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Space Truckin's 5th Company and Friends † ETL4 † WIP

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Hello everyone - I know I'm getting a late start but I figured - I'd better get started sometime soon. Before I get started I just wanted to say I'm very thankful for stumbling across this great community of enthusiasts.

A little bit of background:

I've been collecting Dark Angels since way back in 6th edition rolleyes.gif and this is the start of my growing DA force.

I mainly play Space Hulk and hope to get some small skirmish sized games once I get my DV set painted up. So most of my modeling is going to be geared towards that using these guys in SH.

My ETL 3 Progress:

Well... I know I'm getting to a super late start here. I had ordered a new air compressor in May - with a Delivery date of May 26th. And long story short I think it maybe stuck in Puerto Rico but it should get here tomorrow!. I've been holding off on painting these guys - till I get the airbrush up and running. I want to try my hand at Zenithal Shading / Highlighting so any tips would be great appreciated.

Hopefully the compressor will show up in the mail I'll get these guys primed and base coated this weekend.

Compliments and Critiques:

Are always welcome! I enjoy the modeling / painting first and foremost. I am always looking to improve so! Thanks!

Here is my small ETL3 vow. Prepped and ready for action - just a few bolters to drill.

and you can see the start of my custom bases.


Bases painted up. I went with ship / space hulk interior but I also wanted to ad a little bit of dirt maybe sand with a high oxidized iron content.

I'll probably add more highlights to these to brighten up the colors a bit more.

Top view of the bases that's a bit washed out from my desk lighting but it gives you a better idea of what i'm trying to create.

I'm going to use the squared off base for my Libbo. I just felt like he deserved a bit more than the other squadys. I'm also undecided over adding the DV base bits, shell casings, skullz, severed heads etc. I might wait until the models are painted and see if it's too much or not?


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It was my first shot at really sculpting with green stuff and really enjoyed it.   I figured once I found out it was going to be a whole month before the air compressor showed up I might as well spend the time to pimp out the bases.  Now I'm looking forward to doing more sculpting work. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just finished a few hours of painting and my eyes have started to cross - that's when you know it's time to put the brushes away.

My Tac marines are 90% finished.  Just need to finish the lenses - and realized i'm missing some paints that i thought i ordered.  Hoping to finish them up tomorrow. 

I'll be moving on to the DV terminators and Librarian this weekend. - they're already base coated as well  and have a few layers started


Here's a shot of everything primed...

nothing really exciting going on here I'm afraid. 



Badges we don't need no stinkin' badges!

My first time playing around with GS molds.





I feel like I can look at a model 50 times for mold lines and still not catch them all.  Of course they stand out like a neon sign after priming.





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5 man Squad is finished - at least for now.  I'll probably go back and touch up a few things when my OCD kicks in.    


Here's a quick cell phone shot of half of  5th companies 3rd squad 


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  • 2 months later...

I'm back with a brush.

Reading back at my last post on here maybe I really do have OCD. When are Mini's ever "finished"? I always see something that just has to be tweaked, fixed or repainted.

After reading a post on DA Insignia's... He was kind enough to point out on another post some tips on making these DA insignia's look right and not blown out. So I was really excited about giving this a try as soon as I got back from a business trip stateside.

My 5 man test painter tacticals are posted above.

They all suffer from this ( see below ) blown out no definition white insignia.


I followed Brother Dean's suggestion to another poster to line the sword first with a light grey.

Here I used Ulthuan Grey, then black line with Nuln Oil - followed up with painting white.

You can see the difference below between the shaded and unshaded is much better despite my like of painting skills.


DA Icon looks much better now! thumbsup.gif Props to Brother Dean!

I redid the 5 man squad this way.

I think my initial problem was reservation over doing the Nuln Oil. At first I was slapping it on everywhere and it just looked crap.

Anyway I want to make it a practice to give credit to ideas and suggestions from others or post my inspiration in order to help anyone else out there like me. It's always a learning process right?

Next up I'm working on my Robes. I believe I butchered this one as I realized I got Skull White and Screaming Skull confused in my head. wallbash.gif On top of that I'm switching over to VGC paints so I try to keep a spreadsheet handy to keep track of the names.

Below is a quick snap of what I'm working on. The wife likes the way the robes look as is, she thinks it looks like a nice rich high end fabric whistling.gif. Any time she shows an interest is Space Hulk or 40k is good for me - she can call the shots.

Regardless of paints used, I enjoy painting robes but see much room for improvement.


You can also see my 1st attempt at a Power Fist. I've already started this over and will be working on this next, my first attempt at OSL without an airbrush. pinch.gif

I know these are all WIP shots but feel free to dish out any suggestions, comments or crits!

Thanks in advance!

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I feel like I can look at a model 50 times for mold lines and still not catch them all. Of course they stand out like a neon sign after priming.

Very very true brother.

White is much better. Those icons are hard to paint for most of us. Good Job! thumbsup.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would really appreciate a walk through on how you did the sculpting on the bases.  I think I know how you did it, but if it's the way I'm imagining then you did A LOT of work.  Kudos on time well invested.


Thanks!  Its a little more work than throwing PVA glue and sand but  its a lot of fun if you get into this sort of thing.


Basically I made a small ball of green stuff - you'll have to estimate the size depending on what size base - and stuck it to the base.

I put a little bit of olive oil on an old CD clear plastic case to keep things from getting sticky

Turned base with GS on it upside down and mashed it flat on CD case so it's pretty flat.


You can trim off any overhanging blobs of GS but I left mine undersized as I wanted to add some sand to the base.


After you get the flat layer of GS on each base you can find all kinds of stuff around the house to imprint it - just put a light coat of olive oil on it to keep it from sticking


For the Tiles I have a super thin metal drafting ruler.

for the little rivets I took an old dafting mechanical pencil (without lead)  and made light impressions 

the sections thin section with the lines was made using the end of the CD case


really whatever you want to use.  

the small squares where made using some plastic screen ( screened in porch left overs )  coated it with oil.

layed it on top of the green stuff then lightly took my finger and made an impression with it.


Some parts I added bits of spue / paperclips for wires and pipes.


Let it cure, wash the oil off with Dawn detergent

let dry


then I added PVA glue and sand because I couldn't make up my mind if I like the Mars sand look or  dirty space ship.

Primed black

For paints I used Secret Weapon Baby Poo mixed with their Heavy Black

which I read about on   FromtheWarp blog.   There is a TON of awesome tutorials there and hope that guy finds his way back to the hobby soon!


I'm going to add some rust pigment once I get the models on to tie in the look of the base a bit more.  


Hope this helps!

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  • 2 months later...

Still plugging away at these guys. I like to think that I save money by painting so slow. It keeps me from buying more plastic.

I think I'm done with the batch painting idea for now. Maybe leave batch painting for priming and base coating but when it comes to details I feel like I put one model down and forget to 2-3 spots and have to keep going back.

So from now on when I get to shading, clean up and then highlights it's going to be 1 model at a time.

Had the photo booth up to shoot some of my wife's work so I figured I'd have a little fun as well.

Here's a WIP shot... still have some clean up and highlights to do.

And Yes that IS Blue Tac on the power sword . huh.png

I can't seem to get it the way I like it. 1st off I hated the scribley lines molded onto the sword so I shaved them off. My problem is with painting it.

This was my 3rd attempt. I've tried airbrushing it ( which I don't have a fine tip airbrush ), then I tried wet blending with a regular brush, this was another attempt at airbrushing and I'll definitely be redoing it. The Silver and Leadbelcher are just too dark. I'm going to do more research on here and give it another go. I'll robably start by re-priming the blade white.


another shot of the libbo and his Blue-tac sword of sticking


a WIP shot of the autocannon guy - lots of cleaning up to. i went a little crazy with the agrath earthshade.


thanks for checking things out. hope to start knocking my DV terminators out 1 at a time over the holiday. It's going to be a while before I get back to working on the Dread. I've started on the cultists and I think I may get a better airbrush ( or a fine tip needle for the badger I do have ) before doing anymore work on it.

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Thanks man!   I gotta admit it looks way better in the photos then in person - the camera really picked these details well.

I really enjoyed painting the terminators eyes so much easier for me than regular power armour guys.

For the Librarian I tried a darker Khorne Red with a white highlight that looked too goofy I made the white highlight a little too big.

I found some Vallejo Model Air Flourescent Red which is a little transclucent and put it over the top.

Glad you like it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

A few quick updates with the sorry cell phone pics. I was able to get some hobby time in over my very short Christmas / New Year break(s).

Got side tracked a little bit with painting some heretics after all the dark angels need to fight someone right?

I did manage to get some highlights done on the DV libbo and terminators. When I get time to break out the air brush again I'll fix his sword and call him done.

I've tried painting it 4 times now and it never looks right to me.


I also over the holiday I had a chance to collect more basing materials for my tac squad.

It was a lot of hard work but after a few beers I was able manage. tongue.png


Now you can see why I'm such a slow painter! biggrin.png

Happy new years everyone.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Almost finished with my Deathwing.    These are my 1st terminators I have ever painted.  It took so long I think my painting style changed 3 time by the time I finished.  Still plan on adding some battle damage and dirty em up a bit.  Just waiting on some Vallejo Matt Varnish to seal em up.


Anyways - enough jibber jabber.

Here is the guy you all know and love... Mr. Autocannon.




Mr. Space Hulk Door Opener.





Shot of the group.  I'm pretty bad with power swords so i'm keeping it simple for now.



Librarian is pretty much done.  Got some pigments to ad once I get the Varnish in. 




And a quick family photo.  :)  




I feel like my painting has moved on a bit from these guys.  I've been really working a lot with washes and lots of layers - really watering down my paints almost 50% and painting faster thinner layers.  Really trying this out on the dv cultists and chosen.  I'll post them up in the wip forum so i don't end up in cell number 42. 





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Thanks Chaplain Lucifer! I've got the 3 man Ravenwing Squad base coated.

Hopefully my 'new to me' ebay airbrush shows up in a few weeks so I can finish my Dread and that will be my etl3 complete huh.png

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  • 1 month later...

Well... I'm still waiting on a placing a big paint order. Everything has to be shipped down here so it makes sense to do it by the boat load.

It's been ok as I've been slammed with work and haven't been able to even try out the new airbrush yet.

I suppose this stagnation has become a contributing factor to my hobby ADD.

Since January I've only been able to get a few base coats on my DV Chosen and Hellbrute. I have plenty of DA primed and even base coated yet no time to paint. However I've noticed an uncontrollable urge to purchase more plastic. unsure.png I know it's a dark path that many of taken before - I'm hoping this thread will serve as my personal catharsis and purge me of any unclean thoughts.

EDIT: After re-reading what I wrote my biggest lesson is Purchasing does not mean Progress - there can be only painting. There is no meta here and real 'need' to join the plastic arms race when there is no local gaming scene.

My biggest hesitation is the speed at which Games Workshop is moving with changes and releases. With so much going on there is very little incentive for me to pull the trigger on any purchases. Do I order from Forgeworld or wait... they have spoken about US distribution and stocking FW models in stores. If they 'merge' the websites I'd be able to combine shipping etc. I'd save money.

I'd also like to build a squad of Chapter Vets but should I wait till May and see what happens...

Shield of Baal looks pretty cool and I could use all of the models in Space Hulk ( or convert terminators into DA ) but should I really just wait and see if the DA campaign rumours ring true. Then there is the DV Expansion which is also on my "hobby list" - price comparison it seems like Shield of Baal you get way more for your money. On the other hand I'd much rather play Space Hulk with Deathwing Knights. There is also the xenos army temptation - but I digress... again. Stay on target...stay on target.

I'm not looking for anyone to make sense of what is written here. I'm just venting. Getting things down sometimes helps make sense of what's going on even if it is hobby related. This thread has become my personal cell 42 of goals not met or realized. And for anyone reading this perhaps any guidance or advice would be the hobby equivalent of an Interrogator chaplain having a word and keeping me on the right path.

Does anyone make purchase lists? Plan out hobby purchases in advance?

It seems it would help to plan things out but the current state of the hobby is moving faster than I can paint and my wallet can afford and thus I do nothing.

I guess when the gaming aspect is removed it changes focus and motivation as well.

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Do I make purchase lists? Not so much. I tend to buy in an ad hoc way - getting a core force first and then addign to it. I then played a few games with what I had painted and decided to add further miniatures. I have had a strong core greenwing force for a while and am slowly adding to the 'wings so I can deploy a Ravenwing or Deathwing army eventually (I have all the minis I need now). Each new edition means I tend to buy the new toys to add to the force (so I now have Black Knights and Deathwing Knights, even a flyer), many of which remain unassembled for years at a time. So mainly now I buy to fill gaps or because I really love a model (Forge World I'm looking at you). 


So basically, lists aren't bad, but I like to create a core force and then add to it to flesh out gaps or give me more options to play with. I also look elsewhere online to see where I can get some deals (Amazon sometimes sell discounted GW kits, for example).


By the way, those latest bases are excellent. I'm looking forward to seeing more painted.

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After +20 years of plastic addiction, I probably have enough backlog to build 3 SM armies, a big hive fleet and half of Cadia...along with a few companies of DA.


You only realize how much :cuss we gather when you have to do a move..and you significant other stares at the boxes piling up.


That being said, around 2 years ago I decided to refuse any further model purchase.


I bought 2 DV sets for the models, traded some and called it a game. Spoiler: I fell for an IK...but that a different story :P And tournament prizes dont count!


I have the better part of the first and second DA companies...along with a full company of tacticals/devs.


From your posts, I gather you're not yet there with your Diogenes Syndrome...so my suggestions would be:


- buy "squads"...and dont buy more till you paint them


- if you need bigger size (transportation, customs, fees, whatever), always think in the minimum unit possible.


For example...6 bikes+1 AB + LS...being a RW attack squadron


- do not get a bazillion of the same...you'll probably end up with a box of unfinished squads (its soul breaking to do something 50-100 times)


- see your projects/ideas through


We plastic addicts get the new greatest idea every other minute...so its hard to keep up!!


Suggestion: get mock up models (aka, cheap!!!marines/guard/nids) and do 2-3 models max of testing.


That super idea of a cataphracti company riddled with chains and 75 layers of paint? Try it on 1 model...and see how it fares.


Just the musings of a Brother with some time on his hands and trying to help out :)

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purchase list...yes...I put everything in the Codex on it and anything I think I can convert or that would be "really awesome"...then I buy what I can afford and play tetris with them in the boxes...

Doesnt help that I have to move again in like 6 months so I'm not laying all my stuff out at this house I just moved in to last month :(

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Thanks for the help guys!

I managed to wake up early on Saturday and get some painting and priming done.

It sounds like I'm not alone - in my head I have ideas for 3-4 different armies but really have to bring things back down to reality and focus on DA and a secondary army.

I think part of my problem is I'm just not that interested in Chaos Space Marines and am trying to finish my DV set.

We are planning on moving soon as well so great point on holding off on all purchases. With new stuff being released so quickly I might as well wait until I'm finished painting everything I have. Maybe by the time May rolls around I'll be looking at a 30k DA army - if rumours hold true. I'm even going to hold off on my paint purchase as they are for an Ork army I started to build in my head before buying the minis! Basically Purging my own Kadillus. smile.png

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