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Damnation of Pythos...initial thoughts

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It was bloody awful. I read the first 3 chapters and put it down for 3 weeks. Oh transformers had dinos, lets put some in. I had to force my way through it.

No wonder Marines get the durr we stupid, when theyre written like that. 


He should stick with the yarrick guard stories. Otherwise into the same basket as Swallow and Counter he goes.

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Nearing the end. Not bad, love how grim the story has been. 



The boarding action against the Emperor's Children, though, has got to be my favorite part. Vicious and brutal, man.


I broke my danm kindle so I havent been able to finish it, but I did finish that section and it was amazing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just finished this. Way late to the discussion...


This ties in nicely with Sermon of Exodus from Sedition's Gate, and Shards of Erebus from Mark of Calth


I think there would have been fewer complaints about it fitting into the rest of the series if Sermon of Exodus had been widely available instead of tucked away in an event only collection. 


Overall, I very much liked this book, including the grimmest of dark endings. Fun read. 

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Nearing the end. Not bad, love how grim the story has been. 



The boarding action against the Emperor's Children, though, has got to be my favorite part. Vicious and brutal, man.



Echo those thoughts - efficiency at its best!





Still wondering about some of those wacky illustrations, haha.


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Going at chapter 20 near the end and I can say this is by far the worst book in the series. I'd give this book 1 start out of 5 where for comparison, I'd still give the second worse book (Battle for the Abyss) at least 2, maybe 2 and a half stars. Tried reading the book version but stopped after a few chapters and picked up the audio version instead so I can ignore listen to it in the background while doing something more interesting.

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Because it doesn't feel like it directly pertains to the Heresy? I totally get that if that's the case - but I did enjoy how it was written and Annandale's craft.


No. I have no issues with stories that not directly advancing the plot. I mostly like those, in fact. I've read everything published so far with the exception of Sedition's Gate (including audios and Macragge's Honour - I'm an addict!) which includes quite many 'side stories' as you all know. The problem lies in the poor plot, simple and dimensionless characters and overly descriptive way of writing (I think the whole story could have been compressed into a short story without losing anything crucial).

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Because it doesn't feel like it directly pertains to the Heresy? I totally get that if that's the case - but I did enjoy how it was written and Annandale's craft.


No. I have no issues with stories that not directly advancing the plot. I mostly like those, in fact. I've read everything published so far with the exception of Sedition's Gate (including audios and Macragge's Honour - I'm an addict!) which includes quite many 'side stories' as you all know. The problem lies in the poor plot, simple and dimensionless characters and overly descriptive way of writing (I think the whole story could have been compressed into a short story without losing anything crucial).



Yeah, I can also totally see that. I enjoyed how overt it was from a more critical perspective, but totally agree that it could've been condensed - because the actual complexities of 'the flesh' were only truly explored on a surface level (repeatedly).

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Just finished this. Way late to the discussion...


This ties in nicely with Sermon of Exodus from Sedition's Gate, and Shards of Erebus from Mark of Calth


I think there would have been fewer complaints about it fitting into the rest of the series if Sermon of Exodus had been widely available instead of tucked away in an event only collection. 


Overall, I very much liked this book, including the grimmest of dark endings. Fun read. 

So, um


what's sermon of exodus about and how does it fit with DoP?


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I mean, I wouldn't rate this as one of my top ten, but the fight against the EC's was great, and the concept behind the book was solid; that there is a different vector to the war now (being the chaos Gods), and it cannot be fought like a conventional enemy could be fought in the past.


I can appreciate that, at least.

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Just finished this. Way late to the discussion...


This ties in nicely with Sermon of Exodus from Sedition's Gate, and Shards of Erebus from Mark of Calth


I think there would have been fewer complaints about it fitting into the rest of the series if Sermon of Exodus had been widely available instead of tucked away in an event only collection. 


Overall, I very much liked this book, including the grimmest of dark endings. Fun read. 

So, um


what's sermon of exodus about and how does it fit with DoP?




Its about priests and lodges of Davin. It features the main priest from DoP, and ends with the daemon telling them to go to Pythos.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I just finished this book, and I enjoyed it. It had its share of issues, like the artwork (not the author's fault), the fact that the book's true climax felt far too early and then just sort of dragged, and that particular Sergeant was getting a little bipolar with his internal monologue, flipflopping between the flesh is weak and bionicization is wrong. I didn't like how sidelined the other two Shattered Legions were. I don't think of this as a fault, but I would have liked if there was more equality of rank or in numbers to better show the differences and conflicts. Instead, it just kept getting bulldozed over by the Iron Hands' superiority, highlighted only by that particular Iron Hand's ever-shifting beliefs.


But the epilogue was delicious, and there were sections of the book that were just plain awesome, the assault against the Emperor's Children being the best. Though it also felt kind of out of place. I kept expecting it to have some sort of relevance that never came through. But, again, it was awesome. I freaking loved the depiction of a Slaaneshi Dread.


Over all, the novel is squarely in my 'like' list, and I would like to see some more from the author. While I didn't catch anything of the 'horror' that is apparently his forte, the quality was pretty good.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Now to be blunt, finally finished it, yes the action picked up, but what was the point? I really see no reason for the book to exist, in fact it made me a little grumpy. So grumpy that I started thinking it made ultramarine look good. Therefore making ole abbers look good. And I wept into my crispies disgusted at such herectical thoughts. Ok so I exaggerated, but Damnation of Pythos gets a big fat 1 out of ten from me and that's because

khi'dem shot a kaiju in the neck with a missile launcher, with one arm, while whispering creepily the salamanders catchphrase into the vox

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Late to the discussion but I actually liked the book ALOT. It was hard to follow in the beginning but when



The Veritas Ferrum gets shot down out of the sky as a result of Galba being tricked left me just staring out and seeing the lost hope of the situation.



That was when I really started enjoying what I reading.


The way the planet was depictated in the beginning had me worried that this was what the story wsa going to be about but I love the way it changed. I also think this is the right way to depict how the chaos demons would enter this realm.


The very end of the book really left an impression on me. When you see how much was fought for in the book and then the event at the very end felt like a kick in the pants after a visectomy.

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  • 1 month later...

sorry for the necro.

Just finished the book. it took me, normally a fast reader, just under two weeks to read this book. thats appalling by my standards. I had to repeatedly force myself to continue reading the novel.


after just closing the book, I feel all kinds of ripped off. there is so much i dislike I am unsure where to even start complaining about it.



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This is the first book I actually stopped reading....got half way through and just gave up!

Glad it was just the ebook I payed for..


I know black library have had novels of dubious quality before but this one took the biscuit with how predictable and down right boring it was.


As a massive fan of the black library was a slight bit disappointed.

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I had conflicting thoughts about the book. I generally like Annandale, and I wanted to like the book. The grimdark was in full force, and that was a nice change from the usual HH books (although I would never want it to be more than the occasional break).


But for some reason I struggled with the book almost from go. I am not sure if it was the subject or what, but I just couldn't get into the pace.

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  • 1 month later...

*casts thread necromancy*


I enjoyed this book, but the end fight against the true enemy got tiresome and overlong. The best bit by far was

the Emperor's Children getting ass invaded

but ultimately the book has left me tired.


Tired of the relentless :cussing the Loyalists are getting. Over and over and over. They have literally no chance, they are constantly 100% outmatched and ruined by the Traitors, even the Callidora was bait and not a real victory. Every single time the Loyalists even come close to having a strength resolute enough to actually stand up the traitors it's 'LOL nope, betrayal' from at least one person which utterly ruins their chances. I get Horus has spent years worming his way in to make his path to Terra smooth as butter but come on, there has to be a point where the Loyalists can actually go 'aha! gotcha!' even if it's in a campaign unrelated to the push on Terra. As it stands I just can't see how Horus isn't going to lolrape the galaxy jumping from world to world automatically winning everything because every single important person of note against him secretly has a big crush on him.

Plus it's annoying to see my beloved Salamanders so ruthlessly murdered. I guess if you're a Sons of Horus fan you'll be ecstatic with glee but goddamn Damnation was just depressing. Oh hey look at all these survivors and watch as we slowly murder them all while tricking them all the way. Nothing is achieved in the book either, the signal Ephreen sends gets goddamn ignored. It was a terrible last stand effort. Blegh.

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‘A thousand battles. Ten thousand. Ten times ten times ten thousand, to bring about the new age. All of the certainties of the past torn down, all the beliefs that made them turned to ashes. War on every front, stretched across time until none can know when the final blow will come. There is no disaster, for all disasters serve me alone. The storm rises only so that the thunderbolt may fall.’ --Horus
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