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Blood Angels Land Raider Redeemer (Achilles kit bash)


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With this I'm hoping my Death Company can actually get into combat without being charged first. I just need to paint another 5 dudes now!







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Outstanding. I'm just wondering about the colors, they do not look like Blood Angels to me. AFAIK they paint their vehicles as their armor (i.e. mostly red). For DC the main color looks too grey to me and the Xs are missing.


I like the idea of leaving most of the vehicle grey and only adding some red and chapter symbols. Did the BA do that canonically at some point?

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I plan to use it for my Death Company predominantly but not exclusively, so I didn't want it overly DC 'branded' with loads of crosses etc.


When I paint black I tend to steer away from pure black to give the model some depth and dynamism. It was actually more black towards the bottom but that got covered up by the dust powder weathering!

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Yeah, the headlight OSL is irking me, too.  The lines are very long and narrow, which doesn't fit the shape of the lights themselves.  But from my own limited experience in airbrush OSL, I can say with a certainty that you did it better than I could :lol:


ANyway, aside form that, it's a pretty sweet tank.  The weathering is eye catching in particular.  Powders, I'm guessing? 

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Cheers all!


@ Semper, I have made a start on the passengers but only enough to fill a Razorback so far - you can see them in my WIP: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/282574-luthers-blood-angels/page-2


@ Firepower, I used a couple of Forge World weathering powders for the mud and dust on the underside of the tank. The chips and scratches on the edges were sponged on.


@ AK, good point! It should be Death AND Glory :D

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Lovely stuff, the speed you are getting these out and at such quality is making me feel very small indeed. 


I agree with you on black, a little tip of another colour added into it makes it more dynamic, and adds the opportunity to shade it giving more depth, but I'm with Quixus on this. I think its a little too light. But that a personal preference, not a criticism on skill. 


I like the OSL, whether or not its realistic I couldn't tell you but it definitely conveys OSL and looks good. 


What colours did you use for the flamers? Base and heat effect, it looks really good.


Also, stop painting so fast, you're making us look bad  :)

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Fast? I don't know about that, I finished building this tank back in June!


For the flamers it was a Tin Bitz base, Nuln Oil wash, Vallejo Old Gold drybrush (couple of coats) then I airbrushed Daler Rowney Sepia ink on the front two thirds and black paint on the front one third. Then Vallejo Steel paint to highlight the circular vents and the ends of the barrels.

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This looks awesome, I agree the only thing that's slightly jarring is the osl but it doesn't spoil it at all. Just out of interest, what colours did you use for the black? I'm doing something similar myself soon and it'd be good to have some recipes to hand for airbrushing.
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Cheers guys :)


@ Chris I just take a bit on a large drybrush, lightly apply it and then kind of 'grind it in' with the brush. I don't use fixative or varnish because you lose the dusty look.


@ Hex, I used Valllejo Model Air Dark Grey Blue and German Grey to highlight over black primer, and Nuln Oil to shade

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Nice semi-realistic scheme! The tank looks like it's covered in a tough powder coat, or like a truck bed liner type of paint! 


I quite like the OSL, the narrow lines are actually more realistic than more common soft and even OSL effects. Kinda like how most of the weathering people do for tanks looks nothing like real life dirt. 

Have you thought about adding some soot-effect to the end of the flamerstorm cannons? You've already done the bluing to the heat shields so it kinda looks weird when the nozzles are super clean. 


Does the achilles still have the assault ramps?

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Thanks k&f!


There is soot around the end of the flamers, but I picked out the very flat edge of the barrels to represent a small area where they'd been 'burned clean'.


The Achilles front hatch doesn't actually open - it's a huge chunk of resin! But it looks like the design is for the door to open in two parts, both up and down.

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The Achilles front hatch doesn't actually open - it's a huge chunk of resin! But it looks like the design is for the door to open in two parts, both up and down.

IA2 says the Achilles does not get the assault vehicle rule and only has access hatches on the side.
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