Guiltysparc Posted April 26, 2016 Share Posted April 26, 2016 (edited) drop pod leviathan, the answer to 'how do i kill x' is always a drop pod leviathan. Edited April 26, 2016 by Guiltysparc Flint13 and temneb 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted April 26, 2016 Share Posted April 26, 2016 Flint, you're making me want to just Spam buy some beastmen for my DG now. They seem like the ultimate answer to anything. I suppose you can even threaten AV10-12 with all that rending D: Flint13 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
temneb Posted April 26, 2016 Share Posted April 26, 2016 (edited) @Guilty Bwahahaha. Edited April 26, 2016 by temneb Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flint13 Posted April 26, 2016 Share Posted April 26, 2016 Flint, you're making me want to just Spam buy some beastmen for my DG now. They seem like the ultimate answer to anything. I suppose you can even threaten AV10-12 with all that rending D: I mean... They aren't the best for absolutely everything, but I have yet to see the scenario wherein an allied force of 101 fearless, rending, zealot cultists isn't going to help. Especially since they're only 350pts with their force commander. Think of them like a different tool in your toolbox. A screwdriver isn't categorically "better" than a hammer, but it does allow you to take on a completely different set of tasks that a hammer would not be a good solution to. Â Since the cultists operate on a completely different paradigm than the legion, so they're great for getting rid of (or at least tarpitting) things that are typical problems for Astartes. A fifty model unit also has a pretty big footprint, so mobility is slightly less of an issue in many respects. It's kinda easy to avoid a footslogging 10 model unit, much less so one that takes up a square foot of board space. Â Even if you don't kill whatever you pin down with them, chances are you've effectively taken it out of the game and can just leave it, or set up a combat that's much more in your favor. Like drop pod leviathans. If he gets stuck in a cultist dogpile, you've essentially lost that dread. Â Plus it is beyond entertaining when they actually do kill something really expensive. Big Mechanicum constructs (or Wraithknights...) are especially amusing to jump on. Doubly so with a hidden tainted weapon on your force commander. You can actually do quite a lot of damage to big things with a rather unassuming force commander. He's also pretty great for absorbing (in so far as a t3 model can...) a few overwatch shots on the way in so you don't have inches being cut off your charge when all the front line models are cut down. Â Wow, that went longer than I thought it would. But hopefully it gives a good overview of why I love using these guys to support my XII legion. Charlo 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted April 26, 2016 Share Posted April 26, 2016 Danke :) Â I'll get some beastmen/ marauders/ Dark Squat Clansmen on the back burner :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ethrion Posted April 30, 2016 Share Posted April 30, 2016 Ok we all seem to be of the same mind that Gahlan is a must because inductii are epic, red butchers are auto include because, well red butchers and the leviathan is the answer to any question ever, period.  With that in mind I've come up with the following. It's using the berzerker rite of war because in my mind it's probably still better than the crimson path and full orbital rite of war is just not necessary.  10 Inductii despoilers with axe and melta bomb in an anvillus10 Inductii despoilers with axe and melta bomb in an anvillus 5 Plasma support in a rhino 5 Melta support in a rhino 10 Despoilers with melta in a rhino Khârn, Gahlan and 5 red butchers with 2 chainfists in a kharybdis 1 Leviathan with phosphex, drill, volkite and armoured ceramite in a pod 1 Deathstorm pod with krak  This should be 2500 and the idea is the inductii and red butchers drop turn one with the leviathan and deathstorm coming in turn two ideally. Deathstorm is there for extra AT and to make up the odd number of pods. The despoilers are less crazy than the inductii so can cap objectives along with the support squads (if need be) who can primarily rush forward under cover of the arrived pods to support the infantry. And the leviathan does what leviathans do.Hopefully there is enough AT with the deathstorm, the melta support, the leviathan and then from close combat smashing. And hopefully there is enough 2+ armour killing abilty from the leviathan, the plasma support and then red butchers/Khârn. In addition, there should be enough choppy from the inductii, despoilers and again, red butchers/Khârn.  I've been tearing my hair out trying to crunch the numbers and this seems to be the most synergised balance I could find. Any and all thoughts fellow XII legionnaries? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guiltysparc Posted April 30, 2016 Share Posted April 30, 2016 You have 5 pods so you can bring in 3 on turn 1.  I would bring in the levi, Khârn/gahlan/butchers, and the deathstorm for maximum :cuss off alpha strike.  Then you can drop the inductii as needed and you won't miss them *too* much if you have reserve trouble whereas if the levi and deathstorm sit in reserves for a while you will be most unhappy.  What ranged weapon are you giving the leviathan (or are you going dual ccw arms?).  In your list i would go with the melta lance, it is straight up nasty and would help with bring the overall AT in your list up.  I like the list though, should be a ton of fun to play and sort of similiar to my 2500pt berserker assault list.  The main difference being that mine has two drop pod leviathans and i paired Khârn/gahlan with regular despoilers in a spartan. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ethrion Posted April 30, 2016 Share Posted April 30, 2016 You have 5 pods so you can bring in 3 on turn 1.  I would bring in the levi, Khârn/gahlan/butchers, and the deathstorm for maximum off alpha strike.  Then you can drop the inductii as needed and you won't miss them *too* much if you have reserve trouble whereas if the levi and deathstorm sit in reserves for a while you will be most unhappy.  What ranged weapon are you giving the leviathan (or are you going dual ccw arms?).  In your list i would go with the melta lance, it is straight up nasty and would help with bring the overall AT in your list up.  I like the list though, should be a ton of fun to play and sort of similiar to my 2500pt berserker assault list.  The main difference being that mine has two drop pod leviathans and i paired Khârn/gahlan with regular despoilers in a spartan. Actually, yeah you're right that's a better order in which to bring the pods. The only reason I thought of sending the anvillus pods first was that without inertial guidance when the table top is full later on it gets more dangerous to drop them. But yeah, having the leviathan and deathstorm first makes more sense.  The leviathan will have drill and claw with melta guns in the fists. I thought about the melta lance but while yes its three S9 melta shots you lose a close combat attack and you do already have 2 meltas in the fists already.  The other option is:  Khârn, Gahlan and 15 despoilers in a kharybdis Red Butchers in an anvillus Leviathan in pod 15 inductii with apothecary on foot 15 inductii with apothecary on foot 5 support with melta in a rhino Contemptor with dual claws and two melta guns  This list is less drop pod heavy and a little bit more ground and pound but it has more marines and takes advantage of apothecaries. I'm not sure what I prefer, the more guaranteed delivery of 10 inductii from an anvillus without apothecaries or the less guaranteed delivery of more inductii with apothecaries.  Argh, so many slight permutations...driving me slightly insane! (Time to be sealed inside my armour I think!) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guiltysparc Posted April 30, 2016 Share Posted April 30, 2016 The upside to the melta lance is that you could better threaten armor the turn you land since you can't assualt that turn. Â Regarding despoilers vs butchers, the despoilers might have an edge in the long run but if you got butchers I feel like you need to use them, lol. Gahlan and butchers should be a nasty combo. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ethrion Posted May 1, 2016 Share Posted May 1, 2016 The upside to the melta lance is that you could better threaten armor the turn you land since you can't assualt that turn. Â Regarding despoilers vs butchers, the despoilers might have an edge in the long run but if you got butchers I feel like you need to use them, lol. Gahlan and butchers should be a nasty combo. It certainly is in Zone Mortalis. And yes, if you have butchers, you use them! :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guiltysparc Posted May 2, 2016 Share Posted May 2, 2016 Last week i  played an 1750pt game.  I used the Khârn/gahlan/despoiler unit so i think you guys might be interested in a quick overview/lessons learned.  It was a game vs necrons using 30k rules (ie, troops are the only scoring units) and AoD FOC, key point there being that his reanimation was 5+ instead of the decurion 4+.   - my list - Khârn, Gahlan, 15 Despoilers in a spartan Kheres Contemptor 2x 10 man tactical squads, no upgrades Leviathan in drop pod with melta lance, claw, phosphex, and choom  - necrons - overlord with the ap2 fleshbane/armorbane melee weapon 20 warriors on foot 10 warriors in a ghost arc 10 deathmarks 10 immortals with tesla guns (extra hits on to-hit rolls of 6) c'tan 3 wraiths anihilation barge triarch stalker 2x heavy destroyers   The highlights are thus:  Leviathan - Levi drops into the necron deployment zone on turn 1 and slags the triarch stalker with the melta lance...then looks at this other unfired guns sadly.  His drop pod soaked up the bulk of the necron's first shooting round, so job well done there.  Then the wraiths tarpitted the leviathan.  The 3++ is tough to crack but doubley so when you forget they are only T5 and should have been dieing to ID from the levi, so that was my bad.  Either way, the levi would have been stuck there until turn 5 or 6, i don't remember exactly when the 3rd wraith wound was dealt but it was around there.  The levi did not kill back his points but he may have if i had remember to ID the wraiths.  Even a single turn of shooting from him would have wipped out any unit in the necron army list.  Spartan - i failed consecutive difficult terrain tests with my spartan and contemptor leaving them immobilized the entire game.  The good news is that they were immobilized 18" from the enemy and pointed at it so the contemptor was lighting stuff up with the kheres and the spartan was merrily blasting away as well.  By the end of my 2nd or 3rd turn i had killed everything with an armor value.  i will probably pay the 5pts for dozer blades on everything from now on, lol.  Khârn - The Khârn/Gahlan/Despoiler murder ball made a fantastic disembark and move to set up a glorious 7" charge against the 20 man warrior blob, and then i rolled a 6 for charge distance.  On the necron shoting phase he lit. those. dudes. up. but happily Khârn was able to tank everything...2+/4+fnp is super tough.  Unhappily the c'tan got a clutch powers roll and dropped a S8 AP3 large blast on that unit, killing 12 of the 17 dudes in it.  The immortals/overlord unit charged them and actually got pretty :cussed up.  Over a couple rounds of combat i was able to kill off that unit (though Khârn was killed by the overlord after getting him down to 1 wound) with help from my other tac sqaud and the c'tan jumped in and wiped them out.  Left Side Tactical Squad - MVPs of the game.  This 10 man unit, armed with bolters, not even having the CCW upgrade/trade off, charged and sweeping advanced the 20 man warrior squad, then lost 6 dudes after being shot by the warriors in the ghost ark, failed their LD test, regrouped, THEN assaulted that unit and killed them in glorious retribution.  They were eventually killed but my god did they have a glorious couple turns before going out.  In those two or three turns they killed all of the necron scroing units, lol.  At the end of the game there were no scoring units on either side so it was draw, i think i *may* have been able to get the table if i had not messed up the levithan's combat, but either way :cuss was super fun. Flint13 and Ethrion 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OPTIMVSCHRISTVS Posted May 2, 2016 Share Posted May 2, 2016 Hi all, Â Just picked up Betrayal at Calth and will be building a World Eaters force- any suggestions on how to kit out those models? Looking for a solid core that I can slowly add to over time. I've got loads of berserker bits (chainaxes, swords, pistols, etc.) laying around just in case. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted May 3, 2016 Share Posted May 3, 2016 Lots of Despoilers. Â Enjoy your madmen! Brother Tankred and Fangbanger 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Asvaldir Posted May 3, 2016 Share Posted May 3, 2016 I'd say make them all despoilers with chain axes, World Eaters really can't go wrong with having lots of those in any list. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guiltysparc Posted May 3, 2016 Share Posted May 3, 2016 for my bac box I did 2x10 vanilla bolter marines to use as objective grabbers and the other 10 i did as despoilers (and added 5 mark 3s to make that unit 15 strong). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OPTIMVSCHRISTVS Posted May 3, 2016 Share Posted May 3, 2016 Hmm, think I may go 20x despoilers (possibly throw them in a Spartan whenever I get around to getting them) then maybe do the other 10 as bolter/CCW tacticals? Fangbanger 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fangbanger Posted May 3, 2016 Share Posted May 3, 2016 Sounds like a good plan Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MadHatter5045 Posted May 4, 2016 Share Posted May 4, 2016 Where is everyone getting all their arms (appendages) to model despoilers from? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flint13 Posted May 4, 2016 Share Posted May 4, 2016 I got mine from the tons of destroyers I never use.  They look awesome since they've got this additional armor plate on the forearm. I use a lot of the bodies too.  Also a bunch of the MK4 weapon kits and a few from Catalan reavers. Bonus is they have badass chainaxes. MadHatter5045 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Tankred Posted May 4, 2016 Share Posted May 4, 2016 Where is everyone getting all their arms (appendages) to model despoilers from? If you're using BaC look at anvil industries for an affordable option. Â That's the way I'm going. MadHatter5045 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MadHatter5045 Posted May 4, 2016 Share Posted May 4, 2016 Thank you both! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flint13 Posted May 4, 2016 Share Posted May 4, 2016 To be fair, Mr. Radcliffe's suggestion is probably the superior one. Â Mine is way more expensive and indicative of an unhealthy resin addiction. MadHatter5045 and Charlo 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Tankred Posted May 5, 2016 Share Posted May 5, 2016 To be fair, Mr. Radcliffe's suggestion is probably the superior one. Â Mine is way more expensive and indicative of an unhealthy resin addiction. Â It took me a few seconds to realise who Mr Radcliffe was :s Flint13 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ethrion Posted May 5, 2016 Share Posted May 5, 2016 Where is everyone getting all their arms (appendages) to model despoilers from? I got all my close combat arms from just the millions of bits that I own. I know that doesn't really help but I guess if you don't own enough arms, just ask around or trade. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guiltysparc Posted May 5, 2016 Share Posted May 5, 2016 I bought mine from fellow B&Cer ephrael. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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