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For the reason of turn one Primarch & bodyguard charges I sincerely hope those powers stay in 40k. They work there because everything is pretty much bat-:cuss crazy.


In 30k it's just going to give the WB/ TS/ traitors with daemons down the line, a massive meta advantage.


If anything I'd rather they just say that Iron Circle can go inside a transport counting as 5 models each.

What if that Iron Circle could only be carried in a flyer that has a transport capacity of 20 or more. In AE, they are dropped onto the battlefield and then Pert teleports to them. it would give them a reasonable way to get where they need to go, and for the opponent a relatively easy way to slow them down without dedicated AT like if they could take a spartan.


It wouldn't surprise me to have the new SM spells allowed to be taken by Legions, If only for continuity. "All space marines have access to space marine psyker disciplines" it would be cheesy but if everything is cheesy nothing is cheesy :wink:. Im not a fan of the idea, but it wouldn't surprise me. 

They aren't threat at all, low Movement, no delivery system, Low attacks profile, ok the only +++ are the re-rollable saves and no charge bonuses, dont forget they are MC and in a world of Marines with Kraks... isnt the best even with t7,,,, plus costly... for Not even a good ap gun s5 ap4 shots...

Edited by Sn4k30r

Mk, apologies if that sounded like a suggestion, I suppose I should have phrased it differently.


We've all heard plenty about the downsides of the Iron Circle.


Deal with it and move on. 

Maybe if you magnetized the shields you could remove them and run them as Castellax. At that point they wouldn't be too far from WYSIWYG. The Iron Warriors can get a lot of miles out of a few Castellax and having the Circle pull double duty could help people with smaller collections. 

Edited by The Lord of Iron

With a little bit of work you probably could make them a convincing counts as for contemptor cortus. Count the shield as extra armor, the hammer is a DCCW, alter the boltguns to be smaller combi-bolters or tw heavy bolters and count the shield arm as a DCCW.


You could make the hammer be a counts as chainfist maybe.


Or possibly magnet the shield arm on and off and the hammer arm too. Replace the hammer with a contemptor gun of choice and that way you can run it as either or.

Edited by BrotherGecko

I could see that. It would be cool to see those models running around on their own. I personal don't like the aesthetics they bring to a dreadnought, but that because I've always just thought of dreads as having a bulk to them that the iron circle models don't.


I'm trying to figure out what I can proxy them for.


30k: Castellax with Siege Wrecker/Paragon of Metal

40k: Space Wolves Ven Dreadnought with BlizzardSiege Shield & Fenrisian GreataxeOlympian Greathammer, in a unit with a Iron PriestWarsmith for the Ancients of the FangIron Circle Formation (CC hit rerolls, IWND, Stubborn within 12" for all Space WolvesIron Warriors)

What is this 'fortykay' you speak of? :wink:

Edited by Flint13


I was thinking lately about our new ROW. How do you guys use it?

My idea is to send in some Tacticals in a Dreadclaw plus some Outriders to max out the none scatter thingy. Turn one deep striking Terminators via Perturabo would be another neat option because they can take some punching from Augury Scanner equipped HSS and the like. What would you prefer and has anyone tried it already?

Edited by Flint13
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Dreadnoughts in Drop Pods are my turn one deep strike option of choice. Sturdy with a good array of weapons, and very very safe to drop artillery on top of. At the end of the day dropping a leviathan siege dread next to a weak point in the enemies line is not a bad plan, and being able to support it with accurate artillery fire just sweetens the deal. As just about all of my Iron Warriors lists have been including 2 Batteries of 2 Quad Mortars pre-Ironfire the new rite has served to buff a unit I favour and encouraged me to experiment with some new stuff to work out what can safely work that close to the enemy. My next choice is whether I go whole hog and make the Quads Phosphex so they basically never scatter at all at the cost of universal hatred and loathing from anyone playing a non-mechanised list. 

Thank my opponent from the week before! Previously I'd been considering Perty's Deepstriking terminators which my Pride of the Legion force already been failing with, or adding in outriders like you were considering. Then I had the fun experience of a Leviathan Siege Dread dropping in, killing most of a unit and then tieing up my Primarch for multiple turns while his scoring units went and sat on some objectives. I have learned from the experience and now intend to share my fear with the enemies of our Legion, but with more Artillery!



With Pert does that mean half of the Pods come in first turn via drop-pod assault then the rest can come in from turn one?


Or is it stipulated turn 2 onwards with the other pods?

Holy hell! I just read both the "Drop Pod Assault" rules and Perturabo's "Relentless Strategist" rule, and yes, YOU CAN ROLL FROM TURN 1 WITH DROP PODS!


Very interesting...

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