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++ Gods of the Arena - A World Eaters Community ++


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@Relict No worries about the Tactica, bro. That *cough* edit wasn't specifically pointed at you. I just want to drive as much traffic there as possible. It amazes me that one of the legions with the oldest set of rules didn't have a tactics thread set up until I put one together. We were actually the ONLY legion with existing rules from FW that didn't have one. With the kind of representation the XIIth has here on the B&C, I know there has be a few tabletop generals that know what does/doesn't work for us.


When you do get some games under your belt, share the knowledge and insight you gain. Until then, keep putting together those awesome World Eaters. 

Wow everyone - especially Kraut, Khârn and Relict - awesome fluff and models. Just spent half an hour looking through this thread (Phew!!!) and it inspired me to do a major update of my own. 


I unfortunately haven't a single finished World Eater model yet and probably won't untill well into October. I am bulding a huge daemon engine though - the eight-legged Lord of Skulls. Here's an update in my WIP, with tons of pics and clarifications on the process of and inspiration for the build.



I would have more fluff, but I never take the time to sit down.


This is largely because I've coalesced multiple Warband survivors together from being abandoned. So being a World Eater is only part of the history. Especially when the Leader was not your typical World Eater. It's also an excuse to come with background justification for my playstyles in the space marine multiplayer. Lastly, I'm waiting to see how detailed the 9th Crusade will be written by ADB. The Antecannis Massacre is the essential crux of my Warbands founding.


Plus sleeping days and working nights is a bitch to think about writing material.

Whoa, the updates keep coming at quite a pace now, don't they? Thanks everyone for participating!


@ Jaspcat: Aw, mate, that's terrible news! I hope you'll be able to get things in order again sooner rather than later! We'll harvest some skulls in your name while you are busy elsewhere :)


@ Augustus B'Raass: Like I've said elsewhere, that is one mean mother of a daemon engine! Now do some World Eaters!!! ;)


@ incinerator950: Take all the time you need to come up with a suitable background: There's no one chasing you, plus you'll feel that more satisfied knowing that you took your time thinking things through!


@ Vorenus & Papewaio: Sorry, guys: Didn't pay attention and forgot your badges. Here they are:






Keep the great content coming, people! :)

Tried to clean up/assemble my Spartan assault tank last night. Emphasis on "trying." That kit has proven to be a nightmare so far - I had to resort to using a power drill to punch out the resin blocks (yes they are blocks) joining some of the parts to the sprues. 

Tried to clean up/assemble my Spartan assault tank last night. Emphasis on "trying." That kit has proven to be a nightmare so far - I had to resort to using a power drill to punch out the resin blocks (yes they are blocks) joining some of the parts to the sprues. 


I know your pain, brother. (The stormeagle, also, made me cry)


@Jaspcat: Sorry to hear that... 


@Augustus: That's one nasty daemon engine!

Knight/Lord Juggers have the saddle/groin built into the Jugger torso, whereas the Bloodletter Juggers are plain, with no addition.


The issue I have is needing to remove the saddles to use Knight Juggers for 'Letters. 

^^What he said.


For whatever reason, GW decided to make the Warriors juggernauts mold with the saddle attached. It's far easier (and cheaper!) to buy a bloodcrusher, since the juggy has no saddle, just a bare spot where you can glue a chaos lord ^_^

OSS and Flint are right. However, there is one more detail to point out: If you want even more variety, you could consider using the plastic juggernauts from the Skullcrusher/Bloodcrusher kit instead of the resin ones: While the juggernauts themselves use the same poses across both kits, but the details vary: You get subtly different runes and decorations for both sets of juggernauts, plus slightly different heads as well.

Also, the saddled dudes are perfect fits for Space Marine torsos. I'm definitely using the Lord of Jugger for my Lord (MoK, Daemonheart, AoBF, Jugger, SoC). I actually regret buying the Bloodcrushers and not the Skullcrushers, as the lack of saddle makes it so much more work to make a realistic pose. I'm just going to be fielding those Bloodcrusher juggers sans bloodletters as Spawn now in my CSM Khorne detachment, and maybe buying the bloodcrushers one day as counts-as bikes. :D :tu:

Also, the saddled dudes are perfect fits for Space Marine torsos.


Very true!






Although Bloodcrusher juggers with CSM on top can work just as well:




It's really a matter of preference. the juggers without the saddles are ever so slightly more flexible, of course, because those saddles could get in the way. Anyway, both are excellent kits, and you get lots and lots of supremely awesome Khornate bitz in both cases (although the Skullcrushers win this one, what with the wonderful helmets and weapons).

To change topics ever so slightly, what are some good BL novels/short stories about our favorite genehanced gladiator warriors? Horus Heresy or after, I'm just looking for sources of inspiration and knowledge to help drive my own fluff. I know Betrayer is a big one, but are there others?


Thanks in advance!

After Desh'ea from the... balls, I've forgotten the name. It's the first HH anthology. Visions of Treachery?. Also Butcher's Nails, which is a HH audiobook.




Visions of Heresy ;) Matthew Farrer was really the first one to ever do Angron justice as a character -- which is quite a feat, considering the guy is very angry all the time and his name is ANGRON, for crying out loud :) The bad news is that there are some rather terrible stories in that book as well, but ultimately, "After Desh'ea" is still worth it.

Betrayer is considered a lore bible of sort - it describes the inner workings of the XII Legion very well indeed. 


As for more empirical information, Book I Betrayal contains the full World Eaters information. Book II Massacre has a blurb about their status following the Isstvan III Atrocity. 


I derived most of the lore and structure of my army from these three works. 

So far we have The Angron Anthology (After De'shea, Butcher's Nails, and Red Sands,often forgotten but so far my favourite bit of fluff, it shows Angron's pov and personality in the most awesome way possible), and Betrayer, a few short apperances in False Gods and Galaxy in Flames and the FW fluff.

Oh, and that short audio "The Eightfold path", which is quite awesome too. 

We may have less fluff than some other legions (or maybe that's me, I'll never have enough of Khârn and the other guys)  but all we have is amazing.


Post heresy, we have "Chosen of Khorne" which tells the tale of Khârn willing (and succeeding) to slay every high ranking officer of the "Old Legion" so that only those who really earn it by slaughter and devotion to the Blood God may command his armies. 

Oh and that Khârn vs Azrael too. Maybe more appealing to a Dark Angels fan since the focus is mostly on Azrael, but hearing Khârn's brutal voice (great acting here) and the roar of Gorechild is always amazing!

So far we have The Angron Anthology (After De'shea, Butcher's Nails, and Red Sands,often forgotten but so far my favourite bit of fluff, it shows Angron's pov and personality in the most awesome way possible), and Betrayer, a few short apperances in False Gods and Galaxy in Flames and the FW fluff.

Oh, and that short audio "The Eightfold path", which is quite awesome too. 

We may have less fluff than some other legions (or maybe that's me, I'll never have enough of Khârn and the other guys)  but all we have is amazing.


Post heresy, we have "Chosen of Khorne" which tells the tale of Khârn willing (and succeeding) to slay every high ranking officer of the "Old Legion" so that only those who really earn it by slaughter and devotion to the Blood God may command his armies. 


Oh and that Khârn vs Azrael too. Maybe more appealing to a Dark Angels fan since the focus is mostly on Azrael, but hearing Khârn's brutal voice (great acting here) and the roar of Gorechild is always amazing!


Even though I'm a pre-heresy gal, I *love* Chosen of Khorne. I think it does a great job of illustrating Khârn as a character driven mad by the demands of his position as equerry to the primarch. 


Plus, the accent the audio-drama reader gives Khârn is terrific! I can't *not* think of him speaking like that now.

I've read After De'Shea, and know about Butchers Nails (although I'm not a fan of audio books, so I haven't paid it much attention. Is it worth changing my ways?) Where does one find Red Sands, and what is it about? If its in one of the anthologies I may have already read it. (Sidenote: not a fan of how BL will put stories in an anthology, only to re-release them at a later date as a sup'ed up e-book+. It confuses my poor battle-weary mind).


Honestly, I'm shaking in my lil war booties with anticipation for receiving my HH books in the mail. The level of angst toward the FW/UPS team (mostly UPS) and their "We don't ship anything over 4lbs to FPO/APOs" is too damn high. 

I've read After De'Shea, and know about Butchers Nails (although I'm not a fan of audio books, so I haven't paid it much attention. Is it worth changing my ways?) Where does one find Red Sands, and what is it about? If its in one of the anthologies I may have already read it. (Sidenote: not a fan of how BL will put stories in an anthology, only to re-release them at a later date as a sup'ed up e-book+. It confuses my poor battle-weary mind).


Honestly, I'm shaking in my lil war booties with anticipation for receiving my HH books in the mail. The level of angst toward the FW/UPS team (mostly UPS) and their "We don't ship anything over 4lbs to FPO/APOs" is too damn high. 


You can find "Red Sands" in the Ebook anthology "Angron" (I hope to see it printed sometime in the future) or in "The Imperial Truth".


Audiobooks are great when you listen to them while doing something else, maybe hobby related. Hearing some when you paint or build terrains is a nice experience, and quite inspiring sometimes. 

I also use them as lullabies, but that must remain between us two, eh? :P


I've read After De'Shea, and know about Butchers Nails (although I'm not a fan of audio books, so I haven't paid it much attention. Is it worth changing my ways?) Where does one find Red Sands, and what is it about? If its in one of the anthologies I may have already read it. (Sidenote: not a fan of how BL will put stories in an anthology, only to re-release them at a later date as a sup'ed up e-book+. It confuses my poor battle-weary mind).


Honestly, I'm shaking in my lil war booties with anticipation for receiving my HH books in the mail. The level of angst toward the FW/UPS team (mostly UPS) and their "We don't ship anything over 4lbs to FPO/APOs" is too damn high. 


You can find "Red Sands" in the Ebook anthology "Angron" (I hope to see it printed sometime in the future) or in "The Imperial Truth".


Audiobooks are great when you listen to them while doing something else, maybe hobby related. Hearing some when you paint or build terrains is a nice experience, and quite inspiring sometimes. 

I also use them as lullabies, but that must remain between us two, eh? :tongue.:


 I'll second that.


I love listening to a HH audiobook while I'm plugging away at hobby. The Black Library readers are pretty darn good as well. They are all very characterful and add plenty of drama and feeling without taking it to cheesy. Martin Ellis and Toby Longworth of some of my favorites. I love how Martin Ellis can turn any word into a sneer ^_^


The audio dramas are also a neat little distraction. 


And again, Khârn's voice :wub.:

Turned out I made an error when building my army list and ended up with the point cost going over the planned 3000.


Presently, the models I own (painted or otherwise) give me 3182 points worth of Angron's finest. I plan on throwing in a fast attack option to top things off at 3500. 


Any suggestions? 


Army list is below for those who are curious. 


HQ [417 points total]


Legion Praetor (202 points upgraded)

Unit Composition: 1 Legion Praetor

Unit Type: Infantry, Independent Character

Wargear: Cataphractii Terminator Armor, Combi-Bolter, Power Weapon

Options: Volkite Charger, Master-Crafted Paragon Blade, Digital Lasers, Iron Halo 


Legion Command Squad (215 points upgraded)

Unit Composition: 4 Terminator Bodyguards, 1 Terminator Sergeant

Unit Type: Infantry

Wargear: Terminator Armor, Combi-Bolter, Power Weapon

Options: 2 Power Fists, 2 Chainfists, 1 Grenade Harness* 


ELITES [719 points total]


Legion Terminator Squad (409 points upgraded)

Unit Composition: 9 Legion Terminators, 1 Legion Terminator Sergeant

Unit Type: Infantry

Wargear: Cataphractii Terminator Armor, Combi-Bolter, Power Weapon

Dedicated Transport: 1 Spartan Assault Tank

Options: 5 Additional Terminators, 1 Heavy Flamer, 1 Reaper Autocannon, 2 Combi-Weapons, 2 Thunder Hammers, 1 Pair of Lightning Claws*, 1 Grenade Harness* 


Apothecarion Detachment (120 points upgraded)

Unit Composition: 2 Legion Apothecaries, attached to Legion Tactical Squads

Unit Type: Infantry, Character

Wargear: Power Armor, Bolt Pistol, Frag & Krak Grenades, Chainsword, Narthecium

Options: 2 Augury Scanners, 2 Artificer Armor 


Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought (190 points upgraded)

Unit Composition: 1 Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought

Unit Type: Vehicle (Walker)

Wargear: Smoke Launchers, Searchlight, 2 Twin-Linked Heavy Bolters

Options: 2 Kheres Pattern Assault Cannons, Extra Armor 


TROOPS [1086 points total]


Legion Tactical Squad (328 points upgraded)

Unit Composition: 19 Legion Tactical Space Marines, 1 Legion Tactical Sergeant

Unit Type: Infantry

Wargear: Power Armor, Bolter, Bolt Pistol, Frag & Krak Grenades

Options: 10 Additional Legion Space Marines, 19 Additional Combat Blades/Chainswords, 1 Nuncio-Vox, 1 Legion Vexilla, 1 Power Sword*, 1 Artificer Armor* 


Legion Tactical Squad (328 points upgraded)

Unit Composition: 19 Legion Tactical Space Marines, 1 Legion Tactical Sergeant

Unit Type: Infantry

Wargear: Power Armor, Bolter, Bolt Pistol, Frag & Krak Grenades

Options: 10 Additional Legion Space Marines, 19 Additional Combat Blades/Chainswords, 1 Nuncio-Vox, 1 Legion Vexilla, 1 Power Axe*, 1 Artificer Armor*


Legion Assault Squad (430 points upgraded)

Unit Composition: 14 Legion Assault Space Marines, 1 Legion Assault Sergeant

Unit Type: Jump Infantry

Wargear: Power Armor, Bolt Pistol, Chainsword/Combat Blade, Frag & Krak Grenades, Jump Pack

Options: 5 Additional Assault Space Marines, 15 Melta-Bombs, 1 Pair of Lightning Claws*, 1 Artificer Armor*


HEAVY SUPPORT [960 points total]


Legion Heavy Support Squad (200 points upgraded)

Unit Composition: 4 Legion Space Marines, 1 Legion Sergeant

Unit Type: Infantry

Wargear: Power Armor, Heavy Bolter, Bolt Pistol, Frag & Krak Grenades

Options: 5 Autocannons, 1 Artificer Armor*, 1 Augury Scanner*, Hardened Armor


Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (205 points upgraded)

Unit Composition: 1 Sicaran Tank

Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank, Fast)

Wargear: Searchlight, Smoke Launcher, Twin-Linked Accelerator Autocannon, Heavy Bolter, Extra Armor

Options: Auxiliary Drive, Armored Ceramite, 1 Set of Sponson-Mounted Lascannons 


Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (205 points upgraded)

Unit Composition: 1 Sicaran Tank

Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank, Fast)

Wargear: Searchlight, Smoke Launcher, Twin-Linked Accelerator Autocannon, Heavy Bolter, Extra Armor

Options: Auxiliary Drive, Armored Ceramite, 1 Set of Sponson-Mounted Lascannons 


Legion Spartan Assault Tank (350 points upgraded)

Unit Composition: 1 Spartan Assault Tank

Unit Type: Vehicle, Tank

Wargear: 2 Sponson-Mounted Quad Lascannon, Hull-Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter, Searchlight, Smoke Launchers, Machine Spirit, Extra Armor

Options: Auxiliary Drive, Armored Ceramite, Flare Shield 


HQ + ELITES + TROOPS + HEAVY SUPPORT = 3182 points total


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