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[HH1.0] Tactica Chainaxe: World Eaters


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I've been doing an armored rhino rush style army and before everyone jumps on the not an assault vehicle soapbox ;) I use 2 land Raiders to deliver the really killy elements back this up with vindicators and soon a xiphon I'm converting up from a viper it has served me well against my usual opponent.
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Apothecaries can only take swords as a power weapon option unless something changed I don't know about... the squads on foot can be resilient to small arms but if your meta consists of lots of str8 pie plates with ap3 or better those squads will die quickly, so ymmv there.

Thanks for pointing that out, can't believe I missed that. Anyways, my own group doesn't sport much in the way of pie plates thankfully, but I'm at a bit of a loss on how best to protect them given the requirements to have more infantry than tanks and in the Beserker RoW, whats the current consensus? I'm thinking a spartan for a big killy despoiler blob or would that be overkill

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Before I got on this orbital assault kick, I'd been using two land raider Phobos and a spartan full of despoilers and Inductii.


Overkill it is not :D


Keep in mind too, with e Berzerker Assault rite, it's every infantry unit. So the Apothecary and a despoiler squad would count for two, for example.

Edited by Flint13
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Has anyone considered the Sacrificial Offering RoW?


Now it's no Beserker Assault but the thought of a cheap detachment of stubborn cultists behind and aegis while the usual horde of Spartans encircle? Could be fluffy and fun, maybe not the best meta but ... tempting?


I know cultist levies are great meatshields so potentially getting the outflank bonuses with the Legionaries could be an alternative to the wave of levies rushing forward ploy?

Edited by The God-Potato of Mankind
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I think problem is you are reserves dependant then and not getting charges off until turn 3 earliest.


Fun one could be doing that with Iron Warriors though, as Pert can roll for Reserves from Turn 1 :devil: , quite honestly his most amazing ability that makes me want to play IW....

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So I played a game today against Ninjaman's 4th legion. I took a unit of outriders as a rapid reaction or flanking force with a forge lord. While the unit was nice I can't shake the feeling that something else could serve that purpose better, would you guys feel that an assault squad with a forge lord babysitter is a viable rapid reaction force? It comes in less than the outsiders, 6 bikes a sergeant and 3 weapons plus melta on sarge. I can get similar load out for the adsault squad with more wounds with lower costs...
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So, Khârn vs the Praetor Tribune...I think the Tribune is better or at least more points effecient. Khârn costs 190pts, the Tribune is 180. They have the same state line other than Khârn having +1WS. Both are rocking a 2/4++. With the Tribune you save 10pts and gain +1LD and +1A. You lose the plasma pistol, rampage, and armor bane. Rampage is great but i a non issue if you are running Khârn in a despoiler blob, plus it's offset by the extra attack on the tribune. Don't care about the plasma pistol, so armorbane seems to be the biggest thing you are trading off.



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With angron around I'd honestly almost leave Khârn at home and take a consul unless you want another paragon blade in the list. I'm playing with a terminator champion to run with butchers while angron drags a despoiler squad around once I get him
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^I like Khârn in a despoiler squad a little better. 


One, I feel like putting him in a squad of butchers curtails both of their respective strengths. Butchers can't sweep and Khârn is plenty killy without backup. I kinda like having two kickass units instead of one ultimate deathstar unit. It spreads out your attack potential and forces your opponent to choose. Khârn and Butchers versus a despoiler squad is an obvious choice as to which to shoot. Plus they can only charge (and obliterate) one thing at a time.


Two, breachers are super popular in my gaming bunch, so I've gotten used to detaching Khârn and charging him in on his own first so my despoilers can follow up and get all their charge bonuses.


Occasionally I'll accidentally strand Khârn by himself, but then he just gets rampage :D

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So continuing my previous thoughts what consul would you put into a butcher squad? Because they have hatred and FnP backed in I'm thinking pass on a chaplain or primus... and with them being unable to sweep I almost just feel like a buff character is wasted on them...
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A Librarian could be good for simply a little bit of buffing. Plus the image of some kind of crazy blood wizard leading the Butchers into Battle is sweeeet.


If not you are right, the consuls are kinda wasted on them.


Banner Bearer could be damn good though -  +1" to both charge and run distances AND may Re-Roll 1's to wound on the turn they successfully charged!


ALL the re-rolls!


If not a Forge Lord could be an excellent tank for them (3++ with Cyber Familiar in Cata) and provide Rad Grenades so they wound on 2+!

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LA: world eaters already grants the re-roll 1s to would on the charge or did you already account for that and just listed if so my bad. :) Forge lord is tempting and as I usually run BA librarian is out of the question
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Ah totally forgot about the LA rules that Re-roll to wound.


Banner Lord is a bit poop then as you'd only be getting 1" charge extra.


Forge Lord seems like it might be the best bet then? Or for fluff fun a Legion Champion.

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If I was to add a brawler into the unit I'd go forge lord with familiar for 2+/3++ with a fist probably... legion champion just feels like a praetor light with weaker options but as a budget fighter I cam see the potential
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