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[HH1.0] Tactica Chainaxe: World Eaters


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The only way I use them is for a scouting Landraider caddy for Angron. Maybe give the Sarg a power weapon and go back field hunting. 145 pts seems like a reasnable tax to be able to redeploy Angron 12 in. The unit should still do some damage to a back field support unit.
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Hmm, yeah my beef with the HH books is that there's now 6 @ £74 a pop (or £350 if you buy them in a bundle, but I already have book 1)... then there's age of darkness and crusade army lists at £32 a pop... I know I'm moaning about a hobby that's already expensive, but I'll moan anyway! :tongue.: 


What I would like (and maybe it's in the pipeline) is a WE summary book that contains all the rules for WE's. Book 1 doesn't even have rules for Khârn!


How do vets and inductii compare - assuming they're both better value than rampagers??

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Hmm, yeah my beef with the HH books is that there's now 6 @ £74 a pop (or £350 if you buy them in a bundle, but I already have book 1)... then there's age of darkness and crusade army lists at £32 a pop... I know I'm moaning about a hobby that's already expensive, but I'll moan anyway! :tongue.:


What I would like (and maybe it's in the pipeline) is a WE summary book that contains all the rules for WE's. Book 1 doesn't even have rules for Khârn!


How do vets and inductii compare - assuming they're both better value than rampagers??


All you need is the red books. So that's £32 a pop every few years. 


Inductii lack power weapons and furious charge, but for the cost it's a bit dubious. If you want power weapons, run Butchers! yeaaah. 

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Yeah I was thinking about trying to include medusas in my list, but was worried that they might get left behind and unprotected in mydeployment zone, as the rest of my army surges forward. In the end I decided I needed more dedicated anti-tank killing that would be supported by the rest of my force so I went with contemptors with grav and a leviathan.

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While crossing over with the whole anti infantry shtick of WE as is, Phosphex Medusas leaving dangers terrain can keep your enemy pinned in place in dangerous terrain while you advance. Plus throwing a Phosphex bomb from the required siege breaker is always fun.
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Evening Bros. 


So this is the 2500pt list I've been poodling around with since Retribution dropped. It started out a 2250pt list with just the World Eaters, which was my go-to XII legion army up until Conquest came out. Then I realized that there isn't an army that 350pts of rending, fearless zealots won't add to, so I started putting that little allied detachment in there. The last time I played it, it was pretty much identical to what it is now except for Surlak (and upgrading the two small despoiler squads into Inductii).


Aywho, does it need anything? I *really* want a Sicaran Venator in there, which is the first thing that gets added when I take it to 3k. 


Khârn w/ Gorechild, Berzerker Assault
Ghalan Surlak

10x Inductii w/ bp+chain axe, vex, sgt w/power fist, art armor
10x Inductii w/ bp+chain axe, vex, sgt w/power fist, art armor
13x despoilers w/ bp+chain axe, vex, sgt w/power weapon, art armor, melta bomb (with Khârn and Surlak in Spartan)

2x land raider phobos w/ dozer blade
1x Spartan Assault tank w/armored ceramite, flare shield, dozer blade

Typhon w/ lascannon sponsons, armored ceramite

Allied Cult/Militia

Force Commander w/ cult horde and tainted flesh, tainted weapon, cyber familiar, digital laser, melta bomb

50x Inducted Levy
50x Inducted Levy

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Scoring units used to bother me a bit too, but then you realise you are much better at murdering your opponents scoring units so just focus on that


Like the list, I'm a firm fan of assault vehicles in our Legion and it's nice to see not a rhino in sight. Drowning the enemy in levy gives a nice theme but good luck painting all of them and moving them all in a game without going insane

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Sound like a really fun list. Are the units in the allied detachment scoring?


The Levy are scoring.



Are they? For some reason I was thinking they weren't. That's great!



Scoring units used to bother me a bit too, but then you realise you are much better at murdering your opponents scoring units so just focus on that


This I agree with. When I play my XIIth legion, the only objective that concerns me is making the tallest stack of skulls :biggrin.:



Drowning the enemy in levy gives a nice theme but good luck painting all of them and moving them all in a game without going insane

I already have them painted.


Moving them isn't much of a problem. I've been doing it just fine for a dozen games now, though I don't think I'd envy someone who tried for the full 300 :smile.:

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Inducti in my lists are used match the same way that I used my death company in BA back when I still played 40k armies, but for an even better price per mini.


Recently I've been contemplating a squad of sniper vets to help me take down my friends mechanicus beasties, with limited funds what would be another good choice to take them on? Destroyers with rad missiles are tempting but is two shots per 10 guys worth it or are there other options?

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Funnily enough, rampagers with Excoriator Chainaxe aren't bad! +1S ap3 and shred lets you pile on wounds to the big guys.


Even a minimum squad may be able to deal some relative damage - just be careful of Castellax punching back D:

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Hmm... I don't want to sound like a broken record, but I'm used to dogpiling big stuff like Castellax under a 50 man Tainted Cult levy. Those are spectacular.


If you want to keep it in the legion, sniper vets aren't a bad idea for general utility, but they're not going to be super effective against Castellax and other big mechanicum stuff. Only 1/6 of those shots will be rends, and 1/3 of those will bounce off atomantic shielding.


Have you thought about a plasmagun support squad? They're pretty ace at killing mech stuff, terminators and light vehicles, all very consistently.


The downside there is that 10 of them come to 325pts where a barebones rending vet squad is 200 or so

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