oldschoolsavant Posted August 16, 2015 Share Posted August 16, 2015 As he's a Talon, I'd say the 'talons' work well enough. Perhaps a tiny bit of cutting to paint better detail (a talon !) on ? I've stated my disappointment in those heads for WS, because your second option is exactly what I'd wanted, albeit with a furrier trim. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294073-true-scale-deathwatch-2410-guardian-of-the-covenant/page/8/#findComment-4148070 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andvarr A Posted August 16, 2015 Share Posted August 16, 2015 I know I'm being a bit flip-flop here, but the longer I look at the stock White Scars head, the more I like it. Perhaps you should leave it as it is, after all...?! I was wondering where my left one went. Seriously tho. I like the whitescars heads...well not all of them, but I think they are pretty bad ads, and wouldn't look out of place on either pre-heresy/alt chapters/traitors/current era marines. There's a nice character to them Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294073-true-scale-deathwatch-2410-guardian-of-the-covenant/page/8/#findComment-4148251 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commissar Molotov Posted August 18, 2015 Author Share Posted August 18, 2015 Well, work has ceased on Segesvar for the time being - I managed to cut and splice the two helms (per my 'Option B') and then returned to my modelling on Saturday to find that the helm was missing. It'd pinged off somewhere into oblivion. I personally blame my dogs, but after quite a while searching the floors of my house, I can't see it anywhere. So, the head is on hold until I can replace the bits I need. It was a bit of a frustrating weekend, with a lot of stops and starts. I've finished my Space Wolf to 98%, and then managed to snap the axe that'd been carefully pinned together. So I had to buy a new Krom Dragongaze off eBay, all for one axe. I've come up with an interesting idea for the Crimson FIst, but I can't get a decent photo of it. Frustrating doesn't cover it! Still, here's a picture of the Lamenter's shoulderpad, which at least is going somewhere: http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd464/INQ28/Lamenter_zpswiktcl0g.jpg I will be spending today trying to get decent photos of my Marines! apologist 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294073-true-scale-deathwatch-2410-guardian-of-the-covenant/page/8/#findComment-4149739 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daemon2027 Posted August 18, 2015 Share Posted August 18, 2015 Might be the angle but I'm not sure the heart is central. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294073-true-scale-deathwatch-2410-guardian-of-the-covenant/page/8/#findComment-4149761 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commissar Molotov Posted August 18, 2015 Author Share Posted August 18, 2015 It needs moving slightly, I think, but that's easier to do after it's dried. Thanks for the immediate feedback, though, I appreciate it! Although it's tipping it down at the moment, I've been able to get a few different photographs with my other camera, which has produced some slightly better-quality shots. http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd464/INQ28/CFist_zpslkx6ly50.jpg Here's my first blu-tacked concept of the new Crimson Fist. When I was talking to Apologist and Bob, we discussed moving away from the Crimson Fist artwork, and that made me consider going back to Rogue Trader - making a Mk VI Marine. This is nothing more than a concept, and whilst there are weaknesses in the model, I hope it shows where I want to go. Here's the Sword Bearer, who I feel is going to become the Kill-Team's Sergeant. I'm already fiddling with the idea of giving him a standard. The big change here is that he's received Hector Rex's shield. I envisage him as a champion from the Feast of Blades, a former Company Champion who simply sees the Deathwatch as his next challenge. http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd464/INQ28/DSCN3883_zpstydkiht3.jpg Next, the Space Wolf: http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd464/INQ28/DSCN3889_zpsx3khca4k.jpg You'll possibly notice that he's changed quite drastically, but in subtle ways. The biggest problem I'm having is with coming up with a suitable head. If anyone has a suggestion, please let me know! http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd464/INQ28/DSCN3890_zpsl8lotkaj.jpg Here you can see that I've given the Wolf a holstered bolter. I converted this one with a belt feed from a Thunderwolf bolter, which I thought added a nice flavour to the model. http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd464/INQ28/DSCN3888_zpsuclspbyk.jpg Here you can see the near-final Space Wolf with his Fenrisian Wolf sidekick. I've been considering drilling a hole to allow the Marine to slot in and out accordingly. Drunes, Khornestar and Dosjetka 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294073-true-scale-deathwatch-2410-guardian-of-the-covenant/page/8/#findComment-4149785 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grizzly_bear Posted August 18, 2015 Share Posted August 18, 2015 The MKVI crimson fist concept is looking great so far, I would add ork skulls to his chest plate or have him holding a dead ork in his power fist? I do think the artwork you was using was a great choice to use though Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294073-true-scale-deathwatch-2410-guardian-of-the-covenant/page/8/#findComment-4149832 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted August 18, 2015 Share Posted August 18, 2015 A shame for the Space Wolf axe, I have a spare lying around that I could have sent over. Ah well, too late anyway! The Lamenters symbol looks good, though as mentioned, it's a little misaligned. Not convinced with the Mk VI Astartes, but it's still in very early stages so I'll reserve further judgement for later. I really like the Kill-Team Sergeant though. Excellent mix of parts! Commissar Molotov 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294073-true-scale-deathwatch-2410-guardian-of-the-covenant/page/8/#findComment-4149849 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andvarr A Posted August 18, 2015 Share Posted August 18, 2015 Dude that's a shame to hear that stuff has gone awry for you. Hope things get better bud Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294073-true-scale-deathwatch-2410-guardian-of-the-covenant/page/8/#findComment-4149855 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Candleshoes Posted August 18, 2015 Share Posted August 18, 2015 Bolter looks great in its holster, the Lamenter's shoulder is really shaping up (even if it is off slightly, don't wreck it trying to change it, let those checkered patterns shine and take care of any visual problem naturaly). I really like the pose of the Fist and where you are planning on going with it. The positioning of those large arms and the beaky head are going to be key in this model really pulling it all together. I almost want to suggest artificially (and lore wise) bulking him out a bit with lots and lots of ammo pouches, grendades/gubbinz/etc around the waist. Have people's eyes foccus on the sheer size and solidity the Fist is imposing, and any awkwardness in the pose should melt away. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294073-true-scale-deathwatch-2410-guardian-of-the-covenant/page/8/#findComment-4150209 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commissar Molotov Posted August 19, 2015 Author Share Posted August 19, 2015 Grizzly_bear: Thanks for your support. I've fiddled with the idea of adding some element of Ork-hunting to the model. What you'll see is that I've used a base piece from Krom Dragongaze which features an Ork skull; beyond that, I'm considering possibly having a glyph marking somewhere. Dosjetka: Thanks for the offer - Krom arrived through the letterbox today and I've re-pinned and replaced the axe. The Space Wolf is now just about complete! His Fenrisian Wolf companion needs some fur re-sculpting, however. Andvarr A: Thanks! Candleshoes: Thanks for your support - as always, it is appreciated. I will certainly be bulking out the model. You see in the pictures further down this post that there's a few gaps and spaces. I've always tried to make my Marines quite bulky, so there will most definitely be some work done there! I ultimately came to the conclusion that the torso I'd used was too narrow, so I replaced it. It is clearly blu-tacked, so bear that in mind! But you will see that I've altered the legs, replacing the right leg entirely and using a different torso. The Mk VI helmet is a placeholder - I would like to get the newer plastic one with slightly different vents in the "snout". I would like to use a torso closer to the MK VI style, with the piping and such. http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd464/INQ28/CFist1_zps8laifcwt.jpg http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd464/INQ28/CFist2_zpstw5n1nm4.jpg http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd464/INQ28/CFist3_zpsoihzbgcv.jpg There's lots of bits and pieces that would still be done, but I have to wait until the model dries a little more and I can manipulate it. apologist and Argent aquila 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294073-true-scale-deathwatch-2410-guardian-of-the-covenant/page/8/#findComment-4150869 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andvarr A Posted August 19, 2015 Share Posted August 19, 2015 Well strike me starkers! That looks awesome....gah.... Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294073-true-scale-deathwatch-2410-guardian-of-the-covenant/page/8/#findComment-4150908 Share on other sites More sharing options...
JayKay Posted August 19, 2015 Share Posted August 19, 2015 Really great call on changing the torso on the fist, much better choice. Was about to suggest you could use something under his foot for the Orc hunter but seems you've already done just that! Talking of glyphs, you could widen the top rim/banding on a shoulder plate and paint it in the black and white chequered pattern Goffs use (? 40k lore/fluff is poor to none-existent). Might look a little out of place though Commissar Molotov 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294073-true-scale-deathwatch-2410-guardian-of-the-covenant/page/8/#findComment-4150940 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Candleshoes Posted August 19, 2015 Share Posted August 19, 2015 I remember in the Crimson Fist short story by ADB, there was a Crimson Fist deathwatch vet who had around his shoulder/torso a bandolier of ork skulls - you could always try something similair, but instead if skulls, torn plates each with an ork glyph on it? Whatever you do, great way to personalize the model. Much better posing! If you need a newer beak helm, PM me and I will mail you a few. Commissar Molotov 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294073-true-scale-deathwatch-2410-guardian-of-the-covenant/page/8/#findComment-4151084 Share on other sites More sharing options...
apologist Posted August 19, 2015 Share Posted August 19, 2015 That pose has a lot of classic Rogue Trader vibes - lovely stuff. Tilting the power fist in might make for a more active pose, with the focus moving to the gun. Commissar Molotov 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294073-true-scale-deathwatch-2410-guardian-of-the-covenant/page/8/#findComment-4151104 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commissar Molotov Posted August 19, 2015 Author Share Posted August 19, 2015 (edited) Hey guys, thanks for all the comments. After I posted the last update, I saw JayKay write about how great the torso was... by that time I'd already taken a knife to it and it looked awful, really wasn't sure whether I could salvage it at all. However, I've made some strides forward, and I'm pleased with the direction it's going. I'm still in a position where a lot of the model is very wobbly - lots of tack holding it together and making it very fiddly. That said, I feel like it's moving closer towards the idea (or the impression) of Mark VI armour. I found in my bitzbox that I had the Master of the Marches model in Finecast. I do love a bit of Finecast - there are things you can do with it that you can't do with plastic! Whilst the Captain has a mark V chestplate, I figured that I could use the centrepiece and the cables to make an approximation of Mark VI. I cut away the shield and gorget from the cataphractii torso, carved new tracks, and superglued it all together. The cabling, having come from a couple of different locations, isn't consistent. This I know, and is an easy nitpick to make - but I have some ideas to try to sort that out. If nothing else, it provides a guideline for resculpting. In this picture the neck of the marine is a little too obvious, and I chalk that up to some slippage with the blu-tack. You should also see I've replaced both shoulderpads, and added a fist emblem to the power fist. This head is (still) a placeholder, just different from the last one because this still has the ball-joint for the neck, allowing me some posability. http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd464/INQ28/CFist4_zpsfohrwhrj.jpg Edited August 19, 2015 by Commissar Molotov Argent aquila and apologist 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294073-true-scale-deathwatch-2410-guardian-of-the-covenant/page/8/#findComment-4151171 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grizzly_bear Posted August 19, 2015 Share Posted August 19, 2015 Perfect fella. The one thing that is bugging me is the purity seals, are you good with green stuff ;) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294073-true-scale-deathwatch-2410-guardian-of-the-covenant/page/8/#findComment-4151188 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Candleshoes Posted August 20, 2015 Share Posted August 20, 2015 I was hoping you would cut away the storm bolter and add a normal bolter... one damn fine plan all coming together. Exchanging those shoulders made a HUGE difference. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294073-true-scale-deathwatch-2410-guardian-of-the-covenant/page/8/#findComment-4151315 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Chaplain Kage Posted August 20, 2015 Share Posted August 20, 2015 (edited) Molotov, there's a much easier way to make those flat cables you're trying for on your MK VI. Do you have a tube/cable making tool? Edited August 20, 2015 by Brother Chaplain Kage Commissar Molotov 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294073-true-scale-deathwatch-2410-guardian-of-the-covenant/page/8/#findComment-4151360 Share on other sites More sharing options...
JayKay Posted August 20, 2015 Share Posted August 20, 2015 I'll try and get in earlier this time! New chest is still good, gorget fits nicely/has been made to fit nicely. Is there enough space in the neck cavity for the beakie helmet to sit behind the gorget? I guess it depends on how deeply recessed you want it, just looks a little long from the photo (might be the ball and socket neck though). Great work dude! Anyway, to quote Capt Barbossa all our comments on here are "more guidelines than actual rules". Keep up the good work. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294073-true-scale-deathwatch-2410-guardian-of-the-covenant/page/8/#findComment-4151383 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commissar Molotov Posted August 20, 2015 Author Share Posted August 20, 2015 Perfect fella. The one thing that is bugging me is the purity seals, are you good with green stuff I'm going to carve them off with a knife and - if I can keep them intact - put them on another model. Can always use purity seals! But yes, I had noticed that they were defying gravity. I just want to get everything to a semi-decent state before progressing forward. At this moment, I need to sort the torso out before I can continue. I was hoping you would cut away the storm bolter and add a normal bolter... one damn fine plan all coming together. Exchanging those shoulders made a HUGE difference. Yes, I will be adding a bolter. I started to get a bit nervous that very few of the squad were carrying the Deathwatch's classic equipment. Molotov, there's a much easier way to make those flat cables you're trying for on your MK VI. Do you have a tube/cable making tool? I don't, though I know someone who does. Are you suggesting pressing but not rolling? I can do basic GSing, but I'm not fantastic with it. I'm happy to hear any suggestions. I'll try and get in earlier this time! New chest is still good, gorget fits nicely/has been made to fit nicely. Is there enough space in the neck cavity for the beakie helmet to sit behind the gorget? I guess it depends on how deeply recessed you want it, just looks a little long from the photo (might be the ball and socket neck though). Great work dude! Anyway, to quote Capt Barbossa all our comments on here are "more guidelines than actual rules". Keep up the good work. I don't intend for it to be a true gorget like Mk VIII armour, but as a neckpiece similar to the power armour. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294073-true-scale-deathwatch-2410-guardian-of-the-covenant/page/8/#findComment-4151553 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andvarr A Posted August 20, 2015 Share Posted August 20, 2015 Interesting to see this move on Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294073-true-scale-deathwatch-2410-guardian-of-the-covenant/page/8/#findComment-4151646 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Chaplain Kage Posted August 20, 2015 Share Posted August 20, 2015 (edited) Yeah, you just spread out a blob of greenstuff on a flat surface and then press one side of the tube tool into it. Once dry, you cut strips out of it to make the flat cables. I did that for the pseudo-Mk V legs for this guy. http://i.imgur.com/CRuFrQx.png Edited August 20, 2015 by Brother Chaplain Kage Candleshoes 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294073-true-scale-deathwatch-2410-guardian-of-the-covenant/page/8/#findComment-4151854 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daemon2027 Posted August 21, 2015 Share Posted August 21, 2015 The Crimson Fist looks a lot better. I thought the first beakie head was a bit small but that could be because it was so low down on the torso, the one with the ball joint look better. BCK method for making the flat cables is a lot easier btw, the tentacle/tube tool is so handy. Also really good at adding grips to feet! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294073-true-scale-deathwatch-2410-guardian-of-the-covenant/page/8/#findComment-4152228 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andvarr A Posted August 22, 2015 Share Posted August 22, 2015 That's a really sinister beakie.....custom sculpt? Or third party? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294073-true-scale-deathwatch-2410-guardian-of-the-covenant/page/8/#findComment-4153433 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commissar Molotov Posted October 11, 2015 Author Share Posted October 11, 2015 A very delayed update, but I promised someone that I would post, so here goes: http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd464/INQ28/WP_20151011_20_55_14_Pro_zpspl8ignp4.jpg Neil101 very graciously donated me the staff top from the plastic Librarian, which has helped me to progress with him. I've changed the head for one from the Blood Angels - it looks less generic, and helps make him seem a bit more urgent and a bit more angry. I think it helps the Librarian seem like he has a bit more personality. The resin titan crew member works very well as a human-sized model to scale against my truescales, making them seem that bit more intimidating and impressive. Drunes, That Guy Matt, GrandMagnus and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294073-true-scale-deathwatch-2410-guardian-of-the-covenant/page/8/#findComment-4194260 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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