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[HH1.0] Tactica Chainaxe: World Eaters


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+ HQ (740pts) +

Gahlan Surlak (110pts)

Legion Praetor (630pts) [Artificer Armour, Digital Lasers, Iron Halo, Legion Scimitar Jetbike with Heavy Bolter, Melta Bombs, Paragon Blade]

····Legion Command Squad [4x Combat Shield, Legion Scimitar Jetbikes with Heavy Bolters, 4x Legion Space Marine Chosen, Melta Bombs, Power Fist, 4x Power Weapon]


+ Troops (635pts) +

Legion Tactical Squad (180pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]

····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Fist]


Legion Tactical Squad (270pts) [Exchange their Bolters for a Chainsword or Combat Blade, 17x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla]

····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Fist]


Legion Tactical Squad (185pts) [Exchange their Bolters for a Chainsword or Combat Blade, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla]

····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Weapon]


+ Elites (1415pts) +

Contemptor-Cortus Class Dreadnought Talon (300pts)

····Cortus Dreadnought [Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon]

····Cortus Dreadnought [Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon]


Legion Terminator Squad (740pts) [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, 3x Chainfist, 9x Legion Terminators, 2x Pair of Lightning Claws, 4x Power Fist]

····Legion Spartan Assault Tank [Dozer Blade, Flare Shield]

····Legion Terminator Sergeant [Chainfist]


Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (375pts) [Fearless, Heavy Chainsword, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Melta Bombs, Pair of Lightning Claws, 7x Power Weapon, 2x Volkite Serpenta]

····Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Thunder Hammer, Volkite Serpenta]


+ Fast Attack (200pts) +

Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod (100pts)

Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod (100pts)


+ Heavy Support (510pts) +

Legion Kharybdis Assault Claw (260pts)

Legion Land Raider Battle Squadron (250pts) [Land Raider Phobos]



Also apart from the landraider and spartan, where is the anti-tank? Is it all reliant on close combat to destroy vehicles?

Edited by Ethrion
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Ok so maybe slightly Un world eatery but what would you guys run as a small firebase to give some shooting to our berserker assault RoW I've been finding I am wanting for some ranged firepower to help knock out key units before I hit my opponents lines
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Also apart from the landraider and spartan, where is the anti-tank? Is it all reliant on close combat to destroy vehicles?



I am in love with the Laser destroyers so that would go on the spartan, the las cannons on the Land Raider but yes the rest is from the Melta bomb vets and terminators. I have dropped the Jetbike on the Praetor and his command squad and added Angry Ron, who would go with Galan and the Praetor in the kharybdis.

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Hey gang, I am determined to get a game in this weekend with my World Eaters. 


I literally do not have enough painted, but have sufficient time to get the basics done on one or two extras. 

So far I've come up with:


2.5k pts



Gahlan Surlak

Chaplain w/Thunderhammer & barbed hooked lash, artificer, refractor



15 Despoilers - Sarge with artificer & pfist

15 Inductii - Sarge with artificer & pfist


Fast Attack

2x Attack Bike w/ Multi Melta & Melta Bombs


Heavy Support

Deredeo with Aiolos & AC

2x Spartan FS & AC



Now this is where I become stumped, for I have no more World Eaters - beyond 3 multi-melta attack bikes.


So I considered the addition of some Auxilia to beef up the ranged game. I roughly have 1.8k points of World Eaters so a good chunk of ~ 700 pts for an Auxilia allied detachment


So I thought:



Tactical Command w/GL & Melta



Las section w/ammo dump aegis line



3x Quad Gun


Heavy Support

Malcador Infernus w/Chem munis and AC


They form a solid firebase while the Eaters do their thing. 




More aggressive Auxilia!




2x Tank Commander



1x Veletarii in a FS/AC/Demo-Dracosian



2x Vanquishers w/Lascannon w/Multilas pintle w/AC



This would provide a far more aggressive force. The Vanquishers can outflank, to hopefully create a sort of hammer/anvil of "do I engage the highly capable tank hunting vanquishers behind me" or "do I try to stop the Spartans"

The demodrac helps secure objectives to compensate for the inductii. Demolishes things in general while doing so.



Edited by The God-Potato of Mankind
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You guys are terrible for my wallet Haha now I want to buy a bunch of tanks

We're not "Resin-Addicts Anonymous" we're that junkie friend you hang out with that keeps pulling you back in.


Bad comparison, I know, but its hard to deny the resin goodness that is Forgeworld.

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funny, i just posted some WIP pics of Khârn in my porject log.  I didn't think to magnatize his scenic base, it seemed like the smaller one fit in just fine...oh wait, the standard bases now are bigger than his little base aren't they?  Curses...lol

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Also apart from the landraider and spartan, where is the anti-tank? Is it all reliant on close combat to destroy vehicles?



I am in love with the Laser destroyers so that would go on the spartan, the las cannons on the Land Raider but yes the rest is from the Melta bomb vets and terminators. I have dropped the Jetbike on the Praetor and his command squad and added Angry Ron, who would go with Galan and the Praetor in the kharybdis.


In my experience relying on close combat to finish off vehicles is not ideal. Maybe it's just my local meta but I need the ability to open up transports and destroy vehicles from range so that when my footsloggers reach the enemy they have targets to engage. Yielding the advantage of letting the opponent drive around and exit transports when they decide really puts me at a disadvantage.


Perhaps the laser destroyers and the lascannons on the raider will be enough. But personally I'd have a bit more out there because those assault vehicles will be focusing on surging forward in the first couple of turns and don't want to have to slow up to fire weapons.


It's a puzzle that I've been struggling with too and at the moment I'm either going with a few cheap heavy weapon support squads for missile support or some grav speeders bombing foward. An alternative that I'm tempted to try is a battery of three medusas to lay down strength 10 barrage ordnance. I'm thinking that'd ruin most tanks and infantry. And it seems fluffy too - hordes of despoilers with artillery flying over their heads.

Edited by Ethrion
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In the list i'm building i'm getting my anti-tank from a melta/drill leviathan in a drop pod and some outflanking javelins.  I feel like the javelins will really shine since they put out so much S8 and have the mobility to get to the rear/side where it will be very effective.  The list has a spartan in it but i'm writing it off as basically having no guns since it will be going balls out up the board the first couple turns.

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Speaking of lists, i am looking at a tournament later in the year that is billed as a 40k event but they allow 30k armies. What do you guys think of this variation on my existing list? I think its a little light on anti tank, relying on the sicaran's lascannons and the leviathan's S10 claw in melee, so maybe i should being the melta/drill levi instead of the grav/claw version? I could swap the Sicaran out for 2 MM/CML/HK javelins trading a couple lascannon shots for a bevy of S8 that could deep strike or outflank, but the sicaran is probably more durable and i like its main weapon a lot.


Tourny Draft 1850pts - Berserker Assault


- HQ -

Khârn - Gorechild

Gahlan Surlak


- Troops -

15 Despoilers, Sargent has Artificer and Power Fist, Vexilla

2x 10 Tactical Marines, Dedicated Rhinos


-Fast Attack -

2x Javelin Speeders - Multimelta, Cyclone Missiles, 2 Hunter Killers


- Heavy Support -

Spartan - Armored Ceramite, Flare shield

Leviathan - Melta Lance, Siege Drill, Volkite Calivers, Phosphex, Armored Ceramite, Dreadnought Drop Pod


Edit - I do think I like the melta drill levi and javs instead of the sicaran. Updated the list.

Edited by Guiltysparc
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Seems like a solid list for 1850pts. Big scary tank? Check? Big scary Dreadnought? Check? Support HQ? Check? Choppy HQ? Check. Solid, flexible core of troops? Check. 


In my quest to actually play a damn game of World Eaters I sat down today to power through the list I posted earlier. I have finally finished, for now. I plan to take this to the FLGS tomorrow. Will report back with a batrep.


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Speaking of lists, i am looking at a tournament later in the year that is billed as a 40k event but they allow 30k armies. What do you guys think of this variation on my existing list? I think its a little light on anti tank, relying on the sicaran's lascannons and the leviathan's S10 claw in melee, so maybe i should being the melta/drill levi instead of the grav/claw version? I could swap the Sicaran out for 2 MM/CML/HK javelins trading a couple lascannon shots for a bevy of S8 that could deep strike or outflank, but the sicaran is probably more durable and i like its main weapon a lot.

Tourny Draft 1850pts - Berserker Assault

- HQ -

Khârn - Gorechild

Gahlan Surlak

- Troops -

15 Despoilers, Sargent has Artificer and Power Fist, Vexilla

2x 10 Tactical Marines, Dedicated Rhinos

-Fast Attack -

2x Javelin Speeders - Multimelta, Cyclone Missiles, 2 Hunter Killers

- Heavy Support -

Spartan - Armored Ceramite, Flare shield

Leviathan - Melta Lance, Siege Drill, Volkite Calivers, Phosphex, Armored Ceramite, Dreadnought Drop Pod

Edit - I do think I like the melta drill levi and javs instead of the sicaran. Updated the list.

Nice list bro. I personally prefer the sicaran however expect 2 Javs to be a little more durable due jink and 40k players love destroying sicarans. Having said that I think either way with the threat of the Spartan and leviathan, they will prioritise these first.

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Ya, it's basically a straight swap points wise. 190 for the 2 javs or 195 for the sicaran. I will have both available so maybe i'll play test the two a bit and see what I like. With the sicaran I like having it on the board and not needing to worry about reserve manipulation, but 10 outflanking S8 shots from the javs is pretty juicey.
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FML so reading the books - Allied detachments can only take 1 HQ slot. So I can't run two tank commanders.


This leaves me with a 60 point void - any suggestions?


I was looking at adding a single attack bike - additional Multi-melta can't be that bad and giving both despoiler sargeants melta bombs?

Edited by The God-Potato of Mankind
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I like the attack bike idea better.


It keeps your points expenditure more difuse. An extra multimelta shot into a flank can never be a bad thing and it can even dart into an occasional assault. WE attack bikes get like five attacks on the charge ^_^

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For 60pts, could you turn your chaplain into a praetor for extra choppy?


As choppy as he would be, I lack a painted model for this and I want the Chaplain for the pseudo-beserker assault rules on a despoiler squad.


I like the attack bike idea better.


It keeps your points expenditure more difuse. An extra multimelta shot into a flank can never be a bad thing and it can even dart into an occasional assault. WE attack bikes get like five attacks on the charge :happy.:


Considering it, I thought would it be worth dropping the second Vanquisher entirely? BS3 with no other rules seems meh, whereas if I drop this I can get:


3 Quad Mortars

1 more MM Attack bike


(need to drop the barb-hook lash on chappy but meh)


Thoughts? The added flexibility of an artillery barrage of shatter or frag plus another MM ? Seems...good to me, over 1 Vanquisher round that has a 50% chance to miss!

Edited by The God-Potato of Mankind
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Well, if he's in a squad with the tank ace vanquisher, the second Vanquisher gets tank Hunter too.


Personally I always use them in at least a pair, with one tank ace, but I can see the argument against it in a smaller point game.


I like the rapier idea! Those little guys are super resilient in cover and very versatile.

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