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[HH1.0] Tactica Chainaxe: World Eaters


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Well, if a power axe is +2 a chainaxe should be. The powerfield is represented by the AP2.


Though that would be trying to apply logic to warhammer. I hope it's not a typo :sad.:


Both power and chain axes are +1. You're correct with the AP2 ^_^


Honestly, power axes need a little bit of an update now. Being unwieldy makes them barely considerable next to a power fist, since a few points saved and not being a specialist weapon are the only things going for the power axe. How cool would they be if the were just -1 initiative instead? 


Power mauls are +2 str.


I'm doubting its a typo, the +1 strength makes sense to make axes consistent. Every bit of "evidence" towards it being a typo so far has just kind sounded like some extra complainy randos getting all salted up. 

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^  I actually did some mathhammering a while back on power axes vs power fists and the extra attack granted by the axe made the two equal until you got into higher toughness dudes...i want to say T6 or 7+ so for fighting MEQs it really comes down to whether or not you want to double out multiwound guys with the power punch.

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Well, if a power axe is +2 a chainaxe should be. The powerfield is represented by the AP2.

Though that would be trying to apply logic to warhammer. I hope it's not a typo :(



Both power and chain axes are +1. You're correct with the AP2 ^_^


Honestly, power axes need a little bit of an update now. Being unwieldy makes them barely considerable next to a power fist, since a few points saved and not being a specialist weapon are the only things going for the power axe. How cool would they be if the were just -1 initiative instead? 


Power mauls are +2 str.


I'm doubting its a typo, the +1 strength makes sense to make axes consistent. Every bit of "evidence" towards it being a typo so far has just kind sounded like some extra complainy randos getting all salted up.

-1I on power axes would be perfect. An axe may not be the quickest weapon ever, nor is it the slowest.


I can't imagine any of the power weapons changing stats ever, but then again chainaxes just did, so who knows?

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Power axes just changed for 6th/7th, so no shock if they change again. Rumor has it we are going into end times with 40K, so everything can and probably will change.


By the way. I asked Garro about the chainaxe rumor supposedly attributed to him and he has no idea where that came from. Chainaxes are +1S as stated everywhere, the rumor was trolling or sour grapes (it is a sick ass bonus, why aren't they unwieldy? :P).

Edited by Terminus
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^That's what I consistently don't understand... What super special niche could be so completely offended by the outrage that is +1 str chainaxes that they make up a vague rumor about it being a typo?


The hell purpose does that even start to serve besides making them look silly? 


Weird halfassed antics is why reaping blow combat blades are called Rob Baer-blades now. 

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^That's what I consistently don't understand... What super special niche could be so completely offended by the outrage that is +1 str chainaxes that they make up a vague rumor about it being a typo?


The hell purpose does that even start to serve besides making them look silly?


Weird halfassed antics is why reaping blow combat blades are called Rob Baer-blades now.

I wonder if it's outrage or just poking the bear so to speak. There is a segment of World Eater players who reacted perfectly childishly to it "golly gee we never get nothing good I am playing it this way no matter what they FAQ barlgheblarrrdurr". If it was a troll, I would call it a limited success.


I am not familiar with this Rob Baer blade thing you speak of, and if anything is appropriate to carry his name it's the corrupted tainted blades of the Word Bearers. Baer is the epitome of :cuss in every way, never do business with him.


As a more tactical side note, I was playing a 500-point Zone Mortalis game on Vassal and my breachers got totally cornholed by a WE volkite/axe squad. So much pain.

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^That's what I consistently don't understand... What super special niche could be so completely offended by the outrage that is +1 str chainaxes that they make up a vague rumor about it being a typo?


The hell purpose does that even start to serve besides making them look silly?


Weird halfassed antics is why reaping blow combat blades are called Rob Baer-blades now.

I am not familiar with this Rob Baer blade thing you speak of, and if anything is appropriate to carry his name it's the corrupted tainted blades of the Word Bearers. Baer is the epitome of :cuss in every way, never do business with him.



Let it never be said we can't agree on something ^_^

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Took these naughty boys (and angron not pictured) in my first game with new rules tonight and I can say str6 Inductii are ridiculous..


The fact that you can conceivably glance a low to death in one turn is truly something... especially with hatred and blood lust


It really is a truly awesome day to be a world eater!

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Chainaxes should have Shred as well.


Or Fleshbane. I know my flesh considers chainaxes/saws their bane!


What about WE Vets? Basically +1 WS all the time?

-1WS for fighting like crazy stupids and represent how easy it is to hit them. Maybe a special rule that improves their to hit roll by 1 since they are still super competent at landing blows. Like the red butchers basically, so FW already thought of it.
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Butchers are WS5 the rules states that they are always struck on 3s even when lost to the nails it's not like they forget how to fight it feels more like they forget how to fight as a unit
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Well yeah that's basically what I was saying. I misread his post as saying all WE should be WS5. And I was saying sure, as long as they are easy to hit in return, kind of like ButchersJust got the design backwards.
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Inductiis with str6 and 6+ FnP are only 125pts for a squad of 10 as well.


Even averaging in the 110pts for Surlak across all the squads you buy, they still come out crazy cheap. 

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So I'm chiming in on inducti my unit is adding super heavies to their kill list punching the nuts and bolts off a knight in CC on the first turn of my game last night... and I love being able to punch wraith knights with my bare hands in CC!!! :)


Khârn claimed the life of a wraith knight and almost took an avatar down as well... it's a good time to be a world eater.

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