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The 11th Grand Company of Erasmus Golg


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@Raktra: Cheers.


@Brother Vidius: The Medusas went together very nicely and maybe took 15 min each to build. The kit was quite nice, and if you don't glue the barrel to the side pieces and the side pieces to the main body (or just magnetize the barrels to the sides) you can make it either the Medusa or the Basilisk.


@Quixus: The 3 power armoured marines are part of what will become a Volkite Support Squad. I also don't have the option to deep strike the termies, so they're footslogging.



d@n: The silver is Vallejo Model Air Gun washed with Badab Black, then highlighted Gun, then Natural Steel. Bronze is Bestial Brown, then Dwarf Bronze, washed with Argax Earthshade with highlights of Dwarf Bronze, then Shining Gold.



Cheers BCK, I hope I can continue to impress.


Started the last of my tanks today, and figure I'd save the best for last:




Not looking forward to doing the tracks, but hopefully they won't be too bad. Expect I'll have my kettle close at hand to bend the tracks though. On another note, I have a game against Eldar on Tuesday and it'll be the first game I've used this army, so it'll be interesting to see how it goes.



  • 2 weeks later...

Not much of an update, but it's an update none the less. Got the 2nd member of the 3rd squad of Terminators finished.




Also decided to use the 'Pride of the Legion' Rite of War in addition to/instead of Golg since I can get Tyrant Siege Terminators as Troops that way. Just need to wait until they come out with models now. Ended up selling off the Deathshroud Terminators I had initially planned to use as them since they were actually smaller than the Cataphractii Terminators, being in variant Tartaros armour and whatnot.



  • 2 weeks later...

Started work on my Warsmith, who is to be Forrix, First Captain of the First Grand Company. Figure he'd be a suitable leader for when I use the Pride of the Legion rite. Still a long ways to go.



  • 4 weeks later...

Finally managed to get a bit more work done on the Iron Warriors.


Started on a Medusa:



And primed and/or basecoated the rest of the tanks (2nd medusa not shown).



My plan is to get the remaining 2 terminators I have left for the 3rd squad, and the Contemptor finished by the end of the weekend. Shouldn't be too hard, but we'll see.



I didn't get the Contemptor finished this weekend, but I did finish off the last 2 members of my third squad of Terminators.

Front 2 are the most recently finished:

And an army shot of all the painted Terminator:


Cheers everyone.


@Knight of the Raven: I justify it by saying the Invul they get includes a face shield of some sort from collar to the rim over their head, or something.


I've done a bit more work on Forrix, though he looks a bit more like a Death Guard Praetor than a Warmsith. Paint will fix it.





Looks good. Working on my own IW termie army as well, but from the loyalist side with Kyr. I don't think your guy looks too death guardy at all. Looks like ornate cata armor. Your cyclone launchers, are those stock GW or off brand? I forget the company I bought mine from.


My only issue is the cleanliness of the models and how shiney they end up. Maybe after you finish all of the metal and trim, prior to detail work, toss on another nuln oil wash, to bring out some of the details. Definitely will cut down on the metals.


That's what a 2k force? How did your game go? Eldar are one of those iffy armies for us to face off with for Legion forces.

I've played a few games of 2500-3k and while I haven't actually won a game, they've been closer each time,and are good for getting the rules right and whatnot. We were playing Maelstrom missions too which didn't help, since the army lacks mobility. The cyclones are stock GW ones off the plastic terminators. As for the colours, I still need to varnish and weather the army, which will happen once it's done. The flash the camera probably doesn't help either.




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