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Any units that are definite takes and definite not takes for IW?


Very broad question, but hoping to get the lay of the land.


This depends on your group you'll be playing Heresy with...


PERSONALLY, for me the Heresy is taking cool, fluffy units with a little bit of list building in mind.


Luckily IW have very solid rules and their unique units/ options are strong too.


Build what you like and go grind some corpses!

  • 1 month later...

When I started playing HH I brought a Rhino with a Heavy Bolter in almost every game. Worked just fine. Sometimes it killed something and sometimes that pinned the opponent. I remember a perticular awesome game against Mechanicum in which I pinned lots of my opponents during the game, so whenever I am fielding Heavy Bolters they get those Shredders.

The problrm is that I rarely use Heavy Bolters. To work best you have to force lots of pinning tests on your opponent and that means different units with HB.

But who has more then one unit with HB in his army?

When I started playing HH I brought a Rhino with a Heavy Bolter in almost every game. Worked just fine. Sometimes it killed something and sometimes that pinned the opponent. I remember a perticular awesome game against Mechanicum in which I pinned lots of my opponents during the game, so whenever I am fielding Heavy Bolters they get those Shredders.

The problrm is that I rarely use Heavy Bolters. To work best you have to force lots of pinning tests on your opponent and that means different units with HB.

But who has more then one unit with HB in his army?

Yea valid point. I was thinking of making a 5man Iron Havoc* Squad w/ 4x HB and 1x ML to make use of spare bits, but your point kind of puts the kabosh on that.



*am I the only guy running these fellas? I think I am the only IV Legion list I’ve ever seen with them in there

Heavy Bolters on Havocs is an absolute waste of their abilities. Rule of cool sure, but using a heavy support slot for bolters with +1S is NOT cool ;)


They are tank hunters extroadinaire and should be used as such!


A lot of people on the net recommend them in a bunker with ammo dump and Kyr Vahlen if you're loyalist inclined. 

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello fellow Warsmiths


Is it just me or do you guys also have issues when playing against Raven Guard? My buddy and I play regularly against each other but out of the last 8 games I could only win 1 game by a very small margin. The other 7 games were distinct victories for him. We usually play around the 2k point size.


I usually play the Iron Fire ROW with a mix of Quad Rapiers, Medusa, Scorpius as my artillery pieces with either some Predators or Iron Havocs as additional fire support. As troops I have multiple Tactical Squads in Rhinos.


He likes to play the Decapitation Strike ROW typically only with infantry.
Big Tactical Squads with Apothecaries, Tactical and Heavy Support Squads with medium power weapons like Volkite or Plasma.
Against Tanks he frequently has his Master of the signals with cameleoline with 3 laser destroyer rapiers in the list.


My main Issue is the mass infiltration his army gets. He often gets to go first but then he doesn't have to deploy anything due to infiltrate on everything he usually plays. So, I set up my army first and he then gets to counter deploy or choose to outflank. This ends in me losing a big enough part of my army during the first turn, from which I cannot recover from throughout the game.


Now I'm thinking about fielding some Recon Marines or Vigilators to deny him some infiltration space on the board.


Any advice is welcome.



RG are strong, for sure, but there are hard counters. Iron Fire is a really strong ROW in its own right and can make a mess of his list if you make a few minor tweaks.


What you need is interceptor, which you get mostly from augury scanners. Attach an IC with an augury scanner (Master of Signal, Forgelord) to your quad rapiers and you'll be able to intercept any unit he outflanks. If he chooses not to, no problem, because they are artillery anyway! He'll hate you for it, but its the way to deal with outflank and deep strike as a gun line. Iron Havocs have this as a 5pt upgrade and your troops can get it through apothecaries. Use your medusa to deal with his rapiers. Just don't go too crazy as I think you can really tailor a hard counter here and from the sounds of it he isn't really taking a crazy strong list.

Thudd Guns with Phosphex Canisters will erase every infantry blob he may field.

Again: he will hate you for this. ;)

Oh and you could take a Techmarine with 3-4 Servo-Automata with Rad-Missle-Launchers.

They're as well awesome against infantry and the Techmarine can take an Augury Scanner as well...

Thanks for the Advice :smile.:


I tried to avoid abusing the phosphex shells because I know how devastating they can be, but it's probably my best bet.


I learned quickly that augury scanners are necessary when dealing with RG. I usually have one with my Iron Havocs and another one with the Thud Guns.


Haven't thought of the Techmarine with the rad missile automata. I'll have to try this.

I'll give more feedback after I played some more games.

Edited by Skullheart
  • 3 weeks later...
What are the general thoughts of Perturabo post-nerf? I’ve only used him in an all-in deep strike all terminator army that he allowed with Primarch Chosen/Pride RoW - which is pretty much unplayable without turn one reverves. As His new rule is very similiar to Horus one, do we use him just like we would use Horus? Or is it better to deploy him in transport? I was thinking of using Damocles Rhino to pinpoint his deep strike alongside a formidable unit of Combi-plasma Terminators or Siege Tyrants - drop them on turn 1 and give them BS5 to delete a unit, but I’m not sure. I really dislike this change, I’d preffer them just to limit turn 1 reserve to non-flyers, but... we have to live with what they give. What are your thoughts?

He war borderline broken before, but is much more reasonable now!


Still, having one unit arrive turn one is pretty damn nice and can really upset your opponents game plan.


You'd certainly have to build around it though - you'd want something either disposable or tough to land first.

I thought about that question since the nerf.

Let's face it:

They killed the Perturabo he was beforehand.

Now he only buffs cc which is strange in a legion which seldom wants to go toe to toe whith your opponent.

But here we are with his new rules and we have to work it out.

First things first.

The Tormentor is still not worth it.

One 5" D blast is crap for 500 points.



I had an idea how to use the assets of our beloved primarch in a most usefull way I guess.


Damocles Command Rhino


The Primarch Perturabo:

After Istvaan


+ Elites +

Apothecarion Detachment . .


Apothecary, Legion: Artificer Armour . . . . Chainsword or Combat Blade: Combat Blade . .

Apothecary, Legion: Artificer Armour . . . . Chainsword or Combat Blade: Combat Blade


+ Troops +

Terminator Squad, Legion , Compulsory: Cataphractii Pattern Terminator Armour . .

Terminator Sergeant, Legion:

Sarge with Chainfist

5 x Combi-Melter, 4x Power Axe


Veteran Tactical Squad, Legion , Compulsory:

1 x Heavy Chainsword

Melta Bombs


2x Power Axe, 9x Veteran Space Marines, Legion

Veteran Tactics: Weaponmasters

Vexilla, Legion . .

Veteran Sergeant, Legion: Artificer Armour Thunder Hammer


Veteran Tactical Squad, Legion , Compulsory:

4x Combi-weapon: Meltagun,

Melta Bombs,

1x Meltagun,

2x Power Maul,

9x Veteran Space Marines, Legion, Veteran Tactics: Machine Killers . .

Veteran Sergeant, Legion:

Artificer Armour,


+ Fast Attack +


Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod: Frag Assault Launchers


Storm Eagle Assault Gunship, Legion: Hellstrike Missiles x 4, Shrapnel Bolts, Vengeance Launcher


Terrax Pattern Termite Assault Drill: 2x Twin-linked Bolter


+ Heavy Support +

Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon . . Leviathan Siege Dreadnought: Leviathan Siege Claw, Leviathan Storm Cannon, Phosphex Discharger, Twin-linked Volkite Caliver, Twin-linked Volkite Caliver


Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon: Dreadnought Drop Pod, Legion . . Leviathan Siege Dreadnought: Cyclonic Melta Lance, Heavy Flamer, Heavy Flamer, Leviathan Siege Drill, Phosphex Discharger


Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon: Dreadnought Drop Pod, Legion . . Leviathan Siege Dreadnought: Grav-flux Bombard, Heavy Flamer, Heavy Flamer, Leviathan Siege Drill, Phosphex Discharger


+ Allegiance +

Legion and Allegiance: IV: Iron Warriors, Traitor

Rite of War: Primarch's Chosen


I hope it is readable enough. ;)


The idea is to put Perturabo with the weaponmasters in the Storm Eagle, Terminators in the Dreadclaw, Machine Killers in the Termite.

That way we have two Drop Pods, a Termite and the Eagle coming turn one. Since we have three pods in total we are flexible enough to decide which unit comes first. And we can jiggke around whith which unit arrives in which transport and when. That allows to react to your opponent.


Second turn we should have three Leviathans on the board and Perturabo and the Weaponmasters disembark from the Eagle.

Depending on the enemy army they could charge two different targets.

There are variants of that list of course, but I think that kind of list is how we should field our big man.

Edited by Gorgoff

The nerf sucks tbh. It took a lot of the uniqueness away from using him in your army. Combine it with the power creep from the upcoming book (one of the scars characters has, basically, perts nerfed ability) and its :sad.:

A Scars character has the ability to roll for reserves from turn one?


The nerf sucks tbh. It took a lot of the uniqueness away from using him in your army. Combine it with the power creep from the upcoming book (one of the scars characters has, basically, perts nerfed ability) and its :(

A Scars character has the ability to roll for reserves from turn one?
Qin Xa has an ability close to Perturabos post-nerf ability. He can choose to bring a unit from reserves or force it to stay in reserves once per game. So It’s close to Pertys skill (but worse). Edited by Dhar'Neth
  • 4 weeks later...

Praevian + Castellax: any experience with them?


Secondly, anyone have good experience with Seeker squads?


Third, to be sure I am reading the rules correctly, Iron Circle Domitar do not require a Praevian because of their Cybernetica Cortex rule, correct?

Edited by Indefragable

Praevian + Castellax: any experience with them?


Secondly, anyone have good experience with Seeker squads?


Third, to be sure I am reading the rules correctly, Iron Circle Domitar do not require a Praevian because of their Cybernetica Cortex rule, correct?

Aye, I am.

1. I field two Castellax with Enhanced Targeter plus Darkfire Lance with a Praevian who gets MB, AA, a Bolter and a Refractor Field.

Great unit for killing all sorts of tanks and small elite units. I also tried a couple of times to place them behind an Aegis with Quad Gun.

That way he can shoot at unuts for away and mark them for the Castellax.

2. 5 Seeker with Combi-plasmaguns, AA on Sarge, in a Dreadclaw work like a charme.

Again an awesome unit which has already a damn high killcount. Against their Marked for Death target their often put out 10 wounds with ten shots which is really really nice. Since their last buff they've become even better.

3. Nope, but some guy with a Cortex Controller to controll them. And to be honest:

They are a Anna Kournikova, sadly.

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