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[HH1.0] Tactica Chainaxe: World Eaters


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Now support squads can get CCW, would it be worth putting 10 Volkite chargers and chainaxes in a drop Pod and lol charging? I think inductii would do anti infantry better for less though.


Veterans prolly a better choice now.

I'm building myself a volkite support squad with my last 10 B@C marines as we speak. But I have to admit its not b/c they're the most efficient choice out of all of the options available. 


Let's actually compare them all side by side.


10 Inductii are 125pts

10 volkite support squad are 225pts

10 sniper vets (with no other upgrades) are 160pts 


The volkite support squad does have the unique position of being able to cause the most wounds from shooting, but I think the biggest issue is that they're going to be gunning for the same sorts of targets that the Inductii are, ie light to medium infantry. Both of these squads can damage heavy infantry but its more a "drown them in dice" sort of approach instead of being traditionally effective. Another thing to consider, while the Inductii are way less expensive than the volkite support squad, their only real effective method of damage is in melee. Unfortunately a 10pt piece of wargear can literally cut their effectiveness in half (arguably more so since we lose rage and the re-roll of 1s to wound on a disordered charge) so that is something to consider as well. 


On the other hand, the sniper vets are better utilized for heavy infantry and monstrous creatures. They suffer no real detriment from shooting at light or medium infantry like the Inductii or support squad does when they fire at heavier stuff. Big mechanicum bots, Terminators of different flavors, and other heavy things are going to be a much better target for sniper vets with their rending and precision shots, but once those heavier things are neutralized, there's no real downside to turning your sniper boltguns on lighter stuff.


The sniper vets are a completely different type of tool from the Inductii and Volkite support. Too, they are one of the most easily available tools the legion has to combat giant stompy mechanicum bots.


And the legions need all the help they can get against stompy mechcanicum bots :lol:   

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So I'm chiming in on inducti my unit is adding super heavies to their kill list punching the nuts and bolts off a knight in CC on the first turn of my game last night... and I love being able to punch wraith knights with my bare hands in CC!!! :)


Khârn claimed the life of a wraith knight and almost took an avatar down as well... it's a good time to be a world eater.

if you're using man-sized chainaxes, you aren't exactly punching. I assume both knights were of the non-Imperial variety.
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^Dude, tell me about some Str10 power fists.


I've been getting so much work done with those things :lol:


Gal Vorbak, contemptors, a single Mhara gal.


Still wanna ankle-shot an imperial knight though 

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The bigger question is when would you not?


If you dont take it, that much more stuff can kill it and shoot its front arc without a second thought.

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Ya, I have been playing against a ton of necrons where isn't doesn't help at all...just trying to maintain perspective, lol.

I mean, youre playing against 40k. So. Yeah. My stance on 30k vs 40k is already known. 


In the context of 40k, just take barebones cheap stuff because most of their armies dont care that you are immune to melta or have a flare shield because: S:D, Grav and Gauss are things that exist in bucket loads for criminally cheap.


They also dont care that your Sarge has a 2+ Save because they have Ap2 in spades or such a deluge of shots that its statistically against the odds that you'll make all those saves.


All the while being more numerous and cheaper than what you yourself can bring in almost any scenario.

Edited by Slipstreams
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I have actually had really good games against necrons, winning or very close each time. The only other 40k army I have played was tyranids and I enjoyed that one also.

Well, vs Nids, Orks, DEldar and the other "Lower Tier" 40k armies, its a lot more fair. If you're up against the top tiers, GLHF.


It also depends on your opponent: Were you playing a Tourney-Level Necron Decurion or a dude who plays Necrons and wants to have fun?

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I'm not even going to pretend I know what any of that means


lol, those are the formation names.  Not to stray too far off topic but the formation bonuses make the necrons super resiliant and the units from the destoryer cult are pretty killy as well.

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Ok bros, I think we can all breathe an easy sigh of relief.


I spent more time than I would care to admit to anyone delving into the depths of social media to try and figure out where exactly "it's been said" that the chainaxe thing was a typo. At best I saw it discussed and falsely attributed to Garro over at Heresy30k who almost immediately responded "I didn't say that."


So I think we're good. Near as I can tell, it just surfaced from a couple of salty rando bros in the same vein as the wishlisting = definite change next edition bunch.


So kids, it firmly remains a good day to be a World Eater. And for the other legions? 



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Just figured out the cheapest way to model Inductii: just slap on/mag lock a chainaxe to their hip. The FW set of 10 has no hands attached.


Admittedly they would look way cooler holding their axes, but since they come with a bolter the BAC marines wouldn't look totally out of place. Only BS3, but if they're arriving from reserves they may as well get a round of shooting in. Maybe not the case if using an assault pod.


Hmmm rule of cool will be twice as expensive...

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Just figured out the cheapest way to model Inductii: just slap on/mag lock a chainaxe to their hip. The FW set of 10 has no hands attached.


Admittedly they would look way cooler holding their axes, but since they come with a bolter the BAC marines wouldn't look totally out of place. Only BS3, but if they're arriving from reserves they may as well get a round of shooting in. Maybe not the case if using an assault pod.


Hmmm rule of cool will be twice as expensive...

Worth it.


You know it to be true, search your feelings.

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^Looking at my purchase history, I have purchased 80 of the phobos pistol/axe pairs over the course of my XIIth legion career. 


They do look really cool. Plus the pack of 10 chainaxes seems to be just an itty bit too big with the less heroic scale 30k stuff. I think it's b/c they were originally designed for Khorne Berzerkers. 

Edited by Flint13
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Chainaxes, chainaxes everywhere.






*heavy guitar riff*

Such an awesome song! It always plays in my head when I see my buddies guard get smashed by (another) buddie's WORLD EATERS.

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