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Except that "not all WE are berzerkers and not all berzerkers are WE".


And by your logic, you also want berzerker havocs I assume? But since WE have havocs and they are not berzerkers... :whistling:

How did you come to that conclusion? There are no Berzerker Havocs. There are no World Eater havocs in the 41th Millenium.

What are the Teeth of Khorne?

What is this?


>Teeth of Khorne

Old, retconned fluff.


>picture of Lheor

A Black Legion space marines at the opening stages of the Slave Wars not yet fully affected by the Butcher's Nails that neither liked his own legion nor held the Blood God as anything other than a token of good luck?



Except that "not all WE are berzerkers and not all berzerkers are WE".


And by your logic, you also want berzerker havocs I assume? But since WE have havocs and they are not berzerkers... :whistling:

How did you come to that conclusion? There are no Berzerker Havocs. There are no World Eater havocs in the 41th Millenium.
IIRC, the Red Path series features Berzerkers in Khârn's Warband carrying heavy weapons to repel a ship boarding action.
I wouldn't take a series in which Khorne Berzerkers are nearly wiped out by White Scar bikers in close combat as any indication of World Eater military procedure.

Has anyone played any games of 8th yet with World Eaters? What units do you recommend bringing to fill out a list?

A Land Raider, Heldrake or Melta-Terminators to deal with flyiers, artillery and other long-range stuff out of reach from your Berzerkers.



Is it just me or does Khârn kinda suck this edition? His aura is only 1", he has d3 damage instead of 3 for some reason. He gets btfbg, but wouldn't it be better to take a champ, dark apostle with a power fist and plasma pistol split between them for about the same points. That way you can reroll hits and wounds within 6" in the fight phase?

He's been an auto-take for me in every single list, even more so now that he's gone down in cost and gotten an extra attack on the charge. The way I've been using him, his warlord trait will really come in handy as I typically send him to hunt characters- kill 1 or 2 and all of a sudden he can solo a Knight.


However, he also does cost as much as a whole squad of 8 Berzerkers kitted out with a axes, a fist, and an icon, so that is another thing to think about...


I just tried the Dark Apostle/Exalted Champ combo last weekend- I had an 8-man Berzerker squad in both their auras kill Guilliman in one round of combat before he could even think about interrupting (he had a few wounds on him at that point but still). It is extremely potent and I think an easy auto-include if you're running Berzerkers (which I assume literally all of us are).


CommissarK: 7 minimum for Berzerkers, ideally no less than 8 but no more than 10. Axes/swords on the mooks, fist/sword on the champ with an icon thrown in somewhere. I really see no place for pistols on them.

Maybe it was just bad rolls but he didn't do much of anything in my tournament. Khârn v imperial knight he did like 6 wounds then was just murdered. I'll try both and see what ends up being more reliable.



Also, why is a kitbashed grandmaster dreadknights and kitbashed grey knight chaplain acceptable for codex inclusion, but a kitbashed Lord on juggernaut not? Maybe this means if we get our own dex in the future that they'll also release zerks and lords on juggernauts, but have no plans for a DKGM or GK chaplain?




Is it just me or does Khârn kinda suck this edition? His aura is only 1", he has d3 damage instead of 3 for some reason. He gets btfbg, but wouldn't it be better to take a champ, dark apostle with a power fist and plasma pistol split between them for about the same points. That way you can reroll hits and wounds within 6" in the fight phase?

He's been an auto-take for me in every single list, even more so now that he's gone down in cost and gotten an extra attack on the charge. The way I've been using him, his warlord trait will really come in handy as I typically send him to hunt characters- kill 1 or 2 and all of a sudden he can solo a Knight.


However, he also does cost as much as a whole squad of 8 Berzerkers kitted out with a axes, a fist, and an icon, so that is another thing to think about...


I just tried the Dark Apostle/Exalted Champ combo last weekend- I had an 8-man Berzerker squad in both their auras kill Guilliman in one round of combat before he could even think about interrupting (he had a few wounds on him at that point but still). It is extremely potent and I think an easy auto-include if you're running Berzerkers (which I assume literally all of us are).


CommissarK: 7 minimum for Berzerkers, ideally no less than 8 but no more than 10. Axes/swords on the mooks, fist/sword on the champ with an icon thrown in somewhere. I really see no place for pistols on them.

Maybe it was just bad rolls but he didn't do much of anything in my tournament. Khârn v imperial knight he did like 6 wounds then was just murdered. I'll try both and see what ends up being more reliable.



Also, why is a kitbashed grandmaster dreadknights and kitbashed grey knight chaplain acceptable for codex inclusion, but a kitbashed Lord on juggernaut not? Maybe this means if we get our own dex in the future that they'll also release zerks and lords on juggernauts, but have no plans for a DKGM or GK chaplain?

That seems low, are you sure you got the rules right? Should have had 7 attacks on a 2+, wounding on a 5+ (unless you VotLW) with d3 damage each, fighting twice. That should statistically be about 8 wounds, 12 if you VotLW.


Has anyone played any games of 8th yet with World Eaters? What units do you recommend bringing to fill out a list?

A Land Raider, Heldrake or Melta-Terminators to deal with flyiers, artillery and other long-range stuff out of reach from your Berzerkers.


So no go to the all out charge forward tactics that I would have used to KDK? There is reason to take long range units instead of optimizing for all out assault? 

The prime oddity for me is that they do make Artefacts a relevant part of the game (which are on no model what soever) but then remove the models which they do not produce (anymore). To me this message in itself is conflicting. For they do support custom models and wargear in some cases but at the same time don't support custom models and wargear with Datasheets ;) 

Moral remains, they don't really care.

You see this is a major issue. GW games have always welcomed conversions, GW itself used to do massive amounts of bits to encourage people to do conversions. This attitude of 'you can only use the models we make and put in the codex' is restricting a huge part of what makes this hobby appealing and I feel it will actually go against GW and will scare off a lot of the people who buy to build/convert/paint and play rather than have the exact same models as everyone else. Chaos has always appealed to people because of the fun they could have converting their models, this attitude of GW is not going to go well.

The prime oddity for me is that they do make Artefacts a relevant part of the game (which are on no model what soever) but then remove the models which they do not produce (anymore). To me this message in itself is conflicting. For they do support custom models and wargear in some cases but at the same time don't support custom models and wargear with Datasheets :wink: 


Moral remains, they don't really care.

There is no issue with the artefacts at least tho since you can only take artefacts if you have the power weapon equivalent of it. Other artefacts you don't really have to represent on your model anyway (really, nobody will look at your Khorne Lord and tell you that he has no brass collar :D )


The prime oddity for me is that they do make Artefacts a relevant part of the game (which are on no model what soever) but then remove the models which they do not produce (anymore). To me this message in itself is conflicting. For they do support custom models and wargear in some cases but at the same time don't support custom models and wargear with Datasheets :wink: 


Moral remains, they don't really care.

There is no issue with the artefacts at least tho since you can only take artefacts if you have the power weapon equivalent of it. Other artefacts you don't really have to represent on your model anyway (really, nobody will look at your Khorne Lord and tell you that he has no brass collar :biggrin.: )


The thing is that the Power weapon equivalent doesn't do the same so that comparison is not close. Likewise you say nobody will look at your Lord and tell he has no brass collar, but the catch is, we don't have <Mark of Chaos> or <Legion> specific Lords to begin with, so converting that seemfully is alright but putting that same converted model on a Juggernaut or Disc of Tzeentch is not?


I get that you like GW's content, so do I, but I also have to be honest with you and confirm that GW cares little for the general Chaos Space Marines in 40K. As to why this continues to be the case is unknown to me. For example, there actually is a Sorcerer on Disc of Tzeentch model, so why remove that option from the Codex? At the same time GW doesn't offer the conversion packs for World Eaters, World Bearers, Black Legion and Alpha Legion, so I guess there is no reason these Legions are in the book either? 


However I am happy to see that they have picked Death Guard and Thousand Sons to go a different route with. I like converting models for World Eaters but have still no clue as to why GW actually doesn't want you to convert despite giving the rules that inspire us to do so.



The prime oddity for me is that they do make Artefacts a relevant part of the game (which are on no model what soever) but then remove the models which they do not produce (anymore). To me this message in itself is conflicting. For they do support custom models and wargear in some cases but at the same time don't support custom models and wargear with Datasheets :wink: 


Moral remains, they don't really care.

There is no issue with the artefacts at least tho since you can only take artefacts if you have the power weapon equivalent of it. Other artefacts you don't really have to represent on your model anyway (really, nobody will look at your Khorne Lord and tell you that he has no brass collar :biggrin.: )


The thing is that the Power weapon equivalent doesn't do the same so that comparison is not close. Likewise you say nobody will look at your Lord and tell he has no brass collar, but the catch is, we don't have <Mark of Chaos> or <Legion> specific Lords to begin with, so converting that seemfully is alright but putting that same converted model on a Juggernaut or Disc of Tzeentch is not?


I get that you like GW's content, so do I, but I also have to be honest with you and confirm that GW cares little for the general Chaos Space Marines in 40K. As to why this continues to be the case is unknown to me. For example, there actually is a Sorcerer on Disc of Tzeentch model, so why remove that option from the Codex? At the same time GW doesn't offer the conversion packs for World Eaters, World Bearers, Black Legion and Alpha Legion, so I guess there is no reason these Legions are in the book either? 


However I am happy to see that they have picked Death Guard and Thousand Sons to go a different route with. I like converting models for World Eaters but have still no clue as to why GW actually doesn't want you to convert despite giving the rules that inspire us to do so.


You didn't understand my argument.

None of the artefact weapons are described as something specific. It's perfectly fine if it looks like any generic Power Mace or whatever. If you want to make it look different you could just paint it differently.

The comparison with the brass collar was that WYSIWYG usually is about weapons and unit type. Something like a brass collar is neither. It's just something cosmetic that could perfectly fine be part of the power armor so nobody would even notice.

Aka you CAN represent weapon artefacts with what we have and there is NO need to represent something like brass collar artefacts that could be anything.


So that's definitely not the same as having to convert a model to be sitting on a Juggernaut or whatever. That's on a completely different level than having to paint your Power Mace in a different colour.


Your argument about specific Mark or Legion Lords is silly as well. Any Lord could have any Mark or belong to any Legion with just the right paintjob. The exceptions are DG and TS now but guess what, those get their own Codex and own models.


The whole thing has nothing to do with me liking GWs content or not. I hate that they took those options from us. But the comparison with how artefacts are handled isn't good at all.

You didn't understand my argument.


None of the artefact weapons are described as something specific. It's perfectly fine if it looks like any generic Power Mace or whatever. If you want to make it look different you could just paint it differently.

The comparison with the brass collar was that WYSIWYG usually is about weapons and unit type. Something like a brass collar is neither. It's just something cosmetic that could perfectly fine be part of the power armor so nobody would even notice.

Aka you CAN represent weapon artefacts with what we have and there is NO need to represent something like brass collar artefacts that could be anything.


So that's definitely not the same as having to convert a model to be sitting on a Juggernaut or whatever. That's on a completely different level than having to paint your Power Mace in a different colour.


Your argument about specific Mark or Legion Lords is silly as well. Any Lord could have any Mark or belong to any Legion with just the right paintjob. The exceptions are DG and TS now but guess what, those get their own Codex and own models.


The whole thing has nothing to do with me liking GWs content or not. I hate that they took those options from us. But the comparison with how artefacts are handled isn't good at all.


I fully understand your poor argument but the prime reason it remains poor is because GW does not suggest what you are suggesting whatsoever. Painting models can be done in any way form or colour as you like. There is no way you must paint something akin to something else. In order to make it stand out however you'll often want to use a conversion so the model becomes an irregular, like the rules depict. 


The argument about specific Marks and Legions comes from what GW supplied in the past and doesn't now. Much like the Chaos Lord on Juggernaut. This has really nothing to do with paintjobs. The fact remains that there is no set way to represent your Mark or Legion. All there is is using conversions to clearly represent this, be it with older GW Chaos upgrade kits or the less but still old FW Chaos upgrade kits. It's these conversions that you'll commonly see in this topic also. 


What remains is that Artefacts are Wargear that differs significantly from other Wargear pieces. If you decide to make a Power Sword blue the players you are with will not suddenly guess that that Power Sword is the Murdersword. Moral remains, there is a suggestion to customisation on Artefacts or Warlord Traits and it's abandoned in practice with Datasheets. Which is very conflicting to say at the least and something that is especially appearant in Chaos Space Marines because mutations and conversions is what made the faction what it is in the first place.



Is it just me or does Khârn kinda suck this edition? His aura is only 1", he has d3 damage instead of 3 for some reason. He gets btfbg, but wouldn't it be better to take a champ, dark apostle with a power fist and plasma pistol split between them for about the same points. That way you can reroll hits and wounds within 6" in the fight phase?

He's been an auto-take for me in every single list, even more so now that he's gone down in cost and gotten an extra attack on the charge. The way I've been using him, his warlord trait will really come in handy as I typically send him to hunt characters- kill 1 or 2 and all of a sudden he can solo a Knight.


However, he also does cost as much as a whole squad of 8 Berzerkers kitted out with a axes, a fist, and an icon, so that is another thing to think about...


I just tried the Dark Apostle/Exalted Champ combo last weekend- I had an 8-man Berzerker squad in both their auras kill Guilliman in one round of combat before he could even think about interrupting (he had a few wounds on him at that point but still). It is extremely potent and I think an easy auto-include if you're running Berzerkers (which I assume literally all of us are).


CommissarK: 7 minimum for Berzerkers, ideally no less than 8 but no more than 10. Axes/swords on the mooks, fist/sword on the champ with an icon thrown in somewhere. I really see no place for pistols on them.

Maybe it was just bad rolls but he didn't do much of anything in my tournament. Khârn v imperial knight he did like 6 wounds then was just murdered. I'll try both and see what ends up being more reliable.



Also, why is a kitbashed grandmaster dreadknights and kitbashed grey knight chaplain acceptable for codex inclusion, but a kitbashed Lord on juggernaut not? Maybe this means if we get our own dex in the future that they'll also release zerks and lords on juggernauts, but have no plans for a DKGM or GK chaplain?


Bad rolls will do that, unfortunately. I just lost my most recent game because I had 4 lascannon shots all hit but fail to do a single wound to a rifleman dread, which then proceeded to wreck some important stuff. 


I was really referring to his new warlord trait when I made the comment about him being able to solo knights- if he kills 2 characters or monsters, he'll be up to S8 with Gorechild with 9 attacks on the charge, fighting twice. 

++Mod Note++

A few post have had to be hidden there & I think a few member need to take a step back, not let thing get personal.  This topic is created for member to have positive discussion on the World Eater Legion, from background, modelling &/or gaming. 


Please let get back on topic, there a new codex recent release with some Legion traits.  Let see some cool hobby!!



In addition I also really like where we are generally speaking as an army. I personally have to test the new Codex but gaining that additional attack on the charge will matter. Obviously this doesn't mean it will always come in handy but I do believe that the regular Cultists are worth considering now, more then ever really.

But to chime some positive energy into the topic again I'd like to informt those who havn't picked up the Codex just yet as there are some legit reasons to pick it up. The combination of lore and artwork isn't bad, so if you are a fan of that and Chaos Space Marines in general that right there is your reason to get it.

First things first my brothers from the gladiatorum the World Eater Legion seems good. I personally will still use the World Eater Army Rules as I see no reason why exactly the Codex would not allow for this or override them, after all the rules related to the World Eater Army (as per page 45 of the Index: Chaos) do not change the models furthermore. In addition a case can be made that the Index holds the World Eater Khorne Berzerker Datasheet which is a Troop Datasheet that now works under the new costs.

That aside, what does work for the World Eater Legion Trait? Infantry, Bikers and Helbrutes. In practicle terms this translates to:
- Chaos Lord on Bike
- Khârn
- Chaos Lord
- Dark Apostle
- Exalted Champion
- Warpsmith
- Chaos Space Marines
- Chaos Cultists
- Khorne Berzerkers
- Chosen

- Mutilators
- Chaos Terminators
- Possessed
- Helbrute
- Chaos Bikers
- Raptors
- Warp Talons
- Havocs
- Obliterators
Imperial Armour
- Zhufor the Impaler (World Eater since the Errata)
- Chaos Hellwright
- Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought
- Hellforged Deredeo Dreadnought
- Hellforged Leviathan Dreadnought

Butcher's Nails is just always a solid choice in my opinion. An additional attack on the charge is just splendid, makes our Berzerkers even scarier and Khârn a great auto-include. Offcourse those who charge more likely gain more benifits. Therefore while the Transports and Warp Time allready where very important elements for us as World Eaters I think their importance has only increased. Likewise I think units like Warp Talons, Raptors and Mutilators are worth the consideration if you like to run something different with a possible guaranteed strike anywhere on the field in combination with Warp Time.
On top of that, I like the Exalted Champion with Power Fist for this aswell, it's a pitty we cannot put him into Terminator Armour. However the Chaos Lord on Bike might very well be the best choice for this type of design. Unfortunatly the Lord on Juggernaut is Cavalry and as such doesn't count towards this all, I guess he got rid of the Butcher's Nails :wink: 

Despoilers of the Galaxy to me is another notion of importance to me. As we should not forget, for all intends and purposes Cultists have this. To me this means running MSU World Ealter Cultists as a result is always a good choice. So even if we end up with invalidated World Eater Army Rules the army should work out decently enough with objectives due to this cheap Cultist hold.

While we have many, I personally do not like them all. I think some are really there for a narrative purpose, some are still very interesting though, these are the ones I do like:
- Daemon Shell, while it's still one that needs a hit, D3 Mortal Wounds can make the difference, it's not my first choice or second but maby third :wink:
- Veterans of the Long War, simply like it, easy to use and practicle for it's CP cost.
- Killshot, I always feel we need our Ranged Support, this makes the difference against massive targets.
- Daemonforge, seems great, need to test it offcourse but there are many reasons to use this.
- Flakk Missle, snipe shot support.
- Fire Frenzy, snipe shot support.
- Scorn of Sorcery, wonderful if for narrative reason you will want to run without Sorcerers. However this isnt something Id plan to do for truely competitive games.

Unfortunatly I do not like - Fury of Khorne at all. It's been mentioned before but 3 CP is a ton. In addition the fact that there can only be fought again after the Fight phase makes it much more difficult to use. There is something to be said for it on a large unit but then the realisation comes in that huge units should win anyway or are fighting against something they shouldn't be in the first place (huge Vechicles come to mind).

Happy these are back, like a few of them, as always, they arn't always much better as a regular Power Fist. So really it boils down more to a preferance than anything else.
- Talisman of Burning Blood seems fantastic on a Daemon Prince with Talons, the added speed is certainly a welcome part. With Warp Time you should be able to get the distance for sure.
- Axe of Blind Fury to me is just really cool! I still think the regular World Eater Chaos Lord would prefer a Power Fist but this is the typical weapon I'd use for the Chaos Lord on Khorne Juggernaut. 
- The Black Mace and the Murder Sword are also cool. I think they are both interesting but I do think the Murder Sword could be really cool for Chaos Lords in Terminator armour or on Bike. Offcourse Daemon Princes can also do this job so it's more of a preforance again.
- Brass Collar is decent though due to Scorn of Sorcery I'd be less inclined to use it.

All in all there is a good selection of Artefacts and the beauty is that they all come cheap. I love the idea of the Chaos Lord on Bike with one of these Artefacts. Cheap hard hitting and all that though it's extremely likely my prime pick will be the Talisman of Burning Blood on my Daemon Prince of Khorne. 

Lastly we get to the other nice bonuses. The ones I like the most is Unholy Fortitude (extra wound, 6++), Hatred Incarnate (just generally re-rolling 1's to wound is a solid choice) and Exalted Champion (never can go wrong with an additional attack). However I also must say that these choices are primairly made for the Daemon Prince character choice. 

Unfortunatly I do not like Slaughterborn. It's cool that Khârn comes with it but I would not be inclined to thake something that only adds after a model has 1. survived the initial stages of the game, 2. destroyed something relevant in combat and 3. survives to tell the story of him now being awesome. However for those who think bonuses should be granted after you've done something relevant feel free to go for it.
To me the additional wound, re-roll or attack is better. Basically why wait to christmas for presents when you can get them now.

Then we get to the last page of the book, I think the TACTICAL OBJECTIVES are interesting, we'll see how they pan out. Getting victory points for just destroying things is ideal in my book. 

Last but not least, I think small pockets of Bloodletters are now completely worth the effort altough I would keep them in reserve and indeed would be inclined to use an Exalted Champion or Dark Apostle to get them where they need to be as running them in the Detachment is generally not a great idea.

The cost for Bloodletters is good though, 7 versus the old 9 is a massive difference. They are there to beat up Marines but for their costs do this really well. However as before, if the World Eater Army Rules are indeed rendered irrelevant I cannot see myself running Daemons any time soon, as there continues to be a lot of overlap between them and Cultists as "chaff with a purpose".

To me the only big plus in the Codex next to the extras (Artefacts, Traits etc.) is that they hold objectives like Space Marines. I like this because it means they cannot be ignored throughout the game and even if one sticks to the objective, the objective could very well be ours.


Edit: 1.1. Errata edit for the Helbrute Keyword models.

Good stuff, CommissarK.


Strongly considering taking a twin conversion beamer Contemptor on my next game to leverage that Fire Frenzy strategem- seems like it could be pretty nasty against just about everything you'd want to shoot at.

Nicely said, Commissar!


Don't forget that the FW Dreadnoughts also have the Helbrute keyword, so benefit from the legion trait :)


Not sure about the Fire Frenzy stratagem on them, though, since the word "Helbrute" isn't formatted like other keyword references. Makes me wonder if it's intended to only work with the Helbrute unit, rather than anything with the keyword. Another question for the FAQ.

Don't forget that the FW Dreadnoughts also have the Helbrute keyword, so benefit from the legion trait :smile.:


Cheers! Oh do they now? Because they didn't used to. 


As for the formated word, well, if the FW entries gained the Helbrute Keyword due to Errata then it would maby apply to them. However if it's just the name, well, we only have one Hellbrute and considering the way it's written up I think they refer to the Helbrute from the Codex :smile.:


Edit 1: Yeah they do! Thats cool :biggrin.: will update the list of relevant models for Legion Traits!

So I have pulled out my World Eaters and KDK a few times and quite honestly have been shot off the table and I want to see how much of a difference this makes, but I need to ask for some clarity:


1. Is it legit for me to use Bloodletters ( which do not have World Eaters keyword) as troops in my World Eaters army? If so does this affect ObSec for me?


2. If the answer to 1 is 'no' then should I summon or create a detachment with these Daemons?


The answer to 1 is important to me because I also have lots of Bloodcrushers, hounds, cannons and Bloodthirsters.


( on that note I can't wait till they do Daemons because I feel like a lot of those Khorne Daemons were cautiously and ridiculously over pointed... just my experience thus far)


3. Is it legit for me to run my Juggerlord in a World Eater army? I would love to have my Khorne axe back with D6 bonus attacks. But I guess Axe o' Fury will do.


4. If I had my Crimson Slaughter running alongside in a detachment, would thus work for including my Sorc? Or would it be better to run pure Renegades and just use 'Elite' Zerkers?


Side note; I really wish Talisman was an aura which would be more representative of how it worked in 7th. Also I Really. Love the Khorne Psychic denial on a 4+. I know we're early in 8 th but I already feel the Psychic phase is getting a little too potent. Also armies like GK have such string counters built in to 'daemon' keyword, its good to have a 4+ denial at least once per turn ( this is why I use hounds too). I have a feeling the way my meta is looking, I'll be burning a lot of CP's on the denial phases!

1. By adding the daemons into your list you lose the legion trait, which for world eaters is the +1 attack when charging.  Your troops will still have objective secured as long as it is still battle forged. eg. the detachment requirements are filled.


2. Summoning can be good, but it is a dice roll, and just having them on the board in their own detachment can have you keeping your legion trait.  Prettu sure blood thirster is an hq unit now, so you just need 2 troops and you have a patrol filled and room for the rest.


3. World eaters jugglord is back, just have to use the points cost from the index for the mount.


4. you can run a vanguard detachment for renegades where you need 1 hq and 3 elites (your zerkers) and then fill the rest out with csm stuff to keep the advance and charge legion trait from renegades. 


In short, keep the daemons in their own detachment, or if you don't mind gambling summon one or two units in.


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