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[HH1.0] Tactica Chainaxe: World Eaters


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Maybe a power maul or some such so I can ID me at I with rad nades... plus I tend to rely on forcing dice roles more than AP to win my combats as world eaters...

Edited by Nova_chron
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So i've put in a couple games with my tournament list.  It looks like this...





Khârn, Gorechild, Berserker Assault



15x Despoilers - Artificer/Power Fist Sargent, Vexilla

10x Tac Marines - Artificer Sargent, Rhino

10x Tac Marines - Artificer Sargent, Rhino


2x Javelin Speeder - Multimelta, Cyclone Missiles, 2x Hunter Killers


Spartan - Flare Shield, AC

Leviathan - Cyclonic Melta Lance, Snippy Claw, Phosphex, Flamers, AC, Drop Pod



An important thing to note is that the tournament is a prmarily 40k event that allows 30k armies, so i expect to fight mostly 40k armies.  Since i'll be at a model count disadvantage, every unit has a job and needs to do it well.  So far, everything has performed pretty spectacularly in my play testing.  The only thing i am looking at changing is the Javelins...


My Javelin issues:


1 - Made of tin foil...AV 11/11/10 with 2Hp, i knew this going in and most of the time they kill whatever i sent them after before deiing a firery death, so they generally do their job unless...

2 - Reserve Woes...they are super flexibile in that they can deep strike or outlfank, which is great except when it doesn't work, lol.  I am slightly concerned about fighting armies that manipulate reserves.  I would normally not care too much since its just one unit, but on a 40k battlefield that one unit is 17% of my total army and when it languishes in reserve the army suffers.


So, the two Javs in that configuration are 195pts.  A sicaran with lascannons, a hunter killer missile, and dozer blade is also 195pts (or 180 with 15pts to spend on something other than the missile and dozer blade).  The role that slot is filling is my anti-light armor so i did some mathhammering on the two units vs AV11, 12, 13 and it works out like this...


2x Javs - 5.0 glances on AV 11, 3.8 glances on AV12, 2.5 glances on AV13

Sicaran - 3.6 glances on AV 11, 2.6 glances on AV12, 1.2 glances on AV13


Clearly the javs put out more hurt, which i expected given the weapon loadout, but the Sicaran might be able to do it better since everything its shooting has a 48" range whereas the Javs needs to be within 24" to reach their full potential.  The sicaran is certainlly tough and would provide better anti-air/anti-skimmer fire since you can't take jink saves against its cannon.  It would also start on the board so i wouldn't impacted by reserve issues....but it would also start on the board along with 2x rhinos and a spartan so it would almost certainlly eat some turn 1 shooting after the rhinos pop.


and yes, if you are wondering, setting up only 2 rhinos and a spartan opposite 1850pts of a 40k army is a bit nerve wracking...


Anyway, thats my early morning rambling thoughts.

Edited by Guiltysparc
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Maybe a power maul or some such so I can ID me at I with rad nades... plus I tend to rely on forcing dice roles more than AP to win my combats as world eaters...


ID'ing mother:cussers with a maul after rad'ing them sounds pretty fun to me.

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Has anyone had much success running predator squadrons in support of berserker assault? I know the limitation can make it rough but I find I always feel like I'm lacking in fire support against my usuall opponents...
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So, I played against some WE last Thursday.


Who's that stupid Apothecary? He made Angron bloody invincible!


Literally lost the game because I wasn't able to put enough wounds on him and his unit, and suffered a defeat of my own Primarch :-(

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Ghalan Surlak is a book 6 Character who has a 4+ FNP. Combine that with Crimson Paths +1 To FNP and he dishes out a 3+ FNP. Great for Angron who also gets a +1 to IWND with the RoW.


And, come on, if you let Angron Charge you or somehow got into combat with Angron, you were asking for it.

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I didn't let him charge :-(


I went in there for glory lol

Thats an equally Not-That-Great Move.


Should have just shot Angron off the board and not potentially lock down your own Primarch Forever while also not risking Angron getting Bonus Attacks for killing your dudes.

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Lol I tried. I destroyed his Spartan on turn 1, then bombarded the squad with multiple units including Quad Rapiers for 3 turns...


I think my list is lacking in str8 and/or ap2 shooting :-(

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Lol I tried. I destroyed his Spartan on turn 1, then bombarded the squad with multiple units including Quad Rapiers for 3 turns...


I think my list is lacking in str8 and/or ap2 shooting :-(

I had Dorn and a Primus Medicae with Attached Terminators survive ~50+ wounds per Turn from Quad Mortar Batteries, getting bombarded three times (the two Iron Warrior Spartans succeeded in Exploding my 1), they then got Rapid Fire Charged by 2 20 man IW Tac Squads, hit by them in CC (I4 Dorn and Unwieldy Squad), survived, Won Combat by 7 (+D3 from Dorn), Swept one while the other got away only to get charged and swept the turn after, thus granting our side +5 VPs due to Warlord, 2 Points for wiping a unit out (1 each), 2 points for Sweeping (1 each)


They're good for clearing Chaff but a 2+/3++/5+++ makes it hard to clear more so if you then slap a libby on in there for Psychic Powers; especially one like Prescience which might get that much better if the GW FAQ goes live with the "FNP is a save" bit which would let you reroll it in the right situations...sigh.


Haha what are you going to use to shoot Angron off the table when he's got a 3+ FnP :biggrin.:

Possibly easiest would be to try and get Surlak first since he's the one making them so survivable. Going to be hard vs any savvy opponent but, if they're joined by Non-T5+ Dudes, then 3 Medusa's pummeling you with Large Blasts ought to thin the herd.


Anything other than 2+ Templates to drown the unit in wounds (bonus points if they deny FNP to the chaff) is bound to wind up taking literally forever.


BUT! After witnessing 10 Grave Wardens shoot 16 Poisoned 3+ Grenades into Corax, wounding 11 Times and causing 5 failed 2+ Saves (thus killing Corax), I wouldn't put it past the dice gods to spite you so.

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In our Apoc Games, we usually allow for players to take 1 additional LoW meaning we can run Primarch and Mastodon.


Outside of that, the main attraction for this thing is that it can carry multiple units and dreads and you want/need to make use of that fact or else youre better off with 2 Spartans.

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A single spartan on its own is usually easily dealt with. Two is a rare occurrence and most people aren't equipped to deal with it.


You couldn't go wrong with the 1-2 punch of OH HEY A SPART- OH MY GOD IS THAT A KHARYBDIS TOO!!?!?!?!?!?!

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New legion red book is out and chainaxes are +1 strength.


Dear forgeworld, I never doubted you.


Strengh 5, points-discounted assault marines with apots (fnp 4+ with the new row and exhortation to butchery)...

And wait for it...

Str. 6 Augmented Inductii!


World Eaters may be one of the strongest Legions now

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They're insane. They were focused on incredibly strong troops and FW just buffed the crap out of troops :D


I'm definitely running ASMs. They mean I don't need to invest in Spartans so can free up mad points for a hammer hammerblow drop assault.

Edited by The God-Potato of Mankind
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A single spartan on its own is usually easily dealt with. Two is a rare occurrence and most people aren't equipped to deal with it.


You couldn't go wrong with the 1-2 punch of OH HEY A SPART- OH MY GOD IS THAT A KHARYBDIS TOO!!?!?!?!?!?!

Or run 2 Spartans AND a kharybdis like me ;-)

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