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Blood Angels Land Raider Redeemer (Achilles kit bash)


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I'm thinking:


- Infiltrate scouts equipped with locator beacon into enemy lines

- Deep strike land raider with 11 DC and 1 Reclusiarch within 6" for no scatter

- Disenbark, shoot (with both LR and DC) then charge with DC for loads of attacks and re-rolls to hit and wound


Bye bye enemy unit!


Same would work with a drop pod instead of scouts but then the LR/DC couldn't come in till turn 3.

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- Disenbark, shoot (with both LR and DC) then charge with DC for loads of attacks and re-rolls to hit and wound

Can a unit charge out of a deep striking vehicle?


Same would work with a drop pod instead of scouts but then the LR/DC couldn't come in till turn 3.

How so? Drop pod with locator beacon arrives Turn 1. Locator Beacon is active Turn 2, successfully roll for the Land Raider, LR arrvives Turn 2 without scatter (within 6")
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I think that strategy works better with pods actually. You get half rounding up on turn one, so LR can still DS in safely on turn 2 if the drop pod is still there. 


Reserves has also changed since 6th, well actually it's back to the way it has been since 2nd ed, so you must roll and deploy before doing anything else in the movement phase.

That makes the range of locator beacon in a scout squad rather limited considering that they have to start quite far from the enemy turn one. 


Also remember that while you can disembark and fire from the LRR vanguard veteran using jump packs are now the only unit in the game that are allowed to assault from reserves. 

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Oh. Goddamnit!


So you can assault from a LRR, but not a deep striking one?


What about a Stormraven? They must start in reserve (no longer deep strike) - so you can't disembark and charge the turn they arrive?


Vanguard Vets will be my next unit after I bulk up the DC...

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Correct, you are unable to assault from anything that arrives via Deep Strike. A Stormraven arrives in Zooming mode and the only way passengers can disembark is via Skies of Fury - whereby they follow the rules for Deep Strike. Therefore, you would need another turn to go into Hover mode, move 6" and assault out of the Assault Ramp.


(Alternatively, purchase a Skyshield Landing Pad, deploy Stormraven on that and it can start in Hover mode...)

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A Stormraven arrives in Zooming mode and the only way passengers can disembark is via Skies of Fury


You can't deploy via Skies of Fury when zooming. The only exception it gives is for deploying from a vehicle that moved more than 6". There's a separate prohibition of deploying from zooming flyers that it doesn't mention at all.

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I don't buy paper, so I've no idea about page numbers.


Vehicle section on Disembarking:




A unit that begins its Movement phase embarked upon a vehicle can disembark either before or after the vehicle has moved (including pivoting on the spot, etc) so long as the vehicle has not moved more than 6".


Flyer section on Zooming:




Finally, unless otherwise stated, models cannot embark upon, or voluntarily disembark from, a Zooming Flyer.


Codex Blood Angels/Codex Space Marines on Skies of Fury:




Skies of Fury: If the Stormraven has moved more than 6", passengers can still disembark


Nowhere does it state that they can disembark from a zooming Stormraven, it only provides an exception for the first reason they can't normally disembark. Therefore you still have to be in hover mode.

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As you are no doubt aware, advanced rules > basic rules and codex > BRB.


Your first quote is a basic rule about vehicles.

Your second quote is an advanced rule pertaining to the Flyer vehicle subclass.

Your third quote is a codex rule pertaining to a specific unit.


Each subsequent quote overules the former one. In short, a unit may disembark from a Stormraven that moves over 6". That is the exception to the zooming rule noted.


If you wish to discuss this further, I'm happy to open up a thread in the OR forum as we're going to derail LutherMax's thread.  (Sorry!) :)

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I don't mind, this is of keen interest to me!


If you do open another thread for this discussion please post the link here.


My understanding is as per Jolemai's – that you can disembark from a zooming Stormraven via 'Skies of Fury', otherwise I think they would need to specifically give an exception regarding the flight mode.

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There are two rules that prevent you disembarking from a zooming Stormraven - you moved too far AND you're zooming. Neither overrules the other, so one being more specific is irrelevant. Skies of Fury only addresses one of them, so it only applies to a hovering Stormraven moving fast.


For your argument to be valid, "If the Stormraven has moved more than 6", passengers can still disembark" has to override every possible objection to disembarking, including there being nowhere to place the models. It doesn't, it only overrides 'more than 6"'.


There's a recent topic on the subject here, since it has nothing at all to do with Land Raiders.

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I don't mind, this is of keen interest to me!

If you do open another thread for this discussion please post the link here.

My understanding is as per Jolemai's – that you can disembark from a zooming Stormraven via 'Skies of Fury', otherwise I think they would need to specifically give an exception regarding the flight mode.

That's correct. Just ignore any rulebenders trying to tell you otherwise.

If not then skies of fury would give you the most useless disembark ever as you would perform a deepstrike to move less than a normal move+disembark would give you. Makes sense to you?

When someone is trying to argue that a rule works in a way that makes it unsuable or pointless it's a safe bet that's it's the interpretation that's off and not the rule.... thumbsup.gif

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But in hover mode you can move more than 6" (up to 12" isn't it?).


So is it the case that you can move up to 12" in hover mode and use Skies of Fury to disembark, but not move up to 36" or whatever the max is in zoom mode and still use Skies of Fury to disembark?


It may be that I'm being pessimistic but as a Blood Angel I'm so used to being bashed over the head with the rule book :(

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You can disembark when zooming and in hover mode. You just have to use skies of fury if moving more than 6". 


It's just pretty useless in hover mode because the distance you can disembark is then only 12"- a flyer base, with some scatter on top of that. 

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