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[HH1.0] Tactica Chainaxe: World Eaters


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Hi gang. Sorry to bust in unannounced but I had a couple of queries, so I thought I'd chuck them at you learned lot... (Apologies if they're dumb!) so:


1. Chainaxes. HH1 says if you're "Legion Astartes: World Eater" you can swap any chainsword for a chainaxe? If my list is WE (i.e. painted blue and white with spiky bits etc) do they automatically get this rule or do I have to have a WE character as general??


Yup. You choose one Legion Astartes rule for your force. So any model that has the potential to buy a chainsword can instead get an axe for free. So you don't actually have to pay points for the chainsword either!


2. Rampager squads. Not much chat about them, everyone says vets are better bet, but rampagers get "Scout" do they not? Meaning they can redeploy into the board. Can they still do this if given jump packs or does the "bulky" rule override the scout rule in this case?


No idea myself if they get scout but yes, you can scout move with jump packs. But if you do you cannot assault first player turn.


Vets are generally better because of scoring plus extra useful rules stacking. 


If so, I guess vets are better.


I'm about to put 10-15 marines together and I need to know whether to go rampagers with JP or Vets with power weapons, etc. I might do a mix just because rampagers.


Cheers in advance.

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Thanks Charlo.


Re. chainaxes, does that mean if you have a tactical squad that you can give chainswords to (2pts each) then you could give them chainaxes (in addition to bolter and bolt pistol) for free?? Surely you'd have to pay for the chainswords?!


I think I'll make 10 rampagers with jump packs just for the fun modelling opportunity. I'm planning 2 squads of 10 vets too, so will do them nextttt.

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I think the general concesus on the rampagers it that they are a bit lack luster because our caedere weapons are a bit lack luster.


Tac squads have three options:

1 - Basic load out, bolter and bolt pistol (+0pts)

2 - Despoiler load out - bolt pistol, chainsword (+0pts)

3 - Super load out - bolter, bolter pistol, chainsword (+some number of points that i don't recall)


In any of these options you can swap the chainsword for a chainaxe for 0pts. 

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That's what I figured, cheers!


Hmm, I'll do some adding up and see if I might prefer to do vets. I have a box from FW sitting on my desk at work with shiny bits in! - I'll maybe start a (long overdue) WIP post. to get your thoughts..!

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If you are set on building jump troops, which i totally get because they are totally cool, i might suggest going the cheapest route and just build a unit of assault marines with a couple power weapons thrown in.  The mathhammering we did over the last couple pages show how strong basic WE troops are in combat.  Vets would be stronger but suffer the same survivability problem that the assault marines would have and cost more points to boot.  Also, you would be ahead of the game if the rumors about FW lowering the point cost of assault marines are true.

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It makes sense to me as a 0pt upgrade...for marine v marine games its no different than a chainsword, and thats the vast majority of 30k games.  I would rather pay a couple points for +1S than get AP4 for free i think.  Though, from a modeling perspective it is way cooler. 

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I never leave home without them. My favourite unit in 30k...


"So these 5 guys have charged you and I'm now going to roll 26 dice. Hitting you on 3's... oh and I get to re-roll any misses"


"I'm sorry how many attacks?"


"So now I'm wounding you on 2's and 3's, re-rolling the 1's"


"Um... I'll just remove them all mate, don't bother rolling"

Edited by Fangbanger
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Results are interesting...for 275pts you can have 5 red butchers with double power axes all around or 20 despoilers with a powerfist/art armor sargent (assuming berserker assualt RWO which gives the despoilers hatred):


vs. Marines (WS4, T4, 3+)
20 Despoilers 16.8 
5 Butchers 20.7 
vs. Cataphractii (WS4, T4, 2+/4++)
20 Despoilers 8.4 
5 Butchers 10.4 
vs. The 6er (WS6, T6, 2+/4++)
20 Despoilers 3.8 
5 Butchers 4.4 
vs. Castellax (WS3, T7, 3+/6++)
20 Despoilers 7.8 
5 Butchers 4.3 
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The thing to remember about red butchers however...


As amazing as they are (and this wounds me to say bc I have 15 of them) always consider what you're charging before charging it. That's possibly the most un-XIIth legion thing I've ever written...


But as nasty as they are, unless you take lightning claws, your opponent is going first and they hit you on 3s regardless of their weapon skill.

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On the subject of chainaxes, where do you obtain yours? I tried googling, but all I found where conversions and a ton of topics about chainaxes on everything from this place to blogs.

I got mine from FW, the phobos pattern axes look pretty sweet.

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On the subject of chainaxes, where do you obtain yours? I tried googling, but all I found where conversions and a ton of topics about chainaxes on everything from this place to blogs.

I got mine from FW, the phobos pattern axes look pretty sweet.



£13 for 5. I'm looking at, what, 60 chainaxes. So not really an option. :laugh.:

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