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[HH1.0] Tactica Chainaxe: World Eaters


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I believe the change is to the LA: world eaters rule not from berserker assault. But yeah that is great giving pseudo shred to our units, has anyone played a few games with crimson path I'm curious to hear how the added resilience worked out I've just been having to much fun with berserker assault lists to try anything else.
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New LA:CAL Book (called AoD) not yet for general sale yet but had a few copies up during the Weekender.

Oh ok I see, from the updated red book. And not via the berzerker rite of war but from the standard World Eater rules...wow...v.cool! Can't wait to be allowed to use this when it drops.

Edit: I've found a reference to it now sorry.


World eaters

  • ‘blood lust’ is now on a 4+ rather than a roll of a 1.
  • previous version of ‘incarnate violence’ replaced with may re-roll 1’s to wound on the turn they charge


Edited by Ethrion
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So rampager squads intrigue me I know they aren't super stellar units but I want to include them I was thinking squad with jump packs mix in a meteor hammer or 3 with a forge lord with rad grenades any thoughts Edited by Nova_chron
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So rampager squads intrigue me I know they aren't super stellar units but I want to include them I was thinking squad with jump packs mix in a meteor hammer or 3 with a forge lord with rad grenades any thoughts


They'll sweep the board of infantry, but in a game dominated by MEQ & TEQ their efficacy is outshone by the glory of power weapon Veterans.

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Caeder weapons basically need some changes, as they don't particularly do much at the moment that a power weapon won't do better.


There are some exceptions though that can be strong. For example the Fleshbane ones work well with the rerolls to 1 to wound in first round of combat, letting you pile on wounds onto Castellax etc.

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i was listening to a podcast the other day and they were talking about how bad unweidly is from a game design standpoint, mostly that its way overused in reference to power axes specifically.  They mentioned that something that modified initiative rather than straight up reducing it to 1 would be easier to work out.  That would be cool for the caedere axe, something like its current statline with -1 to I instead of unwieldy.

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ok, so i have locked in my 2500pt list.  I think this will be both brutal and fun to play.


Dueling Leviathans- 2500pts


Khârn - Gore Child, Berzerker Assault
Gahalan Surlak 
1x 20 Despoilers, Vexilla, Sargent has Artificer/Power Fist
2x 10 Tactical Marines, Vexilla, Sargent has Artificer 
Contemptor with Kheres, DCCW, Dreadnought drop pod
Fast Attack
2x Javelins with Multi Meltas, Cyclone Missiles, and Hunter Killers
Heavy Support
Spartan - Flare Shield, Armored Ceramite, Auxiliary Drive
Leviathan - Armored Ceramite, Grav Bombard, Siege Claw, Phosphex, Volkite Calivers, Dreadnought drop pod
Leviathan - Armored Ceramite, Melta Lance, Seige Drill, Dreadnought drop pod
So now i need to trim this down to 2000pts since it seems like 2k and 2.5k are the most common game sizes in various events.  I really wanted to keep the dual leviathans going, so i came up with this:
Khârn - Gore Child, Berzerker Assault
Gahalan Surlak 
3x 10 Tactical Marines, Vexilla, Sargent has Artificer 
10 Verterans, power weapons, sargent has artificer/power fist
Fast Attack
Dreadclaw Drop Pod
Heavy Support
Leviathan - Armored Ceramite, Grav Bombard, Siege Claw, Phosphex, Volkite Calivers, Dreadnought drop pod
Leviathan - Armored Ceramite, Melta Lance, Seige Drill, Dreadnought drop pod
I don't really like this list that much, i feel like having 3x10 marines just chilling out by themselves isn't great, plus it requires Khârn and Vets to be subject to reserve rolls if i want to bring both Levi's in on turn 1.  
So I switched up the theme a little bit and am leaning towards this instead...
Khârn - Gore Child, Berzerker Assault
Gahalan Surlak 
1x 16 Despoilers, Vexilla, Sargent has Artificer/Power Fist
2x 10 Tactical Marines, Sargent has Artificer 
Fast Attack
2x Javelins with Multi Meltas, Cyclone Missiles, and Hunter Killers
Heavy Support
Spartan - Flare Shield, Armored Ceramite, Auxiliary Drive
Leviathan - Armored Ceramite, Grav Bombard, Siege Claw, Phosphex, Volkite Calivers, Dreadnought drop pod
Sircaran - Lascannons, Armored Ceramite
With this list, i still get the Spartan/Leviathan hammer and anvil, though i wonder if i should keep the lance/drill levi instead of the grav/claw one.  Also, the sicaran will add some fire support on the ground to help make up for losing the contemptor, which i don't need to take since i only have 1 drop pod to bring in on turn 1.
Edited by Guiltysparc
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