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[HH1.0] Tactica Chainaxe: World Eaters


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Thanks again. With the +1S chainaxes Berserker Assault is sure awesome, but what about the other RoW, with enough drop pods getting fnp could be quite easy...

You can't just give regular Marines Droppods in HH.

As a SoH player maybe I'm to used to dreadclaws but yes, I can see your point. So we have though of something like this:



Gahlan Surlak

2x10 assault marines

10 tacticals (inductii)

2X5 red butchers

Cortus contemptor with two fists and gravs


He's still thinking of a delivery method for red butchers and inductii, but overall I see it as a solid core of an army, maybe having problems with heavy vehicles as land raiders but a good start nevertheless.

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Mixing the red butchers into one big unit has been suggested, getting them into a spartan/kharybdiss with Khârn. I'm still more inclined to keep them in two units in dreadclaws and getting a despoiler unit for Khârn... But it isn't my army though, so I won't do the final decision. Thank you all guys, I've always liked WE but my love is still for the SoH. Still, I'm sure I'll have some great games against this army! Edited by The Traitor
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^It actually took me a full 24hrs to come down from my Chainaxe high to realize that, on the charge, Inductii are Str6, re-rolling ones (from LA:WE). 


That's incredibly nasty even before you consider potential Hatred from Berzerker Assault. 

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Thoughts on this version of my 1850 list based on the new stuff?


-Khârn, surlak, 15 despoilers in a spartan

-10 inductii in a land raider phobos

-10 tac marines in a rhino

-Leviathan with grav, drill, phosphex, in a pod


I am thinking the inductii will just lose obsec in the 40k tournament I will be in rather than being fully non scoring.


I could also drop the pod from the levi, make the third tac squad inductii and give them a dreadclaw.

Edited by Guiltysparc
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Yeah every World eaters list running Surlak will be mostly inducti... although I'm thinking of some assault marines to use for capping objectives



That's actually a really good idea. Assault marines are super cheap now and we still get free chainaxes on them. They're really only missing the Str6, but they're way more maneuverable, which syncs well with objective grabbing. Unlike some other (lamer) legions though, our bros can hold an objective they take :lol:


Inductii would be an auto include if not for the non-scoring cap. S6 with hatred... They are a threat now even to most tanks. Also probably the best infantry unit in the game to wipe militia.

Exactly! Most legions have to make due with a single krak grenade attack per marine. Our Inductii have four.


Slips and I were actually just talking about this though, im super curious how they'll fair against the nasty little rending, fearless, hatred mobs.

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Slips and I were actually just talking about this though, im super curious how they'll fair against the nasty little rending, fearless, hatred mobs.



Any World Eater blob of 20 men charges with 81 attacks. Assuming hatred from Berserker Assault, 72 attacks will hit and 70 wound. Even if you're not Inductii and thus allowing the 6+FnP from Tainted flesh, that's 58.33 average cultists.


They don't even get to strike back before being wiped out.

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Slips and I were actually just talking about this though, im super curious how they'll fair against the nasty little rending, fearless, hatred mobs.



Any World Eater blob of 20 men charges with 81 attacks. Assuming hatred from Berserker Assault, 72 attacks will hit and 70 wound. Even if you're not Inductii and thus allowing the 6+FnP from Tainted flesh, that's 58.33 average cultists.


They don't even get to strike back before being wiped out.

Just like in the books.


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With the changes, I do find it kind of ridiculous that the axes are free still.


Shoudl be one point at least for that kind of ownage :tongue.:


Nah man.


This is for all those bros who were like "World Eaters aren't even the strongest melee legion." 



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Slips and I were actually just talking about this though, im super curious how they'll fair against the nasty little rending, fearless, hatred mobs.



Any World Eater blob of 20 men charges with 81 attacks. Assuming hatred from Berserker Assault, 72 attacks will hit and 70 wound. Even if you're not Inductii and thus allowing the 6+FnP from Tainted flesh, that's 58.33 average cultists.


They don't even get to strike back before being wiped out.



Wait.  Does the chainaxe have an ap anymore?  Or is it only s+1 ap -?

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