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The Long Watch - DeathWatch WIP


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A long time lurker of the threads here, I've decided to come out of the shadows and show myself biggrin.png

Well... my models really. I have been meaning to do this for some time but just never felt ready. I've been in the hobby for 15 years and in that time I've managed to butcher quite a lot of minis, never building a sizable gaming force sad.png

I like to think that in that time I've also improved my modelling and painting skills and thus I present to you brothers my latest endeavours.

Kill Team Sigma



Brother Davis Otarn (Formerly of the Black Consuls), Leader of Kill team Sigma (NPC)


Brother Apothecary Hector Rainor (Formerly of the Black Templars)


Brother Davin McTavish (Formerly of the Storm Wardens)


Brother-Techmarine Ignance Argus (formerly of the Novamarines)

Originally these guys were made when me and my friends heard about FFG's DeathWatch RPG and being the main hobbyist amongst them, I thought it'd be cool to have minis to represent each of the party (along with a few special minis for NPCs).

While we never went through with the game (a friend's DnD campaign being the big distraction it was), I still liked the idea of having a Kill Team and after reading Steven Parker's DeathWatch novel, I dived back into the project. So far this is the KillTeam as it currently stands fully painted-wise, but I'm currently working on the other members. Will try to upload more images soon, but for now I hope you enjoy my take on the infamous Xenos Hunters.

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Thanks for the complements guys, really appreciate it.

Sanguinius - Argus is my favourite as well. Not surprising for me considering he was meant to be my character for our game, and out of all of them he was the most fun to build.

As promised I have some more Marines donning the Black that I'd like to show you.


Brothers Enrik Gunnar (Space Wolf) and Brother Librarian Hellsgrim (Dark Angel)

At the moment Gunnar has no head attached to his body blink.png

While he did have the Wolf helmet before, I felt it was too much Space Wolf detail for a DeathWatch model.


I decided to give Gunnar something a little less feral looking and opted for this head which I had lying in my bitzbox. After removing the topknot, I had to reconstruct the hair and ear in Greenstuff. I've tried sculpting an ear on models before and its came out with varied success (the last one was too pointy sad.png)


In addition to his head I also need to repaint the shoulder pad underneath the missile launcher. Gunnar's player was reading the Space Wolf Omnibus at the time, so I tried to paint Ragnar Blackmane's company badge, but it looks cramped and I'm thinking of repainting it or doing a different company altogether, just not sure which one. Suggestions welcome.


As for Hellsgrim, I think I need to repaint the details on his legs and armour to help them stand out more from the robes. I also want to give him an arm that'll convey a more relaxed pose, just not sure on what arm to use (I already tried the DA champion arm and it was too outstretched). Any advice would be appreciated.


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