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[HH1.0] Imperial Fists Tactics


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Yup! Makes him the fightiest of the bunch!


But, honestly, this game, the Knights weren't much of an issue. Its the amount of Multiwound T5+ Beasties he had to soak up damage with. 

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You know what Nah , Im just gonna tag in flint. 





But in all honesty  how much do you reckon a Leviathan would have REALLY helped ?  



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If I hadn't whiffed that 1 Haywire Shot, both Knights would have, in all likelyhood, been dead by T3 at the very least with a Leviathan.

So quite a lot, actually. Especially since only Castellax would have been able to hurt him in CC and on 6s at that after hitting on 4s.

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But in all honesty  how much do you reckon a Leviathan would have REALLY helped ?  



So so much. They annihilate Knights on the charge and give your opponent a super difficult target priority choice, especially when you're looking at either an angry leviathan stomping around behind you, or a Spartan filled with Sigismund. 


You can't really call them distraction carnifexes b/c they're like 300+ points... what do you call a distraction carnifex that's itself also a really viable threat? 

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So I'm coming off a fairly successful event in which I had a lot of fun with my armored breakthrough list.


I think that in fringe cases like this sort of list polux is fine. The low cost of him and ever present threat of str 10 at i5 is just really solid in a list where you really don't want him and his boys out of the Spartan unless they are engaging someone or destroying some anti tank issue for you.


Suffice to say I had three close combats to fight in three games and in two of the three I needed Pollux to one punch man things to death more than I needed sigismund to carve people to death.

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Looking forward to seeing that.


On my front I have done nothing, due to reports. But hopefully my productivity and gaming will pick up, in their aftermath. Just in the early stages of planning another campaign of 5 games against another friend and his Lunar Wolves. Hoping to have a Face Off, primarch vs primarch. Not that I think Dorn has much of a chance against Horus, but I won't back down.

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Wow, what a short game! Nice write up though, complimented by the pretty pictures. Interesting way to use Dorn. I am currently trying to fit him in a 2000pt list, so it was nice to see how someone else runs him. It was also pleasing to see the leviathan. Might have to make mine up.

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Alright, so Wolf_Pack will be writing up the report. If he misses anything because of how hectic it was, I'll chime in for my own PoV.


Armies were:

Imperial Fists (Me/Dorn)

Blood Angels

Iron Hands w/ Ferrus

Raven Guard w/ Corax

Eldar Corsairs w/ Revenant

Solar Auxilia



Death Guard (1) w/ Mortarion

Death Guard (2) Warhound

Iron Hands (W_P) w/ Ferrus & Warhound

Word Bearers & Daemons w/ Thunderhawk

Daemons w/ FW Khorne Daemon

Mechanicum w/ Ordinatus Ulator


It was, as I've said before, 5k Points per player so it was pretty hectic.


As is, I was on our Left alongside the Eldar Corsair Player (used the AoD FoC and no Formations...but still, a Revenant with Pulsars and a Lynx is nasty firepower) with the two Death Guard Players Opposite us.


Both of us essentially folded our table edge with some help from the Raven Guard with the middle and right being stalemates.


Highlights of the game that I remember:

  • W_P's Warhound has lost 3 Hullpoints but the Shadowsword fires a shot because why not (last shot of our turn 1). Rolls a 6, nukes it off the table.
  • Mine and the Iron Hands Deredeo and an Eldar Vehicle deal 7 Hullpoints in damage the turn the Thunderhawk flies on.
  • My Sniper Vets take down Mamon who was deepstruck behind them.
  • Sigismund and his Templar are Debussed on their T2 (we were going 2nd). Subsequently charge Screamers from the pure Daemons and kill all but 1. They get Charged by DG(2)'s Termies and all of them(templar) but Sigismund dies (who takes no wounds). Kills 2.
  • On our T2, the Eldar Player brings all his stuff on (we ruled for Auto reserves to pop on T2). His Revenant and Lynx kill 3/4 DG(2)s knights with the last one having 1 HP at the end of the turn.
  • Said knight is ~2 Inches from my Dorn Spartan. Decides to shoot his battle cannon and scatters enough to hit himself and the Spartan twice. Promptly kills himself dealing no damage to the Spartan even with his explosion.
  • Spartan Turns around and bails Sigismund out. The Termy Squad was 10 men + Primus + Chaplain + Praetor. Due to the Seeker being there, Dorn got his Rampage Bonus and rolled a 3. 9 Attacks. But first, Sigismund was locked in a Challenge with the Termy Sergeant from before (he didnt fail his 4++s) and promptly murders him. Dorn kills ~6 Terminators through 4++s and FNP. The I5 Praetor, Chaplain and Primus kill 2 of my Termies. Rest of my dudes wipe the squad.
  • With Sigismund joining the Squad now, they turn around and nuke 20 Pink/Blue Horrors of the Table, get tied up by a Contemptor. The Chainfist being too far in the back takes 2 Pile in moves before he's in range. Dorn only having 2 S8 Attacks alongside the Termy Primus' Thunderhammer and Termy Sarges Thunderhammer only deal 1 Hullpoint before killing it on the next turn (T5).
  • The only vehicle of mine that died were my 2 Contemptors and Siggy's Phobos. The Achilles only took 1 Hullpoint (yay Night Fighting and -1 to Vehicle Damage, Immunity to Melta and Lance [there were a lot of Photon Thallax[) as did the Spartan who survived a D shot on T6 from Fateweaver.
  • Sniper Vets then Annihilate 1 Thallax Squad and 1 Thallaxi from a 2nd Squad on a Rooftop objective that Dorn and Bros couldn't reach (the objective was literally above them for all their combats till this point).
  • Achilles nuked at least 2-4 vehicles.
  • Deredeo, prior to shooting the Thunderhawk, shot and killed 1 LasVindicator in a Casterman Orth 3 Vindi Squadron.
  • Ordinatus Ulator got to shoot once before it got killed by a Knight in CC that they failed to finish off.
  • Mortarion Died to ~8 Rending Hits from Dark Furies that Charged him.
  • Corax Died just prior to a Psyker-Typon led squad of Grave Wardens firing their Poison Grenades. 11 Wounds, rolled 5 1s with 5 wounds left.
  • Ferrus v Ferrus in the center of the Table ended with both of them killing each other simultaneously. 
  • Dorn was the only real LoW Survivor.
  • Score was ~40pts Loyalist to ~26pts Traitor.

What helped us was going 2nd and the RG player having 11 Drop Pods. So he just hopped on all 6 objectives T1 and scored us 5 pts. The Warhound dying gave us a 6 point lead on T1 that was compounded by them being unable to displace the Raven Guard alongside them losing Super-Heavies left and right for 1-3 points each.


Mortarion dying essentially sealed the deal since, when Corax Died, the score was 26L to 23T


I took some :cussty pictures. I didnt get complete army shots since peeps were deploying when I remembered to. Enjoy bad phone pictures haha!

Found here: http://s1285.photobucket.com/user/stampeeder/slideshow/June%20Apoc%20Game


Just of note, I actually forgot to take pictures on the 2nd day (Turns 5 and 6). Sooooooooooooo yeah.

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Pretty Much. Flamers can be lulz vs hordes but I wouldn't load up on 10 of them. Maybe 3-4 the Rest Plasma. Having 1-3 Combi-Meltas can also help as a backup weapon.

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Pretty Much. Flamers can be lulz vs hordes but I wouldn't load up on 10 of them. Maybe 3-4 the Rest Plasma. Having 1-3 Combi-Meltas can also help as a backup weapon.


That's pretty close to what I was thinking. I'm using most of my combi-melta and -flamer bits on one of my Terminator squads (MOST POINTS INEFFICENT UNIT EVAR!) so plasma is definitely the simplest way for me to go. Thinking for a start a min squad, 4 plasmas, pistol on the Sergeant, and eventually pull them up to 10. At that point, I'll probably have them mark out a TEQ or other 2+ unit as their Preferred Enemy, and let them loose. Won't really expect them to survive, but hopefully they can do some good.

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Ive used them a few times and they deal some nasty damage with Plasma vs their Intended Targets but they're very fragile, expensive and hard to get into position.


Imo, they're best used with a Deepstrike Delivery. So if you're playing Orbital Assault or Hammerfall, for example, they can help fill some gaps.


If you're constantly up against Militia Blobs, having BS6 Tempest Bolts makes for a good Horde Clearing Tool. Just make sure you get as much of them inside the Tempest Bolts maximum range. Bonus points if not using Dorn, Siggy or Polux and roll the World Burner Warlord Trait for Shred of Template Weapons (outside of ZM).


They do offer an interesting option in that they can take a Proteus as a Dedicated in Fast Attack.

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