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In 40K the Wolves have 12 companies in their chapter.

They are generically known as great companies.


I think in 30K they use the same titles. But each great company has a number. Onn, tra, fyf, dekk etc (1,3,5,7) Ogvai is jarl of Tra. Skarrsen is jarl of fyf. Gunn is jarl of Onn.

UHHH ok i think i may just do troops and hold off on everything else so i know how to appropriately paint things. Now i see why this is so frustrating

Wow great work the tri horn is cool too...do you think the stencil could make some smaller like chapter or company marking for power armor?

Yea certainly, i am actually working on those and will post pics

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Inferno will hopefully go into much depth about the organization  of the  space wolf legion.  We know there were great companies and we know that there were squads  who probably had their own pack markings , but there is a lot of things we dont know. 

Of course the most important thing is that you are doing a fantastic job with what youve been showing  It really is some inspiring stuff. 

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Yeah. The only thing for certain is that they will use markings similar to other legions.


If you look closely at the transfer sheet you will se destroyer and tactical symbols.


We have no idea about pack marks or company markings.


Just the red wolf for the legion as a whole.


Will yhey use different coloured wolves to denote companies? (Middenheim troops in whfb for example)


Beyond the rumours of Russ, special destroyer units and tartaros terminators we literally have no clue what to expect.


Fw hace said there will be no Bjorn the fellhanded & that the Wolves are not that far along in their evolution.


I am hoping this is the evolution from 30k executioners to 40k protectors.


Wolf King is a must read along with Prospero Burns imho.


It is why I have gone purely troops choices or vehicles so far.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is making me want to rip my models apart and get some Sons of Thor bits... I thought the legs would make the model too busy, but it looks really really good.


Really nice work, and hose rhino bits are sublime.


Tattoos are bery nicely done too, you have a good feral look going on..

Edited by dantay_xv
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Ok I need your help! I don't know what to make this guy. Here's my idea. I have 5 wolf helms coming in the mail so I want to make a squad around him that he would fit in with. What do you think he should be and then what said would go best with him? Thanks a lot guys!!

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Ok I need your help! I don't know what to make this guy. Here's my idea. I have 5 wolf helms coming in the mail so I want to make a squad around him that he would fit in with. What do you think he should be and then what said would go best with him? Thanks a lot guys!!

Perhaps he should be the squad's bruiser with the rest toting axes, swords and claws.

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Problem with a dark grey and especially on small models like the marines, is that black and brown both blend into the grey.


As does the silver


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I have tried.


My runefang is incredibly dilute, so that could have a bearing on it.


Oh, I thought he was going to be your siege breaker?


I have been having ALOT of trouble finding battle damage that shows up on these. Usually i use a very very dark metallic then a silver butttt that doesn't work at all on here. 


I mean he is my siege breaker but i have a set of almost identical wolf helmets coming in the mail so i wanted to stick him in with a CC unit. I just havent played enough or know enough about the rules to figure out what they should be

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