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The Fall Of Seraph - Histories of the IXth


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Dumas is perfect, man. I'm really glad these dudes are your focus now, you're really doing justice to the IX Legion.


Oh, as for the beards?





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Reflections of the Father - Iron always shows

"An angel throng, bewinged, bedight,
In veils, and drowned in tears,
Sit in a theatre, to see
A play of hopes and fears"

Fragment from the lost Pre-Unification works of Edal Len’Po, circa late M1.

"Inariel may have been wounded in spirit, but he refused to be broken. Time and time again Leopard-9 did the impossible, time and time again they defied the Eaters. every one of their deaths was a blow we felt keenly, another wound that slowly killed Seraph."
From Blood on the Steel: the lives of Seraph
Bastian Ortega, once named Icarium, of the IXth Legion Astartes.

*Image Codicium accessed: Visual cortex stimulation commencing
*Display: Fireteam Primus, Leopard-9 Tactical of Seraph Company, IXth Legion Asartes




Rafe and Eli also fell to the Eater Cataphractii that stormed the same building as Duroc and the others. In trying to rescue them, they threw away their lives. Admirable, but stupid. They were young for Astartes, full of promise. Eli carried the vox-relay that connected us to the Seventh, that gave us some small hope in those dark days, and was always ready with a quick witted word. We all heard his cries as he died. Rafe emptied his bolter into the faceplate of a Cataphractii, exulting in his kill even as the Eaters companions torn him apart with their own bolterfire. He always danced close to the Rage, courted it but never submitted to it, for that I admire him.


We have been referred to as poets souls in warriors bodies, beauty chained by the beast. Ximinez was a quiet soul, much given to introspection. He was plagued by doubts about his purpose, but never took a backward step when wearing the crimson. Alone at the last, isolated in the twisting streets, Eaters took him and sectioned him with chainaxes. None of us were there to see him die, but the Eaters told us of his lonely death in mocking vox-blurts.


Dallo. The Encarmine, as he was known by Seraph, due to the flushing of his face whenever his choler rose. During the days of the Fall, his choler was ever in the ascendant, an anger that he took out on the Eaters with great relish. We loved him for his constant fury and the invigorating invective he spat at the enemy from behind the rebreather that aided chem-ravaged lungs. His death was glorious, stolen chainaxe cleaving the Eaters before flamers bathed him in chemical fire. Even then, he would not die until he had planted his axe in the fueltank of the nearest Eater. Glorious.


Siro Dumas, Inariel of the Choir. Leader of Leopard-9 since it was founded all those long years ago. Vastly experienced, hugely loved. Signus left him broken inside, fatalistic and morose, his humours unbalanced. For some reason, the main focus of his despair was the new bolter he was issued with after Signus - the Tigrus was 'like a toy' he claimed, not the equal of his old Phobos pattern. He felt doomed, destined to die, the only saving grace that he would pass on the birthworld of humanity. In some way, we all shared his despair, but none of us expressed it in such fervent manner. Even so, he was still an Astartes, still a son of the Ninth and an Angel. Inariel was one of the last to die, armour shattered, limbs broken and severed, covered in the blood of his brothers and the Eaters. Still he fought, near blind, half dead. Still, he fought.

*Insignia Angelus



Following in Inariel's footsteps, several of Leopard-9 and others of Seraph bore mortis-notes affixed to their armour. Simple ribbons of black silk, they signified that the Astartes had accepted the possibility of their end and were sanguine with their deaths. It is true then, that a melancholy lies within us, within all of the sons of Sanguinius, side by side with the Rage.

*Image codicium access revoked: Visual cortex showing stress markers

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These are absolutely fantastic- I love how you've captured the growing melancholy of the IX by the Siege of Terra, and it's a great combinatiom of Forgeworld and Blood Angel bits too. I'm currently doing a pre-heresy Kill Team of Angels, and I have to say I've drawn an awful lot of inspiration from your models and background.
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This last batch with background is phenomenal, man. Including small details like the specialized markings and black silk is so well engineered and fitting to their identity. In my mind you've accomplished something a lot of great modelers fail to, and that's a feeling of overall completeness, for lack of better description. You cover all the dimensions in here.


One of my favorite logs, so full of inspiration. :)

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Yet more bittersweet heroes and tragic nobility, you never fail to deliver Jackdaw. I can practically taste the melancholy, the sorrow radiating off these lost Angels, Ximenez is paticular, I think the lonely nature of his end enforces that.

Regardless of the emotions your lore invokes, the models themselves are as beautiful as ever, Sergeant Inariel especially.


I salute you brother of blood, your work exemplifies our Legion like no other.


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Dumas is perfect, man. I'm really glad these dudes are your focus now, you're really doing justice to the IX Legion.


Oh, as for the beards?





Not cool brother ive been growing mine for 3 months yet i think my mothers beard is bigger

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I too have tried growing a beard and the Asian half of my heredity is doing all it can to prevent that. On the plus side, Long Hair is easy and looks great!



As to the actual subject of this Thread : Dude, when I was initially choosing the Space Marine Chapter that I wanted when I first got into the Hobby, the Final Three were Blood Angels, Ultramarines and Imperial Fists.


Forgeworld and Space Marine game have done a fine job in making me like the Ultra's again and your work is really Tempting me to make a Blood Angels Legion Force when they do get Released! Also love the Mortis Notes Idea, might use it myself for something down the line.

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These Angels are unfairly good looking.


Every neat little detail, whether fluff or model, just makes this little plog shine that much brighter.


Keep up the awesome work, buddy!

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I'll just echo what the guys before have said, the mortis notes are cool (Are they perchance referencing Death Note?), and stellar painting.


I'm pretty chuffed with the background you gave Dallo. Chainaxes and explosions, what's not to like? Is the black rim on his shoulderpad another reference, or just done because you felt like it?


I'm curious. when you are posing your models, do you agonize for hours about the perfect tilt of the head, or do they just come together for you? I ask because all of your Angels have so much character, which is something I'd like to emulate in mine.


Keep up the good fight.



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Evening chaps. Just wanted to say a huge thanks for your enthusiam for this little project, really helps keep me motivated and wanting to keep on working on these chaps.


Marine7312000 - I think that's the first time I've ever been sigged. Awesome. And yes, all purity seals should be Mortis notes!


1000Heathens - Thanks man, much appreciated. Also good to know people appreciate my take on the Ninth and it's not letting them down. Also also, beards fo'life yo.


EdT - I have to admit, I've been sneakily admiring your Kill-teams from afar, the work you put in is immense and the models themselves lovely. I did see that you had started some Angels yourself - I love the wings and the archaeotech pistols you made. Means a huge amount that you get some inspiration from my humble sons of the Ninth.


Darth Potato - Ah thanks man, very much appreciated. I blame In Memoriam for making me step up my game with these chaps.


Barabbas Solagon - Glad to hear it man.


SanguiniusReborn - Way too kind mate, but thank you very much. Melancholy is what I wanted this log to be, so very happy that that is the overall impression people are getting.


Fabricator General - Curse you and your Bloody Twelfth *shakes fist*.


MagicMan - Thanks man, glad you like them.


Jaspcat - Dedication man, that's what beards need. Stick with and you will feel the warmth.


Slipstreams - Do it, more sons of the Ninth are always needed, so let the temptation flow through you.


Brother Heinrich - Thanks man, and welcome to the Tragedy ;) I've gone for faily vanilla units, so hopefully the FW eventual release won't change too much.


Flint13 - Thank you milady :) Good to know my work is paying off.


Kizzdougs - Cheers buddy, seems like the Mortis notes were a hit.


Brother Dallo - Mate, I am so glad you are happy with you and your end. I've never actually seen Death Note in any form, so the notes weren't a nod to that, just a moment of inspiration. Dallo's rim was a small nod to the Encarmines, but also a practical touch to mark the border between his augmetic and the pauldron itself - leaving it crimson looked a bit unfinished somehow. In terms of the posing overall, I do tend to do a dry fit first with blu-tack, but the head is always always the last piece that gets posed and glued in - sometimes I get lucky and its perfect first time round but I have sometimes had to pop it out quick four or five times to get it right.


Electric Paladin - Thanks fella, much appreciated.


Ninjasuperspy - And thanks to you as well mate, glad to hear you like everything.


Just a few final notes on some little bits - first up the Mortis Notes. They seem to have struck a bit of a chord with everyone, which is awesome as I was thinking people would think it was lazy. Truth be told, I really dont like purity seals on Astartes, even in 40K, and I really didn't want to spend another 30 mins getting the parchment colour right etc. I also think it would have broken up the look of the Angels too much - there's three main colours in play on them currently, crimson, gold and black, with blue-white and the yellow-white pelts as a spot colour. A sixth contrasting spot colour would have been too much, so I went with the black. That then led me to the background - why black ribbons? From that, we had the obvious leap to the Mortis Notes - a maudlin, romantic touch that I thought was perfect for the Blood Angels as I saw them - not vampires in spaaaaace, but flawed Renaissance heroes, noble and tragic.


That leads me nicely into my second little thing - I've had a few people ask recently if there is any kind of redemption or positive outcome for Seraph, anything that makes their sacrifice meaningful. The answer, really, is...... no, there is no happy ending here. I wanted this to be a tragic story, full of heroism against the odds, but bearing an unmistakeable pall of melancholy. The opening quote from Poe's Conquerer Worm probably exemplifies this best - "That the play is the tragedy, 'Man,' And its hero the Conqueror Worm.” This was probably the darkest hour for the Imperium and for the Angels, and not all of them survived. Not everyone gets a heroes death and not every death means something, and all due to the weakness of man itself - humanity has killed its own Angels, both by the Emperor's crusade against religion, and literally in the case of the fallen Ninth. Bad things happen, even to Angels.


So, on that downer, night all :)







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Reflections of the Father - Controlled Rage


"Death be not proud, though some have called thee    
Mighty and dreadfull, for, thou art not so,    
For, those, whom thou think'st, thou dost overthrow,    
Die not, poore death, nor yet canst thou kill me."

From the works of Jo-Donne, writer of Meta-physik, circa early M1


"I...I can speak of them no more. They are my burden to carry, mine alone. Let them rest now, as they never rested in life."
From Blood on the Steel: the lives of Seraph
Bastian Ortega, once named Icarium, of the IXth Legion Astartes.


*** Accessing Image Records

* Display: Leopard-9 Tactical, Seraph Company, IXth Legion Astartes




"I know that none of us will survive this. We are the few who stand and thus will fall to those we once called brother. It is not a question of surviving, it is a question of how heavy our toll on the traitors before we fall. For the Angel, brothers."
Sirio Dumas, named Inariel, commanding Legion Tactical squad Leopard-9 of Seraph Company, IXth Legion Astartes.

"Warriors of Seraph! Angels of the Blood! Stand! Stand and be counted! Break them! Defy them with your dying breath! For Sanguinius! FOR THE ANGEL!"
Grail Keeper Hyro Ascelpus, vexillary of Legion Tactical squad Leopard-9 of Seraph Company, IXth Legion Astartes.





*** Records Access revoked. Display ends.

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I get chills with every update. I love the Horus Heresy because I think it is the ultimate representation of the grimdark nature of the Warhammer 40k universe, and your fluff brings the coolest sense of the nobility and tragedy in the setting. Keep up the great works. Remember the Seraph!

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