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[HH1.0] Tactica Chainaxe: World Eaters


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The Deredeo is great, but I need volume of fire over high strength shots. I often fight deep striking Raven Guard, Terror Squads and Gal Vorbak. Drowning them in 40 S6 Delfagrate shots will aid me immeasurably more than 4 S8 shots. 


The Cortus was just to round the drop pod numbers, but with 3 I can get both combi-plasmas down turn 1 so I can swap it. 


My HS slot is so crowded it's brutally unfair :sad.:

Ah, that would make sense then. I suppose the cortus would be ok if they ran with weapons that didn't rely on BS as much...maybe dual grav or heavy flamers. But if you just need an extra pod then perhaps a deathwind?



Can't deathwind, I thought of this though. Alas it's a HS choice and I need both Spartans and a dakka squad like the culverins of Deredeo in the 3rd :(


I suppose I could drop the Cortus cost and invest in 2 apothecaries for the tacticals. Then run Crimson path for dank dank FNP shenanigans.  

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A cortus in a pod is how i rounded out my triple pod threat also...seems the most point efficient way to get a drop pod that you don't really need/don't mind being lost in reserves.


I'm considering tacticals via drop pod to get both terminators down turn 1 AND fufill the requirements for Beserker Assault


but...only one consul .. blerg

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The Deredeo is great, but I need volume of fire over high strength shots. I often fight deep striking Raven Guard, Terror Squads and Gal Vorbak. Drowning them in 40 S6 Delfagrate shots will aid me immeasurably more than 4 S8 shots. 


The Cortus was just to round the drop pod numbers, but with 3 I can get both combi-plasmas down turn 1 so I can swap it. 


My HS slot is so crowded it's brutally unfair :sad.:

Ah, that would make sense then. I suppose the cortus would be ok if they ran with weapons that didn't rely on BS as much...maybe dual grav or heavy flamers. But if you just need an extra pod then perhaps a deathwind?



Can't deathwind, I thought of this though. Alas it's a HS choice and I need both Spartans and a dakka squad like the culverins of Deredeo in the 3rd :sad.:


I suppose I could drop the Cortus cost and invest in 2 apothecaries for the tacticals. Then run Crimson path for dank dank FNP shenanigans.  



really want to love Crimson Path, but its only worked decently for me in a couple of the half dozen games I've tried it in. 


I didn't exactly realize how small that initial deployment zone is compared to the 3/4s of the board for Berzerker Assault until I compared the utility I was getting out of both RoW's over a bunch of games. 


Honestly, it's far easier for your opponent to just scoot their entire army forward a few inches out of their deployment zone to prevent you from getting the FnP bonus, than it is for them to trap you in you own deployment zone.


A cortus in a pod is how i rounded out my triple pod threat also...seems the most point efficient way to get a drop pod that you don't really need/don't mind being lost in reserves.


I'm considering tacticals via drop pod to get both terminators down turn 1 AND fufill the requirements for Beserker Assault


but...only one consul .. blerg



What does a XIIth legion need in consuls beyond Surlak? With Berzerker Assault, chaplains are pretty much superfluous.


Droppods full of Inductii sounds pretty sweet.  

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Surlak is not a consol so no problem


...also regarding pods. My 3000 has a kharybdis, Levi in pod and then an anvilus with tac squad round it out. This means if I need to drop to get an objective late game I can. Cortus in a pod is a slightly cheaper option though points wise

Edited by Fangbanger
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A cortus in a pod is how i rounded out my triple pod threat also...seems the most point efficient way to get a drop pod that you don't really need/don't mind being lost in reserves.


I'm considering tacticals via drop pod to get both terminators down turn 1 AND fufill the requirements for Beserker Assault


but...only one consul .. blerg


Nah...stick with the cortus. It's not that bad and it'll do a decent job. Plus they have to deal with it or else it'll run amok.

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He isn't? That's awesome!


I was operating under the assumption he counted as a Primus Medicae.

Nah, Named Characters actually dont count as Consuls oddly enough.


So yeah, you can totally use them to dodge consul limitations present with RoWs.

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He isn't? That's awesome!


I was operating under the assumption he counted as a Primus Medicae.


Would Khârn count as a consul? 


If not, I would definitely try to run Gahlan, Primus & Khârn. All the FNP and inductii!


Or a Champion - WE Champions seem pretty swish all round. If not running BA a Chaplain also rocks.

Edited by The God-Potato of Mankind
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He isn't? That's awesome!


I was operating under the assumption he counted as a Primus Medicae.


Would Khârn count as a consul? 


If not, I would definitely try to run Gahlan, Primus & Khârn. All the FNP and inductii!


Or a Champion - WE Champions seem pretty swish all round. 


Why would Khârn count as a Consul? He's Praetor level at minimum.


But yeah, you can totally do that.

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The only other consul I have run besides a primus medicae is a forge lord with pfist and rad grenades.  Between him, Surlak, and the sgt hiding in the squad with a powerfist it really puts a hurt on whatever they are up against, being that whatever we hit with our powerfists almost always wounds.


Rad grenades and butchers are awesome.  Fail that 4+ on your 2 wound terminator?  No FNP for you!

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The Erebus and Kor Phaeron thing was clarified in an FAQ whilst also being otherwise specified, iirc.


Which would actually make them the exceptions, not the rule.

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The only other consul I have run besides a primus medicae is a forge lord with pfist and rad grenades.  Between him, Surlak, and the sgt hiding in the squad with a powerfist it really puts a hurt on whatever they are up against, being that whatever we hit with our powerfists almost always wounds.


Rad grenades and butchers are awesome.  Fail that 4+ on your 2 wound terminator?  No FNP for you!

Am I missing something?

Rad knocks one off your toughness

Str 5 power axes

No double toughness

Does Rad remove feel no pain?

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A power ax adds +1 str.  Being that they have two power axes...

Elaborate please? :huh.:


I mean, 2 Power Axes only = +1 Attack not +1S per Axe.


Rad Grenades = -1T so T4 down to T3.


Unless they have Furious Charge for +1S, they're only S5 vs T3 which, as said above, doesn't double out the Toughness Value = 2+ to Wound, No Instant Death.


At most, Red Butchers will have, individually, 5 Attacks, 6 on the Sarge who has either 2 Power Fists or 2 Chain Fists meaning S8 so he ID's T4 anyways.

Edited by Slipstreams
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A power ax adds+1 strength.  2 axes would be +2 strength and gets bonus for having two CCWs. Same as if a praetor took two paragon blades.  


Since we are breaking things down barney style here, base strength of 4 plus 2 strength from power axes, (or paragon blades) equals 6 strength.  Rad grenades reduce marines base toughness from 4 to three.  2x3 = 6. In other words, the strength is double their toughness.


So they are base two, rage, off hand, and maybe a butchery buff for 6 attacks each.


Sorry you guys don't play it that way, but my group does.  Thought this would be pretty obvious.

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But thats not how it works at all and never has in 40k.


You only use one weapon profile while fighting in CC. All having a Pistol or 2nd Combat Weapon is give you a Bonus Attack if eligible unless you have a Two-Handed Weapon or are using a Specialist Weapon (which requires a second specialist weapon for the Bonus Attack).


I'm sorry but it wasn't obvious to us because thats literally not how it works.


If you can find me a Book Reference with page number that proves your point, then I'll eat my words. But as it stands, your group is essentially using a House Rule.

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Yeah, that's not cool casually insulting the Frater like that man. It might seem obvious to you and your group, but look on page 41 of the BRB:



Unless otherwise noted, if a model has more than one shooting weapon, he must choose which one to shoot - he cannot fire both in the same Shooting phase. If a model has more than one Melee weapon, he must choose which one to attack with when he comes to strike blows - he cannot mix and match the abilities of several different Melee weapons. However, it's worth remembering that if a model has two or more Melee weapons he gains +1 attack in close combat (pg 49)." Emphasis mine.


I think that probably settles it.

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