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If you guys don't mind a pure fluffnut, with no models to his name, to join the lot of you, I'd like to introduce my Khornate Warband, the Eyes of Tivan, hailing from the former World Eaters Legion.


Fluffnuts are always welcome here ;) Have a badge:




Having your warband members guard the halls of Khorne's own fortress seemed a bit much at first, but on the other hand I really like the idea that they are so jealously guarding the halls as well as their own positions that, in a way, they have fallen further than any other. Is there a link to the Index Traitoris article you referred to?



Kraut, in the thread in the PCA forum someone actually suggested the Chaos Marauders and Bestigor kits. I'm a big fan of the guys above, and your models in general, but I've got this loyalist thing going, you see. Even the Rampager models are a little too Blood-for-the-Blood-God for me (I know, sacrilege right? I should probably find my way out of the Chaos forum :wink:). When I finally order some FW resin, I'm going to lean more toward the weathered/damaged look than the fresh from bathing in the blood of our enemies look.



Hmm, I see where you're coming from regarding the loyalist angle. That said, I believe Marauder and/or Beastman parts could have their place even in a squad of loyalist Gladiators: Imagine Astartes whose armour has been partially damaged beyond repair while fighting through the hellscape of Istvaan: Maybe they have begun to drop off their damaged armour part because it is of no more use? Or maybe their frenzy has taken them to a point where the only thing they care about is to go down in a last blaze of glory, with defense no longer a concern? At the very least, adding a bare, unarmoured arm from either of the kits I mentioned can add some instant gladiatorial flair to your models -- even the official FW Khârn has arms that are less armoured than on your standard Astartes!


Well done, Kraut, as always. 


Your minis convey the right sense of savagery fitting of the followers of the Blood God. I've always felt that the Khorne Berserkers that GW offers were a little cartoony. Yours actually looks intimidating. 


Cheers, mate! :)


Well....not so much a World Eaters Army... but figured you guys would appreciate this:



This is absolutely awesome! The sheer ambition and craziness of your cosplay easily excuses any possible nitpicks about a lack in body mass. You are truly one of Khorne's Chosen, and your dedication certainly warrants a honorary membership in our glorious twelfth legion:




I'm sorry indeed to say that fluff is still all I can offer on my lads since I am ridiculously short of funds.


 So, I present this. My take on a 'Vindicare' specialist sniper amongst the ranks of the 25th......


"Raucous, boisterous and full of bonhomie.


Not, you would imagine, the hallmarks of a sniper. Nor indeed would they necessarily be desired in one, but Conhuga Barrasi has never conformed to people’s expectations – in fact he takes great delight in not doing so. In many ways he is such an atypical character for the 12th Legion to have within it’s ranks that there is more than one rumour floating around that he is actually an infil-traitor from the 20th and yet he has such an obvious bombastic temperament that at times he could be mistaken for a son of Fenris.


 It is true that Barrasi hails originally from a different company – the 14th, in fact, the same as the Moritat – but his skills have made him somewhat of a wandering soul; drifting from warband to warband throughout the Eye and the Maelstrom, moving on whenever his welcome has become strained. He has spent time in the service of Huron Blackheart and Fabius Bile both (although he departed from the latter’s service swiftly after discovering that his eyesight was to be studied a little too closely) but has stayed within the ranks of Captain Rieekan’s men the longest since he is not viewed with as much suspicion because of their more ‘combined arms’ approach to warfare. Even here, though, he is subject to outright contempt from several line units for his perceived cowardice of killing only at range – and it is well known that Dust Champion Megran has personally marked him for death. Although this antipathy is somewhat muted given the large number of Havocs and the hulking Behemoth Obliterators also within Rieekan’s camp. It does not do to annoy a man who can have you turned to steam with a raised eyebrow. Being the only one even remotely comfortable in the Moritat’s presence hardly hurts either.


 It should be noted that Barrasi does not kill at range because he prefers it, he kills at range because he is good at it. When pressed he is just as deadly as any other 12th legionnaire in a close fight, though he prefers to avoid  the risk of damage to his prized rifle. He considers his greatest kill to be that of Princeps Adronithus of the Reaver-class titan Inviglia Alpha who’s head briefly appeared from his armoured box for a breath of fresh air forty miles behind the lines. And paralysed an entire Front for months. Conhuga had been in position for twelve weeks before that shot and it is recorded that his only requested reward for that feat had been a barrel of ale and a hot bath, though not necessarily in that order."


That was an interesting read, mate! One question, though: Is the character planned as an actual Vindicare, or rather as an Astartes that you are going to use as a counts as assassin?



I bring an update on the Shabran Darr counts-as, and a question.


First, pictures!




Got the new head in and I think it looks great. Getting closer to finishing this guy up, and the question I had is if any WE players out there had purchased the transfer/decal sheet from FW and had some of the War Hounds icons left over? I'd rather not spend the money for a full WE sheet for what I'm looking for, so if you'd be interested in parting with them, shoot me a PM and we can discuss terms. :smile.:


The finished conversion is very cool! I love the bulk and menace of this guy! I'll be honest though: I wouldn't have removed the mohawk on either head, as that kind of hairstyle seems very fitting for the World Eaters. But to each his own.


Oh, and while your force is already listed in the first post, I believe you haven't received your badge yet. Let me change that right away:





In other news, you guys will never guess what the first e-book purchase for my new Iphone was:




Yeah, I know: I am probably a hopeless case ;)

Ah, well, it shouldn't surprise you that my IPho..erm my portable cogitator-communicator is configured to display most text in the proto-gothic dialects of ancient Jhermani :wink:



That said, it's good to finally own the seminal "After Desh'ea" in English, because the German translation for all the HH stuff is just so unbearably clunky -- the slightly purple-ish prose of the HH books really doesn't lend itself all that well to translating, it seems. The other two stories are fairly nice as well, although both far inferior to ADB's work on Betrayer. Still, I can probably recommend purchasing this, if you're interested in World Eaters lore.



If you guys don't mind a pure fluffnut, with no models to his name, to join the lot of you, I'd like to introduce my Khornate Warband, the Eyes of Tivan, hailing from the former World Eaters Legion.

Fluffnuts are always welcome here ;) Have a badge:




Having your warband members guard the halls of Khorne's own fortress seemed a bit much at first, but on the other hand I really like the idea that they are so jealously guarding the halls as well as their own positions that, in a way, they have fallen further than any other. Is there a link to the Index Traitoris article you referred to?

I admit I was going for dramatic flair, trying to convey that their typically fratricidal behavior suffers no diminishment even within Khorne's very demesne.


The link above should work, but in case it doesn't, here it is:



Any thoughts or ideas on the article are welcome.


Thanks for the badge! I'll toss it onto my sig the next time I'm on my laptop. What font do you use?

The finished conversion is very cool! I love the bulk and menace of this guy! I'll be honest though: I wouldn't have removed the mohawk on either head, as that kind of hairstyle seems very fitting for the World Eaters. But to each his own.


Oh, and while your force is already listed in the first post, I believe you haven't received your badge yet. Let me change that right away:





I know the WEs aren't the biggest marines - I think that's the Sallies, right? - but I always picture them in my mind as these terrifying, hulking brutes with a ton of armor on their front, so I'm glad the figure is bringing out that feeling for others. I removed the hair because I plan on adding some hair of my own creation to him, and he's also not finished yet. :biggrin.:




I had to give him the skulls of a few traitorous brothers, didn't I? There's still bit more yet to do before I call him finished, but it's not far off. Now I need to decide how I'm going to paint him and what new name to give him.


*edit* Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but might I trouble you for a badge with BCK on it?


Well....not so much a World Eaters Army... but figured you guys would appreciate this:



This is absolutely awesome! The sheer ambition and craziness of your cosplay easily excuses any possible nitpicks about a lack in body mass. You are truly one of Khorne's Chosen, and your dedication certainly warrants a honorary membership in our glorious twelfth legion:






:ohmy.:  *Bows* Thank you For the Honnour KrautScientis :biggrin.:

So, with my Alpha Legion pretty much honed list-wise (they still lose a lot, but that's on me not them), I've turned my attention gaming wise to getting my World Eaters working. So far, I've got a 100% win record with them, thanks to one model.


The Greater Brass Scorpion.


Jesus Christ on a pogo stick this thing is brutal. Admittedly, that 100% win rate is only two games, but both games it's carried the day for me. They guy I've been playing against is now at the point where he's gonna tailor a list specifically to take it down, which I'm taking as a compliment to the list.


In terms of background for my warband, all I have is the name of the leader (Serjius the Ranting) and the fact that they all collect trophies from personally killed Loyalists, often to some arbitrary criteria. Serjius himself is trying for a skull from every Successor Chapter in order to prove that the Legions should never have been broken up. He knows he'll never be able to argue the case with anyone that cares, but the fact that the legacy of the Legions is held by these thinblood weaklings really aggravates him. He's currently trying to find someone that knows how to manipulate the temporal aspect of warp travel so he can kill Marines from Chapters that died out before he got to them.


I do need a warband name though, any suggestions gratefully received.


Also, this is the colour scheme:




It used to be a really dark red, but I felt like changing it up a bit.


So yeah, hi! Don't worry about making me a badge, in time I'd need space for all nine and that plus ETL/Call banners would just get really cluttered.



@Dragonlover: Welcome to the red sands, my friend.

What a killer idea for a Khornate warband. I absolutely love it.


In terms of warband names, well, the Skulltakers would be the most logical, but that's in use (twice).


So, might I suggest-


The Bone Walkers of Serjius

Khorne's Other Eternal Hunt (okay, this is meant as a joke, please don't go with this, otherwise K-Sci might get angry, and the only thing worse than a World Eater is an ANGRY World Eater.)

The Predation Servants

The Trophy Hunters

The Reaping


I, personally, like the Bone Walkers of Serjius best, but hey, it's your warband.

Ooh, I *like* the Bone Walkers. I'll chew on that one for a while, see how it works. I'm also tempted by Eternal Hunt 2: Bloodsoaked Boogaloo, but K-Sci may well come after me, and that would be bad :p


Glad you guys like the fluff!



I fear the Doomwall.




As well you should ;)


I would be perfectly fine with "Khorne's maybe not quite eternal hunt" for your warband, although I daresay there might be a better name to strike fear in the hearts of your opponents ;)


My gut reaction to your colour scheme is that I think I would incorporate something to tie these guys back to the actual World Eaters -- at least if you want them to be a (former) WE warband, that is. Maybe paint their right arm in the original post-heresy legion colours? Or maybe their pauldrons? Right now, they seem like a totally unconnected renegade warband from a visual standpoint -- just my two cents, of course.

The Chosen and Bikers have a reasonable scattering of bunny ears, if that helps. I'll think about some red armour parts, may even freehand some Legion logos on red on the Bikers/Chosen.




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