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Nihilakh oxide

A good color but it might be a bit too thin (it will flow into the inset - unless thats what you want) and it dries with a chalky texture.


I've actually used Nihilak Oxide on a Thousand Son Librarian to decent effect:


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Nihilakh oxide

A good color but it might be a bit too thin (it will flow into the inset - unless thats what you want) and it dries with a chalky texture.


I've actually used Nihilak Oxide on a Thousand Son Librarian to decent effect:



I have a few extra torsos to play around with. I am going to try to keep these guys more viking heavy and less wolfy. So other than rune priests and lenses there won't be alot of bright colors.I think i am just going to try and edge highlight the knot work on his chest.


Also, as of now other than my first two test models, nothing has any type of wash, battle damage or powders on em.

Edited by betrayer41
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So I think I am going to try todo something like this, Keep it more realistic and gritty.


Do some type of light grey or silver highlight and pin wash with oils



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Lovely work, though every time I try to hit the like button on a space wolf model I get a stabbing pain in my head and fall down drooling.



Sorry Magnus...


Yikes, just wait till i paint up a bunch of pretty Sons just to have them bloodied and battered on my wolf's bases


Excellent work Slips!


I am not a big of metallics for Marines but they look really great here... tips my hat to Betrayer.

Thank ya sir. With the wolves particularly i have always pictured them in battered metallic grey plate

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How was it achieving that metal color on your wolves? Please share!!

 Thanks guys. like i said i am pretty happy with it, i feel these are falling more towards a metallic grey rather than IW. This wil be the first batch of guys ever that i will be pin washing rather than filtering.


@ Recon: Its quite simple, i stole a method from mikefrench over on 30k and changed it up a bit. 


Base it in GW primer


hit it with Dark grey from directly above


Then use Vallejo burnt iron, barely pull the trigger back and just make passes over the model


Use thing down Vallejo black at low psi spray into the recesses and shadows.


Use burnt iron to highlight and touchup the black and thats it. Easy Peasy

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Ok so I'm working towards my first legal playable army. I'm putting together despoilers while I wait for my paints to arrive. What is the best way to kit out the despoiler sergeant?

Artificer Armour and a Power Fist if you can afford the points. With or without meltabomb.

Edited by Slipstreams
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Geez Louise, have I only just discovered this plog of awesomeness?! Man, there's some gorgeous work in there. Wish I could have gotten my Alphas to look like yours, they're beautiful. And as much as the Wolves are my absolute least favourite legion, you've done them justice so far!

I'll be keeping me peepers open for this.

Edited by grand_master85
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Really liking the Wolves.


I like all the details. The Kromlech stuff helps them to stand out.


The only thing and it is not you is I am not sure about the skull knee pad.


Otherwise looking really great. Will certainly use it for inspiration when I get back to my Vlka

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Ok so I'm working towards my first legal playable army. I'm putting together despoilers while I wait for my paints to arrive. What is the best way to kit out the despoiler sergeant?

Artificer Armour and a Power Fist if you can afford the points. With or without meltabomb.


that's what i was leaning towards, what about ranged weapon wise? Again sorry for the noob questions. In the past i have primarily done this for the hobby aspect but i would finally like to play


Geez Louise, have I only just discovered this plog of awesomeness?! Man, there's some gorgeous work in there. Wish I could have gotten my Alphas to look like yours, they're beautiful. And as much as the Wolves are my absolute least favourite legion, you've done them justice so far!


I'll be keeping me peepers open for this.


Well thank you sir means alot coming from you (someone with your amazing skills, but mire importantly a Sons player) I may be stealing your scheme for my dead sons haha


Really liking the Wolves.


I like all the details. The Kromlech stuff helps them to stand out.


The only thing and it is not you is I am not sure about the skull knee pad.


Otherwise looking really great. Will certainly use it for inspiration when I get back to my Vlka


Yea i am still up in the air on the skull, i don't hate it but i also don't like it. I am hoping it will look better with oils and weathering. If it doesn't turn out well, i think i will paint the rest in other colors and not white or bleached bone.

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Hey guys sorry for lack of posting. Haha it's hard to get stuff done when it's college game day every Saturday and I'm hungover on sundays haha.


I am really gettting frustrated with not having a black book mainly because I have so many transfer sheets and I have no idea what the hell they mean. So it's looking like very few things will get washed and weathered because they need decals first


Anyyyywayyyy enjoy!!


But I have two despoiler squads based.


Here is heir sergeant still a lot to do.




And finally getting a lot done with my spartan!






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