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[HH1.0] Tactica Chainaxe: World Eaters


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So, for only 10 more points than 10 tacs in a rhino you could bring 10 assualt marines, all with their lovely chainaxes...thoughts on using themy instead? Maybe throw an apothecary if you can squeeze the points...


Actually, it's 15 more points :tongue.: Honestly, with Assault Marines, go big. 365 buys you 20 plus a jump pack apotechary. They don't need much more, maybe some artificer armour on the characters and a power axe on the sergeant for 5 ap2 attacks to make sure you break terminators and such.


I'd only take 10 if I was running them as Melta Bomb caddies. 225 for 10 zipping around posing a major threat to any vehicle. (as long as the GW FAQ about multiple grenades during assault doesn't stick)

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Hmm, well I am pretty certain the grenade faq will stick since it's explicitly stated in the BRB in bold font no less, lol, so they would have to errata it to work the other way.


I am thinking in my 1850 list using maybe 1 assault squad to replace 1 of the tac squads and then hide them behind a spartan and rhino wall if I don't get first turn, but not sure about survivability vs tacs on a rhino.

Edited by Guiltysparc
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Well, define "40k meta". As far as I know, in 40k assault is futile and shooting is king. However, if your 40k meta isn't super competitive, I can definitely see World Eater assault squads succeed with their gazillion S5ap4 attacks on the charge. I'd always run artificer armour, melta bombs and a power axe on the sergeant to ensure you could tackle any target, but beyond that run them bare.


That's 200 points for 41 S5 attacks that re-roll to wound rolls of 1. 36 are ap4 and 5 are ap2, meaning you should have the punch required to break pretty much any 40k unit short of monstrous creatures. More so even if you run Berserker Assault.

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If MSU inductii are the goal, run them out of dreadclaws. More expensive than Rhinos, but allows you to drop down and charge the next round. 265 points if I'd go for my preferred loadout of AA, MB and PA for the Sergeant.

Edited by TompiQ
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I have had pretty good success against 40k armies with my list.  I am still play testing it of course, but spartans and leviathans are pretty hard for any army to deal with.  I play it a bit more hybrid than full assault, usually letting the spartan move up more slowly aiming for a turn 3 charge rather than flat outting and trying set up a turn 2 charge...between its cannons, the podding leviathan, and javelins i have usually soften up the other army pretty well and the Khârn & co. mop up mid game.  But, still play testing and seeing how it does against tau/eldar...its an army thats basically immune to mass S6 shooting though.

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Yeah it's a massive win for us. At 3000 points my army only costs 10pts more when all is said and done. Leaving me with str5 dudes, str6 Inductii, +1A dreads and an anvilus with guidance. Not only that but definitely including some assault marines moving forward


More of this please!

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^ Wow. There's a riight way and a wrong way of saying that, and you chose poorly Terminus.


Simply saying, "Actually, the Dreads gained an extra attack in the January FAQ" would have been a lot more civil.


@Fangbanger, glad you gained a lot out of the updates man! :)

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Hi there! A friend of mine is thinking of getting into 30k (with BaC getting people into 30k is much easier) and wants to go for the World Eaters. He is thinking in getting Betrayal at Calth and also likes a lot the Red Butchers models and Khârn. What do you think that could be done with this? I am telling him to get some jump packs and build a couple of assault units, but for what I have read here to run an optimal WE list you need much more than 30 marines... Do you think that with another 10 man box it would be enough?
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Thanks again. With the +1S chainaxes Berserker Assault is sure awesome, but what about the other RoW, with enough drop pods getting fnp could be quite easy...

You can't just give regular Marines Droppods in HH.

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