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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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How are you painting your Sallies? The almost military drab of the FW books or the neon bright GW? Or somewhere in between? By the way, try putting a Salamander Forge Lord with Rad Grenades in a Breacher squad with Flamers. It's a defensive bunker bar not many people want to charge. Combi Flamer on him and the Sergeant, and it's 4d3 S5 Flamers vs T3 with Defensive Grenades and a 3+/5++. Just walk them onto an objective and see stuff fall down.

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How are you painting your Sallies? The almost military drab of the FW books or the neon bright GW? Or somewhere in between? By the way, try putting a Salamander Forge Lord with Rad Grenades in a Breacher squad with Flamers. It's a defensive bunker bar not many people want to charge. Combi Flamer on him and the Sergeant, and it's 4d3 S5 Flamers vs T3 with Defensive Grenades and a 3+/5++. Just walk them onto an objective and see stuff fall down.


Throw a cortex controller on the forge lord and have some Castellax walking up with them.

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How are you painting your Sallies? The almost military drab of the FW books or the neon bright GW? Or somewhere in between? By the way, try putting a Salamander Forge Lord with Rad Grenades in a Breacher squad with Flamers. It's a defensive bunker bar not many people want to charge. Combi Flamer on him and the Sergeant, and it's 4d3 S5 Flamers vs T3 with Defensive Grenades and a 3+/5++. Just walk them onto an objective and see stuff fall down.

Do it with a heavy support squad for S6 heavy flamers and suddenly your instant deathing anything T4 with your 10D3 flamer hits...

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How are you painting your Sallies? The almost military drab of the FW books or the neon bright GW? Or somewhere in between? By the way, try putting a Salamander Forge Lord with Rad Grenades in a Breacher squad with Flamers. It's a defensive bunker bar not many people want to charge. Combi Flamer on him and the Sergeant, and it's 4d3 S5 Flamers vs T3 with Defensive Grenades and a 3+/5++. Just walk them onto an objective and see stuff fall down.

Do it with a heavy support squad for S6 heavy flamers and suddenly your instant deathing anything T4 with your 10D3 flamer hits...

I thought rad grenades didn't change your ID threshold?

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How are you painting your Sallies? The almost military drab of the FW books or the neon bright GW? Or somewhere in between? By the way, try putting a Salamander Forge Lord with Rad Grenades in a Breacher squad with Flamers. It's a defensive bunker bar not many people want to charge. Combi Flamer on him and the Sergeant, and it's 4d3 S5 Flamers vs T3 with Defensive Grenades and a 3+/5++. Just walk them onto an objective and see stuff fall down.


I'm going to try to hit the military drab, but I'm not good at "potato tones," as I call them. Most of my armies are pretty intense colors.


do like the forge lord option, so I'll probably get one at some point. Is it common practice to use a techmarine model for a forge lord? Or the generic consul model?

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How are you painting your Sallies? The almost military drab of the FW books or the neon bright GW? Or somewhere in between? By the way, try putting a Salamander Forge Lord with Rad Grenades in a Breacher squad with Flamers. It's a defensive bunker bar not many people want to charge. Combi Flamer on him and the Sergeant, and it's 4d3 S5 Flamers vs T3 with Defensive Grenades and a 3+/5++. Just walk them onto an objective and see stuff fall down.

Do it with a heavy support squad for S6 heavy flamers and suddenly your instant deathing anything T4 with your 10D3 flamer hits...

I thought rad grenades didn't change your ID threshold?


Red book says: "This does affect the victim's ID thresholds"

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How are you painting your Sallies? The almost military drab of the FW books or the neon bright GW? Or somewhere in between? By the way, try putting a Salamander Forge Lord with Rad Grenades in a Breacher squad with Flamers. It's a defensive bunker bar not many people want to charge. Combi Flamer on him and the Sergeant, and it's 4d3 S5 Flamers vs T3 with Defensive Grenades and a 3+/5++. Just walk them onto an objective and see stuff fall down.

Do it with a heavy support squad for S6 heavy flamers and suddenly your instant deathing anything T4 with your 10D3 flamer hits...
I thought rad grenades didn't change your ID threshold?

Red book says: "This does affect the victim's ID thresholds"

I guess it changed then good to know.

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I'm very interested in returning to Warhammer with 30k and the Horus Heresy. I've always been a Dark Angels guy, though I like a lot of the legions, but I notice DA haven't really gotten their time to shine yet in the current scheme of things. With that in mind I am thinking about who to look at buillding for my current legion. I've always been someone who enjoys playing my armies elite and powerful, (ie. Deathwing) and I like to take a combined arms approach when it comes to CC and shooting.


Legions I might be interested in playing:

Alpha Legion

Imperial Fists

Emperor's Children

Sons of Horus

Raven Guard

Several that are in the same spot as DA (White Scars, Thousand Sons, Space Wolves)



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If Dark Angels are really your favorite Legion you'd prefer to stick with in 30k, then I'd advise you do just that, as you don't have to wait long for Dark Angels to get full legion rules, with unique unis and rites of war. It's been confirmed that Dark Angels are going to be in Horus Heresy book 6, which is supposed to be coming out in February I believe. 


When it comes to picking a legion based on tactics, just keep in mind any legion can pretty much do any tactic, as the legions all have access to the same troops (for the most part). Want an assault company imperial fists army? Or an emperor's children armored company? You can do it, some legions just happen to be better at certain types of list. As far as the tactics you want, well that's really broad-every legion has its own elite unit, and there's nothing really holding you back from taking assault and shooting elements in any legion. Even world eaters can use some ranged firepower support. 


I will say though I think the legion that bests fits the idea of elite troops with a shooting/cc mix is emperor's children. Their elite unis, the palentine blades and phoenix terminators, while expensive are some of the mos expensive assault troops out there, but are very up there in terms of elites given they are pretty much the only none character units that can take ap2 weapons (phoenix blades, just in the turn you charge). In addition, their rite of war is pretty flexible compared to the more restrictive rites of war, and you can easily include fire support elements alongside your elite assault troops. 

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If Dark Angels are really your favorite Legion you'd prefer to stick with in 30k, then I'd advise you do just that, as you don't have to wait long for Dark Angels to get full legion rules, with unique unis and rites of war.

Apparently unique units are coming later. Just legion rules & rites of war.

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That is a bummer and doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, but at least they will have rules to use.

Because otherwise wed be stuck waiting years for people to play thier Legion, still having to use another's rules or just furious charge or stubborn.


This way, they have all the upgrade kits out (bar wolves and TSons) and thier basic rules meaning players can at least get the core of thier force done :)


Plus from GWs point of view, while not as much of an issue with FW releases, it means less rules without models. Also it means all the unique units can be properly designed and play tested :)

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Itll also serve as kind-of a beta test for those legion rules since theyll be able to modify them between book 6s release and their full, proper release with characters and all.
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Anyone know when exactly the BA rules are coming out?

Slated to be February with book 6. Tentatively said to coincide with the Forge world open day at the same time. Like book 5 was this year I believe.


It was supposed to be this quarter pre Christmas, but they decided to double down on the book adding in lots of new generic units, Base rules for every Legion bar Wolves and Tsons, Rites of War for every Legion so that they all have two, Black shield rules, shattered Legion rules and other stuff!


It's going to be amazing.

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Well, you could wait for the preliminary Blood Angels release, or you could look at another Legion in the meantime. There's a few others that can work the melee game just as well, and even the 'non-stabby' legions would have had plenty of assault-orientated formations.

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Just make an Imperium Secondus army. Practically every loyalist legion (even a few loyalists from the traitors side) has at least some presence in Ultramar during and after the Shadow Crusade.

Since Sotha is playing mini-astronomicon now!


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You see, the biggest problem I have with HH is that I like so many legions that I cannot choose one...

Reminds me of Chaos 3rd ed and IG with doctrines.

Well good thing book six will have rules for Shattered legions, e.g. Multiple splinter Legion units together ;)

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I'm either going I legion without cloaks and bling, or black painted XX legion.


It basically comes down to repurposing my non chaosy csm elements into something where I won't have to fight against my book to play different ways.

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I'm either going I legion without cloaks and bling, or black painted XX legion.


It basically comes down to repurposing my non chaosy csm elements into something where I won't have to fight against my book to play different ways.

Need help deciding? Or just waiting for book 6 to see what the 1st bring? Like a lot of us :P

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Guest Royal Cactus

Hey everyone, i hope it is okay, if i post in here.

Short question: where Indominus Terminators in use at the time of the Horus Heresy? I'm thinking about painting my converted Tzeentch Termis in the SoH colours to represent corupted SoH (later stage of the Heresy siege of Terra etc.)

Looking forward to your answers :)

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