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Krom Dragongaze Rules


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Nahhh he gets i5 because he's a lord. It doesn't do anything with his axe but that's just par for the course really. It's the same for other captain/master HQs with only unwieldy weapons. They don't reduce the initiative on the stat block.


Technically he could attack with his pistol at i5.


And actually, sometimes he might even have to, I suspect. I'd be tempted to do it when in a challenge with just about any i4 ap3 character such as a sergeant with a power sword. Certainly against any librarian.

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Oh man, I can't believe that they would give him i5 and then take it away. That is completely ridiculous

Not really, all Wolf Lords (and Space Marine Captains and Chapter Masters, etc.) get I5; it's still relevant for Initiative tests, and so on. It just so happens that when you give one of them an Unwieldy weapon that the high I is mostly irrelevant, but that's the same with pretty much every Infantry model in the game that gets a high-Strength weapon. Since 6e, it has been integral to 40k design that the best (ie highest Strength) weapons strike last.


If you want an actual example of where this is actually ridiculous, you have to look to Commander Dante, who is known for his lightning-fast reflexes, has an elevated Initiative (6) to reflect it, but happens to also carry an axe, and with the transition from 5e to 6e suddenly went from always (usually) striking first to striking last :(

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Ninjad, by skeletoro, but I should also note skele, that I think there is a rule (or there was in the last edition) that says you have to use your special close combat attacks if you have one. You can't elect to use just the Bolt Pistol anymore.


I'm away from references though; can somebody double check that for me?

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this is kinda why my Krom won't be Krom, he will be used to create a new character based on the new codex. with runic armour, storm sheild, relic blade(ap2, iniative, equivalent to the marine dex uber blade), WTN and SOTB. this guy might cost a metric censored.gif tonne in points but oh what a wonder it will be to see him bring the hurt.

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I agree with you, Hellios, slower but not always dead last.


One thing I was thinking is that Krom's axe has a very similar dual wolf heads + gem configuration to Grimnar's. If you don't want to use Krom as Krom and swap out his weapons, perhaps his axe might make a passable replacement for a custom Logan? You could wolf up a GK Termi Storm Bolter and find a suitable blinged up Terminator SW suit?

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this is kinda why my Krom won't be Krom, he will be used to create a new character based on the new codex. with runic armour, storm sheild, relic blade(ap2, iniative, equivalent to the marine dex uber blade), WTN and SOTB. this guy might cost a metric F**K tonne in points but oh what a wonder it will be to see him bring the hurt.

I definitely agree with using him as the basis for a DIY Wolf Lord, but doubt we'll have access to Relic Blades in our next codex. For specific loadout, we'll have to wait and see what's available to us.

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this is kinda why my Krom won't be Krom, he will be used to create a new character based on the new codex. with runic armour, storm sheild, relic blade(ap2, iniative, equivalent to the marine dex uber blade), WTN and SOTB. this guy might cost a metric F**K tonne in points but oh what a wonder it will be to see him bring the hurt.

I definitely agree with using him as the basis for a DIY Wolf Lord, but doubt we'll have access to Relic Blades in our next codex. For specific loadout, we'll have to wait and see what's available to us.


He's referring to a hypothetical chapter relic, not the generic relic blades (which are AP 3 anyway). Odds are reasonable we'll get one much like Codex Marines and Chaos Space Marines got one (The former got the burning blade, the latter got the berserker axe with the name I've forgotten. I think the Dress-wearing Brigade got one too), but you can't count on it. Also, given that they're incorporating downsides into sagas by the look of it (Which, frankly, I aplaud. I've always hoped the oaths for sagas would have in-game consequences), Saga of the Bear, if it even still does what it used to, might not be an auto-include anymore, since it may do something like take away LO,S!



Hmm... Downsides for existing Sagas?

-Majesty: Cannot willingly go to ground or fail a morale check

-Hunter: Cannot start on the board*

-Wolfkin: Penalty if all wolves are killed. Lower stats, or maybe even concede a victory point, perhaps? Alternatively, forced to join units of wolves.



*Hey, I've used it just to give 30 guardsmen stealth in the past, so yes, that is a disadvantage.

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Right I have the box set sat in front of me. 


The rules for Krom are correct. 


What I am worried about though is that the grey hunters don't have BP, BG and CCW as standard! By Russ I hope this isn't the case when the codex comes out!

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Right I have the box set sat in front of me. 


The rules for Krom are correct. 


What I am worried about though is that the grey hunters don't have BP, BG and CCW as standard! By Russ I hope this isn't the case when the codex comes out!

That's grim news. But on the other hand the Hellbrute had 3 attacks in dark Vengeance, but only 2 in C:CSM, so there is precedent for rules in these boxes not being codex legit, so don't abandon hope yet.

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There is a third book coming out called Sanctus Reach: Hour of the Wolf 


Hengist & Egil gain an extra attack.


Blood Claws still WS3 BS3 (same for Egil) and have rage. 


Judging by the box Canis and his giant space hamster are here to stay. 

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Wow. Never would I have expected wolves to lose their b/bp/ccw. Well, not unless it was replaced by true grit again, or something.

So he's 6544354 10 correct?

What are the points costs for the four datasheets and what loadouts do the 3 packs have? I'm just wondering if the totals are the same or different to the current dex.

Well, if these changes reflect the new dex... as much as it pains to lose the extra cc attack for grey hunters, at least this is likely to put grey hunters and blood claws on a much more even footing. People might actually start using blood claws! smile.png if they've lost the restrictions of headstrong then that's great.

But really, it's silly for blood claws to lack ws4. Really silly. :cuss it seems like just about every other guardsman has bs4, every guardian has somehow acquired BS 4 while baking pie or whatever they spend their days doing, not to mention orks. If an ork's finesse is sufficient to warrant WS4, I think a blood claw should get it too.

And yeah, I've spent a lot of time and effort devising ways to fit the full GH load out on a model. So... BLEGH!!!! What is it grey hunters lack in storm claw? The ccw?

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6544354 10 is correct. 


WG 230p


Beoric Winterfang SB/FS







GH 125p

5x PA with a BP Frag and Krak

Hengist with Power Axe

1x PP/CS

1x PG

2x BG


BC 110

5x PA with frag and Krak

Egil with BP/PF

1x PP/CS

3x BP/CS


I know what you mean about Uber grit, I still hope we haven't lost it. Head strong wasn't really a problem because you could always get around it.  

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in regard of bloodclaws, the lower BS/WS istnt due to they are bad at schooting/fighting.. its more to reflect they are wild and undisciplined and dont care to much about aiming the shot/swing.


loosing 1 attack in CC would make GH ...well just plane tacticals . and in fact they even lose more then 1 attack. They lose the ability to shoot right before charge .So loosing BP or CCW hurts twice.


I just hope this is not the case as it will be the second codex made  Vanilla i am/was using. my BTs are no more what they were,

If to many chages are made toward Smurfs that will hurt SW as much as rolling them into DA dex ;) such insult cannot be easily forgiven.

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that's why I mentioned orks... if orks aren't too crazy for ws4 then neither are claws. Are khorne berserkers disciplined?


They'd need to lose the bolt pistol to be unable to shoot before charging.


Hmm, so the pack leader has an extra attack, hmm. And he's the guy with the power axe. I wonder if that indicates that we might be a bit more like tactical in that respect too. Perhaps 'wolf guard' will be an upgrade exactly like veteran sergeant. It's be nice for fitting in transports if nothing else.


Note that the plasma pistol guy has a bolt pistol. Perhaps grey hunters have to choose between a bolter and a bolt pistol... we can always hope that you can pay +1 point to get both, or something like that.

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There is a third book coming out called Sanctus Reach: Hour of the Wolf


Hengist & Egil gain an extra attack.


Blood Claws still WS3 BS3 (same for Egil) and have rage.


Judging by the box Canis and his giant space hamster are here to stay.

lol @ space hamster.. It's clearly a guinea pig
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that's why I mentioned orks... if orks aren't too crazy for ws4 then neither are claws. Are khorne berserkers disciplined?


They'd need to lose the bolt pistol to be unable to shoot before charging.


Hmm, so the pack leader has an extra attack, hmm. And he's the guy with the power axe. I wonder if that indicates that we might be a bit more like tactical in that respect too. Perhaps 'wolf guard' will be an upgrade exactly like veteran sergeant. It's be nice for fitting in transports if nothing else.


Note that the plasma pistol guy has a bolt pistol. Perhaps grey hunters have to choose between a bolter and a bolt pistol... we can always hope that you can pay +1 point to get both, or something like that.


Egil has +1 attack as well and he is only a standard BC, all be it one that is keen to lead his pack mates according to the little bit of fluff.

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