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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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Gimme a sec to dig out Betrayal and Massacre, will edit this post.


Looked through both and sadly, beyond the twin scythes and superficial battle damage done to the armor, I see no mention of distinct variation to their armor.

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I know the Death Guard are meant to be very Spartan, they dont really embellish anything, all about function over form etc, so they probably won't really have much in the way of markings. The crossed scythe scraped into the paint sounds awesome though.
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yeah, I love the idea of it.........the execution however.......


maybe if I painted where I want the symbol to go steel, sealed the crap out of it, put paint over that, then make a toothpick chisel, and actually scraped the scythes into the 1/2 dried paint, then weathered it as per the norm. 


that would have the added benefit of being irregular(unlike the decals) and give some 3D detail as well.......


that might do it.

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Or...Resin-Gods have mercy on my soul, Carve it directly into the resin and leave it as a bumpy and irregular surface.


*goes in to a fevered state of panic at the thought*

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yeah, I love the idea of it.........the execution however.......


maybe if I painted where I want the symbol to go steel, sealed the crap out of it, put paint over that, then make a toothpick chisel, and actually scraped the scythes into the 1/2 dried paint, then weathered it as per the norm. 


that would have the added benefit of being irregular(unlike the decals) and give some 3D detail as well.......


that might do it.


Paint undercoat, seal it, spray on several thin layers of hair spray, spray on top coat, then use a small paintbrush or a toothpick and water to pull up the paint where you want the damage. Seal again when finished.

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I'd definitely practice on something else first because the hairspray thing can be a bit tricky at first, and it's even more difficult if you're trying to go for a specific pattern(like crossed scythes) because it comes up in random sizes and shapes. With a little practice, you can learn to control it a little bit, but one of the reasons it's such a popular technique for paint chipping is because it looks very realistic, actually being chipped paint, and also because it's more random and authentic looking than trying to paint on the chipped areas.


Edit: If the paint doesn't start coming up, don't scrub too hard with the paintbrush or whatever tool you're using. Try putting a drop of water on the area you want to work on and let it soak for 20-30 seconds, and if you're still having trouble, you might mix in a little bit of rubbing alcohol with the water. Be careful not to use too much alcohol - because alcohol has less surface tension than water and is more 'slippery', if you will, I've personally seen it 'slide' under an entire section of the top paint layer and disintegrate the hair spray below, and then the instant I touched it with a brush, the whole area came loose like a paint avalanche. That happened to be pure alcohol, but still.

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I have been lurking here for some time now, but it was only today, that I took the courage, and created an account on B&C. Through I’m not new to the hobby it will be a new start, and definitely an interesting one. I was always a great fan of the Heresy, and when Forge World pulled the rabbit out of the hat, I knew, that if I have a chance, I want to join the ranks of the legionaries.


Last November, when I started to save “supplies” for the first order from FW there wasn’t a clear concept in me, and in the meantime it got even more difficult to choose (So many Precious, we wantz it all!!!). I hope that I will find here some leads and help, where and how to start.


On a regular 40k basis, I already have a relatively big Imperial Guard army, Space Wolves and some Dark Angels. For the moment I’m the only one in the local environment, who is interested in the Heresy – or better said, the only one, who thinks of starting an army – but I hope, that later there will be others too.

As I said, I didn’t have any real concept, the only thing maybe, that I’m sure of is, that I want to start it small, but with a bigger picture in mind. I’m still looking for the main concept, but even worse, I didn’t know it yet, which Legion to choose.

Fluffwise I’m with the loyalists, but there are of course traitor Legions too, which won my liking. I have gathered all the 18 Legions, and categorised them from my point-of-view:


Legions I definitely don’t want to play are: World Eaters, Emperor’s Children, Death Guard, Night Lords, Iron Warriors, Alpha Legion, Raven Guard

Legions I maybe would play (later, or as a secondary force): Word Bearers, Thousand Sons, Salamanders, White Scars, Blood Angels, Space Wolves, Dark Angels

Legions I like the most (at the moment) are: Sons of Horus, Iron Hands, Imperial Fists and Ultramarines


As you see, there are still plenty to choose from. I hope, that in the course of the following weeks I will be able to make a decision, and I will make a good one. I'm still in reading the books (for the second time), and later i would like to post some ideas, but I would really thank for every helping hand.


-- And please excuse me if I wrote it to the wrong topic, and for every incorrect grammar or bad choice of words. English is not my mother tongue and I didn’t had the chance to practice it properly.--

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Leoric one thing to keep in mind is that you can use the heresy rules to represent your legion as a pre-heresy force or as the loyalist or traitor element of a legion that normally fought for the other side. The legions were big and not all its members followed their Primarch blindly, in fact some isolated fleets probably never event met their Primarch.


Some thinsg that may help you determine your legion are figuring out what type of force you want to have, and finding a colour scheme that you can execute to your satisfaction.

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Leoric one thing to keep in mind is that you can use the heresy rules to represent your legion as a pre-heresy force or as the loyalist or traitor element of a legion that normally fought for the other side. The legions were big and not all its members followed their Primarch blindly, in fact some isolated fleets probably never event met their Primarch.


Some thinsg that may help you determine your legion are figuring out what type of force you want to have, and finding a colour scheme that you can execute to your satisfaction.


I know it, but there are so many options from which it is hard to choose.


Leoric, welcome. What do you want from your hersy army? what is it about the listed you like the most?


Well, one of my first thoughts was an infantry-heavy force with some hard hitting support. My 40k armys are mostly mechanized forces, so I wanted to try something else. An of course I fell in love with the MkIII armour. But the topmost criteria is, that it needs to be something special :-)


About the preferred Legions

Sons of Horus: as I'm mostly on the Imperial/Loyalist side, it would be something new - and with SoH I would definitely do a traitor force. Modelwise Horus is my favorite, he sits on the top of my wishlist.

Iron Hands: the Iron Hands were the first Legion that caught my eyes. They look massive, like those who always get the job done, no matter the circumstances. And they can field automatons in they army with the IH RoW.

Imperial Fists: the praetorian background, the boarding warfare (I really like Breachers), and of course Dorn. The colour scheme is something tricky, as I have painted mostly grey and green armour.

Ultramarines: they seems to me a good all rounder from the fluff-perspective, and I've found a great colour scheme for them (not tested yet). There are no official rules for them, but I can wait - hopefully not too long.

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Any of those 4 could do infantry heavy. It sounds like the ability to field some Mechanicus units with Iron hands appeals to you, something that none of the other legions you are looking at can do. Also remember that while legions had areas they were famous for, all legions had units ranging from siege experts, to assault formations to fast recce. So if you love breachers, bring a squad even if that legion isn't known for their use.
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so yeah, I am still pretty set on the DG, I have even started a photo gallery of rusted and corroded metal. things I would want to replicate.


but, I did just pre-ordered the Horus Heresy Box set, it has the first 12 books. since I haven't read them yet I figured this would be a great way to start. winter is coming and it really long this far north.


I hope the books don't sway me from the path of Plague!



I should probably change my avatar too.......

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Well, one of my first thoughts was an infantry-heavy force with some hard hitting support. My 40k armys are mostly mechanized forces, so I wanted to try something else. An of course I fell in love with the MkIII armour. But the topmost criteria is, that it needs to be something special :-)


About the preferred Legions

Sons of Horus: as I'm mostly on the Imperial/Loyalist side, it would be something new - and with SoH I would definitely do a traitor force. Modelwise Horus is my favorite, he sits on the top of my wishlist.

Iron Hands: the Iron Hands were the first Legion that caught my eyes. They look massive, like those who always get the job done, no matter the circumstances. And they can field automatons in they army with the IH RoW.

Imperial Fists: the praetorian background, the boarding warfare (I really like Breachers), and of course Dorn. The colour scheme is something tricky, as I have painted mostly grey and green armour.

Ultramarines: they seems to me a good all rounder from the fluff-perspective, and I've found a great colour scheme for them (not tested yet). There are no official rules for them, but I can wait - hopefully not too long.


Theoretical: Looking at your post, the three most important points are that it's different from previous armies, involves Mark III armour, and that it's something special.


Practical: From the list you've made, I'd go for Iron Hands. Mark III works beautifully with their background, and they have a greater variety of it (thanks to their unique units). Owing to their technical innovation, there's scope for lots of unusual stuff. In addition, you can indulge your desire for an infantry-heavy army because their scheme is quick to paint consistently and attractively.



I want you to collect Iron Hands!


Ok, why am I tempted by Word Beraers. Sort of fallen Paladins. True servants of the Emperor twisted, bitter, falling to dark gods.


Word Bearers? Well, I think they're an easy Legion to love: driven, impassioned – and rejected by their idol, with terrible results!


As a result they're perhaps the most human of all the Astartes (though not the most humanitarian!); with the most in common with the mass of humanity. There are plenty of brilliant stories that go beyond the starched obedience of the Fists or the Ultramarines, or the martial drive of the Sons of Horus and Dark Angels. 


In addition, they have a brooding colour scheme and offer the perfect opportunity for involved and varied heraldry and banners, making them very visually striking.

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Yeah, it's the mix of philosophey and theology that I see as potential for them. They are a very good mix of philosophey and Demi God that is just killer. I also stupidly got a gal Vorbak off ebay and am currently converting it into a praetor.


The last of the Iconclast Paladins, a former warrior chaplain of the XVIIth, champion of the Imperial Truth, led to worship of the Emperor, perfect example of the creed. When Moncharia burned he became bitter and twisted, the creed he loved became hollow, he took his warriors on the pilgramidge, following the footsteps of his Lord Farther, until he found the darkness ofbthe eye, and the Chaos of the universe filled his hearts. Now he spreads the message of truth, with bolter, chainsword, and fire.

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