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[HH1.0] Tactica Chainaxe: World Eaters


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Assault squad (20 man) with a melta bomb, artificer armour and power axe on the sergeant is 330 points. Add to that an apothecary with jump pack for 60 points. Now multiply by six and you have 126 raving rocket-propelled madmen ready to slam into enemy lines, for 2340 points. Sprinkle in an HQ unit of your choice, say a praetor to select either Drop Assault Vanguard, Crimson Path or a good old-fashioned Berserker Assault.


Still cries at the sight of a Typhon, but Khorne cares not where the blood flows.

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Str +1 chain axes awwww yesssss get data funky music I can hear every xenos in the galaxy cry.... and some marines as well


Just think about those poor bastard Auxliia and their void armor everywhere :D


So this shifts so many good things for us. Our chainaxes are still free. Every single character, every assault marine, even every tactical marine is str5ap4 base in combat now. The Inductii essentially have krak grenades for hands :lol:


And the best thing about Inductii? Tactical squads dropped by -25 points. Chainaxes are still free, the Augmented Inductii upgrade (after paying a hella nominal points cost for Surlak) is also free.


We get those badass Inductii squads for 125pts. 

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hold the phone, did i just read that our glorious chainaxes are now +1S?????   


Also, all these points changes to javs, spartans, and such is making me go crazy with my list, lol, hoping they all even out.


AND, Surlak is now even more of a beast since he is 10pts cheaper than a primus medicae.

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Inductii are so brutal on the charge now, wounding on a 2+ re-rollable versus marines. And every other unit now hits as hard as inductii used to.


They still need a delivery system however. Have Assault Marines surpassed them in versatility due to their lower cost? The latter are scoring, move 12" a turn or gets to re-roll charge rolls as well as make HoW attacks and still hit at S5. They also get apothecaries now for a sweet FnP and Exhortations.


There's a 50-80 point difference (min-max size) but considering that inductii wants a transport it's actually even smaller. Especially if you want a large unit with an assault transport, seeing as spartans are now more expensive. Even in a dreadclaw the inductii cost 240 vs the Assault Marines 175.

Edited by TompiQ
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so, looking at the new points layout, my 1850pt list comes in at 1790pt using the 2x Javelins or 1845pt with the Sicaran instead of the Javelins....i am thinking that swapping the Sicaran for the Javs (which used to be a straight point trade) may not be the way to go anymore...hmm, what to do with the extra points 60pts.


Maybe swap one of my tac squads with an assault squad?  not sure...


I may need to go ahead and order the book so i can really go through all the changes.  I was holding off until the WE dice were released.

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lol, that is all true...just need to solve their transport problem...


Despoiler squads, Phobos Raiders and Kharybdis pods are all markedly cheaper and Dreadclaws have inertial guidance now. It's no Assault Rhino or capacity 12 raider, but its getting there. 


I have 2 scoring units at 3000 pts..... But many, many chain axes....


Enemy's can't score when they are dead

Dude, I don't have a single scoring unit in my 2500pt list :lol:


My aim is to make sure my opponent doesn't end with a single scoring unit either.

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Besides, some missions, like say mission 5 in aod, makes all your tanks scoring hahaha! Edited by Slipstreams
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That big Rhino is called the Spartan! I'm surprised the WEs didn't make the Sarum guys add an assault ramp to their rhinos though.


Still, with cheaper Phobos and dearer Spartans the case for massed land raiders grows. Especially at lower points.


I am super glad I painted up a sexy display vet Squad. They're now so worth fielding.


Perhaps caedere weps are worth taking now the base cost is cheaper???

Edited by The God-Potato of Mankind
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Inductii are like kraken penetrators. They need one charge and you're done. A FNP save is unnecessary.


Are pods 10 man too? Is there a way to deliver 10+ inductii without a Spartan?


A jump pack Apothecary with an assault Squad though. Now we're talking. My resistance to ordering 20 mkiv jump troops is weakening.

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Assault marines with an apothecary are looking very good, i would hold out until we get the next BaC expansion in case the rumors about it containing assault marines are true.


I'll build some either way.  They'll make a great 3rd compulsory for Berzerker Assault, IMO

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