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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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Hey guys,


Quick question (on my final legion deciding leg) - would you say there are more night lords out there than Alphas?


Lexicanum has them both at lower end of 90,000 legionnaires, but the NL cap off at 120,000 while the Alphas reportedly have up to 180,000.


I'd say with thier overall structure the Alphas probably have more legionnaires, but they are much more fragmented in thier deployment.


Apologies. I meant in terms of representation by players out there - popularity.


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Hey guys,


Quick question (on my final legion deciding leg) - would you say there are more night lords out there than Alphas?


Lexicanum has them both at lower end of 90,000 legionnaires, but the NL cap off at 120,000 while the Alphas reportedly have up to 180,000.


I'd say with thier overall structure the Alphas probably have more legionnaires, but they are much more fragmented in thier deployment.


Apologies. I meant in terms of representation by players out there - popularity.






I've seen a good number of both. I expect Alphas to boom though once Alpharius comes out though. He makes them uber strong.

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Hey guys,

Quick question (on my final legion deciding leg) - would you say there are more night lords out there than Alphas?



Lexicanum has them both at lower end of 90,000 legionnaires, but the NL cap off at 120,000 while the Alphas reportedly have up to 180,000.


I'd say with thier overall structure the Alphas probably have more legionnaires, but they are much more fragmented in thier deployment.

Apologies. I meant in terms of representation by players out there - popularity.




I've seen a good number of both. I expect Alphas to boom though once Alpharius comes out though. He makes them uber strong.

I'm quite keen on the Alphas purely for the paint scheme, I'm just not sure I'd be able to do it justice!

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Best advice is to try it out on a few test models, or failing that test the scheme on some note cards. You don't know if you can do it until you try! Most importantly, you also don't know if you'll like doing it until you try. It may turn out you can get the scheme right but you don't enjoy the process, and that's usually a deal breaker.

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Is there a reason Salamanders don't seem to get much love, or respect? Question based on various comments I have seen and bristled at on here... And the relative lack of 'Manders WIP threads.


I will probably still do Scars with the plastics when they drop though...

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Hey all. Very basic question here, but with the incoming release of the plastic box ont he 7th, I'm very tempted to get back to 40k. I haven't played anything from GW seriously in forever and a half - I think I had two games under 7th and one under 6th, and a couple each of WHFB under 8th there - so I'm not sure what I'd need to dive into the HH. Are just the two red books from FW dealing with the marines and the 7th edition main rulebook enough? I'm guessing that Betrayal provides the Legion specific rules for Ultramarines and that that isn't in the red books?


I've got a couple game stores somewhat nearby with healthy numbers of regulars, so I'm sure one way or the other I'll be able to get a game in. I'm not concerned about being competitive - not that I even know if either 40k or 30k has any tournament in the area, but I'd prefer not to spend too much all in one go, so I'd be after a legion that mostly focuses on the basics - line infantry with a handful of specialists - and I have little patience for giant models in 28mm games, and only slightly more for a lot of vehicles.That said, I'd be interested in picking up a few special units from FW and blinging out with iconography and that.


So I'd appreciate a suggestion for a legion whose rules lend themselves to playing with a mass of basic infantry - either attrition or tricksy guerillas would be fine. I'm thinking Salamanders, Death Guard, Raven Guard, or Alphas possibly? But I haven't seen the rules yet, so I'm not sure.


Thanks all!

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Greetings Brothers. The time has come for me to board the Hersey train. However I am at an impasses as to what Legion to join, I have few ideas floating around my head, I prostrate myself upon the wisdom of forum and look to your advice.


Option 1: Rather fluffy Army based upon the loyalist defenders of the Precenters Palace on Istvaan III: Would be based around three legions, with the majority coming from EC and SoH but a small spattering of WE too. Positives: Speaks to me as reading Galaxy in Flames got me back into the Hobby 8 years ago. Fluffy. Will be a painting and modelling challenge. Negatives: Multiple paint schemes to do (one of which SoH looks like a pig to get right), no LoW to paint.


Option 2: Ultramarines army. Positives: Love to colours, (They were my initial entry into the hobby in the '90's). Loads of cool upgrades and special units and Low. Negatives: Rather popular. 


Option 3: Raven Guard army: Positives: I think these are rather niche. Like the idea of a army that strikes from the shadows. I enjoy painting black. Negatives: No idea on rules yet as haven't got HH book 3. Not a fan of MkVI armour.


Option 4: Word Bearers around Istvaan V: Positives: Great looking FW models, the mix of grey and red paint schemes would interest me. Negatives: Find there Special Characters (currently produced by FW) a little odious. Plus the Lorgar model is a bit meh in my opinion.


These are my thoughts I appreciate any input from you guys.





I'd be tempted to go for the Defenders force once we get the Shattered Legion rules in February :) that way you could have a fluffy force that will look great with all those colours

Thanks for your thoughts Charlo.

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With the impending release of the Betrayal at Calth I have decided to spring for my first 30k models (EXCITED!!) now I have read lots of fluff/lore etc but I have still not decided on what Legion to collect. (This is freaking hardwacko.png ) So here is a list of what I like/don't like to help with ideas.

1 - A beast of a Primarch... I know that all primarchs are awesome in their own right, but I just would like it to be a Legion that is led by a Primarch that is a leader worth following (also good at killing other primarchs would be nice msn-wink.gif).

2 - Loyalist/renegade, lets just say that the only traitor legions I have ever considered collecting were the Night Lords and to some extent the Thousand Sons. For the Emperor.

3 - Color scheme, while I am game for most color schemes I would prefer a more "colorful" scheme as opposed to say the Iron Hands or Death Guard.

4 - Fight Style... My preference is lots of close combat with Terminators and Assault Marines with Tac Marines as support etc, lots of infantry and only one or two tanks (probably Sicaran's for the most part.)

So with that said I will list the legions.


Sons of Horus

Death Guard

Iron Warriors

Emperors Children

Traitor World Eaters

Iron Hands

White Scars

Word Bearers



Blood Angels

Dark Angels

Loyalist World Eaters

Imperial Fists

Alpha Legion

Thousand Sons

Night Lords


Ultramarines (I like their 30k fluff and they are a very versatile Legion in play style as well)

Space Wolves (these guys are hard for, while I like their fluff and their background and primarch matches most of my criteria I just don't like the "official" 30k color scheme for them.)

Raven Guard (again up in the air with these guys very cool legion though)

As usual after writing all that I think that Ultramarines are the way to. They have a decently cool Primarch they can run all Terminators if they want (with the primarch) and they are a very versatile legion with lots of ways to build a list. Still I just need someone to cement that idea because in 20 minutes I will probably change my mind and then in the next 20 minutes come back it.

Suggested reading for Horus Heresy Ultras?

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Deciding on a single legion is really tough, I can't even say I've done it myself (eternally split between Night Lords and Word Bearers). In terms of your points though, just keep in mind for the most part every legion can do any sort of tactic. Sure, iron hands/warrior are the best gunline armies, while raven guard and night lords can make strong drop pod assault armies, but pretty much any legion can do any tactic. If you like the lore of the color scheme of a legion, you can make the tactics fit for them. 

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Is there a reason Salamanders don't seem to get much love, or respect? Question based on various comments I have seen and bristled at on here... And the relative lack of 'Manders WIP threads.


I will probably still do Scars with the plastics when they drop though...

Not a clue! Vulkan is quite possibly the strongest Primarch on par with Horus. Maybe because they're fairly popular in 40k you don't see much in 30. Deffo a contender for my love as S4 hand flamers are rather nice (as well as S6 heavy flamers). The sweeping advance drawback is pretty nasty in Heresy, but you make up for that with THSS Termies.


Plus Pyroclasts are awesome.

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Due to the influx of Heresy newbies (Like me! tongue.png)​, we might wanna split the load and give each Legion it's own thread in this subforum, and one in the tactica one too. It'll help with threads like "Starting Sons of Horus, HELP", 'cause we've gots lots already, but if we have a thread for each, it'll save lots of time and energy.

Just my two cents

EDIT: Suggested reading for Blood Angels and Imperial Army? I need some more ideas

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Due to the influx of Heresy newbies (Like me! tongue.png)​, we might wanna split the load and give each Legion it's own thread in this subforum, and one in the tactica one too. It'll help with threads like "Starting Sons of Horus, HELP", 'cause we've gots lots already, but if we have a thread for each, it'll save lots of time and energy.

Just my two cents

EDIT: Suggested reading for Blood Angels and Imperial Army? I need some more ideas

I can only post reading that I definitively know to be one for one those, so if I can't find a description for something, I may end up inadvertently leaving it out, and apologise in advance.

For the IX Legion;

Novels - Fear To Tread

Short Stories - Lost Sons, Virtues of the Sons

Audio Dramas - Herald of Sanguinius

There hasn't been any stuff directly about the Imperial Army, so I'll try to include books where they at least have an honourable mention rather than just being namedropped;

Novels - Legion (there's a fair amount of stuff involving the Lucifer Blacks and Geno Five-Two Chiliad), A Thousand Sons (The Prospero Spireguard), Deliverance Lost (Some minor IA action at the end), Know No Fear (Lots of IA action supporting the Ultras near the end), Tallarn: Ironclad

Short Stories - The Iron Within (Seems to include a fair few Imperial Army characters on the Lexicanum description), Feat of Iron (Admittedly it's mostly the Iron Hands outdoing the IA), Mark of Calth (I think it's either Calth That Was, The Underworld War, or Unmarked that have the brunt of the IA), All That Remains, Tallarn: Executioner, Tallarn: Witness

Audio Dramas - Censure

Forgeworld - Book 4: Conquest, Book 5: Tempest

I've no doubt that other, far more knowledgeable, members could point you to better sources.

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Thanks Viridia! I've read MArk of Calth, it was pretty good, and I'll try to read the others soon.

Should I make a dedicated Blood Angels help/tactica thread? I've got nothing to do all day (Food poisoning dry.png)​, so I can try to also compile some BA resources, like books to read, major battles they were in, general background, etc.

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Thanks Viridia! I've read MArk of Calth, it was pretty good, and I'll try to read the others soon.

Should I make a dedicated Blood Angels help/tactica thread? I've got nothing to do all day (Food poisoning dry.png)​, so I can try to also compile some BA resources, like books to read, major battles they were in, general background, etc.

Considering the only things BA have in 30k at the moment are furious charge, assault cannons on terminators and a kick ass sword relic, a tactica thread probably isn't worth it.... Yet.

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I'm one of those who's going to jump on the bandwagon with Betrayal at Calth... but one of the things that's stopped me from getting into the game up until now is deciding which Legion to represent! Let's see if you can help me out.




  • I like "smart aggression." I don't want an army that only needs to charge in aggressively and win easily - neither do I want a force that has to play cagey all the time (case in point - I'm selling my Tau partly to fund this venture). I want one that can succeed if I play aggressively, but smartly.
  • I like mobile strike forces more than firing lines.
  • I prefer elite, durable forces to horde armies.
  • I like tanks.
  • I prefer either short-range firefights or close combat to long range guns.


Most of these preferences are noticeable in the armies I've enjoyed thus far: a Blood Angels successor, Sisters of Battle, and Grey Knights/Inquisition. Elite, durable forces with lots of cool options that can be mechanized and/or have options for deep striking and the like.


Fluff/Background Preferences

  • I like to play good guys. I know that there aren't any "real" good guys in the 40k universe... but I like a certain measure of compassion, nobility, and self-sacrifice in the forces I play. They can be flawed and ultimately doomed (Blood Angels successors) or do terrible things in pursuit of a greater good (Grey Knights, Inquisition), or wrong about a lot of things (Sisters of Battle), but I like stories of heroism more than I like telling stories about total jerks.
  • Er... green is my favorite color. Actually, I suck at painting potato tones in general. I tend to enjoy painting pretty intense colors: red, green, etc. I've even tried my hand at yellow from time to time.
  • I'm going to be starting with Betrayal at Calth, which is all mk4 armor. So... while I know that all legions used all kinds of armor, I probably don't want to do a legion where the majority of my force wearing mk4 would be out of place. 



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Going to say Salamanders. They could probably easily manufacture their own MK IV, (I justified Mk IV for my Fists on the basis that it's shortly after the Battle for Mars where Camba-Diaz and Sigismund retrieved as many suits as possible), they've got access to the Pyroclasts and one of the only two units of TH/SS Termies in the game, and a whole host of other advantages that the folks over at 1d4chan have laid out;




Also, green.

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Indeed. Green. I've always thought it was odd that I never played Salamanders... they're cool dudes, they wear green but aren't Dark Angels (buncha jerks if you ask me), and they like to get into short range firefights with melta guns... I'm not in the market for another 40k power armor army, just because I only have so much space, time, and money, but in 30k... that's a good idea.

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Indeed. Green. I've always thought it was odd that I never played Salamanders... they're cool dudes, they wear green but aren't Dark Angels (buncha jerks if you ask me), and they like to get into short range firefights with melta guns... I'm not in the market for another 40k power armor army, just because I only have so much space, time, and money, but in 30k... that's a good idea.


Good news then; if you want to keep things decently small, cost-wise at least, Betrayal at Calth would give you, based on making one of the IC's a Praetor or a Consul Delegatus, the Pride of the Legion Rite of War, and allowing you to take the marines inside as three Tactical Veteran Squads, all of which can be outfitted for a variety of roles thanks to GW including a few heavy/special weapons in the box. That's more than enough to cover the basics, and leaves you room to spend what cash you've saved by buying the (plastic) box on (resin) Legion-specific goodies, like the Pyroclasts.

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With the new Plastic HH set comeing out, I really want to start another legion. Specificly I want to play something around a drop pod assault. I've never played a drop pod army, and think it could be interesting. I always played CSM and gaurd in 40k, and I already have a Tank Heavy 30k Iron Warrior List. So I've always been a huge Tread Head. So Something with a very different play style would be great.


So the two legions I'm torn between is Night Lords and Word Bearers.


With the night lords I can get drop pods with the Terror Assault RoW and terror squads, and still be able to take a command rhino to help with reserves. Their Terminators also can deep strike and benefit alot from "Talent for Murder". I could also just take the contemptor as a gun dread and not need to drop pod him in.


With Word Bearers my idea is to take Zardu (With Orbital Assault RoW) with deamon allies and build a army around summoning deamons to help with the low model count you have when doing drop pods. Deamon allies I can keep more of the army plastic since I already got a mostly forge world Iron Warrior army. (Well. except for some deamon units that are fine cast... Bleh!) I would then take Dark Channelling on my termies, who also get deep strike from Orbital Assault. The Down side is I would need to get some FW dread drop pods for the contemptors.



Would love to hear feed back on these ideas.

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Okay guys... I've placed the order for Betrayal at Calth, and now I'm on the Forgeworld site ordering a deimos rhino and a bunch of Salamanders shoulder pads... plus I've decided to strip the half-painted Glaive I bought for my 40k Blood Angels "for the hell of it because Apocalypse is weird anyway" and give it to my Salamanders... I'm nervous and excited. I think this is going to be fun.

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