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there are also chainaxes from FW that, while have a longer shaft, dont have hands attached to them from the get go. That means you'd have to drill an empty hand to hold them or be free to glue them wherever you want. also, AFAIK, the power weapons set (which i have a few of so I should know...just can't remember right now) all have hands attached to them.

The Mark IV special weapons set all have hands molded on.


The Mark IV assault squad kit comes with arms without hands - that you can customize the individual loadouts. My best guess is that the despoiler squad kit is the same way. The tactical squad kits (both the regular and Legion flavors) all have hands posed for bolters. 

Since I'm waiting for the arrival of my HH books, and the models that will follow, I'm stuck with naught to do but think of fluff for my future loyalist World Eaters. I would ask you to take a gander at the provided selection below....





With a practiced ease, Andrastus drew the curved edge of the strigil across the skin of his torso. The daily ritual, using the small blade to scrape oil, sweat and hair off his body, was somewhat cathartic to the warrior given his current situation. After his body, he'd move to the hair on his head. Andrastus had learned early on during his many outings in the Legion's fighting pits that it paid to rob his opponents of every advantage possible. His shorn scalp was one less thing they could grab hold of.


Looking up, Andrastus caught sight of his scarred reflection in the dingy mirror of his ablution station. It also didn't hurt to show his opponents the many scars he had earned in service to the XIIth Legiones Astartes, both on and off the field of battle. The red, puckered marks across his over-muscled body were testament to his status as a veteran of over a century of campaigning. 


Andrastus held his own gaze as he pulled the skin on the side of his head taut. The blade moved from his temple to the back of his skull in one long pass. The device known as the 'Butcher's Nails' was conspicuous in its absence. It was one of the things that set him apart from the majority of his brothers in the Legion. It also had a lot to do with why he was trapped within the confines of his prison cell. 


No, not a prison. There were no chains, and he was not on trial. They made sure to emphasize those points when he had asked. He was merely confined because of safety concerns. It was for his welfare, they ensured him. For their safety more like, but Andrastus saw nothing to gain from arguing with them.


Not a prisoner then, but definitely not trusted. 


Some time later, Andrastus was sitting on the cold stone of the floor when the man he had come to think of has his warden came for him. He heard movement outside, and the door opened to reveal a single warrior standing in the entrance. 


On instinct, Andrastus took measure of the man in front of him, sizing him up before immediately banishing any thought of trying to overpower him. Any attempt to escape would only be detrimental to his cause.  Plus, the genehanced warrior was fully armed and armored.  Clad only in rough-spun robes, Andrastus would be better served hacking at his wrists with his shaving blade - the end result would be the same. 


Andrastus noticed the warrior's grip on the haft of his weapon tighten, as if he could sense the World Eaters' momentary scrutiny or read his thoughts. Good. His keepers may know no fear, but at least they respected his abilities enough to be wary.


"Ah, Valerius," Andrastus smiled to break the tension. "I trust your morning has been as exciting as mine. I tell you, I'll never tire of these four walls."


"Come," said the Custodes, not bothering to respond to Andrastus' goading. "The High Lords await." 




So obviously, at some point in time, at least one of my loyalists made it to Terra, and is now a "guest" of humanity's leaders. I'll leave the details of how that came to pass out of the story, as it doesn't seem smart to lock myself down into anything just now. Then I plan to use quotes from the ensuing interview/interrogation, much in the way Flint has used quotes from her Master of Signal to introduce the fluff for her Night Lords. You've already seen one of my quotes in my initial introduction of the 13th Assault Company


Let me know what you think so far. 


A World Eater on trial has so many awesome opportunities for great story telling.


That's what I'm hoping. I've already got a nice little cache of quotes piled up to help explain how they came to be loyalists, were turned on by their brothers, and I've started on the backstories for several of the warriors as well. 


I'm glad you like it though. I thought the way you presented the fluff for your Night Lords was pretty unique, hence the slight copycat. Once I actually get the rules and some models, that's going to be the first post of my WIP thread. 


Any suggestions or C&C are appreciated. I already caught that I used the Roman numerals for 7th instead of 12th. Damn X's and V's get me every time. My narrator is most definitely not an Imperial Fist!

@ LongGone: This looks like an excellent beginning (and is also a very smart literary framing device). Flint has taken this to an art form with her Night Lords, and it looks like this "interrogation" might be just as interesting -- carry on, good sir ;)

I, IC Ezra, stand with the sons of Angron. Blood for the Blood God, skulls for the Skull Throne, death to the False Emperor!


The Headtakers of the 12th Assault Company stand ready.

@ LongGone: This looks like an excellent beginning (and is also a very smart literary framing device). Flint has taken this to an art form with her Night Lords, and it looks like this "interrogation" might be just as interesting -- carry on, good sir ;)

To be fair, it was a little bit of a happy accident on my part. I wanted to get away from a format of "this is Brother #7162. His exploits include awesome stuff I will recount now," just bc it reads so much like a propaganda influenced textbook.


Sevik gave me the chance to relay all the individual history of my characters, without sounding quite so much like Mary Sue self-aggrandizing. Plus, I just wanted a cynical, sarcastic old bastard who has seen everything he cares to in the galaxy. Sevik is so far beyond caring, he just wants to have some fun in his advanced years until he checks out the mortal coil.


Like what if Joe Abercrombie wrote about Danny Glover in space ^_^

Like what if Joe Abercrombie wrote about Danny Glover in space :happy.:


Girl, that's actually a quote that should go in your signature:


"Flint13's fluff - Like what if Joe Abercrombie wrote about Danny Glover in space"




@ Interrogator-Chaplain-Ezra: Welcome to the slaughter, mate! Don't forget to tell us your company/warband, so we can enter you into the Brazen Archive ;)

--I am Slave to Darkness, and I command the Blood Slaughterers warband led by Jurghan the Slaughterer, Flint, Kraut, Jasp and Relict I swear my allegiance to you, may we cast down the walls of the Emperors palace and may his shrivvled corpse drown in the stagnant blood of his followers. 

You may want to try putting it into your own B&C Gallery and try again. ( -- which is really what all you folks should be doing instead of hotlinking to my webspace ;) )


Several people have added it to their sig using the B&C gallery, and it seems to have worked just fine.

I am YFNPsycho, and I stand, a bloody scion of the Red Angel. I comand the the former LXIV Company of the World Eaters, the 'Sinner's Swords', led by Centurion Zekariah Cain, now called by some the Heretic, and the Daemon Prince Dek'val'rax. None shall stay our wrath!


+++For all have sinned, and fallen short of the glory of the Blood God!+++

+++Yet even so, your skulls shall surely pave the way to our redemption!+++

-Slaughterlord Cain, the Heretic, shortly before the Travasty of Malakal

A rare look inside Relict's personal forge on Sarum:


6 of the 15 Legionaries I still have to build/paint.




My first Sicaran. The Spartan is still in pieces (sigh) and I have another Sicaran soaking in the sink, waiting to be cleaned. :P



from the picture url in krauts post

Right click and open image in a new tab.

Copy the URL from the address bar.

Paste that in the image tool for your sig but make sure it doesn't have the http:// at the start or it will fail ;)


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