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The Legion for you... Community Assistance Thread


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I was so ready to setting into my Rad-blasted chemical wielding DG.


I got some models, wrote some small fluff, made a thread - even painted a test mini!


But no... The Alphas are my mind again... I think if the Alpharius model is good and the Larnean's look sweet that could be me taken... Headhunters are a a shame but I can deal....




Really I am in love with all of the legions... Even the *shudder* Ultramarines...

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How do you stick to one legion? I bought BaC but don't have time to paint it up until New Year, which is a good thing because I keep hopping on ideas.

I'm more interested in lore and the look of models than things like top tier gaming.

So far I've gone from Word Bearers in old colours (almost exclusively on the look of the Ashen Circle), to Iron Hands (almost exclusively on Meduson), to Dark Angels in an Angel of Absolution colouring, to Sigismund led Fists in transitioning to Templars colours, to Isstvan III loyalist Death Guard, to post-Isstvan pre-Molech Sons of Horus.

I can find things I like and don't like about all of them.

I think Death Guard are pulling ahead slightly (until I read whatever the next BL novel is)!

How do you stick with something once you've picked?

Step 1. get a big stick, a baseball bat preferable.

Step 2. write the name of your chosen legion on the side of the stick.

Step 3. whenever you find yourself remotely think of another legion...

Ah, who am I kidding. I've changed the name sticker on my stick a few times already. tongue.png

As suggested, another legion to balance is always a good choice.

For myself, planning a whole bunch of one legion, it often helps to have a few smaller choices of "something else" to go to. Whatever it may be to keep yourself from getting bored or in a rut... just so long as you keep the "Big Legion Picture" in mind.

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Thanks for the suggestions. biggrin.png

@ Lord Thorn - I have considered Dusk Raiders, but I don't really know a lot about them

I might take up Rashbold's suggestion and do two legions from the BaC - I could perhaps do Isstvan III survivors from DG/SoH and hope book 6 makes some allowances for this. As I say i'm not really in it for gamey reasons so i'm sure Shattered Legion/Black Shield rules can be made to fit,

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So guys, im cooking up a plan to bring people to 30k in my area.

My question, is there any kill team type of thing? I read something about strike force in book 3, but dont have the book. Can anyone clarify that for me? Tks.

The Victory Is Vengeance Campaign is essentially Kill Team but with more Progression/Campaign Support up-to-and-including a Character Progression System.


Its in Book 4, iirc? Or 3?

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So guys, im cooking up a plan to bring people to 30k in my area.

My question, is there any kill team type of thing? I read something about strike force in book 3, but dont have the book. Can anyone clarify that for me? Tks.

The Victory Is Vengeance Campaign is essentially Kill Team but with more Progression/Campaign Support up-to-and-including a Character Progression System.


Its in Book 4, iirc? Or 3?



3, I'm pretty sure. Suppose to represent broken Loyalist forces and Traitor killteams directly after the Dropsite Massacre, right?



EDIT: Dammit, ninja'd twice over.

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So guys, im cooking up a plan to bring people to 30k in my area.

My question, is there any kill team type of thing? I read something about strike force in book 3, but dont have the book. Can anyone clarify that for me? Tks.

The Victory Is Vengeance Campaign is essentially Kill Team but with more Progression/Campaign Support up-to-and-including a Character Progression System.


Its in Book 4, iirc? Or 3?



From an old post of mine...


Listings are in the format of: Subject... Book Reference... Page Reference



The Death of Isstvan III - HH I 37

Part I: Teachery - HH I 38

Part II: Ruin - HH I 48

Part III: Extermination- HH II 56

The Death of Isstvan III Campaign - HH I 143

Campaign Phases - HH I 146

Isstvan III BattleMissions - HH I 148

Deployment Maps - HH I 150

Mission 1: Blood Feud - HH I 152

Mission 2: Fire Tide - HH I 153

Mission 3: Shatter Strike- HH I 154

Mission 4: Onslaught - HH I 155

Mission 5: Dominion - HH I 156

Mission 6: Extermination - HH I 157

'Cometh the Red Angel' - HH I 158

'The Flight of Truth' - HH I 160

'Counter Thrust' - HH I 161

'The Death of Gods and Angels' - HH I 162

Isstvan III Battlefield Terrain - HH I 164

The Ashes of Isstvan - HH III 13-15



How the Dropsite Massacre Campaign Works - HH II 171-173

Optional Campaign Rules - HH II 174

Phase I - The Loyalists Strike - HH II 175

Phase II - The Imperium Bleeds - HH II 176

Phase III - Blood and Treachery - HH II 177

Mission I - Brother against Brother - HH II 180

Mission II - Hammerblow Assault - HH II 181

Mission III - Deadly Ground - HH II 182-183

Mission IV - Tide of War - HH II 184-185

Legendary Mission: Vanguard Fury - HH II 186-187

Legendary Mission: Cataclysm - HH II 188

Legendary Mission: The Blood of the Primarch - HH II 189



Part IV: The Invasion of Paramar - HH III 18-31



Part V: Victory is Vengeance - HH III 32-45

The Victory is Vengeance Campaign - HH III 166

Strike Forces - HH III 169

Tactical Strike Warfare in the Horus Heresy - HH III 173

Victory is Vengeance Campaign Missions - HH III 178

Legendary Mission: Deliverance - HH III 182



Part VI: The Battle of Phall - HH III 46-55

The Taking of the Contrador - HH III 196-197



Campaign Appendix: Zone Mortalis - HH I 168-169

Zone Mortalis Assault Mission - HH I 174-175

Zone Mortalis Encounter Mission - HH I 176-177

Isstvan III Zone Mortalis Stratgems - HH I 178-182



Blood in the Void Expansion - HH III 184-187

Zone Mortalis Boarding Assault Mission - Void Strike - HH III 188-189

Zone Mortalis Boarding Assault Mission - Wrecking Mission - HH III 190-191

Zone Mortalis Boarding Assault Mission - Salvation - HH III 192

Zone Mortalis Boarding Assault Mission - Killing Blow - HH III 193

Zone Mortalis Boarding Assault Mission Strategems - HH III 194-195

The Taking of the Contrador - HH III 196-197

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how much of the Imperial Army defected to Horus' side during the Heresy? I see it listed as half in some places and a third in others.

I don't think there is anything concrete on this yet, it could have been half defected from the Imperium but that entire half may not have pledged for Horus since some worlds went independent and tried to return to how they were before being brought into the Imperium. 

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I'm currently in the process of starting an Ordo Reductor force and would appreciate a little help in deciding which Legion to present them as attached to as it's quite likely that I'll move beyond the Mechanicum and start putting together a force for that Legion in the future. I was wondering if you guys could give me some insight into which Loyalist Legions have an association with the Reductor or would compliment their methodology and way of war?


I'm aware that the Salamanders are right out (I'd like to field some Scyllax, Phosphex and the like) but I really don't know much about the Loyalists' ties and feelings towards the Reductor beyond that, so any help would be great.

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I'm currently in the process of starting an Ordo Reductor force and would appreciate a little help in deciding which Legion to present them as attached to as it's quite likely that I'll move beyond the Mechanicum and start putting together a force for that Legion in the future. I was wondering if you guys could give me some insight into which Loyalist Legions have an association with the Reductor or would compliment their methodology and way of war?


I'm aware that the Salamanders are right out (I'd like to field some Scyllax, Phosphex and the like) but I really don't know much about the Loyalists' ties and feelings towards the Reductor beyond that, so any help would be great.


You seem like a nice person !  I totally dont know you  or anything  > .  >  



so I am going to suggest Iron Hands ! 

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Reading about the ordo reductor online they worked on the land raider Achilles for the imperial fists which shows that they've worked together. I would imagine that they would get along famously with the iron hands. They both have a merciless brutality to them and they could work as a one-two punch. In the case of a siege the reductor would open the walls, then the iron hands would be the first through. From a fluff perspective both worked together during the drop site massacre.


The imperial fists could compliment them well do to Botha background in siege warfare, though the fists probably wouldn't be all about destroying everything. They do like to build forts everywhere :D.


But yeah iron hands would work well. Both are all about absolute destruction, don't give a :cuss about building things, and the hands have had a history of working with the mechanicum.

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I'm currently in the process of starting an Ordo Reductor force and would appreciate a little help in deciding which Legion to present them as attached to as it's quite likely that I'll move beyond the Mechanicum and start putting together a force for that Legion in the future. I was wondering if you guys could give me some insight into which Loyalist Legions have an association with the Reductor or would compliment their methodology and way of war?


I'm aware that the Salamanders are right out (I'd like to field some Scyllax, Phosphex and the like) but I really don't know much about the Loyalists' ties and feelings towards the Reductor beyond that, so any help would be great.


If you run with Calleb Decima's Ordo Reductor it could be a cool chance to do some loyalist DG/SoH/EC/WE that he picked up off of Isstvan III. The Iron Hands are famous for working with the Mechanicum and get Battle Brothers, as would some loyalist Iron Warriors (forces escaped from Paramar?). That latter option even nets you a special character in Kyr Vhalen.


From a gaming perspective neither of the Iron Legions bring anything to the table that the Reductor don't have except maybe Kyr Vhalen's fortification bonus stuff. It's combining shooty Legion with shooty Mechanicum. From that angle I'd say loyalist Sons of Horus would still be great, as they're also Battle Brothers but can add some aggressive assault power to your army (Dreadclaw insertion backed up by Reductor phosphex? Yeaaahhhhh!).

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It's interesting that you'd bring up the Kyr Vhalen connection because I'd previously been thinking about doing something representing the Legio Gryphonicus elements from the Legio Cybernetica that were caught on Paramar and fought alongside the loyalist Iron Warriors. I hadn't really considered doing a Covenant that was actually attached to the 77th but that's certainly a possibility and something that would fit into my pre-existing leaning towards the IVth Legion.


I've taken an interest in the Iron Hands previously (I like the sound of Immortals as the forlorn hope assaulting Reductor-made breaches) and I'm definitely willing to try and get a better feel for how I'd approach something like the Sons of Horus. It's all very welcome food for thought, so thanks everyone.

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"Educated" as in anyone here really, because I'm the one who is uneducated.


Betrayal at Calth has been eroding my resistance to starting a HH army (especially since I have all the books), but in a shameful display of indecisiveness I essentially can't make up my mind on which legion to pick.


I know, for certain, that I want either Ultramarines, Salamanders, or Imperial Fists.


I have also prepared a pro's and con's list below; but the main deciding factor right now will likely be gameplay - both in terms of in 30k, and in their "crossoverability" with 40k (i.e. their ability to be used in 40k; either with their own legion rules, or as "proxies" for Codex Space Marines).




- Easiest to adapt from the BoC box IMO, since they did love themselves some MkIV.

- I love blue.

- I love the Roman aesthetic.

- Nostalgic factor; I started 40k in 2nd ed with Ultramarines (which became my DIY chapter in 3rd ed when I realized I preferred the Blood Angels gameplay-wise back then)

- Invictarius Suzerain models make fantastic Honour Guard in 40k.



- I already have a blue Space Marine army (my DIY chapter).

- Fluff isn't particularly exciting (sorry UM lovers)

- Legion rules seem to exponentially reward larger point games, since there will be more squads/models able to "tag" enemies in larger games. I prefer my games smaller (i.e. 1,500 or below).




- I love their fluff; particularly how grounded and "normal" they are for Space Marines.

- I love green, and don't have a green army yet!

- Firedrakes make INCREDIBLE TH/SS Terminators.



- Are they boring to play? Their flamer/melta buffs seem like they'd be indirectly shoehorned into taking them exclusively.

- I somehow envision them being covered with more iconography and whatnot (since they tend to tinker with their gear); I suspect the BoC Marines would be too plain without heavy remodeling and/or FW bits.

- Their 40k Codex Space Marine rules are unexciting, and Salamander Pyroclasts have no crossover in Codex: SM except as Sternguard Heavy Flamer marines (which you don't often need too many of).

- ......I'd imagine I will need to make a lot of Drop Pods. Those models are so painful that I consider this a con. 


Imperial Fists


- I love their fluff. I've been dying to get an IF army for the longest time, but never got around to it.

- I could, in theory, get a BT army out of this too.

- I like their playstyle in 40k, and their 30k rules look interesting on paper as well.



- I already have an Iyanden (yellow) army.

- Although they do have Mk IV armor, I think the older Mks look better IMO for that gritty "siege warfare" look.

- It seems I may need to get Breachers, which are both 1) costly, and 2) have no legitimate crossover in 40k (LotD proxies? lol).

- Scouts and Drop pods (which fit in the regular 40k IF army and Pedro Sternguard list respectively) are difficult to fit into HH.


Could really use some thoughts from you guys, and I appreciate the feedback.



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"Educated" as in anyone here really, because I'm the one who is uneducated.

Betrayal at Calth has been eroding my resistance to starting a HH army (especially since I have all the books), but in a shameful display of indecisiveness I essentially can't make up my mind on which legion to pick.

I know, for certain, that I want either Ultramarines, Salamanders, or Imperial Fists.

[Rashbold's Edit] ...

Could really use some thoughts from you guys, and I appreciate the feedback.


The Legion for You... thread at the top of the forum would probably get more feedback for you.

Hmm, so you:

Ultramarines - Love blue... love roman aesthetic... have a blue army hate fluff

Salamanders - Love fluff, love green... questions about playing & modeling

Imperial Fists - Love fluff, love successors... already have a yellow army, questions about modeling

Hmm, so what you're saying is that you really want Iron Hands! msn-wink.gif

Seriously, you have to love what you're going to be building, painting, and gaming with.

For me, an army is how you build & play them. Heavy ornamentation or not, balancing between 30K/40K rules, etc are challenges you work out for the love of the game. The time of Heresy is rather unequalled in its wealth of opportunities.

I'd say go Imperial Fists, but I'm thinking Salamanders may be in your future.



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Gah, I totally missed that sticky. Was on page 21 of this forum when I posted this thread ><

Thanks for the link though.


I did consider the traitor Legions. Particularly Alpha Legion (but I absolutely abhor that colour scheme), Sons of Horus (specifically I was thinking of doing them as Luna Wolves, because their white armor was pretty sweet), and Death Guard. Perhaps I should take a harder look at them, but I figured I didn't know where they'd fit in a 40k event if 30k wasn't permitted. I ultimately don't want an investment (of this magnitude) that can only function in one game system.

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Well, after my feroucious attempts to convert someone to 30k,(and failing) I still dont know what to do with my BaC box. Everyone is quite invested on 40k and their cheesy armies and dont want to change things a bit which is quite frustrating. So im trying to decide IW or AL since they dont go all tentacle fetish like EC. And maybe just maybe I can use them in 30k if someone is interested.
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