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So i've got a Tourney coming next weekend using straight out the book rules, eternal war and i was thinking of running the following:



Prince w/axe,wings

8 zerkers w/pfist,icon

8 zerkers w/pfist,icon

8 zerkers w/pfist,icon

10 cultists

land raider

rhino w/combiflamer

rhino w/combiflamer

Lord of skulls w/gatling,gorestorm


only 6 drops, lotsa killin... but the missions are simple


What do you all think? Blood for the blood god?!??!

It looks fun. But if it’s a hard core tournament I’d really try to get another rhino in there unless you are doing Renegades rules. I really like axes on at least one squad. The Landraider....it might actually work instead of a third Rhino. Mine never last but you have the lord of skulls which I love.... very fun unit. So perhaps your landraider gets ignored!?


The one minor tweak I’d try to make is an Exalted champ. I have found them so valuable with my Renegades and World Eaters.

So after my practice game (which i lost by a razor thin margin....1 point!!! argh) I've come to realize a couple of things.


1. The lord of skulls is a beast...i mean beast! With deamonforge he deletes a unit a turn and creates a denial zone that is huge. Though i didn't shoot the gorestorm to much affect over the game, as my opponent was MSU, so i think Im going to swap it out for more range with an Ichor cannon.

2. I need some more obj holders/chaff.


After considering these points....the list ive turned in for this weekend is:



Deamon Prince (wing,collar of borg,axe)

2 x 8 zerkers (4 axes,4 swords, icon, fist)

1 x 8 zerkers (7 chainswords, icon, fist)

landraider w/ havoc launcher

2 x rhino's dbbl combi bolters

2 x 10 cultists

lord of skulls (hades gat, ichor cannon)


7 drops and a lot of pain....should go first more often than not. Also hidden bonus, world eater only use like 6 stratagems and 0 psychic powers so its easy to keep track of, lol.

Seems like a fun list.


Out of curiosity, what was the role of the Land Raider? I see that you have two Rhinos and two units of Berzerkers, so I assume the crazy boys used those. 


3 units of zerkers....and also Khârn rides in style more often than not

Per our ongoing discussion regarding listbuilding, I ran this list over the weekend against an AdMech gunline:




Dark Apostle



4 x 8 Berzerkers, 7 chainaxe/chainsword, powerfist on sergeant, icon


Heavy Support

2 Hellforged Vindicator Laser Destroyers


Fast Attack

1 x 5 Raptors - Combiplas, plas, plas


Dedicated Transport

2 Rhinos - Combibolters


Lord of War

Hellforged Spartan Assault Tank, quad las, heavy bolter, combibolter


Other guy's army was something like:


5 of those heavy support robots with 3 heavy phosphor blasters each- they were benefiting from the double shooting strategem

3 of those crab tank looking things with neutron lasers

Bunch of infantry, mix of rad guns and a ton of those sniper rifles they can take.

Bunch of random tech priests.

5 of those chicken walker robots with taser lances.

(I have no idea what most of this stuff is called.)


We played the mission where you generate 1 CP for every objective you control at the end of your turn (3 objectives, 1 at the edge of each deployment zone and 1 at the board center). I went first. He gave up half way through my 3rd turn, if we'd finished that turn he'd have been tabled.


Big takeaways:

-Vindicator Laser Destroyers are pretty cool and the overcharged shots are utterly brutal when they're buffed by Khârn (he didn't get anywhere near the enemy the entire game). I proxied them for this game but will definitely be converting a couple to run in future games. They accounted for 2 of those crab tanks destroyed on turn 1 before he could fire a shot (the Spartan did help with one, admittedly), causing him to split some of his fire onto them and away from my Spartan and Rhinos- which of course resulted in turn 2 charges across the board. This was absolutely clutch and I think is what we need to think about when we're talking about ranged support- something nasty enough to both reduce the enemy's anti-tank firepower as well as draw at least some of what's left onto themselves and away from the transports. It's all about keeping those Rhinos alive for us.


Funnily enough, I'm finding in my last few games that the most effective use for Khârn is to babysit ranged stuff which in turn is camped on an objective or otherwise moving towards objectives. 


-VOTLW is undoubtedly our best strategem. I had one squad of Berzerkers backed by an Apostle annihilate both that 5 man gun robot squad (T7, 6 wounds, 3+ saves) and Cawl in 3 successive fight phases(Cawl was killed singlehandedly by the champion in the first fight phase- I was the one that got charged by him).

-Never underestimate the ability of Rhinos to keep something important tied up in combat that you would definitely take casualties fighting with Berzerkers. His taser guys, even buffed with a strategem and some other stuff, took 2 combats to kill the Rhinos, giving their cargo ample time to disembark and slaughter all of the infantry without any real danger to themselves.

-Never underestimate high volume overwatch. 90 shots at S6 AP-2 almost vaporized my first Berzerker squad that charged in against the gun robots- only the champion survived to make it in, and he ended up dying to morale anyway. I easily could have failed that charge after losing the icon and ended up taking all that overwatch on the next berzerkers to charge. 

It shoots twice at flat 3 damage if you don't move, I didn't bother with it. Flat D6 is just too good for anti-tank imo. Being able to shoot twice could certainly be useful for hunting things like terminators and centurions, of course.

Ah, gotcha. I dunno, I think I'd almost prefer predator annihilators, myself. 4 lascannon shots are pretty dang good, and have longer range unless they've changed that since 7th. Though it's been a while since I've even owned a predator, sort of a moot point. :P

Yeah, could go either way really. I like that it's 6 points cheaper and T8 over T7 (autocannons are now wounding on 5s, melta, missiles and overcharged plas on 4s), and the lower profile is a bit better for getting that 50% obscured threshold for cover. I think 4 las shots may be *slightly* better at killing on paper, but you also have that massive swinginess that comes with it with your damage (can't tell you the number of times I've rolled a 1 or a 2 on a lascannon). I guess at the end of the day you're sacrificing range, mobility (to some degree), and potential damage output for durability and reliability.


Both have their pluses and minuses but having tried this thing out, I think it's a perfectly viable alternative to the humble laspred.

So, does it appear Berzerkers/World Eaters are getting neutered by power creep with the releases of subsequent codexes? It's looking like Nids are gonna be pretty nasty...


That is exactly what I am afraid of. I'm afraid I haven't played enough games to answer your question, but I am willing to bet that we will be in dire straits as more codexes come out, at least until we finally get our own and Angry Ron

  • 3 weeks later...

So I know its been long overdue, but I figured id do a little overview of the tourney that I attended with my World Eaters. Its been about a month, but was a great experience and I really learned a lot.

3 rounds with standard out of the book missions with varying deployments. Same standard ruleset (no ITC rules or anything, this was straight outta the book!) 2000 points, battleforged armies only.

My list was as follows:


Deamon Prince (wing,collar of borg,axe) warlord trait…exalted champ

2 x 8 zerkers (4 axes,3 swords, icon, fist)

1 x 8 zerkers (7 chain swords, icon, fist)

landraider w/ havoc launcher

2 x rhino's dbbl combi bolters

2 x 10 cultists

lord of skulls (hades gat, ichor cannon)

This was a 7 drop army, so I knew going in that id likely have 1st turn most games…which suited my tactics of bum rush and murder.

So I show up and get ready for round one…and it’s a guy from my hometown, and boy is his list nasty.


I don’t remember the exact roster but it goes something like this:




Tz winged Deamon Prince


4-5 squads of brimstone horrors with a single blue

Like 8-9 heralds (a couple of which were on disks)

3 giant chaos spawn


Oh boy I sure do love smite spam…and this one has it in spades. Standard deployment/scouring mission. The terrain setup is a massive( and I do mean MASSIVE hive city. Most avenues are barely big enough for my land raider, with some places have 3 tier buildings or more)


Turn 1….lord of skulls opens up and puts Kairos (his warlord) down to 3 wounds, landraider takes out a spawn….rest of the army advances. He counters by bubble wrapping the army and plinking away with smites. I 4+ strat deny magnus’s big smite but he gets off the +1 invul. Nothing really dies but a rhino on my right flank. Maggie lands on the 3rd floor of a building centrally with a ‘sup’ smugness.


Turn 2….I yolo the zerkers in on three fronts, left right and center. Right and left hit his horror screens, center clips both a spawn and a screen. The prince tried to join the fun but fails the charge. My raider and Skully unload at magnus (mistake). Turns out a 3+ rerolling 1’s is good? Both flanking zerkers blow through their respective brim units and pile into the unit behind and the center unit puts a hurting on both the spawn and the brims there. He counters by ……can you guess?.....smiting the bajeezus outta me. I do 4+ deny the +1 invul this turn but he takes out my last rhino, Maggie smites my DP to death, and cuts most of the zerker units to less than half and removes the center zerker unit (that’s gunna be trouble) Magnus gets ballsy and charges skully along with some disk heralds and a spawn. They take skully down to bottom tier but he smacks a spawn to oblivion for the trouble.


Turn 3…..not much to do here shooting fails, choose skully 1st to swing (you wouldn’t like him when he’s angry) 8 attacks hitting and wounding on 3’s with rerolls for deamon forged sneaks 3 unsaved after rerolls which multiplies to 18….and Boom magnus goes squish. Zerkers do a little work and clear up their respective brim screens. His turn he smites to death skully and the rest of the zerkers (yaay) …..should mention at this point time is getting close and we talk out turn 4 and roll the few things that matter…. he wins in the end (warlord/linebreaker/2 objectives vs my 1st blood and 2 objectives)


Lessons learned…… Aside from the obvious eff smite spam…. Leave magnus alone. Yes he packs a punch but unless you death hex (good luck!) or get lucky it takes a tremendous amount to take him down when he’s properly buffed. He’s only one model so I should have screened and focused my fire elsewhere. Also I should have took an extra turn to speed around the screen with my rhinos instead of dropping my zerkers turn 2. Yes they got the charge but I didn’t get linebreaker and threaten the objectives as much as I could have.


Ill be posting up game 2 shortly…

Game 2


This game 6 objectives in the house shaped deployment. It was against Tau. His list was as follows:


Fireblade (fire warrior guys?)

Farsight in hammer head

Hammer head

10 vespid

Marker drone squad

Missle broadsides

3 squads of fire warriors

3 piranha with melta


Shadowsun (stealth suit chick?)

Tidewall tau-rrain (3 pods/2fence lines) with a super duper railgun


This was a Retrieval mission in the dawn of war deployment. I have heard that Tau were lackluster thus far in this edition, but there were a lot of big guns staring across the battlefield.


I deployed in a nice line with all three zerker unit across from the bulk of his forces in the tidewall as well as his tanks. The cultists set up camp in the backfield. Engines revved and ready we go to start turn one and….he rolled a 6……..crap baskets. Oh well brace for impact boys.


Turn 1: he didn’t move much (shocker) except the park the devilfish right in melta range of Skully the lord of skulls. He then  markered up the lord’o’skulls and the land raider. After the dust cleared and many much railgun shots later over half the wounds were peeled of skully. A few off the land raider (he didn’t move to get good LOS with everything otherwise he may have taken one down with focus fire). Pulse shots don’t do much and the vespids plink a couple wounds off of a rhino. Phew….managed to get through that. Skully points a click destroys a tidewall pod with the mega railgun, and the land raider pops another pod…1st blood. Rhino’s advance and pop smoke. Skully charges and eviscerates the piranha Brace for turn 2….


Turn 2: seeing what Skully can do….he wisely moves his firebase to focus on him and throws vespids and drones in the way of the rhinos and skully to halt my advance. Markers go on Skully and after getting railed….with some hot deamon saves he lives with 1 wound remaining. Skully limps forward and decimates on tidewall with shooting and the land raider pops another. The zerkers decide they are tired of waiting and jump out of the cars. The deamon prince noticed that there is a nice juicy Warlord that just hopped out of one of the broken tidewalls and he flaps himself to within charge range. He promptly makes his charge and cleaves the lady in half and pauses for a nice fish dinner. The zerkers barely pause as the mow over the drones and vespid and they now notice the laser sighted barrels of near 3 dozen fire warriors pointed their direction.


Turn 3: My opponent realizes that there is someone knocking on his door, and they aren’t selling vacuums. Pulse rifle fire putts major pain on the zerker squads, wiping one out and dwindling another. Skully takes a railgun to the face and grinds to a halt. My opponent realizes that there will soon be a blood bath in his deployment….so he forgoes his objectives and decides with a unit of fire warriors to go pester my cultists. During my turn I fling everything forward and slam a rhino into his line to soak overwatch and a couple of zerkers left in a squad make contact with his line. The deamon prince goes after the broadside (spoiler, they were locked in combat for the rest of the game slap fighting). Butchery commences.


Turns 4-6: It basically becomes clean/try to deny me getting objectives with one  notable exception…in an unforeseen act of heroism…the pathfinder squad and a fire warrior squad (both a little diminished)…..charged Khârn!?! Im serious they decided it was a good idea…..Whats more they put 4 wounds on the jerk!! Never though id see the day. I almost wish he would have died because it would have been epic. Turns out was a massacre for the world eaters. Linebreaker/3objectives/firstblood/warlord vs 1 objective.


My opponent made a few minor errors but nothing that should have cost his the game. I think I made the correct choice early on to pop them outta  the tidewalls as it so happened to line up the timing perfect for when my troops hit home. Skully is a beast and the MVP for sure. Had he died top of 2 it might have been a different game, but oh well them’s the breaks. Lets hope his luck continues in round three as we head to mars and face off against Cawl and his boyz.

Played my first game of 8th with my World Eaters plus Rage Thirster last Thursday against Dark Eldar. A dominating show of Carnage from the angry Marines and their very angry friend. I had Khârn, a unit of 16 Cultist and a unit of 8 Zerkers in a Spartan as my main offensive unit and used the Thirster as the "Distraction carnifex." All 3 units absolutely did their job effectively. I am really impressed by the Spartan.. it did exactly what I thought it was going to do in "theory Hammer" list building. I can't believe so many in the CSM forum were talking about it like it was going to be good on the table top. 


Overall I think I'm going to end up liking 8th edition. I definitely like the way World Eaters play (SO MANY ATTACKS)... If I hadn't forgotten about the +1 attack from the legion trait it might have been even more brutal. :p I think Thirsters need a drop in points. They're good but I don't know if they are <300pts good. Are we still considered one of the "weaker" of the Legions as far as the opinions on the internet go? I really wondered how my list would have fared against an army that was really good at shooting. 

I agree the Bloodthirster has to go down in points.


In 7th I mostly played KDK and they weren't very good then... but this edition they overcosted them, made them quite hard to use. I'd advice waiting until the codex drops in a month. They are a unit I just decided to put back in the case until they adjust him in the codex. (All variants are pretty bad).

Any chance you could give us a precise list with detachments you took? 


Fingers crossed, when the Daemon codex is released they will reduce the points of the blood thrister a bit :-) 

no problem


1500 list:



Exalted Champion (BP/AoBF)


x8 Berzerkers (x2 PP, x3 C/A)

x5 Berzerkers (x2 PP, x3 C/A)

x16 cultist (autoguns)




Heavy Support Detachment

Spartan (HB, x2 Quad Las)


Auxilliary Support Detachment

Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage




The list I brought was actually a 2k list that I had to cut down to 1.5k. I think my list came out to like 1,470 or so. Exalted Champ rolled with the unit of 5 Zerkers in the Rhino. Khârn, unit of 8 Zerkers, and cultist all rolled together in the Spartan, and the Rage Thirster did his thing. 


Any chance you could give us a precise list with detachments you took? 


Fingers crossed, when the Daemon codex is released they will reduce the points of the blood thrister a bit :-) 

no problem


1500 list:



Exalted Champion (BP/AoBF)


x8 Berzerkers (x2 PP, x3 C/A)

x5 Berzerkers (x2 PP, x3 C/A)

x16 cultist (autoguns)




Heavy Support Detachment

Spartan (HB, x2 Quad Las)


Auxilliary Support Detachment

Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage




The list I brought was actually a 2k list that I had to cut down to 1.5k. I think my list came out to like 1,470 or so. Exalted Champ rolled with the unit of 5 Zerkers in the Rhino. Khârn, unit of 8 Zerkers, and cultist all rolled together in the Spartan, and the Rage Thirster did his thing. 


Just a reminder, the Spartan is a lord of war choice.  

So, does it appear Berzerkers/World Eaters are getting neutered by power creep with the releases of subsequent codexes? It's looking like Nids are gonna be pretty nasty...

Too early to tell right?


I think that if all goes as planned though Daemons will be around that same swarm melee level as Tyranids and I think they should be. It doesn't neuter the Berzerkers in my opinion but it does make them slightly less of a special snowflake in the game ;) Though we work with what we have and I think we have it good.



Just a reminder, the Spartan is a lord of war choice.  


Certainly! As I'm just back around the corner again I have to say I'm excited for the Dread Claws. 


Is my feeling correct that Dread Claws at 130 points is what we love for Berzerkers and thematically can keep it World Eaters? Has anyone tested this idea yet?


Any ideas are welcome, I'm basically ready to get two Dread Claws. Still am not a huge fan of Rhino's but drop pod rushing is what I like narratively speaking and think should also fit the typical mind set of World Eaters who still have acces to them?


Thanks for your replies guys!


Certainly! As I'm just back around the corner again I have to say I'm excited for the Dread Claws. 


Is my feeling correct that Dread Claws at 130 points is what we love for Berzerkers and thematically can keep it World Eaters? Has anyone tested this idea yet?


Any ideas are welcome, I'm basically ready to get two Dread Claws. Still am not a huge fan of Rhino's but drop pod rushing is what I like narratively speaking and think should also fit the typical mind set of World Eaters who still have acces to them?


Thanks for your replies guys!




The thing I like about the Spartan and where in my mind it beats out the Drop Pods is the amount of Fire Power you get out of it. With the Kharybdis or the Dreadclaw you just don't get the same level pew pew and in an Army lacking in dakka I think the Spartans capabilities are invaluable. That said, I absolutely agree with your considerations for the Dreadclaw and I think it would be an excellent means of getting Zerkers up close where they need to be. 

I'm also tempted by the dreadclaw- a World Eaters drop army just seems like an extremely cool concept and extremely fluffy. However, disembarking 9" away is still only a 50/50 shot of making it in with a berzerker squad, even with an icon. I do really like it as a delivery system for a CC Contemptor, though.


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