue.:

Edited by Slipstreams
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You're definitely something I need in my life like a Pokedex. Just to consult you at all times for my IF needs.


Ok well, I OWN Polux, 25 Breachers, Spartan, one of each Vindis, leviathan, 2 Contemptors and 5 Autocannons lads.


Everything else, all new additions, need to be bought and painted by May 29th. So it's a little simpler to just buy Sigismund and the Rapiers and job done.


If I want to take the Medusas and stuff, I have to buy them and mock up a Siege Breacker.

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Well, if you're limited by your collection like I was for the longest time, you do what you have to to get by hahah!


An Interesting Idea for those 5 Breachers would be to turn them into a 5 Man Command Squad with Combat Shields, shove them into a Land Raider and have a 2nd CC Threat if you need it (say in larger games). You'd need a Banner and a change of Weapons but you could do it with minimal effort.

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Yeah j have thought about it. When I was putting Polux on the floor with some Breachers I was going to up his squad to 15 for more wounds.


It's about whether I want 2 CC threats, one with a more defensive side. Or, just shoot them to smithereens.

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Id honestly prefer having a Consul in place of one or the other since both do their best when they're Warlord but they can do work together going around and Punching Stuff dead. It does mean that, since Sigismund must issue and accept all challenges overriding the normal restrictions of the LA:IF rule, that you can safely use Polux at I1 for multiple S10 Ap2 Hits.

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^Sicaran Venator.


Even if you don't kill it, one penetrating hit locks it down and makes it near useless.


Well, outside of Thunder blitzes. Be careful you aren't in line for one, especially from a Typhon. I accidentally lost Angron to a stun-locked Typhon once.


That was embarrassing.

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I have, in my current list, a leviathan that cannot pod. A Spartan. A land raider. One of each Vindicator. And a Shatter shell quad launcher.


That makes

6 T/L Lascannon shots

1 Grav Flux Bombardment

1 Demolisher Shell

1/2/3 Laser Destroyer Array Shots

4 Shatter Shells

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