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[HH1.0] Tactica Chainaxe: World Eaters


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I'm glad at least another legion is getting usage out of basic marines again. On my end, it's despoilers with a ton of attacks, though they don't stand a snowball's chance against something like EoB Berzerker chainaxe lunies.


I actually regret tossing aside my WEs now, I dropped them for crappy, unusable rules at the beginning, and now they have amazing ones!!!

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A flaw in our previous anti-Knight tactics!



This rule has no effect on models with the Character special rule.



Which means that...


An S10 Fist actually gives your inductii sarge a slight potential chance at being able to kill a Knight LOL!


...since Exhortation of Butchery has no effect on Characters, he can't do it on the charge. Sadly, now he has to wait for Round 2 to polish off the knight. After all, 2 attacks base, 2 more for charging on Rage, and finally 1 more for having 2 weapons adds up to 5. Last I checked, most (all?) knights are HP 6.


Or is my math all wrong here?

Edited by Interrogator-Chaplain Ezra
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Damn! D:


Only 4 Attacks though since the fist is a Specialist Weapon.


However, at S8 vs Av13 thats a 5 to Glance, 6 to pen. You roll that 6, with Ap2 you need a 6 to get an explodes result which, due to the knight being a superheavy, deals a further D3 Hullpoints.


So you can still kill a knight its just dependant on you getting 4 5+'s and at least 1 6+ that turns into a 6+ for vehicle damage.

Edited by Slipstreams
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I was looking at the Tac Vet Sergeant (Tac vet Squad) entry and he can only swap his CCW for a Special weapon; not his CCW/Bolter like the normal sarge can. Odd.

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I was looking at the Tac Vet Sergeant (Tac vet Squad) entry and he can only swap his CCW for a Special weapon; not his CCW/Bolter like the normal sarge can. Odd.


Wow. That *is* odd. At best, he gets a plasma pistol or combi-weapon if he wants to get rid of his bolter. Oh well, all the more reason to spam Tacticals, if you ask me.

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You can take 2 power fists, or a power fist and a claw, if you want some options. Expensive, but it might be worth it, if you insist on going Knight hunting.


I think that's gotta be a new life goal for me.



And now I went and ruined it. :(

Nah. That just means it's statistically less likely to happen.


Which means it's going to be even more satisfying when I punch a knight's ankles out.

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got my first 30k game in over the weekend with a couple other B&C members.  Both were great guys and the game was awesome.  We played a ZM double game with WE vs IW + necrons...a couple fun things:


Necron Wraiths in ZM are hilarious.  Oh you have walls, we have phase through them.


We were super excited about our Inductii with power fist sargent.  They took one round of shooting, failed their break test, then failed to regroup, then finally did regroup only after being charged by the wraiths.  S10 powerfist did ID a wraith though, so that was pretty epic.


Gahlan + Breachers is BOSS.  Between their invulns and 4+ FnP, the breachers are super durable.  Khârn took the combined fire of 10 tactical marines and 10 tesla equiped necron immortals and incurred 0 wounds...on the next turn he then fired his plasma pistol and gets hot'd himself, failing the save and the FnP.  Probably the most hilarious moment of the game.


Overall i had a really good time and am loving world eaters.  Coming from 40k it feels sooooo good to throw Khârn on the table and have him actually do work.  

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I've found the most effective way to deal with wraiths is to tarpit them in a mob of rending, fearless cultists. I've been using 350pts of allied Warp Cult with my XIIth lately, and it's payed dividends every single game.


It's amusingly effective since the cultist blobs are so expansive they cancel out a lot of the wraith's maneuverability, and once they get stuck by a single cultist in close combat, they're never getting out. Doubly so, I'd imagine, in ZM. Fill a corridor entirely with cultists and there isn't a lot they can do about it.


Plus dogpiling expensive wraith units with one 1/3 their cost that does their job better just makes me all warm n fuzzy inside.

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I've found the most effective way to deal with wraiths is to tarpit them in a mob of rending, fearless cultists. I've been using 350pts of allied Warp Cult with my XIIth lately, and it's payed dividends every single game.


It's amusingly effective since the cultist blobs are so expansive they cancel out a lot of the wraith's maneuverability, and once they get stuck by a single cultist in close combat, they're never getting out. Doubly so, I'd imagine, in ZM. Fill a corridor entirely with cultists and there isn't a lot they can do about it.


Plus dogpiling expensive wraith units with one 1/3 their cost that does their job better just makes me all warm n fuzzy inside.




What you use for your militia? Guardsmen? Cultists?


I could easily drop my attack bikes from the blob - are you allowed multiple allied detachments?

Edited by The God-Potato of Mankind
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^I use a mix of DV cultists and WHFB Beastmen, mostly gor and ungor. I played a herdstone and hordes army since 6th Ed WHFB, so I've got like 200 Beastmen I'm slowly round basing. About 2 dozen Minotaur I'm considering using for Ogryn brutes when I try them out too.


The AoD force org allows for one allied detachment. I've been using a force commander with melta bombs, a cyber familiar, digital-laser, tainted weapon and the tainted flesh & warp cult providences along with two 50 man(beast) levy squads. These all come to 350pts total.


They are terrific as a screen for my more expensive World Eaters. The cultists dogpile anything I don't want the Astartes to get stuck fighting. So far, the most entertaining kill for the 101 model mob at large is either 75% of a Necron Wraithwing or an eldar Wraithknight that I pinned into a corner. Next time out I want to try playing a tyranid bro with a bio-Titan. It'd be pretty funny to catch and rend a Heirophant to death with a unit 1/10th it's cost. Less if you count the venomthrope hitching a ride inside.


They're great for just tarpitting unattractive assault options for your Eaters, since big Killy units will dash into the cultist mob, kill 50% of them, then get rended to crap. Then on my turn, they typically get dog piled by the other 50 model mob, who do a lot more damage at near full strength, charging and with hatred combat turn 1.


Worst case scenario, your opponent shoots the hell out of them, in which case you're out 350pts and your Astartes don't get shot.

Edited by Flint13
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Has anyone run Endryd Haar and/or Rampager squads?


Rampagers don't look the most points efficient and the Caedere weapons don't appear to offer much value for points either but I might be missing something?


Haar looks interesting. T5 rendering him immune to ID from similarly equipped models with PF's. Giving Scout to three power armoured units and making them immune to pinning (and going to ground).

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I've been trying to work out how to include rampagers as well. I run an assault squad and two large despoiler squads and I just can't fit them in. Especially now that the despoilers have become inductii, the rampagers have become a luxury for larger games. I've now started using five of them as a command squad, as veterans or just mixing them in with the despoilers for variety.


They'd be a bit more viable if they could be another troops choice and not just fast/elite.

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Their only real stand out advantage is Jump Packs and Scout.


Makes it hard to include them when their Power Weapon costed Caeder Weapons are straight up worse than actual power weapons.

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My last use of them was Falax blades on an apothecary, who has now been replaced by Surlak.


It kinda sucks bc they feel like such cool, fluffy weapons... They aren't *bad* just criminally expensive, much like the rampagers.

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