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++ Gods of the Arena - A World Eaters Community ++


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"@ plague of sedition: Welcome to the slaughter! I've said it before and I've said it again: That is a seriously sweet looking Khornate warlord! As for being the true heir to Angron's broken crown, though: You wish :wink:


Anyway, here's your badge, mate:





@ Krau Sci:


Oh but I am but a lowly scribe, Lord Styrian has me at pain of death to declare his stance. (even admitting this is treading upon dangerous ground!)




I wish I could help but I am yet to get an airbrush, truth told I wouldn't know how to use one. I still use glazes and washes and even still drybrushing..

As a newcomer to the Heresy, I too wish to join this august gathering of... bloodthirsty warriors!


I, LongGone, command the 13th Assault Company of the World Eaters Legion. We are the Unbroken - Bloody but unbowed, hunted by those we called 'brother' for our refusal to betray mankind and the masters who turned their backs on us. We are hounds, bred for war, and we will take all comers. 


"The captain made it known early on that no warrior under his command would wear the nails. Any who submitted themselves to the apothecaries for implantation were put down like dogs upon their return to the ranks. Always at the hands of Ammon himself. He challenged them, in extremis of course, and then slowly took them apart in the pits.  Soon the message was clear - you didn't need the nails to make you a killer." - Andrastus, VII Legiones Astartes, Council of Terra interrogation

Fantastic. Thanks K-Sci (love that abbreviation Flint) - that really helps fleshing out my WE warband's fluff. My signing up here yesterday has really sparked my imagination and inspiration. 


I know right? While generally accepted, "Kraut" still seems a teeny bit racist :happy.:


It makes me *super* happy that it seems to be catching on :laugh.:


@ Plague of Sedition - Could we get a side on shot of that awesome looking axe? I have an axe thing.


@Longgone - You stand written in red, brother dearest. Welcome to the pits! 

That is good K-Sci, I seem to fall between the Blood Knight and Noble Daemon.



Similar, trying to maintain the 'CSM' World Eaters with some sanity, while viewing the 'Berserker' World Eaters as nowt but pack dogs/useful tools, and favouring combat against the original legions.  


But when combat comes, everything must die.


Fantastic. Thanks K-Sci (love that abbreviation Flint) - that really helps fleshing out my WE warband's fluff. My signing up here yesterday has really sparked my imagination and inspiration. 


I know right? While generally accepted, "Kraut" still seems a teeny bit racist :happy.:


It makes me *super* happy that it seems to be catching on :laugh.:


Hmm, it cannot be all that racist when it's a name I have bestowed on myself, can it? Seriously, though: KS, K-Sci, Kraut -- whatever floats your boat :wink:

The username is a holdover from my time on the Bioshock forums, where I wanted to use a forum handle that had something to do with the game. "Kraut scientist" is a slur that does appear within the game, and seeing how I am German, I thought it might be a fittingly self-deprecating choice :wink:


But back to the real subject here: I think it's amazing how many warbands and companies we have managed to attract in a fairly short timespan, plus some of that fluff is really inspiring, to say the least. Maybe the next step could be for those who already own a World Eaters army to prepare one post with a brief overview of their warband, with pictures included? This would have to be fairly brief, of course, but I think it would be a great way of turning this thread into a fairly comprehensive look at the various warlords and their warbands -- any thoughts?



EDIT: Oh, almost forgot: Welcome, LongGone! Here's your badge: we_badge_longgone.png

Definitely Noble Demon.


Of course I don't make a habbit of recalling the past, but the Wartorn before becoming a mixed force is led by a mercenary warlord who formerly counted himself a World Eater. Then when Abbadon betrayed his allies on Antecannis, this Lord rounded up survivors from other Warbands, systematically survived the entrenchments and heavy Urban combat, executed Black Legion stragglers, and with the help of the surviving Word Bearers, opened up a Warp portal off world after creating enough slaughter on the seventeenth year.


So... hi.

Alright, I'm gonna have to join this. I've run several proxy 'Zerker lists in the past, and they have always served me well. Especially Khârn.


I do know I'm going to be lame, and run the 100th Company (my Night Lords are also the 100th Company).


My Lord is unknown as of right now, but I will be working on this side project soon enough.

A little background fluff about my boss and his ways:



A rarity amongst the upper echelons of the 12th Legion, Rieekan still clings to the old ways. The 25th was the only Great Company not involved in the fratricidal events on Skalathrax and as such retains both it’s cohesion and it’s military deportment, something which both Rieekan and his predecessor cling to and enforce ruthlessly; the greater victory is won via meticulous operations and not a simple, foolish, blood-maddened frontal assault. To be blunt the aim is to kill them all, not just a few - thus they have become masters at outflanking, out thinking and out-manoeuvring their foes as much as butchering them.

 Section and squad leaders have a greater freedom of will and action than their peers and a sound tactical grounding, formed and codified over many millennia of collected battle-wisdom. Thus they eschew mindless obedience to the will of the gods, viewing those that do succumb completely as to be both pitied and derided for merely exchanging one aloof master for another. Or, in the lexicon of the 25th, they become useful idiots.


 An oddity for a Khorne devotee, he is not spendthrift with the lives of his men who are yet in control of their passions. Indeed, some claim that he loves strategy and tactics for their own sake as much as their effectiveness. Those of the 25th who do fall to either Blood Frenzy or Spawndom are utilised as shock troops, sent ahead of their still sane brethren alongside human auxiliaries and machines to take the first fire of the enemy and allow Rieekan to calculate where he may land subsequent blows to greatest effect. He will also employ ruses and deception where it profits his forces best to do so.


 This, as can be expected, has made many enemies.


 As much a testament to the mind set of his Astartes as to Rieekan, the command structure is still very clearly defined as the same military template the Legion was formed upon; not for the 25th the grudging respect paid to a leader until such time as he can be slain by his men nor the opportunistic power-grab of an underling as soon as he senses weakness. Rieekan’s interpretation of Khorne’s vision emphasises order, discipline and control as the surest form of martial prowess even before the first blow is struck or bolt fired. Skill with weapons is not enough in and of itself. A man who can think independently and yet have no qualms when it comes to obeying orders does himself as much honour as he does Khorne. Not for the 25th the slow and sure descent into a fractious collection of howling fanatics as likely to slaughter each other as the foe – there is indeed slaughter, but it is always to be controlled, regulated and directed slaughter. The most striking example of this is that his men will always rally from a charge, not continue to lay about them in a blood frenzy until they are slain in turn.


 A psyker is a tool and a craftsman will use all the tools at his disposal to aid in his work, even if he has no particular love for it. Rieekan contends, however that the only sorcery displeasing to Khorne is that of cravenly hiding from the foe, that which aids the killing in honourable combat is to be welcomed. In this spirit, Rieekan has brought in the services of a rogue Librarian from the traitorous Crystal Wyverns chapter, a Pyro and Bio-mancer of great promise named Goric Tarkus, after seeing for himself the ‘enhancements’ Tarkus was able to provide his own command.

 Rieekan managed to persuade Goric to join him using the very simple expedient of having his  legionnaires slaughter everyone else, knocking Tarkus into a stupor personally, binding him in chains and clamping a modified collar around his neck. Surrounded as he is by stone killers who would like nothing better than to render him into blood gruel and vapour there is little that Goric can do about his plight as he knows that, on every conceivable level, his entire existence is at the whim of the 25th’s captain. Not even a psyker can overcome an entire Legion Company.

Alright, here we go.


Chieftain Skarra Cadeyrn, The Battle King of Chuvin, Master of the Charnel Wraiths, Former Captain of the 100th Company, Lord of Sorrows, Bringer of Despair, Cleaver of Skulls, Chosen of Khorne, Counts-As Khârn





Unfortunately, I've discovered that my greenstuff has dried up, so he's still WIP. Needs to cover up his extended belly, and add a few ribbing joints to his axe arm.

Brothers (and Lady Bro), 


It seems we have been remiss in compiling knowledge on how to best kill, maim and burn our way through the galaxy. While the below thread is geared toward the era of the Horus Heresy, I would invite all here to share whatever insight they have gained throughout the last 10,000 years. 


Tactica: World Eaters



The Remnants of the World Eaters 16th Gladiatorus Legion

++Force Name: The Blood Host
++Commander: Khar Thul, The Scion of Skulls
++Force Strength: Two Phalanxes (see below)
++Notable Assets: "The Fury of Khorne"-Assault Raptors-1 Full Kohorte,
"The Hammer of Khorne"-Land Raider Squadron, "The Anointed of
Khorne"-Terminator Squads
++Battle Record: Destruction of Necron force on Malthys II, Annihilation
of Marine and Ork forces on Imperial Colony world of Dunlas I
++Status: Culling the weak, Honoring the Strong and praising the might of Khorne to all!


The Gladiator Battle groups created by Angron were not of a uniform size and depending on the number of auxiliary/PDF forces at the time, his legion size could vary widely in its overall composition.

The XVIth Gladiator Legion was one such group and originally comprised 26 Phalanxes in the time prior to the Heresy. After the strife and destruction wrought by the Heresy, Commander Khar Thul kept the old force structure as tribute to Primarch Angron and to foster pride in his legion of  the "old ways".

Currently, The Blood Host consists of two full Phalanxes along with a vast array of traitor Imperial Guard units, Planetary Defense forces and menial non-combatants.

The organization of the Phalanxes consists of the core group or squad. Squads are comprised of either 8 or 16 berserkers and may have a rhino transport attached. Each squad is normally led by a ranking member of the squad known as a Skull Champion.

Eight Squads are grouped together into a Kohorte. The Kohorte has access to a pool of additional support units such as the vicious Legion Helbrutes and hulking Defilers. Currently, the candidates for implantation into Helbrute chasis exceed the number of available constructs.

A Phalanx consists of eight kohorte and is a singularly huge force of might. The Phalanx has access to detachments of Predator Destructors, Predator Annihilators and Land Raiders, including the fearsome Land Raider squadron known as "The Hammer of Khorne".

Outside of the normal legion structure are the terminator groups, known as "The Anointed of Khorne". They are veterans among an army of veterans. Each terminator bears a single piece of armor painted in the original World Eater legion colors of blue and white. In this way, they honor the original legion and those fearsome soldiers who have come before them.

It is their belief that "Angron's Illumination" occurred when he sided with Horus and renounced the Emperor as a false god. The terminators are utilized as a strike force when needed and are as brutally efficient whether deployed by Dread Claw drop pods or teleportation.

The Blood Host is commanded by a group of the legions most fearsome slaughterers, known collectively as "The Covenant of Skulls":


Khar Thul, the Scion of Skulls-Khar Thul was recruited from one of the feral worlds in the Segmenta Solar and joined as a War Hound. His violent life up to his induction as a Space Marine had given him the skills necessary for survival on his home world. As a War Hound, those skills would be enhanced, refined and focused to a frightening degree. His intense aggression was coupled with a remarkable grasp of unit tactics and battlefield planning.  Khar Thul's aggression made him an Assault Marine, his intelligence saw him reach the rank of Captain.


The penultimate achievement for Khar Thul found him securing his position as one of Angrons' twelve Devourers. The contest to claim the blessed armor of the dead Devourer saw over one thousand World Eaters engage in a tourney of flesh and blood to claim the coveted position of direct service to the Primarch.


From that day, his tally of skulls taken has only increased. He was with Angron at the Cleansing of Ariggata and stood proudly with his legion as Gwydion, Jubal and dozens of other worlds were bathed in flames and drowned in blood. He greeted the coming of the Heresy with joy as he was finally able to pit his skills against other marines as his lust for combat became more and more obssessive.


Now, ten thousand years after the defeat at Terra, Khar Thul leads his forces in raids and open conflict with anyone. He favors the loyalist Space Marine chapters but he will attack any force he encounters, be they Eldar, Necron, Ork or other Chaos Marine factions. His raids on Imperial settlements gather him slaves for the fighting pits and those that survive are inducted into the legion using the gene seed harvested by Mordus Fhal.



The Blood Priest Klovaas (Chaplain)-Klovaas is a huge example of an astartes and stands a full head and a half taller than his brethren marines. His passion during battle served as an example to the members of his squad but left him searching for something more. Prior to the Heresy and during a combined operation with the Word Bearers, First Chaplain by Erebus noted the zealous fervor displayed by Klovaas during battle. He met with Klovaas many times and each meeting saw the fire in Klovaas' heart surge. It was not long before Klovaas realized his calling and requested to serve as an apprentice Chaplain under Erebus.

During Angrons Dominion of Fire, Klovaas and his forces fell upon the world of Ursade II. The Planetary Defense Forces and Imperial Guard units he met in battle were swept aside and the world was left suffocating in blood and skulls. Imperial scholars now refer to Klovaas as "The Butcher of Ursade".

Klovaas now ministers to the "Blutglaube" or the "Blood Faith" of the legion. He extols the berserkers of the glories of Khorne and his Litanies of Blood incite his men to acts of vicious barbarism during the battle. Klovaas stalks the battlefield, bellowing his catechisms of blood and death thru the vox caster built into his armor. The battlefield is Khorne's temple and Klovaas consecrates it at every opportunity, usually where the fighting is most intense.

Klovaas and his acolytes perform the rituals necessary to summon the daemons that march to war with the Blood Host and he tallies the skulls of those slain in battle, both the enemies and those of the Blood Host.

Mordus Fhal, The Blood Surgeon (Apothecary)-Mordus Fhal was a young legionnaire and was studying under First Apothecary Fabrikus of the World Eaters when the Heresy erupted. His training continued thru the charnal houses of Heresy battlefields. Eventually, Fabrikus was lost to the countless dead of the Horus Heresy.  Mordus had learned much and his skill with an arc-scalpel was equal to his skill with a chain axe. In the chaos after the Heresy, Mordus Fhal has participated in raids on Imperial garrisons and Ork outposts. His legion launched an assault on the 2nd company of the Avenging Sons Chapter on Antillis IV. The marine company was virtually wiped out and provided valuable gene seed with which to continue his experiments.

Mordus Fhal has become highly proficient in performing the implant/neuro surgery on berserkers. He has attempted the procedure on several squads of traitor guardsmen, however, the resulting overload of aggression and blood lust has proven to strong for the physiology of normal men. He is currently researching methods for increasing the aggression while maintaining nominal control over its activation.


On two separate occasions, Mordus Fhal has been commanded by representatives of Lord Abbadons Black Crusade to instruct his apothecaries in the neuro procedure and each time, Fhal has refused.

Currently, Mordus is focusing his work on the 13th Company Wulfen clans of the Space Wolves chapter. Fhal believes the gene seed of the Wulfen contain the properties necessary to increase the aggression of World Eater Gene Seed. To that effect, Mordus Fhal has led several raids against contingents of Space Wolves and Wulfen. Although his primary duties as an Apothecary involve the removal of gene seed from fallen Blood Host, he is still an experienced and deadly warrior and his armor is decorated with the skulls of 4 Wulfen champions personally slain by him in tribute to Khorne.


The Skull-Technos, Ouklaus (Warpsmith)-Ouklus showed an ability with mechanics as a young aspirant of the World Eaters. He was dispatched to Mars and was instructed by the Mechanicus in the ways of the Machine God. His skill with machines allowed him to finish the training far ahead of other initiates. Shortly after returning to the World Eaters, the Heresy erupted.

Ouklaus has joined with Apothecary Mordus Fhal to create numerous servitors, some demonically possessed, to aid in the maintenance and repair of the legion equipment, transports and tanks. He leads raids on Imperial and Eldar outposts for the supplies necessary to keep the legions equipment in fighting shape and the slaves necessary to appease the infernal machine spirits.

The "Ritualis der Malificus" is the Catechism performed over the legions weapons and battle tanks to incite the blood lust of their daemonic spirits. These rites are performed by Ouklaus and his servitors and routinely involve the bloodletting of 8 slaves (or in some cases traitor guardsmen).

Ouklaus's greatest success thus far was a raid on the Hive Forge of Nimaries Secundus during the most recent Black Crusade. Although not tasked with taking the Hive Forge, the technological rewards proved to be worth attracting the fury of Abbadon. Along with ammunition, weapons and technical plans, a full functioning Imperial Baneblade was captured. Ouklaus is continuing the arduous rituals, supplications and sacrifices necessary to slay the machine spirit and invest a demonic soul into the machine.



Been on vacation for the last few days. Now Relict is officially back in the game. 


For those of you who don't know me yet, I play Horus Heresy and collect World Eaters in their white-and-blue livery. 


Currently working on some new units. Once those are done, pictures and fluff will be up. :)

After reading the rather disturbing exchange the EC have going i though i would start a World Eater version.




You mean the fluff off between Flint and Forte? I thought it was cute to see two leaders of the puffed up III Legion hurling their precious lil' insults at each other.  :wink:  A real warrior knows sometimes you actually have to stick a blade in a real live opponent.  :oops:



On an unrelated subject, I would encourage all of you to visit Tactica: World Eaters and share all the knowledge you have gathered on the aforementioned killing, maiming and burning...


Because, you know, a young Eater of Worlds needs some guidance


After reading the rather disturbing exchange the EC have going i though i would start a World Eater version.




You mean the fluff off between Flint and Forte? I thought it was cute to see two leaders of the puffed up III Legion hurling their precious lil' insults at each other.  :wink:  A real warrior knows sometimes you actually have to stick a blade in a real live opponent.  :oops:



Agreed. Let those effeminate fops trade their idle banter while they can. All words fill fail them when we move to end them. Remember Skalathrax!



Erm, in other news:


Welcome Incinerator950, The Warmaster and Brninghalo (a familiar face from the Throne of Skulls forum! Yay!)! Here are your badges:









@ LongGone: Cheers, mate! Keine Ursache ;)


@ Paladin7221: Sounds great, man!


@ TheWarmaster: Ohh, truescale berzerkers FTW!


@ brningalo: Again, welcome mate! Glad to have you over here as well! :)


@ Flint: Maybe when you next update the list of companies and warbands, you can add a permalink to the post with the warlord personality test and to the already existing Pre-/Post-Heresy tactica articles to the first post? I think that would be great!

@ Paladin - Loving the fluff, and loving Rieekan as a character. Keep that business coming.


@ TheWarmaster - Brutal! Those SoH heads are *meant* to be ours. FW just mislabeled them ^_^


@ LongGone - Sweet! I'mma check that bid'ness out presently.


@ brninghalo - Stand proud with your brothers on the sands, for you stand etched in the record of Blood and Brass.


@ Relict - Don't forget a founding member of our humble little roll call thread :wink:  You're in the tags and everything :laugh.:


@ Demon2027 - I know right? Buncha weird perverts over there


@ Jaspcat - That kinda works


@ Khârn the Bloody - I kinda keep forgetting those guys exist. Good call!


@ LongGone x 2 - Don't blame me, Forte started it :tongue.: Besides, I'm role playing... 


@ K-sci - Who's effeminate?! Oh... nvm :dry.:



@ Flint: Maybe when you next update the list of companies and warbands, you can add a permalink to the post with the warlord personality test and to the already existing Pre-/Post-Heresy tactica articles to the first post? I think that would be great!



Wait, are you saying that there was already a HH tactica for the World Eaters??? If so, who do I have to kill in order to be told its location?


...Or did you mean the piddly beginning I laid down is the first, and as such should be linked??



After reading the rather disturbing exchange the EC have going i though i would start a World Eater version.



You mean the fluff off between Flint and Forte? I thought it was cute to see two leaders of the puffed up III Legion hurling their precious lil' insults at each other. :wink: A real warrior knows sometimes you actually have to stick a blade in a real live opponent. :oops:



On an unrelated subject, I would encourage all of you to visit Tactica: World Eaters and share all the knowledge you have gathered on the aforementioned killing, maiming and burning...


Because, you know, a young Eater of Worlds needs some guidance

I am the quiet dangerous one. Well actually no, I preferred talking with my bolter and plasma cannon in Space Marine. A lot.


Technically the Violators are going to be my tabletop army, the Wartorn is my Online brainchild


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