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Been thinking about the damage wrong!!


I reckon if you did the chips in a really light grey then used metal or black.


Then you got the highlight on tbe lower edge of the chips to make the damage more visible.


Just a thought.

Been thinking about the damage wrong!!


I reckon if you did the chips in a really light grey then used metal or black.


Then you got the highlight on tbe lower edge of the chips to make the damage more visible.


Just a thought.

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Soooo.......taking this thread in a different direction, I will be revisiting the alphas tonight. I will be starting COMPLETELY from scratch with a diff more purple colore scheme (still metallic) as well as oil paints. I am putting painting the wolves on hold until closer to prospero. I will hate myself if i paint everything up and then FW releases some bombass schemes and i want to reapaint my troops.


So from now until inferno expect alot of Wolf builds and ALOT of AL painting and builds! 


First up tonight will me the first 5 of my Volkite squad.....The coils of the Hydra are preparing to strike.......

Edited by betrayer41
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Here is my first test model. Like I said I wanted a more deep purple/indigo color. Have seen very few metallic purples out there. Let me know whatcha think!



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What recipe have you used there

It is two Full coats of FW clear purple, then one full coat of Tamiya blue. Along with oil wash and pigments and what not



My respect for your skills has just gone up 10 fold as I've found that an absolutely horrible colour to use

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Looking good mate, for me the tone is a little too dark/intense - but the colour is great, could you just use one coat of the purple?


PS - I think you're crazy repainting your alphas! They look class already

I actually agree. I have a second Model with Less purple and ill see how it comes out. Also my first time using oils washes and i think my black oil paint to mineral spirit was off. More soon

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What recipe have you used there

It is two Full coats of FW clear purple, then one full coat of Tamiya blue. Along with oil wash and pigments and what not



My respect for your skills has just gone up 10 fold as I've found that an absolutely horrible colour to use


I had terrrible terrible luck with it. ALOT of pooling. I finally managed to get it going after alot of playin around with thinning it and PSI

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Second attempt looks great, more alpha legion, less night Lord. Purple seems to come through more despite the single layer. It would be interesting to see it under different lighting, I'm finding photos don't do the subtleties of metallic schemes justice! Are you still finishing it with guilliman blue?
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If you have any Interference Paints (like from Liquitex) maybe try using the green and/or purple ones?


Otherwise, looks good. Not too dark to look NL or too bright to be UM.

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Second attempt looks great, more alpha legion, less night Lord. Purple seems to come through more despite the single layer. It would be interesting to see it under different lighting, I'm finding photos don't do the subtleties of metallic schemes justice! Are you still finishing it with guilliman blue?

Thanks! That was one thing i was definitely worried about was likeness to the NL and UM. The first also had a darker metallic underneath and really looked too much like NL. I am pretty happy with how they are going. This won't be nearly as big as a force as my SW will be its just something different and fun i will be working on for a while! And no no Guilliman blue this time around. The latest model will be more or the less the finished product. Like i said since its a small force i realy just wanted to try something different than what ive been seeing

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I really like it! Definitely more of a fan of the second attempt than the first. Excellent weathering and damage? (Just a steel drybrush for the battle damage?)


How did you find using oils compare to using the Vallejo wash like you did on the old alphas?

Thank ya sir. Its a fun little side project! And i agree i much prefer the second as well as the 3rd 4th and 5th haha compared to the first. First i do a bit of edge highlighting with vallejo steel. The battle damage is Vallejo metal color gunmetal  which is a very very dark gun metal sponged on. Then Vallejo steel over it. 


I LOVE oils. I doubt i will ever use acrylic again. They're a bitch to make but well worth it. You can jut slather your mini in wash let it dry come back and clean up all the excess hours later. I highly highly recommend oils!

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thats a really cool approach! if we were ever to have an AL vs AL brawl, our paint schemes look different enough to distinguish them... oh, the fun to be had! I can also feel the pain of having to do these coats one after another. AL is one of the trickiest legion armies to do for painting and I am nearly finishing mine by now. Started painting a few IH models now and it is a massive contrast, so much quicker and easier to do! :D 


You need to post a "family photo" of all your AL stuff together, really wanna see what you got in your collection!

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thats a really cool approach! if we were ever to have an AL vs AL brawl, our paint schemes look different enough to distinguish them... oh, the fun to be had! I can also feel the pain of having to do these coats one after another. AL is one of the trickiest legion armies to do for painting and I am nearly finishing mine by now. Started painting a few IH models now and it is a massive contrast, so much quicker and easier to do! :biggrin.:


You need to post a "family photo" of all your AL stuff together, really wanna see what you got in your collection!

Thanks i really appreciate it. Your stuff is quite amazing. And i agree, i am doing the wolves also and it is absolutely unreal the difference between the 7 airbrush steps per model for the AL compared to the 3 for space wolves.


Unfortunately this squad is more or less my family photo. I have sold off nearly all of my AL (for profit) haha. I dont; play nearly enough to justify keeping multiple armies. So, i am just experimenting with different metallic schemes, building up a nice small playable force and then focusing on wolves as main army.

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Thanks i really appreciate it. Your stuff is quite amazing. And i agree, i am doing the wolves also and it is absolutely unreal the difference between the 7 airbrush steps per model for the AL compared to the 3 for space wolves.


Unfortunately this squad is more or less my family photo. I have sold off nearly all of my AL (for profit) haha. I dont; play nearly enough to justify keeping multiple armies. So, i am just experimenting with different metallic schemes, building up a nice small playable force and then focusing on wolves as main army.



Oh I hear ya! I set a challenge for myself to eventually build a 3K pts list for all of the 18 legions + SA + Militia Cults + Mechs. While the latter 3 are considerably different and bring somehting new, with legions its a bit more chalenging, since having that many marines can put you off them after some time. After I finish my AL, then IH I will probably go for Cults/ Renegades. Your wolves are very interesting indeed and as a legion SW do have a very high place on my to do list.


With my AL, I think I got... 8 stages alltogether which include 1-3 being airbrushing, 4 - varnish, 5- brush painting, 6 - decals, 7 - another varnish, 8 - weathering. 


For the IH, I have 1-2 airbrushing, 3 - brush painting. I havent got to the next ones yet, as I dont have any IH decals on me at the moment, but its definitely going to be way easier to do than AL lol 

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Thanks i really appreciate it. Your stuff is quite amazing. And i agree, i am doing the wolves also and it is absolutely unreal the difference between the 7 airbrush steps per model for the AL compared to the 3 for space wolves.


Unfortunately this squad is more or less my family photo. I have sold off nearly all of my AL (for profit) haha. I dont; play nearly enough to justify keeping multiple armies. So, i am just experimenting with different metallic schemes, building up a nice small playable force and then focusing on wolves as main army.



Oh I hear ya! I set a challenge for myself to eventually build a 3K pts list for all of the 18 legions + SA + Militia Cults + Mechs. While the latter 3 are considerably different and bring somehting new, with legions its a bit more chalenging, since having that many marines can put you off them after some time. After I finish my AL, then IH I will probably go for Cults/ Renegades. Your wolves are very interesting indeed and as a legion SW do have a very high place on my to do list.


With my AL, I think I got... 8 stages alltogether which include 1-3 being airbrushing, 4 - varnish, 5- brush painting, 6 - decals, 7 - another varnish, 8 - weathering. 


For the IH, I have 1-2 airbrushing, 3 - brush painting. I havent got to the next ones yet, as I dont have any IH decals on me at the moment, but its definitely going to be way easier to do than AL lol 


Haha yea its in sane all together. The wolves are my first non metallic scheme is YEARS, and really first non metallic with an airbrush. I am pretty happy with them so far. Any tips or suggestions?

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Haha yea its in sane all together. The wolves are my first non metallic scheme is YEARS, and really first non metallic with an airbrush. I am pretty happy with them so far. Any tips or suggestions?




My IH are actually black mettalic as well, but it will get toned down after varnish and weathering. One thing to consider if you're ever going to do a black coloured legion(s) is that all the dust and dirt is much more visible on the black surface than any other, hence why weathering is a must :D 


As for which legion army to do after these, I would definitely pick a non metallic. These could be IF, SW, SoH (I dont think they are metallic..?), WB (also non metallic??) and Ultras (again - not sure if they are metallic or not). Other options in the form of DG or WE are also to be considered, but I dont want to get ahead of myself too much!


Try to take your pics in a nice open room space during a good daylight if possible, without a flash, but so the models are actually visible. This gives a much more accurate look of them, although may sometimes make it look darker than it really is.

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Ok back to my Space Vikings....i got ALOT of bits in the mail yesterday. And i have a question for people who really know the wolves. Would it be ok for me to put the Wolfpriest awesome wolf skull helms on non Wolf priests? I want to put them on my axe toting Command squad......

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