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[HH1.0] Tactica Chainaxe: World Eaters


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For a more serious response, I intend to run tac blobs with apothecaries, and would likely run into the 60+ range. So I'll need 60 for a starter. Though I might just resort to conversions and making my own for the majority.


I shall continue my google-quest. I have plenty of time before I need the axes after all.

Edited by Interrogator-Chaplain Ezra
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For chainaxes I bought these, these and these from http://bitsofwar.com/. I also intend to buy a lot of these from http://anvilindustry.co.uk because they're the best value and have hands attached to the hafts.


I bought some of Forge World's too. Note that as well as the phobos pistols and axes they also sell sets of 10 chainaxes. They were already old when Betrayal was published but for some reason were never made part of the Heresy range, so they only appear in the 40k section.

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For chainaxes I bought these, these and these from http://bitsofwar.com/. I also intend to buy a lot of these from http://anvilindustry.co.uk because they're the best value and have hands attached to the hafts.


I bought some of Forge World's too. Note that as well as the phobos pistols and axes they also sell sets of 10 chainaxes. They were already old when Betrayal was published but for some reason were never made part of the Heresy range, so they only appear in the 40k section.



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For chainaxes I bought these, these and these from http://bitsofwar.com/. I also intend to buy a lot of these from http://anvilindustry.co.uk because they're the best value and have hands attached to the hafts.


I bought some of Forge World's too. Note that as well as the phobos pistols and axes they also sell sets of 10 chainaxes. They were already old when Betrayal was published but for some reason were never made part of the Heresy range, so they only appear in the 40k section.




Sir, I think you mean...



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Hahaha! It helps that I'm reading this on my phone and had to scroll down, leaving a perfect comic pause before the punchline.


The image of that guy leering and panting over my chainaxes will probably give me nightmares though.

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A basic question about tac squads. As I start assembling my BaC Marines, how do you recommend arming squad sergeants?

A couple pages back we modeled it out and the modeling showed that for an inductii sargent, the power axe is superior to a power fist for anything T6 or less. For a non-inductii squad, the axe and fist are statistically equivalent up to T5 I think it was. So if your are going to fight a lot of T6 or tougher or you want to instagib multi wound T4s then go power fist. If you think the squad will mostly fight MEQ/TEQ then you can go power axe and save a couple points. If you think the squad will be mostly objective grabbers then maybe forgo the weapon upgrade all together.

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Wait, dont Inductiis get S5 meaning the Sarges Fist S10? Meaning it can ID T5 so thats neat, especially if you go up against Biker Lists with Primus'


Also makes for decent vehicle punching.

Edited by Slipstreams
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All those axes are awesome, imma get me some! Thanks cactus. I'm also stuck for how to load out my vets (and no ones commenting on my wip post :sad.: ) how do you guys feel about leaving some thoughts over here?? http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/321354-t0mmys-world-eaters-revival (shameless plug).


I was gunna give the sergeant power fist and axe just cos world eaters but the wording says you can't cos you can only swap his chainsword for a fist or an axe (you can't swap bolter or pistol for axe)... so what do I go for? If I give them meltabombs does he even need a fist??

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An S10 Fist actually gives your inductii sarge a slight potential chance at being able to kill a Knight LOL!






I think that's gotta be a new life goal for me. 

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I can really vouch for the Anvil Industry Axes, and all of thier stuff in general!


You can see a couple on my Death Company below. In 40k I use em as Power Mauls or just regular CCW if I'm not flush with points/ against Necrons/ Eldar.


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But yes - I also now wish to head of many a sergeant punching out a Knight.

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The thing to remember about red butchers however...


As amazing as they are (and this wounds me to say bc I have 15 of them) always consider what you're charging before charging it. That's possibly the most un-XIIth legion thing I've ever written...


But as nasty as they are, unless you take lightning claws, your opponent is going first and they hit you on 3s regardless of their weapon skill.

I had a few games of ZM against the Fists and each battle was a rumble between 5 of my red butchers vs. 8-10 of his powerfist storm shield terminators. Every battle was mutual annihilation - I did enough to make him roll enough 1s and 2s and he naturally got 5 wounds through my 4++. Can safely say it was the battle of the superchoppy vs. the supertanky :biggrin.:

Edited by Ethrion
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^I've had kinda the same thing happen.


A couple of games I've been towards the end and have charged other squads you probably shouldn't charge Butchers into just for fun, and also cause #NailProblems.


Probably the funniest was a game I played last week when I sent my last four butchers screaming into 6 Power fist Justarin. We all struck and initiative 1 and each side ended up causing like 14-15 wounds on the other. So both of our little terminator squads just mutually imploded. 

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