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++ Gods of the Arena - A World Eaters Community ++


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Well, if anything, the time off will let you stew on some ideas, maybe get even more of the creative juices flowing upon your return since this is FW Resin Crack we're talking about.


Anyways, hopefully everything works out just fine and hey, you might be find some cool "modifications" happened to some models that decided to try skydiving! Silver lining.



And, at worst, this just gives you an excuse to build a beefed up display area thats relatively earthquake resistant.

Way I see it, this gives me a chance to go back to the minis I already built and painted. I'm still a relative novice in the art of painting, so my workmanship isn't as consistent as I'd like it to be. I'm using the time off to go over every mini and touch them up if necessary.

I don't pay attention to news, but I'm sorry you live in Cali.


In another hundred years or so, there will likely be a fault like San Andreas in the Smokey Mountains (in and around where I live now).  Which is relevant to you, because of your close proximity in NJ.


Well...your potential descendants in any case.

Im glad you were not hurt Relic and it sounds like the damage wasnt to bad :)


Ok, so I recently had a brainwave. I am going to convert my dark vengeance csm (i have one complete set, and an extra bunch of chosen), plus a box of raptors I have, and maybe some fw stuff to. But I am going to scale up with plasticard and make each model a hero. I initially thought about Black Legion, but I realised, there really is only one god worth the effort. So, I am going to make some (hopefully) awesome Khorne worshiping maniacs.


The core of the warband will be former XIIth legion. But I wanted to have other flavours of marines, and thought that others who have seen Khornes glorious light would seek out like mimded individuals. So for example, a Night Lord, or better yet, a fallen Black Templar, may turn up, and be accepted (after proving his worth of course). Also, I like to imagine that, at times, they are quite sane and in control. Like they can plan stuff, and not just be drooling idiots. Of course there will be some who are, but the leaders have some sort of grip on things.


I would also like to include traitor guard, cultists, daemons, and especially dark mechanichum. Do these have a place in a World Eater warband.


Lastly, any tips on painting red. Or would a very dirty off white, stained red look good?


Thanks for reading my insane scribbles.

@ Demon2027: Sounds like a very interesting plan! From my own experiences with converting DV models, they'll be rather imposing and almost "truescaled" even without using any plasticard. This guy, for instance...




...is really one of my favourites -- and he's rather tall too ;) You might want to consider getting your hands on some Chaos Knight and/or Skullcrusher bitz as well, since those are just perfect for converting the Dark Vengeance models.

Fantastic. This is going to be a very slow project, so I may stock up on bits for a while. I had heard the DV guys were bigger, with some plasticard they will be perfect to kill the thinbloods.


Kraut, your one of inspirations on this, along with Biohazard.

I ordered replacement marines from FW this morning. 


The repairs on the damaged minis are coming along nicely. Relict's forge is working at a fervent pace...


Kraut, that guy is more badass than any skull-helmed Loyalist nancy boy. :P

So, down the line, when I finish painting up my Imperial Fists and make another Small Fortune to dump into Forgeworlds lap, I'll be starting up my 66th Co. So, in preparation for that I've been thinking on how I could ever so slightly modify the WE Blue/white paint scheme to make it fit my vision better.


Now, generally speaking, I'm looking to paint them primarily white with Brass Helms + Armor trims (shoulders, MK III leg plate edges, etc) and blue Pauldrons + Backpack, maybe something else (chestplate maybe?).


What I thought about doing was having one shoulder a deep blood red (maybe the right) with the World Eaters Logo on it and on the other, the Warhounds symbol on a blue field.

The idea behind this being, while they are loyal to the Legion (or the memory of it) represented in the red shoulder, they are still loyal to the Emperor and the Imperium that they swore to serve first; represented by the Warhounds shoulder.


My only quandry with this is that the World Eaters didn't go Red and Brass till after the HH. I might use this scheme to mark those in the company that are not of Terran Descent and feel a slightly stronger tie to the current state of the Legion than the Old Guard Terran Vets that lead it.


Still very conflicted on this so any help in brainstorming a Variant would be of IMMENSE help.


Idea that popped before I pressed Post : Might paint them in Warhounds colors (predominantly Blue) and have the WE Logo Shoulder have a White back drop with blood splatter on it? Will keep the brass trim and helm since its hnnnghhhgh. Thoughts?

@ Slipstreams: As a matter of fact, I remember a story from one of the HH Anthologies where a World Eater in red and brass appears, and it's explicitly stated that some of the legionaries have begun wearing those colours even during the Heresy. It's just one throwaway story, but the precedent is there ;)


There is one factor to consider though: If you're actually going to use the FW transfer sheet for this project, keep in mind that about three quarters of it (including most of the legion symbols) are red decals that will not work all that well against a red background. You do get a few bronze/gold decals as well, but not nearly enough to outfit an entire army.



Who's got two :thumbsup: and will spend most of the night reading his newly arrived book o' rules?


Hint: It's this guy!


Edit: Where is everybody getting those awesome axes!?!?!


If you mean chainaxes, you can get them from Forgeworld.

If you mean the one on Kraut's converted DV Dark Angel World Eater, I can't help you.

@ Slipstreams: As a matter of fact, I remember a story from one of the HH Anthologies where a World Eater in red and brass appears, and it's explicitly stated that some of the legionaries have begun wearing those colours even during the Heresy. It's just one throwaway story, but the precedent is there :wink:


There is one factor to consider though: If you're actually going to use the FW transfer sheet for this project, keep in mind that about three quarters of it (including most of the legion symbols) are red decals that will not work all that well against a red background. You do get a few bronze/gold decals as well, but not nearly enough to outfit an entire army.

Hmm, food for thought. Thanks Kraut. If anything, when I run out of WH decals, that;ll just force me to learn how to freehand it so win/win either way lol!




Who's got two :thumbsup: and will spend most of the night reading his newly arrived book o' rules?


Hint: It's this guy!


Edit: Where is everybody getting those awesome axes!?!?!


If you mean chainaxes, you can get them from Forgeworld.

If you mean the one on Kraut's converted DV Dark Angel World Eater, I can't help you.



Oh, that's a WFB Chaos Knight axe. Like I said, the kit's perfect as conversion fodder. The model wasn't a Dark Angel, though, but rather one of the DV Chosen.


@ Slipstreams: Cheers mate! ;)

Reet'oh.... Ive been directed here by master slipstream... He commanded it so it must be done!!! Official intro pending.......



I taros wyvern bastard son of Angron native of Terra, proved in the sands despoiler of the "chosen" undefeated before the favoured sons commander of the 56th assault company do swear my allegiance to the legion above all else.... And not sure if this is allowd but gonna c/p my post in the HH community thread in the HH section:)




Hey guys, whilst being stuck at work for a 14 hour shift AGAIN so not been able to lay my hands on my mini's for a few days, I've been thinking about the back ground to my guys. Heres what I've got so far ( lemme know if this sorta stuff aint wanted here ill delete it :smile.: )


Im not gonna call it fluff coz i aint no writer jus a lil look into where the 56th company XII legion came from how im hoping to develop them as this project grinds on :smile.:


Basically I've pictured them being Terran born veterans of the War Hounds ( heavily taking inspiration from the dread in Betrayer i think it was legion master before Angron turned up IIRC) they utterly despise Angron and what he has done to the legion, and the direction the legion is going but are far too stubborn/ loyal to the legion itself to openly rebel. I do see them as having accepted the nails, so the out of combat malaise that effects them will only make their mood darker towards their farther etc. As my force is pre Istvaan I'm still unsure weather to keep them loyalist and wiped out on Istvaan III, or have them stay true to the legion through sheer stubbornness and routine. I defiantly know i don't want them to fall to chaos.... How I'm going to achieve this is another matter entirely lol


So yeah think ive waffled on long enough lol lemme know what ya reckon guys..... N if it even makes sense lol cheers

HEY! YOU! YEAH YOU! JOIN US IN THE BLOODIED ARENA! FOR ANGRON!! http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294527-gods-of-the-arena-world-eaters-glory-everlasting/


By the way, quick update; I actually miscounted the number of Power Armor Marines I have... I'm still unsure till I get my last order (of the year hopefully) in the mail, but I should have ~60+...sooo...yeah... Might get to painting a squad or two of those World Eaters I've got planned sooner or later.

Welcome O'Brother, fellow Son Of Angron - the Red Angel, Eater Of Worlds, Primarch of the XIIth Legio Astartes! May the blood of our Foes wet your axe and your blood lust remain Unsated! May our foes corpses pile up to your chest! Ave Imperator! Ave Angron! (I'm a Loyalist myself...)

@ Wyvern: Yes, a somewhat belated but no less heartfelt welcome from me to! Good to have you standing on the Hot Dust with us! Here's your badge:




Wear it proudly! And feel free share some more info about your company!


In fact, since my earlier appeal to the honoured members of our legion hasn't yielded that many results yet, let me repeat myself: I'd love to see many, many showcase posts of your respective World Eaters armies in this thread and think that would be a great way of turning this into the chief source of XIIth legion related inspiration here on the B&C. So whether you've just painted your first squad or finished an enormous army, feel free to share your work here! I am confident we'll be getting around to linking all the showcase posts to the respective armies in the first post -- in fact, Flint has already done just that for a couple of armies!


In closing, let me just share a bit of a teaser with you...




Pict capture recovered after Istvaan III Atrocity [ref. data 107365/sang8/Istvaan3]

While its not my own model, it's a product of a discussion started in the "General PCA" forum on modeling gladiator/legionary style armour. The talented Brother Chaplain Kage (hallowed be his convertin' name) threw this together for me. What do the Gods of the Arena think?




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