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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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Not sure if this is the right place, but what do you think about buying figures from ebay, which are cheaper than those of forgeworld?
10 Breacher for less than 50€...
Bought Asterion Molok that way, but apart of fine details having broken off, he was fine.

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I've finally settled on the War Hounds. I'll need to buy a new camera if I want to make a blog though... and that's cramping my resin budget.


I've always got such respect for people like you who have the guts to do a legion pre-primarch. I would always want to leave the door open to portraying a legion with their gene-father, so I salute you. It's a rockin' color scheme. 

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I wish I could write fluff for my army, but I have no imagination when it comes to Warhammer 40,000 (as opposed to, say, Teen Titans or Mass Effect fanfictions). I just know I'll refer to them as 'Echelon IV' and that's it.


I chose War Hounds over World Eaters because I already have an army of the former and consequently I'm sick of painting white. Which is why my War Hounds will replace their white pauldrons and backpacks with black ones.


Thank you all for the support. I should start my thread on January 1st 2016 if I manage to buy, assemble and paint my first models by then. I'll need to borrow or buy a new camera for this though.

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I can't choose between three legions.


First, there are the Night Lords. I like their sneaky evil stealthy criminal ways and them being a band of criminals forced by fear to work together by their superior officers. Unfortunately I do not like their glass cannon rite of war and playstyle on tabletop.


Next, there are the White Scars. In terms of 'spirit' and outlook, where they are free spirited and are who they are without pretending otherwise. Also helps that I am of Asian descent and their upgrade kits are awesome. Unfortunately, they don't have rules yet and I favour a more shooty/siege style of list on the tabletop. Also I hate the dickbikes.


Lastly, Iron Warriors. To be honest they have a very bland character to me, I have never been a fan of their bitterness and negativity and paranoia. Their paint scheme is a bit boring though hazard stripes are cool. However The concept of Tyrant siege terminators are awesome and I have made an ideal siege style list out of them which I would like to use :


Siege breaker

5 siege tyrants

Two tactical squads in rhinos

Two deredeos

Three thudd guns


Maybe I can amalgamate and use iron warrior rules for the other two legions? What are your thoughts ?

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I can't choose between three legions.


First, there are the Night Lords. I like their sneaky evil stealthy criminal ways and them being a band of criminals forced by fear to work together by their superior officers. Unfortunately I do not like their glass cannon rite of war and playstyle on tabletop.


Next, there are the White Scars. In terms of 'spirit' and outlook, where they are free spirited and are who they are without pretending otherwise. Also helps that I am of Asian descent and their upgrade kits are awesome. Unfortunately, they don't have rules yet and I favour a more shooty/siege style of list on the tabletop. Also I hate the dickbikes.


Lastly, Iron Warriors. To be honest they have a very bland character to me, I have never been a fan of their bitterness and negativity and paranoia. Their paint scheme is a bit boring though hazard stripes are cool. However The concept of Tyrant siege terminators are awesome and I have made an ideal siege style list out of them which I would like to use :


Siege breaker

5 siege tyrants

Two tactical squads in rhinos

Two deredeos

Three thudd guns


Maybe I can amalgamate and use iron warrior rules for the other two legions? What are your thoughts ?


Nothing stops you from creating a siege type army with the White Scars: I mean, Jaghatai might have been the scourge of Mundus Planus in a way, but to assault a fortified city you still often need to besiege it first, so it should be possible to make a kind of thing like that. Imagine the kinds of things the Mongols would need to take the Great Wall of China and you might be on the right track.


It's is also perfectly possible to create an Iron Warriors Grand Battalion that come from an Asian type world. My own Iron Warriors are going to be recruited from the world of Asrynia, that will hopefully be modeled on the ancient Assyrians (masters of siege warfare in their day)...




All this to say that the Legions are generally large enough to create the army you want, despite the preferred war style of the Primarch...

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As the founder of this very topic often states, pick the legion that fits who you are and then you can tailor that force to your playstyle. The White Scars had siege specialists, the Night Lords had Terminator elites, and the Blood Angels had armored tank companies. But if you'll never like the Iron Warriors, you'll never like the Iron Warriors. No matter how much they fit your playstyle. 

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Problem is that I wish to use siege tyrants (which I can't) and deredeos (which I can justify) in a scars list. Which the rules don't quite allow. What if I use scars models for an iron warriors list?


Alternatively a night lords siege army would be cool too but would also run into the above problem

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Hey guys ! I'd love your input to help me narrow down which Legion I should start. You guys probably know a lot more about the Legions and the Primarchs than I do and I'd love to have your take.


I really like lots of Legions (and I purposefully won't say which so as not to bias you !), but I would love to find one that will match my personnality and although I have several ideas. I'm an ENTP type in the MBTI framework. Rather than explaining it poorly, you can find more details in the spoiler tag (taken from a website) :



ENTPs are typically friendly and often charming. They usually want to be seen as clever and may try to impress others with their quick wit and incisive humor. They are curious about the world around them, and want to know how things work. However, for the ENTP, the rules of the universe are made to be broken. They like to find the loopholes and figure out how they can work the system to their advantage. This is not to say the Visionary is malicious: they simply find rules limiting, and believe there is probably a better, faster, or more interesting way to do things that hasn’t been thought of before.

The ENTP is characteristically entrepreneurial and may be quick to share a new business idea or invention. They are confident and creative, and typically excited to discuss their many ingenious ideas. The ENTP’s enthusiasm for innovation is infectious, and they are often good at getting other people on board with their schemes. However, they are fundamentally “big-picture” people, and may be at a loss when it comes to recalling or describing details. They are typically more excited about exploring a concept than they are about making it reality, and can seem unreliable if they don’t follow through with their many ideas.



Thanks for helping ! And I hope I don't end up with Legion II or XI :p

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Problem is that I wish to use siege tyrants (which I can't) and deredeos (which I can justify) in a scars list. Which the rules don't quite allow. What if I use scars models for an iron warriors list?

Alternatively a night lords siege army would be cool too but would also run into the above problem

You could do an allied Iron Warriors contingent to get the Siege Tyrants.

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Grey Bro: to me, it sounds like you want to be the 1k Sons. Lots of good ideas and want for the good of everyone (librarians). Lots of dabbling in ideas and research most of which may not come to fruition seems appropriate. Breaking the rules of the universe? Check.


Obviously this puts you in an awkward place as the rules probably aren't out until next year at least...

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Héhé yeah ! I really considered the 1k sons but not having rules for such a characterful Legion is a bit annoying :/ They do seem like they would fit, although they are a quest for knowledge rather than innovation.


I think the Alpha Legion might be a good fit ? Alpharius seems to want to be right out there in the field rather than in his tower, and the fact that they adopt super un conventional fighting organisations is good :D

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The Iron Hands might be another choice for you GreyCrow what with all their technological advancements and their whole mentality on warfare.
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I'm probably going to wait until the plastic kit comes out, but i'm currently torn between two legions.


I want to pick for fluffy reasons but would like them to not be absolutely naff on the TT.


The first i'm looking at is a Word Bearers legion in the old colours. I love the look of Lorgar and the Ashen Circle. I don't want daemons or Gal Vorbak so it would effectively be either loads of Ashen Circle or vanilla units as the meat of the force. An alternative idea might be to use non-daemonic marines but to convert them to have equivalent of the daemon units - could either go angelic/Emperor-like (not Sigmarines!) or green stuff some more inventive stuff.


The second is a pure Iron Hands Shattered Legion. Not sure whether it's better to use the current Iron Hands rules or wait for the Shattered Legion list and see what it offers (e.g. is a mono-legion army gimped?). I prefer the Shadrak Meduson side of the Iron Hands at present that the side that develops the 40k ideology.


Any thoughts would be fantastic, thank you  

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I'm probably going to wait until the plastic kit comes out, but i'm currently torn between two legions.


I want to pick for fluffy reasons but would like them to not be absolutely naff on the TT.


The first i'm looking at is a Word Bearers legion in the old colours. I love the look of Lorgar and the Ashen Circle. I don't want daemons or Gal Vorbak so it would effectively be either loads of Ashen Circle or vanilla units as the meat of the force. An alternative idea might be to use non-daemonic marines but to convert them to have equivalent of the daemon units - could either go angelic/Emperor-like (not Sigmarines!) or green stuff some more inventive stuff.


The second is a pure Iron Hands Shattered Legion. Not sure whether it's better to use the current Iron Hands rules or wait for the Shattered Legion list and see what it offers (e.g. is a mono-legion army gimped?). I prefer the Shadrak Meduson side of the Iron Hands at present that the side that develops the 40k ideology.


Any thoughts would be fantastic, thank you  


It's a little difficult to run Word Bearers effectively on the tabletop without any of their Chaos shenanigans. Ashen Circle in particular really only do well when combo'd with Zardu Layak and he's pretty far gone down the heresy path. This post by Marshal Loss does a good job of explaining how the XVIIth run.


Might as well go with current Iron Hands and call them "shattered" or post-Isstvan survivors. The Shattered Legion list is most likely going to be a way to fit together multiple elements from different legions into one detachment, but with drawbacks. 

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Has anyone used chaos space marine miniatures to represent their armies? I run Sons of Horus and found them to be just right for me, but was curious how people represented their armies on the tabletop.

My Night Lords are going to be a healthy mix of chaos bits 1) because I'm a poor-ass pleb, and 2) because the army is depicting the 15th in the midst of the heresy as all the trappings of Imperial sanction are falling away like dead leaves in the fall.

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The Forge World resin stuff is nice, but don't feel like it's mandatory to buy it for a 30k army. Use what you have available and if someone says they won't play you because you don't have FW minis, trust me - you wouldn't want to play against them in the first place.

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