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The Fall Of Seraph - Histories of the IXth


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As always your work inspires just as much as it impresses me.  I love the Breacher marine.  The shield looks perfect wielded by a son of Sanguinius.  are you planning something special for the face of it?  A small piece of art displayed on the front would be just ostentatious enough for a BA.

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Round shields is a fantastic idea for Blood Angel breachers – and I love the concept of decoration on the fronts. Perhaps you might look at some red or black-figure pottery for some design inspiration?  It'd fit beautifully with the archaic feel of 30k. 


As always, loving the figures you're producing here – a real tour de force in all aspects of your hobby :)

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Evening again everyone - apologies for the silence but its been a busy old week, with not much hobby progress to show for it. On the plus side, the Assault Astartes are coming along - the reds are all done now and they've been re-blacked ready for detailing. Shouldn't be too much longer before they are done. Fluff-wise, some commission work has kept me busy, so I've not had much of a chance to get anything done - that will be rectified soon.


Brother Dallo - the Destroyers will be used to finish off my Assault squad and fill out the Breachers, no plans as yet to make them actual Destroyers. EdT has some lovely ideas in his Kill-Team thread about how Destroyers would fit in a Ninth army and I do like his reasoning - I would see it the same way as he does I think. Breacher-wise, the regular shields do work for the traditional ship/siege role of Breachers, making a tight shield-wall, but the Ophanim wil be something slightly different.


SanguiniusReborn - I'll keep doing, don't you worry ;) Tabris and Sandalphon are favourites of mine as well, both turned out perfectly - and thanks for noticing Sandalphons chest symbol :) The pelts will indeed be leopard, or at least something very close. The classical look of the round shields was what I wanted for the Breachers, the regular shields just looked a bit too clunky for my taste. And yeah, those Destroyers are lovely pieces - even as single piece bodies, you can still get a fair bit of movement out of them. I do like how even with the reinforcing they are still obviously mkIV and don't look too similar to mkIII.


Darth Potato - hells yeah it did. Damn real.


Mikhail - thanks man, much appreciated. There may well be something in the centre of the laurels, I haven't thought too much about it yet. The only issue is that of the shield designs, this is the only one with space to work on, so any freehand on this may look out of place next to the others. We shall see though.


1000Heathens - I knew I could get Ninth Legion Breachers to work somehow ;)


Apologist - huge praise as ever coming from your talented self. Ancient-Greco style work on the shields was what I was thinking as soon as Mikhail mentioned it - will have to see what I can manage, my freehand is probably my worst painting skill. And thanks man, I do think this thread is pushing my hobby-fu to the limit in modelling, painting and story terms - just have to be careful not to burn out and to know when to stop.


Toyship - these chaps will be having Legion heraldry in the main, they will be standard line Astartes, albeit with a specific role.


SalvationOfReason - thanks mate :) Your Breacher is looking cool - I like the idea of glowing arcane symbols etched into the shields and glowing white when the squad focuses its psychic power into them, buffing them with psychokinetic shielding.


Argent Aquila - ha, the Ninth's beards, while glorious, could never reach Dwarven levels. Very kind of you to say so man, just hope I can keep this up to the end of the project.


Caedus - thanks fella. The shields are from MaxMini - check le linky.



Had a little bit of hobby time tonight once the kids were in bed and before the ex and I got into our DC tv evening. Wasn't up for any painting, but got some assembly done. First up, testing that the Destroyers will work as Assault Astartes:



Plot twist: they do.

And I also knocked out another Breacher, this time checking out how the 'firing from behind the shield' pose works with the Destroyer bodies:



Pretty well apparently

Got one more pose to test out on the Destroyers (blade out, advancing behind shield) and then I can get the rest of the unit assembled. Just as a guideline, here's what's left to assemble for this project:


- 4 more Assault Astartes

- 5 more Veterans, including the ageing Sergeant and Vexillary

- 3 more Scimitar jetbikes

- 7 more Destroyers

- Ortega as the Lazarene


Already assembled and awaiting paint are:


- the first 3 Destroyers

- 6 Assault Astartes, 5 of which are in-progress

- 2 Scimitars

- 4 Veterans

- Consul

- Ortega


Some days I think it doesn't look like much, other days I realise I've only finished 16 Angels so far. Then I cry a little.


Night all,



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Excellent stuff as ever happy.png

Not sure if this has been asked already, but after seeing the names of some of your Marines, you wouldn't happen to be a fan of or have been influenced by this Anime series by any chance? happy.png

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Jackdaw -


- thanks mate smile.png Your Breacher is looking cool - I like the idea of glowing arcane symbols etched into the shields and glowing white when the squad focuses its psychic power into them, buffing them with psychokinetic shielding.

*gasps* he's seen my thread! Now I gotta work double-time :P

Great work using the Destroyers as something other than Destroyers. I've been looking ta them for that purpose too, but for use as Vets/Command instead.

That Assault Marine looks very threatening, especially with the blank faceplate of the reinforced Mk IV helm.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Evening everyone and apologies for the long silence. Real Life has conspired to knock me for 6 and I've lost a little of my hobby spark recently so haven't really felt up to doing anything. However, I am slowly getting back on the hobby horse, and the first 5 Assault Marines are almost finished.


Aquilanus - thanks mate, much appreciated. And yes indeed I was, one of my favourite series there.


Darth Potato - shield duly rotated. Do it, the Mark IV Destroyers are mint.


Marine7312000 - only three designs sadly, but they are lovely shields.


SalvationOfReason - thanks man, the Destroyers do work nicely for other stuff with a bit of thinking about poses and some small conversion work. The helms are especially nice, but the up-armoured vambraces can make hand swaps a little tricky.


An actual proper update to come soon chaps, its my aim to get the Assault guys done this weekend. And maybe show off the Scimitars I've done so far. Apologies again for the silence.



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On Red Wings They Come

"Wreathed in myrtle, my sword I'll conceal,
Like those champions devoted and brave,
When they plunged in the tyrant their steel,
And to Athens deliverance gave.
Beloved heroes! your deathless souls roam
In the joy breathing isles of the blest;
Where the mighty of old have their home--
Where Achilles and Diomed rest."

Fragment from the lost Pre-Unification works of Edal Len’Po, circa late M1.

"When you think of us, you think of the Angels descending on wings of fire do you not? Like some old mythago, some fragment of pre-Truth dogma made flesh? That is our Assault Legionnaries, always in the vanguard, always the first to strike. They echo our Father most of all, swift on the wing, unrelenting in their fury. Leopard-5 led our retaliation against the Eaters. They suffered for it. We all did, but Leopard-5 most of all."
From Blood on the Steel: the lives of Seraph
Bastian Ortega, once named Icarium, of the IXth Legion Astartes.

"I am rage, I am fury, I am rage, I am fury, I am rage, I am rage I am rage...."
Last vox transmission received from Irek Skaro, Malchior of Leopard-5 Assault, day 20 of the Fall.

*Display: Combat squad Alpha, Leopard-5 Assault of Seraph Company, IXth Legion Asartes








Solon died on the third day of the Fall, standing alongside Nemet Khyr and others of Leopard-9. They spoke of his death, the bolt-rounds ripping him apart. They spoke of his life beforehand, the enemy heroes he had slain before these dark days, marked by the golden drops on his pauldron. They spoke of the Eaters he had taken with his blade, with his fist. A poor death for a fine warrior. It pains me that I did not reach him until it was too late, and thus carry naught but an echo of him.



I spoke to Aleph only once, on a small matter regarding a particular chainsword technique. Whilst he was happy to demonstrate, I couldn't help but feel a faint distate in his manner. When we found his body, lying amidst the Eaters he had ambushed along with Shem, I learnt that he despised all of my kind, xenos and human alike. Such petty hatred amongst those I would call brother. I didn't mourn his passing. Make of that what you will.



It was known that Aramis was being groomed for a command of his own, that he showed great promise not only with a blade but with his mind. Had Signus not occured, he was to have been named Paragon of Leopard-5. The Eaters took him on the eight day of the Fall and returned him four days later, missing his hands, eyes and tongue. He bore a message, some rage-filled scribble calling for our surrender painted in ash on a section of shattered plate nailed to his chest. They thought to break our spirit maybe, but only succeeded in feeding our rage. Vale himself took Aramis into his arms and showed him Mercy.



Shem was a brute amongst us, a blunt warrior more suited to Amit's Fifth than Seraph. Nonetheless, there was something about his manner, some balance of his humours that made it hard to dislike him. You would think that he would readily fall to the embrace of the Rage, would welcome it, but it was not so. When it took him, he seemed to surrender with a great sadness, as though disappointed that it had to happen. He matched the Eaters axe to axe at his end, spitting bloody defiance into their faces even as he fell.



Leopard-5, and by extension all of the Assault Legionnaries of Seraph, answered to Irek Skaro. Raised to the Choir and named Malchior, Skaro was a cold, relentless warrior, seldom given to jest. Brilliantly gifted with a blade and clinical in his prosecution of war, he was the epitome of self control, never once giving any indication that the Rage touched him. When he fell....we all know what lies in our hearts. But to see it unleashed so, as we did with Skaro....I remember the laughter still, that grating laughter, even as he burned, even as the Eaters pierced him and split him, even as he hacked them apart with his shattered blades. We all carry that potential within us and I worry. I worry that we will fall as Skaro did, again and again.



*Insignia Angelus



A common sight on the armour of the Legionnaries of Seraph, the vials of liquid seen here were known as the Angel's Tears.  A commonly superstition held by those outside the Legion said that they were the actual tears of our Father, spilt when an Angel died and gathered by the Wardens. In truth, they were nothing more than alchemical trickery, a memento worn by us to remember a fallen Astartes that we had been close to. As is often the case, the romantic fiction triumphs over the reality.
*Image codicium access revoked: Visual cortex showing stress markers

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I like Skaro's swords. Are they black or metallic? I can't make it out on my screen.

Are you treating the DC plastic arms as MkVI? My understanding is that the MkVI and MkVII arms are functionally identical, but I'm not sure if MkVII was in manufacture at the offset of the siege.


Nice to see some more Angels from you JackDaw.


Keep up the good work sir.



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Skaro... Why you so fine!?


Cuz IX Legion, nuff said.


You should really try it sometime Flint, we're a very welcoming bunch.

And if you're worried about your reputation consider this, we can be just as moody as the VIII, just as if not more beautiful than the pre-heresy III and everyone knows the XII's hissyfits have nothing on our fury when it's unleashed. ;) :lol:

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Evening everyone, hope you are all good. Some replies first - great to see you all liked the Assault chaps so much. Only five more of them to go.


Brother Dallo - hah, yeah I live, just about. Been a hard few weeks. The teleporter pack and owner havent been painted yet - I tend to keep characters for last as a reward for painting all the line troops. He might get done sooner though. Skaro's swords are a dark metallic, the pic has darkened them a lot more than IRL. The DC arms are being treated with some handwavium - there's only a few across the entire army so they shouldnt stand out too much. If anyone says anything - hey, the Angels have artificed individual sections to suit themselves. More Assault guys to come :)


Kierdale - thanks man, much appreciated. The IXth are woefully under-represented at the moment, but I'm sure that'll change soon as FW start working on them.


Flint13 - definitely needed some time away - good to be back on it now though. Skaro is pretty sweet isnt he? Quite a bit different to how he looked on page 2 as well. I'll get you a towel ;) Oh, and hope you noticed the black haired Angel - just for you.


ChapterMasterDemon7 - much appreciated fella, glad to hear you like them :)


Barabbas Sogalon - merci beaucoup.


SanguiniusReborn - good points well made sir.


Stoneheart - thanks buddy, very kind of you to say so. I do try and make my projects more than just about the models and the paint, so its great ot hear it works and people like it.


As ever, you guys are awesome and thanks for your support and interest in my humble doings.


So, what have I been working on recently? Well, a bit of assembly, namely this chap:



He needs to axe you a question


The second power axe chap for the Assault squads. Pretty simple conversion, only major bit was chopping up the left arm to get it in the right position. Still needs gs work, but I'm happy. The second combat squad will be a lot more dynamic and running-style than the first 5.


Also, I dont think I gave you guys a proper look at the first two Scimitar jetbikes:




Insert appropriate whoosh noises


It's taken a while, but these have really grown on me. Yeah they look like flying wangs, but so what? These are going to be flying Angelic wangs, and that makes all the difference.


Continuing over the weekend will be the construction of the last three Assault Marines, then getting them painted. Then it's on to Breachers. Good times.


Catch you all soon,








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Ah, the obligatory axe pun. Did you haft to do it? tongue.png I like the dynamic pose on him, and and I'm happy that your next few guys are going to be dynamically posed as well. Natural nonchalant poses can work, if done well, but I like my assault marines to be assault-y.

Glad to hear you're still in the land of the living, and I hope the hard weeks are behind you. I can empathize as I'm slap bang in the middle of uni exam revision, so I've had barely any hobby time, apart from visiting BnC on my breaks, which is nice.

Fair play, you can't really argue with "handwavium". It's about as watertight as Unobtanium. msn-wink.gif

I can't quite make it out due to the pictures. Does one of the jetbikers have a templar style helmet? If so, where does it come from? It looks like FW resin, but I can't think of any kits with them in it, barring maybe some of the Red Scorpion stuff.

Keep up the good work sir. You've done a stirling job on the IXth so far.


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