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Depends what you want them to do. S7 and 8 with tank hunters are pretty similar when fighting AV 13 and below because of the extra shot on the Auto.


But missiles can hurt power armour with a reduced armour save and no FNP.


Neither will be hurting Spartans on the front though, so I'm inclined to say auto cannons. Plus they look awesome!


Missiles however get Flak. Which with BS5 and tank hunters will destroy anything in the skies bar a super heavy.

Edited by Charlo



Consideirng Pert gives stubborn and then gives Furious charge in the enemy deployment zone (which allies benefit from) it can certainly be done. Plus he let's terminators teleport, which can scatter less with him and they come in on the first turn.


Essentially he has some insane alphastrike potential. Turn one flyers are powerful too.

I shall make a few lists and see where we go :smile.:


Here's a 3000 point list I threw together. The idea is a strong terminator alpha strike with automata advancing and protecting your deployment zone (and the command rhino).


3000 points

Legiones Astartes Crusade Armylist

Legiones Astartes: Iron Warriors

Rite of War: Primarch's chosen


Legiones Astartes Iron Warriors Primary Detachment


HQ-555 points




Damocles command rhino


Troops-735 points


Legion terminator squad-5 combi-weapons, 2 chainfists, 3 power fists


Legion terminator squad-5 combi-weapons, 2 chainfists, 3 power fists


Legion terminator squad-5 combi-weapons, 2 chainfists, 3 power fists




Fast Attack-n/a


Heavy Support-570 points


Tyrant Siege terminator squad-10 members, 5 chainfists


Mechanicum Cybernetica Cohort Allied Detachment


HQ-180 points


Archmagos Dominus-machinator array


Troops-240 points


Castellax maniple- 2 members, frag grenades, automata power blades


Elites-370 points


Domitar maniple- 2 members, frag grenades, flakk missiles


Fast Attack-350 points


Vorax maniple- 5 members, frag grenades

Edited by Runefyre

This list is quite versatile imo, capable of taking on hordes or mechanised lists and stick with it.


Perty sticks in with the Tyrants, to give them +1 BS and Tank Hunters. You could either deep strike them for maximum firepower (combi-bolters plus cml's) or deploy them normally for a more consistent approach. The Tyrants can take on both vehicles (krak missiles) and hordes (frag missiles). The look on your opponents face when you tell him "now I'll shoot these 20 small blasts at those ork boys over there" is priceless :devil:.


The command rhino's role is rather self explanatory. Keeping it alive is another story.


The three termie squads are capable of fulfilling a multitude of battlefield roles. Take combi-flamers for "riot control", combi-plasma for "monster killer", and combi-meltas (the most reliable loadout) for "anti-tank". The power/chainfists can be replaced with single/paired lightning claws if so desired.


Mechanicum presence provides vital and durable deployment zone presence at the beginning of the game.


The archmagos trudges with the domitar (because of patris cybernetica) to form a rather tough "little" melee unit. The domitar can also threaten light flyers.


The vorax scout ahead and clear out any opposing infiltrating infantry (rotor cannons are quite good at forcing wounds, especially when you're rolling 40 dice for the whole squad not including lightning guns :tongue.:).


And finally the castellax stand in front of the Damocles to guarantee a cover save for it's very fragile chassis. If you so chose you can remove the frag grenades and power blades from the castellax, and frag grenades from the domitar to load up the castellax with darkfire cannons.


If there is ample cover for the command rhino feel free to deploy the castellax more agressively.


Hope this helps :smile.:

It really does. Makes a very compelling argument for this army. I love the low model count and the absolute dominance you could get on the table very quickly.


I'm going to assume Cataphractii armour for everyone for best save?


In someone who has played hims opinion, what is Perty like in combat against his peers?

Ok so I changed the list around a little.






3x 5 Terminators


3x Iron Circle


5 Tyrant Siege


Magos Dominus


2x3 Castellax (can only have 2 squads in an allied)


1 Thanatar.




Can the Magos babysit/ join the Thanatar, any equipment that should be used for him?


I'm willing to save a few points by dropping 1 castellax from each unit to buy toys or anything people reccomend? I'm pretty excited about this list.

The Magos can join the Thanatar thanks to Patris Cybernetica.


I like it. I think the only thing is  I'd try and find the extra points to upgrade him to an Archmagos Dominus. The extra resilience and LD for Cybertheurgy is super handy. 

Just remember if you're taking a Cybernetica Cohort you must take 2 castellax in each maniple (and castellax must be your compulsory troops). Otherwise your list looks like a lot of fun!


As far as Perty's Primarch fighting capabilities, I have no idea. None of the guys I play with own any primarchs (and only 2 actually play legion armies).

Primarch on Primarch fights are stupid and you should avoid them... But obviously they are cinematic and awesome.


He's actually a very strong contender with the hammer thanks to blind/ strikedown/ concussive etc


There is a load of Math-hammer on it @ 1d4Chan, but the short of it is he kills everyone bar Horus, Guilliman and Angron. The latter of the two are still very close though. If they are both without hammers Ferrus will kill him too.


Perts biggest weakness is that he is only 4 attacks base. So make sure you are going after big targets!

I have ten terminators, I also have the plastic commander from the Calth set which could make a good Golg, I'm also thinking of getting Perturabo so I can teleport them all in, cheaper than getting a Spartan.  I also want to get the FW event only model to make a Warsmith and then give them a bodyguard of 3 or 4 Castellax, one with a Darkfire cannon.

I'm looking to expand on my existing collection and I was wondering if you guys could give me some pointers or advice? I've been leaning more towards adding some armour but I honestly haven't got a particularly good idea what would be the direction to set my mind on next.


Right now I'm sitting on:


A wide range of HQ choices (Kyr Vhalen and/or Siege Breaker with the option for a Praevian w/1-3 Castellax primarily)


Two Powerfist/Lascannon Contemptors

A lone Quad Mortar


Two ten-man Tactical Squads with Rhinos

A five-man Tactical Support Squad with Volkite Calivers


Five Tyrants

10 Havocs (5 w/Missiles, 5 w/Autocannons)

A lone Whirlwind

A lone Vindicator


An Imperial Bunker


Generally I've been thinking about Medusas/Vindicators/Plasma Predators, but there's also the thought that it might be good to get more Terminators (Tyrants or otherwise), add to the Mortars or go for something like a Leviathan or even Destroyers to accompany my Moritat. I'm all ears to any suggestions or recommendations you guys might be able to give me.


Don't you need another 10 tacs to run the Olympia RoW?

You need another Valid Troops Choice so, generally, its another 10 Tacs but it could be Breachers or Assault Marines if you were so inclined or, if you had Golg as warlord, Terminators.

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