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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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Great thread this..good idea for the forum


Cant help thinking we should be doing a weekly "meet" session where all us procrastinating addicts can share what legions we have deciced to do for that 5 minutes before changing our minds haha.


My head hurts now with all the ideas...if I spent all the time "actually" painting and modelling just 1 legion that I do just "thinking" about what legions I should be doing, I would have a massive army..



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^^^^ welcome brother to heresy addicts anonymous, Brother Heathens will induct you in our ways of dealing with xenos sympathisers and give you your first lesson in the uses of promethium.



All other questions can be directed to each corner of the room where you'll find various brothers broken and mumbling to themselves about angels nails and terror markings whilst pulling out there hair and screaming till the honourable and benevolent god that is ADB comes to put them out of their miseries.





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All other questions can be directed to each corner of the room where you'll find various brothers broken and mumbling to themselves about angels nails and terror markings whilst pulling out there hair and screaming till the honourable and benevolent god that is ADB comes to put them out of their miseries.


So ADB is Corax?

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*Smacks arm and scratches neck*







Well it looks like I'm hooked on White Scars now :) I'm going to hate myself once FW comes out with all the nice goodies for them and my Dark Angels, but hell I want to do a force of them now.



I kinda wish that FW gave out some basic rules and upgrade kits for everyone now and then did each in detail, but that is the price of such awesome material that they already put out.



I don't know why I started sticking to legions that had few followers at the moment, but I feel that Dark Angels and White Scars are some of the coolest, and surprised that so few have done them yet.

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Well, luckily for you, some of the Generic RoW's might actually help you field a viable and fluffy WS list. 


Honestly, no matter what Legion your originally in for, seeing the White Scars get more love is only a good thing. They're probably THE most under represented Legion in the fluff / tabletop.

The only reason they're popular in 40k is because of Min/Maxers, which, to me is rather disappointing since they have a really cool aesthetic and feel.


So, in that regard, go for it. Might as well get good a painting white at some point no? Why not do it with a project that you've got the drive for rather than slogging through it?

However, a word of caution, don't burn yourself out. I'm pretty sure we're all aware that its a potential problem for anyone in the hobby, but you never know when it'll get ya.


Also, since your doing a Legion, why not expand on their fluff and maybe try to come up with some alternative paint schemes to switch things up a bit from the potentially eye watering (in a bad way..maybe?) wall of white you'll end up painting.


Anyways, good luck in this endeavor, you'll need it! especially if you aren't too keen on white.

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After a weekend spent making lists, re reading fluff and planning armies and stuffs, I am coming to the conclusion that Iron Hands aren't for me.. I want a good army and although they are loyal they just aren't heroic enough


Lame, I know :( lol

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Aye. That does make a difference I guess. But IF I don't think I could do. There are two 40k fists players already and that's enough haha.


One of my best friends has just started a ridiculous ridiculous Ultramarines force, so when that halters and fails I could do that I guess, but no models or rules, but you KNOW that they will be amazing. And Guilliman and Ventanus will be amazing.


Blood Angels are kick ass. And as of Unremembered Empire, Sanguinius really is a leader, but they have a very specific way of olaying which doesn't suit me. I like it. But it's not really me. I'm much more of a elitist force. High strength and tanking sort of olayer. I play Nurglr Marines in 40k and I love it. I don't win 100% of te time, maybe 75% but I have a lot of fun


Iron Hands in many ways are perfect. But I just want a good legion that is heroic and I can model characters accordingly. Good in Challenges. Beastly elite units and good Legion feel

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Gotta agree with Fire Golem...imp fists seem to tick your boxes..whats not heroic enough about iron hands? Or do you mean they are a bit to bland for your own tastes?


As for my own musings...today in the hobby I have been thinking imperial fists or alpha legion...I have a ton of resin sitting in front of me begging to be cleaned and painted. ..I wish I could oblige them "sob"

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Oooh dear. He went and opened up that avenue. Damn.

Haha ;) well if you went that route, Death Guard and Iron Warriors would work for the tanky side, and Emperors Children for the heroic/elite side.


I think I've finally settled on my legions, Sons of Horus, Night Lords and Word Bearers. The next step is to buy some models, but knowing me I'll have changed my mind again before then.

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Aye. That does make a difference I guess. But IF I don't think I could do. There are two 40k fists players already and that's enough haha.


One of my best friends has just started a ridiculous ridiculous Ultramarines force, so when that halters and fails I could do that I guess, but no models or rules, but you KNOW that they will be amazing. And Guilliman and Ventanus will be amazing.


Blood Angels are kick ass. And as of Unremembered Empire, Sanguinius really is a leader, but they have a very specific way of olaying which doesn't suit me. I like it. But it's not really me. I'm much more of a elitist force. High strength and tanking sort of olayer. I play Nurglr Marines in 40k and I love it. I don't win 100% of te time, maybe 75% but I have a lot of fun


Iron Hands in many ways are perfect. But I just want a good legion that is heroic and I can model characters accordingly. Good in Challenges. Beastly elite units and good Legion feel

Heroic, how about the III legion:


They are all about close combat,and honour, and fight their battles to perfection. Now they do turn traitor, but you could do a loyalist force, maybe they were the sons of the nobility of Terra, and stayed loyal, proud bearers of the Palatine Aquila, the voice of the Emperor.

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Right. Just to update you all. Because obviously it matters right.


Just braved the torrential rain in Southern England for coke, cheese scones and bits for a Shepard's pie. The Mrs is watching saving Me Banks. And I'm sitting quietly pretending to cook, drumming up boyfriend points, while actually writing pros and cons of 6 Legions haha.

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@frostmourne....you braved the rain for coke eh? Drugs wont help with making decisions my friend haha


Right...6 legions to choose from...might sound cheesey but assign a legion a number from 1-6 and just roll a dice...let fate pick for you!


No re-rolls allowed...

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Rather, roll a D6, and if the result doesn't please you then scratch that from the list and roll again.


Anyway from the choices you list, I would pick Emperors children. Mainly as they have the dam best models.
But the rules aren't the greatest..


So go loyalist Iron Warriors. *runs off*

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I find that the EC rules aren't really focussed, and that their special units are overpriced for what they do

They are just slightly worse than some of their legion counterparts.


In the end 30k is more about having drop dead awesome looking models, than winning.


But get rolling! :)

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@Frostmourne...how has the dice rolling going? Bet you were not happy with came up on the dice face haha..

And agree totally with what brother captain lucian has added..


To give an idea of what a year of procrastinating has achieved..

20 deathguard marines in power armour

10 worldeaters in power armour and 5 cataphractii

10 iron hands breachers and 2 contemptors

Not to mention various test minis and lots of down time due to brain freeze in trying to decide.

Now if that was all for one legion I reckon it would be 3 times the amount done due to being happy to move in a single direction..still...must try an alpha legion test mini

















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Ok well. This is what happened. And I :cuss you not.


I rolled a 1. And I was genuinely happy. So I posted on my local community Facebook group which I admin and said "ok I'm going Luna Wolves, pre heresy blah blah blah". Within 3 minutes one of the ladies from our group posted up her freshly painted Justaerin to go with her 3k points she already had that she'd kept a secret and was now starting on the warmaster.




So I let the Mrs re roll. She rolled a 4. Blood Angels. I was sorely tempted, but lack of rules, models and everything put me off. But did affirm in my mind that I will be doing them when they are released for sure.


So I re rolled and and rolled and it's currently cocked between a 1 and a 2.


This is doing my nut in.


Which of the 6 has the most true to Legion rules that aren't shocking game wise?



Jesus. Those pics look amazing! Properly stunning


Have you actually settled on one??

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