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[HH1.0] Tactica Chainaxe: World Eaters


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The actual changes to LA:WE is in the new book that went up for pre-order today.


The Changes to WE that are in book 6 is the new Black Shield Character who is a Loyalist WE and has his own version and Ghalan Surlak's additions to the World Eaters Ruleset alongside the Crimson Path RoW and how it changes things up.

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The actual changes to LA:WE is in the new book that went up for pre-order today.


The Changes to WE that are in book 6 is the new Black Shield Character who is a Loyalist WE and has his own version and Ghalan Surlak's additions to the World Eaters Ruleset alongside the Crimson Path RoW and how it changes things up.

Thanks very much!

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Looks good bro. Second 2000 list much better.

Just remember if your planning on making the large tac squad inducti Khârn cannot go with them. If that's not your plan, then all good

Why can't Khârn go with them?

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I've had a few games using my world eaters now and have lost hard each time but have learned loads in the process. (I see it as quite World Eater-like actually...expending tons of lives to learn a basic lesson lol!)


Anyway we play between 2500 and 3000 points at my LGS and have tuned my list now to roughly the following:




18 Despoilers w/ vexilla

in a Kharybdis


10 Assault Marines w/ 2 power axes, 1 melta bomb

10 Assault Marines w/ 2 power axes, 1 melta bomb


5 Red Butchers

in an Anvillus


Dual claw and grav Contemptor

in Dreadnought Pod


4 Grav Landspeeders


7 Rampagers w/ 2 excoriator axes


5 Plasma Support

in Rhino


5 Missile Heavy Support

5 Lascannon Heavy Support


Caveats to the list are that I already use a spartan and eagle in my Emperor's Children list and wanted to try a different play style of dreadclaw drops. I know heavy support isn't 100% World Eater-like but I've been finding that I cannot rely on total footslogging and punching tanks to death (I just don't get there) I need a few shots to reach out and open rhinos before my marines hit the lines. And I really want to include the World Eater specific units because well...we should right?


Anyone got any ideas for alterations that might do the same amount of damage but will maintain/increase fluffiness? I'm not married to the 2 heavy support units but for their points they plink away nicely at range. Grav speeders could always be swapped for another Anvillus with a cataphractii powerfist unit inside for more face punching. FYI I am always running the berzerker rite of war. I've read and learned so much from this thread already and any input would be much appreciated!

Edited by Ethrion
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LACAL will be updated within a couple of months, so I'd stick with the other 2 for now.

It's certainly going to be later than that.  We still need to get the Questoris/Militia/Auxilia red book, and I'm pretty sure Inferno will come before the LACAL book.

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I've not seen that yet. All the descriptions I've seen, say that the bonuses don't transfer to characters. Which is clearly different. It's not a massive deal for me, as I run Khârn with Rampagers.


But that's harsh.

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LACAL will be updated within a couple of months, so I'd stick with the other 2 for now.

It's certainly going to be later than that.  We still need to get the Questoris/Militia/Auxilia red book, and I'm pretty sure Inferno will come before the LACAL book.


The updated LACAL was sent off to the printers shortly before the weekender. This comes from weekender attendees who were told as much by Alan Bligh (peace be upon him).  We even have some details about the contents.  Assault Squads are due for a price cut, and Breachers are inexplicably unchanged.


I'm not sure what the basis for your certainty is, but the above information was discussed fairly widely during the weekender.  The Questoris/Militia/Auxillia book should theoretically be released before LACAL, but LACAL is significantly further advanced than Inferno.


The status of the books and presumable order of release as of the weekender was:


Retribution:  On sale at the event

LEAOD:  On sale in very limited numbers

Questoris/Militia/Auxillia Book:  Finished, being printed

LACAL:  Finished, sent to printers a few days earlier, release expected in a few months

Inferno:  Not finished, rules not finalised, release expected at the end of the year

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I've had a few games using my world eaters now and have lost hard each time but have learned loads in the process. (I see it as quite World Eater-like actually...expending tons of lives to learn a basic lesson lol!)


Anyway we play between 2500 and 3000 points at my LGS and have tuned my list now to roughly the following:




18 Despoilers w/ vexilla

in a Kharybdis


10 Assault Marines w/ 2 power axes, 1 melta bomb

10 Assault Marines w/ 2 power axes, 1 melta bomb


5 Red Butchers

in an Anvillus


Dual claw and grav Contemptor

in Dreadnought Pod


4 Grav Landspeeders


7 Rampagers w/ 2 excoriator axes


5 Plasma Support

in Rhino


5 Missile Heavy Support


5 Lascannon Heavy Support


Caveats to the list are that I already use a spartan and eagle in my Emperor's Children list and wanted to try a different play style of dreadclaw drops. I know heavy support isn't 100% World Eater-like but I've been finding that I cannot rely on total footslogging and punching tanks to death (I just don't get there) I need a few shots to reach out and open rhinos before my marines hit the lines. And I really want to include the World Eater specific units because well...we should right?


Anyone got any ideas for alterations that might do the same amount of damage but will maintain/increase fluffiness? I'm not married to the 2 heavy support units but for their points they plink away nicely at range. Grav speeders could always be swapped for another Anvillus with a cataphractii powerfist unit inside for more face punching. FYI I am always running the berzerker rite of war. I've read and learned so much from this thread already and any input would be much appreciated!

What about another kharybdis tac squad or butcher anvilus pod? Gives you more troops in enemy's face from the off. You could group the assault marines a s one unit then for more survivability and then just add in another anvilus with the plasma squad to give you 5 pods.


Maybe look at swapping the heavy teams out for one of or both of the sicaran variants for some better long range efforts?


How do you find the kharybdis? It is looking likely to be my next investment to drop Angron and despoilers in turn 1..

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I've not seen that yet. All the descriptions I've seen, say that the bonuses don't transfer to characters. Which is clearly different. It's not a massive deal for me, as I run Khârn with Rampagers.

But that's harsh.

Yeah it says on in the actual rule entry itself on surlaks page

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I've had a few games using my world eaters now and have lost hard each time but have learned loads in the process. (I see it as quite World Eater-like actually...expending tons of lives to learn a basic lesson lol!)


Anyway we play between 2500 and 3000 points at my LGS and have tuned my list now to roughly the following:




18 Despoilers w/ vexilla

in a Kharybdis


10 Assault Marines w/ 2 power axes, 1 melta bomb

10 Assault Marines w/ 2 power axes, 1 melta bomb


5 Red Butchers

in an Anvillus


Dual claw and grav Contemptor

in Dreadnought Pod


4 Grav Landspeeders


7 Rampagers w/ 2 excoriator axes


5 Plasma Support

in Rhino


5 Missile Heavy Support


5 Lascannon Heavy Support


Caveats to the list are that I already use a spartan and eagle in my Emperor's Children list and wanted to try a different play style of dreadclaw drops. I know heavy support isn't 100% World Eater-like but I've been finding that I cannot rely on total footslogging and punching tanks to death (I just don't get there) I need a few shots to reach out and open rhinos before my marines hit the lines. And I really want to include the World Eater specific units because well...we should right?


Anyone got any ideas for alterations that might do the same amount of damage but will maintain/increase fluffiness? I'm not married to the 2 heavy support units but for their points they plink away nicely at range. Grav speeders could always be swapped for another Anvillus with a cataphractii powerfist unit inside for more face punching. FYI I am always running the berzerker rite of war. I've read and learned so much from this thread already and any input would be much appreciated!

What about another kharybdis tac squad or butcher anvilus pod? Gives you more troops in enemy's face from the off. You could group the assault marines a s one unit then for more survivability and then just add in another anvilus with the plasma squad to give you 5 pods.


Maybe look at swapping the heavy teams out for one of or both of the sicaran variants for some better long range efforts?


How do you find the kharybdis? It is looking likely to be my next investment to drop Angron and despoilers in turn 1..


Thanks those are some great points. Another Kharybdis with despoiler squad would need me to find another 500 points from somewhere which is a problem.


I had my assault marines grouped as one unit for my previous games and while they are cheaper as one they are a 460 point fire magnet that gets blown to pieces before they hit the enemy lines. Or by the time they do they have been whittled down to half strength. If I keep them as one unit I would definitely put a Primus Medicae in with them but then need to find more points for another despoiler squad as I have to have the extra compulsory slot.


The Kharybdis being able to drop 20 marines right on the enemy is great. The inertial guidance system makes the world of difference compared to the Anvillus. Natural everything turns to blast it as soon as it lands but it's jobs been done before the enemy opens fire. Having Khârn and 18 despoilers charge out is dangerous enough but Angron and his devourers...that's even nastier!


An earlier plan I had was for 20 despoilers to go in the Kharybdis, 20 Assault marines charge up the board and 20 infiltrate with the vigilator. It was just a way of getting the horde up close and personal faster without full drop pods.

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Yeah I can imagine the kharybdis being a fire magnet but like you said, once it's delivers its cargo, big whoop.


I'm curently trying to work it so I have Angron and despoiler squad in kharybdis as well as a leviathan dropping in turn 1 while a Spartan full of butchers and another with a large inducti squad race up the field. Proper hammer and anvil


With everything I want it comes to 3100 points so need to chew some bits but it's so hard!


What would you guys cur from this? I've already taken melta bombs and AA of sargents, maybe drop preator for a cheap consol? Get rid or surlak? Drop men from the tac squads? HELP ME!



+++ I want all the toys (3135pts) +++





(Bezerker assault)


+ HQ +


Gahlan Surlak


Legion Praetor [Artificer Armour, Digital Lasers, Iron Halo, Melta Bombs, Paragon Blade]


+ Troops +


Legion Tactical Squad [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]

Legion Tactical Sergeant [Melta Bombs, Power Fist]


Legion Tactical Squad [Exchange their Bolters for a Chainsword or Combat Blade, 17x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla]

Legion Tactical Sergeant [Power Fist]


Legion Tactical Squad [Augmented Inductii, Exchange their Bolters for a Chainsword or Combat Blade, 19x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla]

Legion Tactical Sergeant [Power Fist]


+ Elites +


The Red Butchers [4x Butcher Terminator]

Legion Spartan Assault Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Auxiliary Drive, Dozer Blade, Flare Shield]

The Devoured [2x Chainfist]


+ Fast Attack +


Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod


+ Heavy Support +


Legion Kharybdis Assault Claw


Legion Spartan Assault Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Auxiliary Drive, Dozer Blade, Flare Shield]


Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon

Leviathan Siege Dreadnought [Armoured Ceramite, Grav-flux Bombard, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod, Phosphex Discharger]


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The Red Butchers don't need a Spartan necessarily - a Land Raider Phobos will save you some points... the Devoured can also save 5 points by taking 1 chainfist & 1 power fist.


And yes, I'd take a Consul of some sort instead of the Praetor to find your last few points.

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Yeah tweaking around I can keep the Spartan (ideally want to run 2 just for the physiologic factor) by just making the preator a standard centurian without any upgrades.


It's a shame as I really wanted the preator with the butchers. I really think having that ap2 at initiative with the butchers makes so,much difference to them winning combats

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